Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 606: Planetary War

Chapter 606: Planetary War
"What's going on? Stop! Stop! This is not how you fight a war."

On the planet, a political commissar looked at the soldiers around him. He was confused. Although his soldiers were not overly cowardly, it was basically impossible to ask them to charge.

Moreover, the charge of these soldiers was too terrifying. They were completely unafraid of life and death and charged under the enemy's artillery fire. However, their situation made the political commissar feel terrified. These soldiers were obviously not normal.

The political commissar looked at the charging soldiers, holding the bolt pistol in his hand. He wanted to stop this meaningless charge, but he couldn't.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull to the Skull Throne!!"

The Khorne cultists looked at the mortal soldiers rushing towards them. They were also very excited. They could finally kill for the Blood God.

But just as they were looking forward to the killing, the spearheads of the hunting spears hit the cultists directly. In an instant, countless cultists' bodies were turned into corpse fragments all over the ground under the impact of these things.

The Death Troopers of Krieg looked at the corpses of the cultists scattered all over the ground. They continued to advance in silence. Even when they charged, they were silent. The Death Troopers advanced in silence, following the barrage of artillery fire from the rear, and they continued to move at high speed on the battlefield.

The mobility of the cavalry was demonstrated at this moment. They kept charging and killing. They killed enemies and their own crazy comrades, but they did not say anything. They just kept carrying out their tasks.

"Krieg's Death Troopers, it's perfect for them to do this."

Hu Jin looked at the Death Horsemen who were constantly charging on the battlefield. He spoke to the time travelers beside him, and the time travelers beside him nodded, picked up their weapons, and walked towards the team beside them that was fighting the demons.

For the Second Regiment, total war is so simple, just kill the enemy, and the remaining mortal troops will be dealt with.

After the Second Regiment intercepted the demons, the cultists on those planets were also suppressed by the Astra Militarum. Without the concerns of the demons, those mortal troops could fully exert their strongest combat power.

The mortal troops are constantly moving on the planet. They are blocking the demons that have not been blocked by the traversers and clearing out the cultists. The swords of mankind are constantly waving in this world. They are constantly exiling and killing the demons in this world. The golden flame has now been given to them by Wang Ming, and now they only need to kill the demons.

In the orbit of the planet, in the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at his brothers. They already had a very good idea. For this star region, this plan was very good. It could bring the advantage of the war back to the side of the Empire on a large scale.

The plan is to disperse the troops on a large scale in this star region, and then use these troops to cooperate with the traversers' legions to quickly clean up those worlds. However, the biggest problem with this plan is that on each of those worlds, there are a large number of demons in the real universe, and they are the biggest obstacle to human forces.

"It's not a big problem. As long as there are enough time travelers, we only need to use them to destroy all enemies. Now all the fleets of the 21st Legion's Renaissance Expedition have returned. We only need to cooperate with the other Renaissance Expedition fleets."

Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ and Lion beside him, and told them how to carry out the plan. To them, the enemies in this star zone were nothing, but the person behind this star zone was one of the Chaos gods, the terrible Khorne!
After determining the situation of the battle, the battle began to accelerate. The traversers began to slaughter the demons frantically. They even ignited the golden flames on the spears of the Krieg troops of this world and let them kill the demons with hunting spears burning with golden flames.

The Kriegs did not fail in their mission. Under the desperate charge of the Death Knights, the demons on this world had begun to flee towards the east of the planet. Under this desperate fighting style, the demons even began to have morale problems. Those among them who were not Khorne demons, but demons of Chaos Undivided that were brought to the real universe by the waves of the Warp, began to commit suicide directly. They wanted to return to the Warp through suicide.

The Demons of Khorne expressed great disgust at the suicide of those Demons without Chaos. They are the warriors in the hands of Khorne and the messengers of the Blood God. They will offer the highest mass to the Blood God with their own killings.

"It seems that these demons have different origins. Although there are many demons of Khorne, the demons of Chaos Undivided have also descended into this world. Why did Khorne allow them to descend as well?"

On the planet, Hu Jin looked at the enemies in front of him. He stared at the demons who wanted to fight back desperately after being surrounded by them. He suddenly asked Ye Fan beside him. He actually didn't understand why Khorne invaded the real universe and brought these Chaos-less demons with him. He had even seen several Chaos-less demon princes before.

Although these things are not Khorne Daemons, they bring trouble to the Imperial forces, but the destructive power they bring is no less than those Khorne Daemons. You know, these Chaos Undivided Demons and Chaos Undivided Daemon Princes can use psychic power. Compared to those Khorne Daemons that do not use psychic power, their destructive power on the battlefield is enormous.

And the current scene perfectly demonstrates how terrifying the Demon Prince of Chaos Undivided is. An armored regiment of the Astra Militarum, an armored unit of Krieg, they are not equipped with super heavy tanks such as Poison Blades, but only with Leman Russ. After all, according to Krieg's fighting style, no matter how many Poison Blades there are, they will not be enough for them to consume.

And now they were surrounding an Indivisible Chaos Demon Prince. Leman Russ's main gun was firing continuously. The main gun was firing continuously, and the shells were constantly hitting the Indivisible Chaos Demon Prince's body, but these shells did not take effect at all.

