Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 620: Wang Ming's Lively Life

Chapter 620: Wang Ming's Lively Life

“It’s never going to end, is it?!”

Wang Ming was running on the ground. He looked back at the Khorne demons chasing him. They were so dense that they formed a mountain and a sea. Around him, hunting traps made of mechanisms and various small statues kept falling from him. There were so many of these things that they even paved the way for him as he walked.

And these things are just mockery of those chaos demons. The mockery has reached a certain extent. After all, the things Wang Ming is taking out now are getting bigger and bigger. He estimates that he will move out the 50-meter-high statue of the emperor soon. By then, this place will probably be lively. Just imagine, in the domain of a chaos evil god, there are statues of the emperor everywhere. This situation is really too outrageous.

But Wang Ming can make this outrageous thing come true. Wang Ming looked at the demons chasing him and he finally couldn't help it. He directly took out a large number of Emperor Statues from the system. Those Emperor Statues ranged from the size of a hand to the size of 50 meters high. These Emperor Statues fell behind Wang Ming as he ran. Some of them even hit the heads of those demons. The most unlucky ones were a few big demons of Khorne. A few 50-meter-high Emperor Statues directly crushed them into a lump of meat patties.

Although that kind of damage cannot kill them, it is certainly very painful. Moreover, they are blown to pieces and it will probably take a lot of time for them to automatically reconstruct from the subspace. After seeing this scene, Wang Ming was so happy that he should have thought of this method earlier. Although he cannot fight them, he can hit them with things.

After Wang Ming thought of this idea, he began to take out the Emperor's Holy Statue and the holy water of the state religion. These things were very lethal to the Chaos Demons, both physical and magical damage. The Emperor's Holy Statue falling down was a physical attack, and those tons of holy water poured down were magical attacks. Seeing that the demons were stopped by these things, Wang Ming also stopped.

It is true that he cannot fight, but it does not say that he cannot use magic attacks. When Wang Ming saw those demons being hit by the emperor's statue and corroded by holy water and covered in smoke, he directly took out several tweeters from the system and loaded the Emperor's Mantra into them. In an instant, a large area across the wasteland was echoing with the song of the Emperor's Mantra.

And Wang Ming has also developed a new use for this thing. The sound of the Emperor's Mantra, combined with the Emperor's statues falling from the sky and the holy water that keeps appearing, Wang Ming is now standing there leisurely, watching those demons being tortured by him. He can choose not to fight those demons, but it doesn't say that he can't use magic attacks to fight back.

Listening to the Emperor's True Words, throwing the Emperor's holy statue in his hands, and pouring a few buckets of holy water at the devil from time to time, Wang Ming was completely enjoying himself in this situation.

Just as Wang Ming was using magic to attack these demons, a subspace portal suddenly appeared beside him, and then a group of traversers rushed to his side. The leading traverser was holding a howling Khorne demon in his hand. After seeing Wang Ming, they came directly to Wang Ming, weapons in their hands, ready to fight against the demons in front of them who were being tortured by Wang Ming.

"Put down all your weapons and take this."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin. He saw Hu Jin holding the demon in his hand and handed him a bucket of holy water. Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming handing him the bucket of holy water. He took a second to think briefly, and then he opened the lid of the bucket.

As he opened the bucket, he directly poured a large amount of holy water into the demon in his hand. After the demon was fed so much blessed holy water by Hu Jin, it was very confused. It originally thought that these humans would directly hack it to death, but what was the meaning of pouring water on it now?
Just when the demon was confused, it suddenly felt a strange feeling in its body. It was a very strong burning sensation that filled its body from the inside out. The demon was in extreme pain and turned into pieces in Hu Jin's hands. The demon was actually exiled by the holy water.

After seeing this effect, Hu Jin put the weapon in his hand back into his waist, and then took a high-pressure water gun from Wang Ming.

Wang Ming now distributed a high-pressure water gun to all the time travelers who came here, and the source of the high-pressure water gun was a huge piggy bank filled with holy water blessed by the state religion. Looking at this scene, the time travelers understood what Wang Ming wanted to do. They also knew the concept represented by the Chaos Evil God, so they began their blasphemy against the Chaos Evil God.

They took the high-pressure water guns in their hands and fired directly at the demons in front of them. For a moment, the holy water blessed by the state religion was like rain, pouring directly onto the heads of the chaos demons. The scene was like a heavy rainstorm, and the moment these things poured on the demons, the demons began to wail in pain and roar in anger. In their eyes, the holy water blessed by the state religion was like some filthy thing, which was not only dirty but also burned their bodies.

Looking at the demons wailing under the holy water of the national religion, Wang Ming patted Hu Jin's shoulder happily. The anger that had forced him to run around before was gone. Now it was time for a happy revenge.

After handing the task of sprinkling holy water to the time travelers, Wang Ming began to concentrate on throwing the Emperor's statues. A large number of Emperor's statues were taken out from his system and appeared directly on the heads of those demons. What's more, Wang Ming did not choose the small statues, but the huge 50-meter-high giant statues like a Titan.

The physical size of these things is enough to ensure that they will take away a large number of demons when they land, and the strange effects are similar. The key point is that the overall shape of some emperor statues is cylindrical. If these things do not stand up when they fall to the ground, they will roll on the ground.

