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Chapter 605: Conversation between Primarchs

Chapter 605: Conversation between Primarchs

On the main street of the city, human troops are struggling to hold on. Countless demons are wreaking havoc on the streets, constantly attacking the human line. Under the impact of these demons, the human line is already in danger. Thermal weapons cannot stop these demons. The concept represented by Khorne can offset the power of thermal weapons. Those thermal weapons hit the demons like water guns.

The most effective weapons against demons are loyal faith, a sword that is not afraid of demons, and the holy fire.

The local planetary defense forces have all gone crazy. They can't stand the fear and anger brought by Khorne. After these feelings merged together, they have become extreme anger. Some of them rushed towards the demons, and some rushed towards their comrades. They have gone completely crazy.

Like a group of headless flies, they rushed towards the demons waving bayonets, while the planetary defense force soldiers who rushed towards their comrades picked up their swords and waved them at the comrades who had been with them day and night.

However, when these planetary defense force soldiers who rushed towards their comrades were about to rush towards those who still retained their sanity, they would be directly turned into a group of blood mist by a series of explosive bombs.

"The souls of mortals cannot remain awake for too long on this battlefield. We must quickly evacuate the civilians."

A Dark Angel held up a bolter in his hand, looking at the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force who were turned into a bloody mist. This was not the first time he had done such a thing. Every day on this battlefield, he had to kill a large number of mortal soldiers. He had to kill them, even if they were still human beings, but their spirits had been polluted by the twisted power of Chaos.

"My brother, do not feel sad. Their sacrifice is meaningful. They sacrificed for this world and for the empire."

Next to the Dark Angel, another Dark Angel looked at the blood mist and said to his brothers that they were new recruits who had joined the Dark Angels in recent years. Due to the intensive progress of the Revival Expedition and the Dark Angels' reorganization of the legion, they also joined the war.

These new recruits who have just become Dark Angels are still a little uncomfortable with this war. They used to be knights in the feudal world. The justice in their hearts, at least the justice education they have received since childhood, makes them very disgusted with the act of killing their comrades.

"What is that in the sky?"

While the two dark angels were communicating, countless meteors suddenly appeared in the sky. Those meteors seemed to fall to the earth from the broken sky. They were so numerous and so beautiful, just like the meteor showers described in the myths of ancient Terra.

"That's the drop pod."

The Dark Angels looked at the meteors in the sky, they knew what they were, they were the airdrop pods used by the Astartes for orbital airdrops. With so many of them, if they were Chaos Astartes, the defense of this world would be completely destroyed.

However, these airdrop pods did not belong to the Chaos Astartes. Among these airdrop pods, some flew towards their location and landed directly on the heads of those demons. The huge impact force when they landed directly blew away many of those demons. After those airdrop pods landed, the Dark Angels and mortal troops finally saw the symbols on those airdrop pods clearly.

The primer was red, and in that red the golden Imperial Sky Eagle shone in the light. And above the huge airdrop capsule, a huge metal logo with the number twenty-one shone on it. The Dark Angels recognized which legion the airdrop capsule belonged to.

The 21st Legion, the one that established the Morse Industrial World Cluster, liberated a large number of worlds from the Empire's dark side, reformed the Empire's once bloated system, and obtained the Webway that allows faster-than-light travel in the real universe from the hands of the aliens through threats and various interest ties, launched a revival expedition, and brought back their Primarch.

Almost all the Imperial soldiers knew about the 21st Legion. They knew where the equipment on them came from, who was the legion that built that group of industrial worlds, and who led the launch of the Renaissance Expedition.

"It's the cousins ​​from the 21st Legion. They are here."

The Dark Angels looked at the airdrop pods of the 21st Legion and they felt that the world was instantly saved again. After all, looking at the countless airdrop pods falling from the sky, their support had arrived.

"Hello, I am Hu Jin, the commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 21st Legion. I am now officially taking over the defense mission of this planet."

Hu Jin looked at the dark angel in front of him. He was already the supreme commander of the dark angels in this world. As for the former supreme commanders, they had all died in the battle with the devil. They only left behind these new recruits who had just completed the adaptation surgery.


The dark angel looked at Hu Jin. As descendants of the Lion King, they did not disappoint their Primarch. Under such circumstances, they still led those mortal troops to complete the arduous defensive battle. Now, they can also have a good rest and prepare. The fleet of the 21st Legion has arranged a new Astartes transformation operation for them. They will get new strength from the 21st Legion and better complete their work and mission for the Lord of Mankind.

"My brother, I have been thinking about our cause..." Just as the 21st Legion had begun to provide support on the surface of the planet, above the planet's orbit, in the huge Solar Fortress that looked like a satellite, Wang Ming was having an exchange between the Primarchs with the Lion King and Leman Russ. As they talked, the Lion King started talking about their cause.

Just like in the Great Crusade, the Lion King did not regard the Great Crusade as a war of glory, but as a cause for humanity as a whole. When he talked about it now, it was regarded as a recognition of the Resurrection Crusade. He had already recognized that the Resurrection Crusade was also a part of the cause, and a very critical part of it.

"My brother, I know, our career, we are all working hard for this career, aren't we?"

