Chapter 599 Mortarion
"Even the helmet of the power armor can't block this smell."

Wang Ming stood on the planet and looked at the distorted environment in front of him. This world has now become the garden of Nurgle. All kinds of twisted plants grow on it, and all kinds of living things wriggle on it. Any mortal who only looks at those things will have his mind polluted by chaos.

The world is now completely finished, but for this world corrupted by Nurgle, Wang Ming feels that the corruption of this world is nothing big. After all, this is an alien world, and it is the home planet of an alien civilization. Perhaps some brothers may not know that the home planet of a species represents many things in this universe. If its home planet is destroyed, the fate of this species is likely to be ill-fated.

"let's start."

Wang Ming looked at the twisted earth, at the ground that was full of vitality and gradually began to wriggle. He said to the time travelers who came to the ground with him that Wang Ming had prepared everything for this battle, and now it was time for the battle to begin.

After Wang Ming's order was issued, the 20,000 time travelers who came to this world with him also began their work. Without mortal auxiliary troops, they had to form a combined force to do everything themselves.

Artillery regiment, armored battalion, assault brigade, aviation brigade, these training subjects are all those that the time travelers have been trained in before. They can accomplish all of this without relying on mortal auxiliary troops. And the moment Wang Ming gave the order, these prepared time travelers began their attack.

Their attack positions are not fixed, but they will start large-scale bombing and artillery attacks on certain cities according to strategic purposes. Then, after completing the mission, these troops will converge towards the capital of this alien civilization. After completing the mission and joining forces, they will join the main attack force led by Wang Ming to join the siege of the capital.

Shells flew out from the self-propelled artillery one after another. They were like the stars in the sky, constantly flying into the sky. The firing rate of these artillery pieces modified by the First Engineer Regiment had reached a terrifying level. Because it was an automatic cannon, these things had a huge magazine. When they needed to be used, they only needed to place the shells in those magazines, and they could instantly start firing 200 rounds per minute. This data might sound very exaggerated.

After all, Wang Ming was also shocked when he heard the data. Those things were not rocket launchers. They were a bunch of petrified lizard self-propelled artillery, which were forcibly transformed into this by the First Engineer Regiment.

At the moment when the artillery regiments of those time travelers began to shoot, dozens of modified Thunder Eagle gunboats suddenly appeared in the sky. These Thunder Eagle gunboats were specially modified, and their carrying functions were all eliminated. The only things left were the cabins that were converted into ammunition bays. These Thunder Eagles carried a large number of napalm bombs. These things were specially modified weapons. The fuel inside them was different from the napalm bombs of Ancient Terra. They burned at a higher temperature, spread over a wider range, and burned for an incredible length of time.

"It will be cloudy today and napalm is expected to fall."

In the group of time travelers, Ye Fan looked at the "beautiful scenery" outside the window. He held the walkie-talkie and joked to the time travelers in the group. Everyone laughed. Their target was an alien city. That city had now turned into a weird existence like purgatory. Countless demons were singing in the city with the aliens who had turned into zombies, and they did not notice that a large shadow had appeared above their heads.

"The first wave of attacks from the artillery regiment has arrived, and the results of the bombardment are being observed."

Just as the travelers in the fleet were joking with each other, a burst of artillery fire suddenly occurred in the city below them, and the travelers in the fleet began to observe the situation of the artillery fire and evaluate the results of the artillery fire.

"Report, the results of the bombardment have been observed and are being evaluated. It is estimated that this bombardment destroyed 50% of the area of ​​the alien city. The bombarded locations have been marked, and the locations that have not been bombarded are being transmitted to the artillery regiment."

After evaluating the results of the bombardment, the traversers in the fleet began to transmit these results to the artillery regiment in the rear. At the same time, the artillery regiment in the rear began to adjust the density and elevation of their artillery based on the observations of these bombardment results. After some calculations, they determined the location of the next round of attacks, and then there was another burst of artillery fire. These artillery pieces kept firing, and from a distance, they looked like giant dragons constantly spewing dragon breath.

In fact, the shells they fired were all special napalm bombs. They had experience with Nurgle demons. To deal with this kind of thing, in addition to the holy seepage water, fire was the best purifier. The holy flame would burn all sins and burn away the filth from hell in the real universe. At the same time, after the artillery regiment and the bomber formation completed the first round of attacks, the bomber formation began to spray its own promethium fuel. The fuel scattered in the sky and then fell into the city below, just like fuel falling into a burning sea of ​​fire, increasing the output of flames in the city. In an instant, the entire city was turned into a sea of ​​fire by the traversers.

The Nurgle demons were directly burned to ashes in these seas of fire. Their bodies were burned to ashes in these flames and they were directly exiled back to the warp. At the same time, the aliens affected by Nurgle were also burned to ashes. Before they died, they looked at their burning bodies. Their spirits were still distorted. They felt how warm these flames were, but it was indeed these flames that brought them relief.