After all, these things were actually no threat to the Chaos Demon Prince with a powerful zero-man power. Its psychic power could completely ignore the laws of physics and block all the shells fired at it. When those shells did not work, the Kriegs began to use their traditional methods. The Death Riders sat on their Terra horses and silently charged towards the Demon Prince.

Golden flames burned on the tips of their spears. In the darkness, those golden flames looked like high-raised lamps. These golden flames seemed to surround the death cavalry. The golden flames shone on their bodies, making them look like they were covered in golden light.

It illuminated the mark of the Sky Eagle on their bodies, as if they were the warriors in the legend, like the warriors walking out of the reliefs, like the reliefs on the state churches.

The Death Knights charged, and their armored firepower also charged. Although they couldn't penetrate the enemy at a distance, they might as well start to shorten the distance. As long as the distance was close enough and the firepower was strong enough, they would be able to destroy the enemy in front of them.

The tracks of the Leman Russes kept rolling, and the horses under the crotch of the Death Cavalry kept running. The horses' panting, the sound of their hooves stepping on the ground, the metallic sound of the tank tracks rolling on the ground, and the sounds of various weapons that were constantly firing.

On the battlefield, a strange song suddenly appeared. The rhythms merged together, and everyone knew the name of this song: Death.

The Death Horsemen charged, and the Demon Prince of Chaos looked at the horsemen charging towards him. He knew what the flames on the spears in the horsemen's hands could do. Those flames could really hurt his essence, and could even directly burn his essence. He dared not be careless with such things.

It raised a hand, and the finger-like thing in that hand, which was full of eyes, mouths, and twisted limbs, pointed directly at the Death Troopers. However, this scene, which was enough to drive a mortal completely crazy, could not have any effect on the Krieg people. The Krieg people had only one thought in their minds, and that was to kill the damn demon in front of them for atonement and for the Emperor.

Just when the Demon Prince of Chaos without Division pointed his finger at the Death Horsemen, a strange scene suddenly appeared among the Death Horsemen. The body of one Death Horseman exploded, and his flesh and blood splattered in the air and fell on the bodies of other Death Horsemen. The bodies of the Death Horsemen that were contaminated by his flesh and blood also began to explode, like some kind of contagious virus.

"Psyker, we need you."

In the front-line command center of the Krieg people, the commander of the Krieg people looked at the Astra Militarum psyker beside him and spoke to him in a cold voice, as if the casualties on the battlefield did not exist and he was just mobilizing a psyker commander.

"No matter how many times I see it, I find your ruthlessness extremely pitiful."

The great psyker of the Astra Militarum looked at Commander Krieg beside him. He knew how this commander was promoted. The commander was promoted not because he was a noble. In fact, the Krieg people had no nobles. All the promotions were just to replace the position with an ordinary soldier. As long as a soldier was promoted, it meant that the previous commander was dead.

As far as this great psychic knows, the commander of this Krieg Regiment has changed several times, and this Krieg Regiment, which originally had a full strength of 20 people, has been reduced to only more than 2000 people in this battle. Now, they are still being consumed like this, and it is likely that these people will not be able to survive for too long on this battlefield.

However, their sacrifice was meaningful. At least they had delayed some of the enemies. Moreover, in the previous planetary cleansing war, the Krieg's Death Cavalry had also demonstrated their strength in this action. I had heard that the Empire's Protectorate Guild would personally commend them, but looking at the current situation, it is estimated that these Kriegs will not live to see the commendation.

"I will go and help you, 181248. Your name is really hard to pronounce. Let me think about it. I will just call you Joel. This is the name of an old friend of mine, but he is dead. Now I will give you this name temporarily for the convenience of calling you."

The great psyker of the Astra Militarum looked at Captain Krieg and recalled Captain Krieg's name. It took the great psyker a while to remember it. After all, all the names of the Krieg people were numbers. Some Astra Militarum people who knew the Krieg people said that this should be some kind of birth number, and they actually used it as a name.

"It doesn't matter, psyker. The Emperor needs you, and we also need to complete our atonement for the Emperor."

Jor, the leader of the Krieg, looked at the Astra Militarum psyker beside him. He didn't care about the name this guy gave him. He just needed a Krieg to atone for his sins. Sacrifice was the cornerstone of the empire, and they were the currency of the Emperor. Every death of theirs could consume the enemy's ammunition, and every time they advanced a little, their comrades could rush into the enemy's trenches on their corpses.

These are the Krieg people. The Krieg people do not care about their own lives. They just want to atone for the betrayal of their home planet. Even after so many generations, even if they have no sins anymore, they are still atonement. Every year on Krieg, 500 million Krieg soldiers will board transport ships bound for the Milky Way, and begin their own atonement in the dark Milky Way.

"I hope I get to see you again, kid."

The Great Psyker looked at Captain Krieg beside him, then walked out of the command center. He went to the battlefield and took his psychic combat team to fight with the Chaos-less Demon Prince. The Inquisition and the Grey Knights were already overloaded, and now these huge numbers of Demon Princes could only be dealt with by the Astra Militarum's combat psykers. However, with the strength of the Astra Militarum's combat psykers.

It was difficult for them to deal with ordinary demons, and they could only fight against the demon princes with their lives, or with the Astra Militarum and Combat Psionics Team together. They were too weak on the battlefield.

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