Wang Ming looked at the Lion King in front of him, he smiled, then picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank the wine in it. For Wang Ming, the time to communicate with his brothers was actually very short. After bringing his brothers back to the empire, he had been busy exploring outside the empire's territory and the wars on the dark side of the empire.

He actually had very few opportunities to interact with his brothers. The ones who had the most contact with him were only Guilliman and Fulgrim. However, they did not actually understand Wang Ming's character. Wang Ming always appeared to them as a relatively mysterious person.

Not to mention that Wang Ming had very little contact with them, just take the weapons and equipment in the 21st Legion. The 21st Legion was equipped with the artificial intelligence that had been expressly banned by the Lord of Mankind, their father, as well as those iron men. The 21st Legion could legally own these things entirely by relying on its tremendous military strength.

The overwhelming warships and the industry that did not need any supply from the Imperial system. Wang Ming's brothers in other legions never understood where Wang Ming's things came from. Moreover, the things Wang Ming possessed could actually be completely separated from the Empire. However, he was still loyal to the Empire and loyal to his father on Holy Terra.

Wang Ming's loyalty is certain, but what he showed among his brothers was too distant. At least every Primarch who had come into contact with Wang Ming felt that they did not actually understand Wang Ming's true character, and that Wang Ming seemed to be hiding something in front of them.

But in fact, Wang Ming did not hide anything. He just knew the personality of each of his brothers and everything about them. This was looking at the world from the perspective of a former observer. He understood everything and knew everything. Therefore, there was no need for him to have prejudices and disagreements with his brothers for some things. He knew very well what kind of people his brothers were and could prescribe the right medicine according to their personalities. This was why the other original genes felt that Wang Ming had concealed something from them.

"Our cause is important, for humanity as a whole, for our race."

Wang Ming looked at the lion king in front of him. Looking at this old lion, the traces of time have left too many on his face, old, tired, and powerless. These words could not have appeared on a genetic original, but they appeared on the face of the lion king today. The hero is old, this is Wang Ming’s first impression of the lion king.

But no matter how old he was, he was still a Primarch, and aging brought him more than just these, it also brought him some things he had never possessed before, calmness, sophistication, dignity, and a restrained personality, as well as some things that only people will know when they are old.

"The revival expedition went very well. In this era, I thought I would spend a lot of time to adapt to it, but sadly, it didn't take me much time to adapt to it. I am too familiar with war, just like Russ. We are too familiar with war, so that today, ten thousand years later, we are still in the war, and our cause is still not completed."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the Lion King also picked up the wine glass in front of him. He looked at the red wine in the glass and thought about what Wang Ming had done before. He established an industrial world group, which almost supported the production capacity of all the military weapons and equipment in the empire. At the same time, he signed technology sharing agreements with various legions and handed over a large amount of technology from the dark technology era to other legions.

And as for the improvements to the Astartes technology, just before this conversation began, he saw a Primaris Dark Angels veteran being knocked down within a few minutes by a new Space Wolves Astartes who had just completed adaptation surgery. Everything that Wang Mingsuo showed them was truly too shocking.

"My brother, I know what you are thinking. Ten thousand years ago, we faced those wars, and ten thousand years later, we are still facing those wars. Our enemies have changed, but the conduct of the wars has not changed. Countless wars are still obstacles to our cause."

Wang Ming looked at the Lion King in front of him. He knew what the Lion King was thinking. In fact, the Lion King did not care about the fate of the Astartes after the end of the Great Crusade. He would fight when the Emperor and mankind needed him, and when the Emperor and mankind no longer needed him, he would lead his legion to guard the border of the empire without regrets. He did not care about being remembered or glory. He only cared about his career.

Although Wang Ming felt that he still cared about the title of War Marshal, loyalty was the best reward for the loyal, wasn't it?

"Come on, come on, let's take a look at the current situation of the battlefield in this star region."

Leman Russ looked at the two brothers in front of him. He felt that the atmosphere between the two was a little bit wrong, as if it was too dull, so he quickly changed the subject, opened the holographic projection map on the table, and then skillfully called Colonel Radulovich on the Sun Fortress to report the latest battlefield situation to them.

Looking at the artificial intelligence that suddenly appeared in front of him, the Lion King did not say anything. He had seen these things before when he was following the 21st Legion. Although he found it very difficult to accept the use of these abominable intelligences at the beginning, after a while, the Lion King accepted the existence of these artificial intelligences.

After all, after seeing the countless codes compiled by the First Engineer Regiment to prevent artificial intelligence rebellion, as well as the countless antimatter bombs stacked in the artificial intelligence main engine room, he completely understood why the 21st Legion could use artificial intelligence so confidently. The 21st Legion was actually not worried that artificial intelligence would rebel, because they had put countless locks on the artificial intelligence.

Compared to the Human Federation, which once regarded artificial intelligence as tools that could be used completely at will, and even regarded it as humans and gave them a lot of freedom, the 21st Legion's model of using artificial intelligence is very direct. They just regard artificial intelligence as a tool, although they retain a certain respect for artificial intelligence.

However, some core things will never be easily used by artificial intelligence under normal circumstances, such as the ship's control system. In the 21st Legion, except for some necessary combat missions, these things are completely isolated from artificial intelligence under other circumstances.

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