The Emperor was merciful after all. The flames burned the twisted bodies of these aliens, burning their twisted flesh, and let these aliens go to their twisted master. When they really came to the so-called Lord of Life, they would find that the "merciful" existence did not want much, just their souls. The flames burned the city, and the traversers had already begun to move their positions and went to another city. In fact, this way of cleaning was very inefficient, but there was no other way. The power of Nurgle on this world had made this world itself carry some of Nurgle's rules. The fleet's orbital strikes had no effect at all, and those orbital strikes could not appear on this world at all.

Even when Wang Ming landed in this world, he wrapped his body in golden flames and then jumped directly from the orbit. It can be said that the orbital defense of this world has reached a new height, but all this comes at a price. The other price is that this race has become believers of Nurgle, and their home planet has been swallowed up by the power of Nurgle. No matter where the individuals of this race are in the galaxy, their souls have been targeted by Nurgle.

While the traversers were clearing out the alien cities on the surface of the planets, Wang Ming also brought a main force of 5,000 traversers to the alien capital of this world.

"This kind of power..., this city has completely become a sacrifice site for Nurgle."

Wang Ming looked at the city in front of him. He felt the power of Nurgle in the city. The power of Nurgle had completely revitalized the city. Countless twisted plants grew on the buildings of the former alien city, making those buildings look like twisted and terrible creatures. They had countless mouths and eyes on their bodies. Disgusting pus had turned into a river in the city, and above the city, countless poisonous flies were hovering.

And in that city, countless cheerful songs were heard. They were the singing of the aliens that had turned into zombies. They sang together with the demons. They sang the good name of the kind Father and praised the great Lord of Life, the great kind Father.

"Oh..., let's burn it."

Wang Ming looked at the city in front of him, he slowly said these words, and then the time travelers began to prepare. Automatic artillery was set up, a total of one thousand. These things appeared in the system after the First Engineer Corps completed their manufacturing. Wang Ming now almost understood the existence of those items in the system. As long as it is a technology that humans have possessed, it is included. If the technologies of the Human Federation were not too profound, Wang Ming even wanted the 21st Legion to lead the Empire to pick up those technologies again.

Back to the topic, after those automatic cannons were set up, tongues of fire spewed out from the muzzles of those automatic cannons, and countless shells were fired at the city, just like countless stars falling from the sky and falling towards the city, and the moment those shells entered the sky above the city, they exploded in the air, and then a layer of something like white mist covered the sky above the entire city, they fell towards the city with the help of the gravity of this world, and after the old white mist fell into the city, huge flames suddenly burned in that city.

It was a modified fuel-air bomb, and its explosion mode was to first sprinkle the fuel on the location that needed to be hit, and then after the fuel was sprinkled evenly, the ignition devices in it would directly ignite the fuel. This thing was also specially made for the Nurgle demons. The grudge between the traversers and Nurgle was already very deep. Starting from Macragge, the traversers already hated this damn evil god.

Other evil gods may only bring death and chaos, but Nurgle brings endless suffering. The suffering brought by those viruses cannot be fought against by scientific means. Either they can be completely burned with fire, or metaphysical things such as faith can be used to fight against them.

Just as the time travelers were bombarding the city, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the sky. It fell directly towards the time travelers from the sky. The time travelers also noticed this figure. They turned their guns and aimed directly at it. This kind of automatic cannon can be used to hit aerial targets. After all, its rate of fire and accuracy are there. A large amount of artillery fire was fired at the huge figure in the sky.

But at the moment when the artillery fire flew towards the huge figure, a green mist suddenly enveloped the figure, and the shells that flew into the mist did not explode. The mist corroded the outer shells of the shells, accelerating the corrosion of the shells. The outer shells of the shells were turned into countless pieces of rust, and the fuel inside instantly deteriorated and could no longer burn. The ignition device became a piece of rusty scrap iron. This is the power of Nurgle, corruption, endless corruption.

"Mortarion, how could it be in this world?"

Wang Ming looked at the green mist in the sky. The moment the figure appeared, he recognized its identity: Mortarion, the Primarch corrupted by Nurgle, his brother, the fallen demigod, the Demon Prince of Nurgle.

Although Wang Ming was surprised why it appeared in this world, he had already pulled out the Eternal Life from his waist. This was a good opportunity, an opportunity to kill Mortarion and let the Emperor regain its soul. The Emperor once said that Mortarion could be redeemed, and the only possible redemption for this pathetic existence was probably to atone for the human worlds it had destroyed in the Cursed Legion.

And at the moment when Wang Ming pulled out the Eternal Life, Mortarion also rushed out from the green mist. It did not rush directly towards Wang Ming, but directly rushed towards the traversers. Its huge wings and its huge body landed directly on the traversers' artillery positions. It looked at the traversers on the artillery positions and directly splashed them with the virus specially prepared by Kugax.

When the time travelers just saw Mortarion and were about to raise their weapons to shoot at him, they suddenly felt changes in their bodies. Pain, endless pain appeared in their bodies, as if the pain was engraved in their souls. The endless pain tortured their bodies, and even made these time travelers who had experienced countless deaths feel fear. They even began to lose control of their weapons. That was the reaction of their bodies after being infected by the virus. They were powerless, painful, and unable to die.

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