Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 619: Khorne Domain

Chapter 619: Khorne Domain
"I'm going to TNND Khorne!"

In the subspace, Wang Ming kept flying in it. He had seen too many strange scenes in the subspace. Looking at those strange scenes in the subspace, he felt that his spirit was being baptized. It was too disgusting and too twisted. It was like he had seen something very outrageous, very difficult to understand and disgusting. Wang Ming even felt like he was about to vomit.

However, after flying for a while, Wang Ming was moved to the subspace portal and dragged directly to an area. He was completely thrown out, falling directly from the sky and then falling on the ground.

The noise he made when he landed was very loud, just like a cannonball hitting the ground. When Wang Ming got up from the ground, he saw a terrible purgatory. Countless demons were fighting on the land, and there were also those strange-looking aliens. Wang Ming even saw a few creatures that looked very much like humans.

"This is... the realm of Khorne!?"

Wang Ming looked at the land full of killing and fighting. He almost knew where this place was. There was only one such place in the warp, that damn Khorne realm. He was actually dragged directly to this place.

This place also had its own way of hospitality towards Wang Ming's appearance. After Wang Ming appeared, all kinds of creatures fighting on the earth seemed to have received some orders. They turned their heads and looked at Wang Ming, and then rushed towards him.

They shouted blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull seat, and rushed directly to Wang Ming. After seeing this scene, Wang Ming did not hesitate. He took out an antimatter bomb from the system. Since Khorne wanted him to fight on this land, he refused. He was a human, and what was the most famous thing about humans? It was their combat technology. Compared with using cold weapons to fight, using hot weapons was what humans were best at.

Just when Wang Ming was about to start the antimatter bomb, he suddenly discovered that the antimatter bomb could not be started again, as if there was some malfunction. However, Wang Ming was sure that there was absolutely no malfunction in this thing. He had just taken it out of the system. How could there be a malfunction?
The only explanation is that the concept of Khorne affected the bomb itself. As a technological creation and a powerful thermal weapon, the antimatter bomb cannot exert its power under the concept of Khorne.

"What the hell!"

Wang Ming looked at the antimatter bomb in his hand that had no reaction. He looked at the thing in his hand that looked like a big lump of iron, and then threw it at the demons of Khorne and the various strange-looking Khorne warriors with a helpless look on his face.

But do the brothers think Wang Ming will fight with them? Of course not. After Wang Ming threw the big iron lump, he turned around and started to run away. It was so funny. He was dragged to this place. How could Wang Ming not know the intention of that disgusting thing? That guy just wanted him to kill in this area, but Wang Ming would not do it. No matter what, he would not do it, even if he was called a coward.

What Khorne wanted was a wise warrior, a perfect angel like Sanguinius, but what He drew was the wet part of Angron's Butcher's Nail. Now He has set His sights on Wang Ming. Naturally, Wang Ming would not agree with Him. Wang Ming said that he would not fight with those things no matter what. As long as he fought, he would find the way to Khorne.

He only knows how disgusting those disgusting things in the warp are. Perhaps a very small thing can become the source of your corruption. Therefore, the best way to deal with the warp is to not touch anything, not to come into contact with anything. Whatever it wants you to do, just go in the opposite direction. Of course, this does not apply to Tzeentch.

That extremely disgusting underworld person from the subspace will definitely deceive you with all kinds of changes. Even if you stand still, you may fall into his trap, because even if you just think about it in your mind, it may be one of his plans. Therefore, you still have to be extremely cautious when facing the subspace.

Just like Wang Ming now, knowing the enemy's intention, he will do nothing and stop doing anything. So be it. If those demons of Khorne can catch up with him, Wang Ming will lose. The speed of a Primarch is still very fast.

In addition, Wang Ming used psychic power to increase his speed when he was running away, so it was impossible to catch up with him. Maybe the big demon could, but after the big demon appeared, Wang Ming ran even harder. It was completely wishful thinking to want him to fight with them. Wang Ming knew the enemy's purpose, so he didn't want to give them any chance to catch up with him and fight with him. As a time traveler, he knew a lot of things, and he could not go against Khorne's will no matter what.

The demons and warriors of Khorne were very angry at Wang Ming's cowardly behavior. They looked at the fleeing Wang Ming and sweared at him, calling him a waste and a coward. But Wang Ming chose not to listen to any of these words. He turned on the headphones in his helmet. As a non-combat technological creation, it could still operate normally. Wang Ming just listened to music while running on the vast wasteland in the Khorne domain.

"It's impossible to fight, I won't fight in this lifetime. Why would I fight with you guys when I have nothing better to do? Are you here to help that old guy Khorne?"

Wang Ming kept running across the wilderness. He was thinking as he ran, and his earphones were playing the Words of the Emperor sung by the Ecclesiastic Choir on repeat. He would not just listen to a simple piece of music so easily. What he played was naturally to fight against Chaos, and this would deepen his faith and his spirit. After all, the influence of these Chaos evil gods might also appear on the spirit, although Khorne sometimes did not care about these.

But this is a conceptual thing. It is possible that he fell into Khorne's trap without knowing it. Khorne and that existence also saw Wang Ming's performance in this area. After seeing Wang Ming's performance, Khorne was very angry. He originally wanted to see Wang Ming killing everyone in his own territory, and then fall into his divine domain in the endless killing and directly become his demon prince.