Compared to its huge size, its rolling lethality is very great, just like a rolling pin, one press crushes a piece, and everyone laughed happily when they saw the demons being rolled into small pancakes by the Emperor Statue like rolling dough. "Well, why don't we pay attention to our image, your action..."

Just as Wang Ming was happily watching the group of Khorne demons being crushed into meat patties by the Statue of the Emperor, he suddenly saw the action of a time traveler. The time traveler placed a high-pressure water gun on his lower abdomen and sprayed those Khorne demons. Wang Ming couldn't help but give him a big slap. Could he not be so indecent?
After being beaten up by Wang Ming, the time traveler also became normal again holding the high-pressure water gun. There was no way around it. The time travelers of the second group were generally like this. They were a group of excellent fighters, a group of ruthless butchers, and also a group of time travelers who were very good at making fun of others.

Just when the second group of traversers led by Wang Ming began to counterattack in a different style in Khorne's territory, Khorne really couldn't help it. His power filled the battlefield. A huge force directly crushed the traversers and Wang Ming into pieces.

Does this have any impact on Wang Ming and his group? It has absolutely no impact. If you die, you won't be resurrected. It really is.

"Hahaha! Brothers, brothers, that old immortal Khorne is getting anxious. Alas, he is getting anxious!"

After the time travelers were resurrected with Wang Ming at the original place, Feng Fan from the time travel team started his own tricks again. As the one with the greatest verbal attack ability among the time travelers, he immediately began to use Chinese to speak sarcastically to Khorne. That sarcastic tone, that terrible vocabulary, that expression and that action made even the time travelers want to slap him.

When this guy's ability of taunting is brought to its extreme at certain times, he doesn't distinguish between friend and foe at all. Even his own people want to slap him in the face. But Wang Ming is also happy to see this situation. After all, the Chaos Evil God is not a human being. Why should he respect these damn things?
Just don't beat him to death and it will be fine. But when Feng Fan was taunting Khorne madly, the force came again, still so irresistible, still so powerful. The traversers and Wang Ming were still crushed into pieces by this force. But it doesn't matter. They can be resurrected anyway, and then resurrected and beaten again. As long as they can't die, they will be beaten to death.

After this resurrection, it was not just Feng Fan who was talking trash crazily. Other time travelers including Wang Ming also started to talk trash. All kinds of insults and humiliations against Khorne kept coming out of their mouths. Such behavior could only result in the power of Khorne crushing them into meat paste again. However, they didn't care at all, they didn't care at all, because they couldn't die anyway.

And just after experiencing who knows how many deaths, a huge figure suddenly appeared in this area. It was wearing brass armor, with a roaring beast's head and a huge and terrifying sword in its hand. It was bigger than any Titan, like a planet. The moment the traversers saw it, a desire for battle and killing appeared in the hearts of all the traversers.

The same is true for Wang Ming, except that Wang Ming can use his own warp essence to resist. He looked at the huge thing and he knew what it was. It was one of the Chaos Gods, the terrible evil god representing war and killing, Khorne!

And at the moment when the traversers saw the huge figure, a large golden flame suddenly burned on their bodies. This was their most original state. They were the demons under the throne of the fifth evil god in the warp. They had shown this form once before when facing Nurgle. And now when facing the Chaos Evil God again, they once again showed their true appearance.

"You can't use high-tech weapons, nor can you use thermal weapons. What the hell, the Emperor is about to open the portal."

Wang Ming looked at the huge Chaos Evil God, and he said directly to the Emperor in his mind that if they really launched an attack on Khorne now, they would definitely be corrupted by Khorne, because in their current state, they would be launching a direct challenge to Khorne, and Khorne would be very happy with this behavior, maybe all the traversers would be upgraded to demons on the spot. Of course, this was a joke. It was not so easy for a Chaos Evil God to corrupt the demons of other evil gods.

The Chaos God wants to corrupt the time travelers simply because the time travelers have forms in both the physical universe and the subspace, and this form is not a projection of the human soul in this universe, but two separate existences, just like it is difficult for the Chaos God to affect their subspace projectors, but it can affect their bodies in the real universe on a small scale.

Just as Wang Ming said this in his mind, a subspace portal suddenly appeared under the feet of the traversers. All the traversers who were on high alert were confused by this sudden transmission, as if they had suddenly stepped on empty air. At the moment this feeling appeared, the scene in front of the traversers suddenly changed and turned back into the battlefield in that world. Looking at the rockets flying in the sky and the shells fired by super heavy tanks, the traversers realized that they had returned to the real universe.

The moment they returned to the real universe, they seamlessly resumed their previous operations. After all, they didn't know if it was because of the emperor's intention, but the large storage tank storing holy water was actually repaired, and the high-pressure water guns in their hands were also repaired, so they continued their previous operations in the subspace, splashing holy water on the demons rushing towards them.

The demons were also confused by the sudden appearance of the time travelers. When they saw the participants, they instinctively rushed forward, but the holy water poured on their heads made them very painful. They originally thought that the entrepreneurs would use the grenade launchers in their hands or the power swords on their waists to attack them, but the time travelers directly poured holy water on them.

This kind of behavior is extremely disgusting and humiliating in the eyes of the devil. The key point is that the concentration of the holy water is too pure. After all, Wang Ming was holding the holy water from Holy Terra, which had been prayed for by the most devout believers of the state religion. In the eyes of the devil, this thing is just a pile of sulfuric acid.

(End of this chapter)

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