Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 600: Facing the Evil God

Chapter 600: Facing the Evil God

Wang Ming looked at the time travelers who were struggling on the ground. He could also personally experience the pain of the time travelers. As the genetic origin of the time travelers, he could also feel their feelings. Especially with so many people, this kind of pain had been personally experienced by him, pain, endless pain, and the sense of powerlessness that came with the pain, and the terrible vitality that could not die no matter what.

These are all a kind of torture for time travelers. Mortarion knows that time travelers will be resurrected after death, and the viruses it brought this time were specially created to deal with the resurrection of time travelers.

In addition to making the time travelers feel endless pain, these viruses also provide them with powerful vitality. These vitality can keep the time travelers' lives in a constant state forever, so that even if they are in pain, they will not die. This is the effect Mortarion wants. He wants Wang Ming to feel the pain he once felt. He wants to see whether Wang Ming will make the same choice as he did for the sake of his offspring.

"Do you feel it? My brother, do you feel their pain? There is only one choice before you. Accept the love of the loving Father, let you merge into the arms of the loving Father, and let all these pains disappear. My brother, you only have this choice."

Mortarion looked at Wang Ming and spoke to him, the pride and happiness in his tone fully revealed. He knew very well what Wang Ming would do. Wang Ming would definitely make the same choice as he did because of the pain of his offspring.

"Can't you die?"

Wang Ming looked at the painful time travelers, and he directly took out an antimatter bomb from the system. They would not die. Wang Ming did not believe this. The time travelers had died countless times. In this situation, Wang Ming did not believe that resurrection could not solve everything. The time travelers had the same way of dealing with those continuous injuries, that is, direct death and resurrection.

Now, Wang Ming wants to let Mortarion see where the 21st Legion’s confidence comes from to conquer the galaxy.

When Mortarion saw the antimatter bomb, his heart was full of ridicule for Wang Ming. He knew very well the effect of that virus. That virus was directly rooted in the soul, and the resurrection of the time travelers might not be effective. It was precisely because of this that Mortarion had the confidence to use this plan to make Wang Ming fall into the arms of a loving father.

"Then you can try it, my brother, but the result may disappoint you greatly."

Mortarion looked at Wang Ming and spoke to him with a smile, but Wang Ming could not see his expression because of the breathing mask on his face.


The antimatter bomb exploded in Wang Ming's hand, and a ball of light like the sun appeared on the ground. In an instant, the position where the traversers had stood turned into a big pit. A large amount of matter was blown up, and even the city in the distance was affected to a certain extent. All kinds of flying debris flew in the air and fell into the city burning in flames.

When Wang Ming returned from the subspace and the time travelers were resurrected, Wang Ming felt a huge pain. The viruses on the time travelers were not cleared because of the resurrection, and those viruses were still acting on the souls of the time travelers.

"It seems like it really came prepared this time."

Wang Ming felt some pain in his body. He looked at the timers who were gradually adapting to the pain and a smile appeared on his face. The timers could adapt very quickly when facing pain. After all, for every timer, pain and death are the first things they have to adapt to. The time of resurrection and the moment of death are very painful. Only after they adapt to these situations can they fight against those inhuman creatures on the battlefield and protect mankind in the countless worlds of this galaxy.

"My brother, do you feel it? This is a virus specially made for you. It is a blessing from the loving Father. Join the loving Father's arms. As long as you join the loving Father's arms, you can be free from this pain."

After the time traveler and Wang Ming were resurrected, Mortarion also walked out of a green portal. It looked at Wang Ming in front of it, feeling the viruses that had taken root in the time traveler's soul. There was a sense of pride in its tone, as if it had already won.

At this moment, a time traveler suddenly picked up his bolter and fired a volley of bullets at Mortarion's head. The volley of bullets hit Mortarion's head very accurately, but for this demon primarch, the attack of those bullets did not cause much damage. It turned to look at the time traveler holding the bolter, and a very strange look appeared in its eyes.

Green smoke drifted away in the wind from the muzzle of the grenade launcher, and the traverser had taken off his helmet. He stared at Mortarion's head, and his originally black eyes had now turned into a golden color. He just looked at Mortarion like that, and then the traversers around him endured the pain that continued to erupt in their bodies and raised their weapons towards Mortarion.

They looked at Mortarion and shouted something, and it was this sentence that made Mortarion angry.

"For the Emperor!!"

They roared loudly and kept pulling the triggers in their hands. Various weapons kept hitting Mortarion. However, under the blessing of Nurgle, these attacks did not have much effect, but the insult to Mortarion was extremely strong. Mortarion thought he was the toughest, but he was not as good as these running dogs of the false emperor. Under such circumstances, they were still loyal to the false emperor on Holy Terra without hesitation. Mortarion was completely angry. He waved the sickle in his hand and rushed directly towards the traversers. At the moment when he rushed towards the traversers, Wang Ming's figure also moved. He hugged Mortarion from behind, and then the golden flame appeared directly on his body.

"Oh my god, how many years have you not showered? I can smell the stench on your body even through your power armor. Come on, let me disinfect you thoroughly."

Wang Ming looked at Mortarion, he smiled and said to it, then took out Eternity and gave Mortarion a righteous backstab. The blade of Eternity pierced Mortarion's chest directly from the back, and the golden flame entered Mortarion's body from the wound. In an instant, Mortarion, who was originally unable to feel pain, felt a huge pain, the burning sensation of the golden flame, and the pain brought to him by his randomly growing organs and the viruses in his body that had been multiplying for who knows how long.