As for the other being that was fighting against him, Wang Ming's performance made him very satisfied. He knew that Wang Ming understood all the concepts of Chaos Evil God. It was normal for Wang Ming to do such a thing, which was exactly what Chaos Evil God wanted. After the two gods saw Wang Ming's situation, one god was very angry, and the other god was very happy. They all had their own ideas about Wang Ming. For them, Wang Ming was a very special being. Every attitude and way he dealt with things were on the side of humans. He would never associate with Chaos.

And now, let's turn our attention to Wang Ming. Wang Ming is still running wildly. Behind him are not only demons and Khorne warriors, but also those extremely terrifying demons. They keep rushing towards Wang Ming. Their anger towards Wang Ming has reached an unknown level. Wang Ming, the coward, has never fought them head-on and has been running away from the beginning to the end, which makes them look like clowns.

In addition to constantly running, Wang Ming would occasionally throw a few hunting traps made of pure mechanisms on the ground. The operation of these things was not affected by the concept of Khorne, because their operation was purely mechanical. If viewed strictly, they were simply a bunch of cold weapons.

Wang Ming sprinkled these things on his escape route in large quantities. They might not be a big deal for the big demons, but for the demons and Khorne warriors, the operation of these traps was a stumbling block on their way forward. These things could greatly slow down their speed. At the same time, these things made him feel very sick. These things were very insidious and were what a coward would do! Damn coward!

And even in this situation, Wang Ming continued to throw out all kinds of strange things. These things were all cold weapons without exception. They were made using mechanical technology. These things were not high-tech hot weapons. Although the power of these things was not too great, if they were poured out in large quantities, it would still be very disgusting to deal with these demons and the like.

Anyway, these demons are a bunch of fools who can only charge forward. They don't pay attention to the things under their feet and they don't dodge. Some demons will not change the direction of their charge even if they see these things, but will step on them resolutely. They are very disdainful of those things.

But these things are extremely disgusting, but they can completely ignore the damage caused by those things. However, the delaying effect and various disgusting damages caused by those things will greatly slow down their speed, and this behavior is a very cowardly behavior, which is a very shameful behavior for them, but the coward Wang Ming just wants to use this behavior to make them feel their resistance.

Although this kind of resistance did not cause much harm to them, it did have a disgusting effect, especially when Wang Ming took out a small statue of himself with the middle finger pointing up, and then spread the statues all over the battlefield. These demons finally couldn't hold back anymore, and they didn't know what words to use to curse Wang Ming. Wang Ming had never really regarded them as enemies from beginning to end.

He just treated these things as something he could carry around with him. Anyway, these things couldn't catch him, and it didn't matter if they caught him. Wang Ming would not fight with them at all. Even if they really caught Wang Ming, Wang Ming would just hold himself in a ball and not resist, thinking that he couldn't die anyway. Then, during this time, he would take out a large number of emperor statues and his own small middle finger sculptures, and directly pile up those demons before running away.

He knew that as long as he really fought with those demons, the Chaos God who was staring at him would definitely use up all his strength to immerse himself in the battle. Khorne was capable of doing such a thing. Although the Blood God was very smart, he usually liked to be straightforward in doing things.

It is precisely because Wang Ming knows the character of Khorne that he has resorted to this desperate measure now. Otherwise, it would be too frustrating to be chased. Wang Ming does not want to be chased, but fighting with them means completely falling into Khorne's trap.

While Wang Ming was playing the game of chase with the Khorne demons, the time travelers in the real universe also discovered that Wang Ming was missing. They originally thought that Wang Ming had died under the attack of the light spear, and they were all waiting for Wang Ming to resurrect. However, they waited for a long time but could not see even a shadow of Wang Ming. It was because of this incident that they discovered that Wang Ming was missing.

Wang Ming couldn't possibly die, and he couldn't have a resurrection CD like Vulkan, so the only possibility was that Wang Ming was captured by something in the subspace again. Why did I say again? Because there were indeed too many things that had Wang Ming captured.

After discovering that Wang Ming had been captured, all the think tanks of the time travelers became active. They began to sacrifice themselves madly to the saint on the golden throne, and then exchanged them for news about Wang Ming from the saint.

Although this can be considered a confusing account, after all, their sacrifice is actually just like sending a text message to the Emperor, and the Emperor cannot really collect their souls under the Golden Throne. Their communication with the Emperor is that after the sacrifice, they come to the Golden Throne to ask the Emperor where Wang Ming is. And because of the sacrifice and burning of souls, each inquiry only takes a few seconds, and they use these few seconds to squeeze out a paragraph of words.

"Wang Ming is in Khorne's domain."

And just because of this sentence, the time travelers began to capture those cultists in large numbers, and those cultists caught by the time travelers were also confused. These lackeys of the pseudo-emperor actually asked them to summon demons, which made them a little confused, but under various coercions from the time travelers, they still summoned demons.

And just when a demon tore open the curtain between the subspace and reality and came to the real universe through a subspace crack, the traversers actually grabbed the demon directly and rushed into the subspace carrying it.

As for why the time travelers didn't do resurrection and teleportation, it depends on Hu Jin's operation. He wanted to do resurrection and teleportation, but every time he died, he was resurrected on the spot, which made them a little confused. This had never happened before. But after thinking about it, Wang Ming was now in the chaotic realm of God, so the occurrence of this situation was actually not that surprising.

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