This kind of pain made Mortarion scream out. It was so painful. All the blessings of chaos disappeared at this moment. It was like an ordinary creature, feeling the pain brought by the virus in its body, feeling the burning sensation of the golden flames, and feeling the meaningless squirming of its organs brought by chaos.

The virus-filled gas could no longer allow it to breathe, and its throat felt like it was burning. It wanted to tear off the breathing mask on its face, but its rotten body was no longer able to do so. It couldn't even lift a single finger because that finger had already decayed and decomposed in countless viruses, just like those corpses that had been dead for a long time. It began to rot, like the reaction of a normal creature after death, or the reaction after being infected with those viruses.

All the blessings, all the supernatural powers, all the energy of the warp, seemed to be wiped out in the golden flame. Mortarion felt the pain in his body and the constant decay of his body. It seemed as if he remembered something. That was the moment when he had fallen. In the pain of his offspring, he agreed to the request of his father and fell into the abyss of chaos.


Mortarion wanted to say something, but at this moment, a warp rift suddenly appeared next to Mortarion and Wang Ming, and then the two of them were sucked into it, and the traversers could only watch them being sucked away. Only a few traversers rushed into the warp rift, and when they passed through the warp rift and saw the scene in front of them clearly, they were surprised to find that they had come to the garden of the kind father.

They had been to that disgusting garden before, but they did not see the owner of the garden that time. But this time, they truly saw the owner of the garden. It was a bloated, twisted, huge green figure. He smiled and looked at the traversers and Wang Ming who was fighting with Mortarion not far from the traversers.

The time in the warp is unstable. Just within a few seconds when Wang Ming and Mortarion were sucked into the warp rift, in fact, in the eyes of Wang Ming and Mortarion, about a month had passed.

During this month, Wang Ming and Mortarion, who was saved by his father, had fought countless times in the Garden of Nurgle. While fighting with Mortarion, Wang Ming also had to worry about the corruption of the huge green figure next to him. It was the first time he saw the true appearance of these evil gods. If he was not the Primarch of the genes and had awakened the essence of the Warp, and his soul was not original to this world, he would probably be completely corrupted by this thing the moment he faced it.

While Wang Ming and Mortarion were fighting, Nurgle did not disturb them. He just smiled happily and bestowed his blessings on Wang Ming and Mortarion. And every time the blessing came, something deep in Wang Ming's soul, those things did not belong to Wang Ming's warp essence, but some other things. Every time at that time, they would instantly burst out from Wang Ming's soul and burn all the blessings brought by Nurgle.

Nurgle did not give up on corrupting Wang Ming. He was not stingy with his blessings, and they kept coming down upon him. However, only Mortarion received these blessings. To Wang Ming, these blessings were merely fuel. Tzeentch had come very close to corrupting him once, and it was absolutely impossible for Nurgle to replicate that corruption.

You know, even Wang Ming himself didn't know how many tricks the Emperor had put in his soul. If these Chaos Evil Gods wanted to corrupt him, they might as well try to corrupt one of the Imperial Guards. At least, it should be possible to corrupt a Imperial Guard to the heat death of the universe, but if they wanted to corrupt Wang Ming, who had all the buffs stacked up, then Chaos was really crazy. Even the Chaos God himself could not do such a thing. Besides, who said that only Chaos could have its own God?

Behind Wang Ming, there is a god of mankind. He is the faith of all mankind in the galaxy. With the faith of mankind as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges, He already has enough strength to compete with the Four Gods of Chaos.

It's just that He cannot really break off with the Four Chaos Gods. After all, if He really wants to break off with the Four Chaos Gods, then the human species will, at the moment it truly becomes a god, just like the ancient Eldar Empire, and will completely become a sacrifice for the ascension of a god in this galaxy.

This is what He absolutely does not want to see, so He has been enduring, enduring the pain that the Golden Throne has brought Him. When He sees the immense suffering of the human race, He still silently endures His own pain. He loves humans, but He does not love a specific human being. He loves the entire human species, and He must carry the burden for His own species and move forward.

However, not being able to fall out does not mean that he cannot have some small-scale friction with the Four Chaos Gods, and this is Wang Ming's confidence, he has the Emperor behind him, and he is not afraid of any Chaos God.

While Wang Ming and Mortarion were fighting, the time travelers suddenly appeared on the battlefield. They directly faced Nurgle, one of the four chaos gods. The time travelers were not afraid of this thing in front of them. They looked at the twisted existence in front of them, although just one look made their eyes almost blind, and a large amount of extremely corrupt aura appeared on their bodies. This was the price of facing the chaos gods directly, and their souls were being corrupted by Nurgle.

And just when their souls were being corrupted, the backup plans that the Emperor had arranged on their souls were also activated. Originally, the souls of the time travelers were similar to Chaos Demons, demons under the seat of a certain "Chaos God", representing the power of that god. To truly hatch them, it would really be like corrupting a demon under the seat of a different Chaos God.

A golden light instantly appeared in the bodies of those travelers. A burst of golden flames suddenly burned on their bodies, just like the cursed legions. They revealed their true forms. The demons under the fifth evil god...

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