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Chapter 621 World Coordinates

Chapter 621 World Coordinates
When the time travelers were pouring holy water on the demons, Wang Ming did not join the battle. He was just watching the time travelers fight. Originally, the Second Regiment should have been on the fleet to guard the fleet, but now because of Wang Ming's disappearance, they appeared directly on the battlefield.

Wang Ming was very confident about the Second Regiment. They all had very strong combat effectiveness and organization. When encountering a big demon, they could kill it alone. Of course, this single kill was based on their ability to resurrect. The Second Regiment's killing of the big demon was completely based on their immortality.

As long as they don't die, the one who will die will definitely be the big demon. Wang Ming is absolutely confident in leaving this battlefield to the time travelers of the second group. After observing for a while, Wang Ming directly made arrangements with Hu Jin, asking them to stabilize the battlefield first, as he needed to return to the Sun Fortress to do some things.

After receiving Wang Ming's order, Hu Jin also applied to deploy all the second regiment traversers on the Sun Fortress to the battlefield. Since Wang Ming is now returning to the fleet, the defense of the fleet can be handled by Wang Ming, a high-end combat force.

Wang Ming also agreed to Hu Jin's request and transferred all the time travelers of the second regiment to this battlefield. After completing all this, Wang Ming returned to the fleet because he suddenly remembered that there were several high-end combat forces on the fleet. At the same time, he also had some questions that he needed to consult some people.

Watching the transport plane slowly flying into the sky, the traversers of the second group also picked up their weapons and used the high-pressure water guns spraying holy water to directly fight with the demons. Their weapons were covered with golden flames, which would not be extinguished by the holy water. Instead, they would burn more and more vigorously under the spraying of the holy water.

The transport plane passed through the planet's atmosphere, and its flight path directly cut through the red clouds in the sky. Wang Ming sat inside the transport plane, looking at the scenery outside through the observation window. Looking at the blood-red clouds, it was the power of Khorne that was affecting the world. Wang Ming didn't have much to do about this situation, as the influence of the Chaos God couldn't be easily eliminated.

Unless the source of chaos in this world is resolved, that is, all humans who believe in chaos in this world, but if the extermination order is used, then those imperial citizens who are still resisting in this world, as well as those cultists who are hiding in underground fortifications through some means, cannot be easily dealt with. Now they can only stuff those imperial citizens who are still resisting directly onto transport ships and let them leave this world. Only after they have all left can the fleet release the extermination order with peace of mind.

"We must completely eliminate the pollution of Chaos! We must!"

Wang Ming looked at the blood-red clouds above this world, he could already smell the blood, it was a bloody smell that filled his soul. This was the power of Khorne influencing this world, which would make all humans feel anger and desire for killing. Only the mortal auxiliary forces and traversers, who were devout believers in the God-Emperor, could retain their spirits in such an environment.

After passing through the atmosphere, the transport plane went directly to the Sun Fortress, which was already parked in the orbit of this world. The transport plane slowly flew towards the hangar of the Sun Fortress, and after passing through a wall composed of fields that was used to isolate the room from the vacuum, the transport plane slowly parked in the hangar of the Sun Fortress.

After the transport plane stopped at the hangar of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming greeted the pilot of the transport plane and then got off the transport plane. The moment he got off the transport plane, he went directly to the medical area of ​​the Sun Fortress, but he did not walk there by himself. After all, the Sun Fortress was so large, like a satellite the size of the moon. If he were to walk there, it would take an unknown amount of time.

He came directly to a portal on the Sun Fortress, and then used this portal to go directly to the medical area. As mentioned before, due to its size, the Sun Fortress was equipped with many teleportation devices. The range of these teleportation devices was very small, but the operating principle was safer than sub-space teleportation.

These things are necessary for moving quickly on the Sun Fortress. After Wang Ming stepped into the portal, his figure gradually appeared in the medical area. The medical nuns passing by the portal and the doctors trained on the fleet looked at Wang Ming who walked out of the portal, and they all performed the Sky Eagle Salute to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at the medical workers trained in the fleet, smiled at them, waved to them, and let them continue their work.

On the fleet, almost every mortal has seen the Primarch. Even a small porter slave on the fleet has seen the Primarch.

After seeing Wang Ming waving at them, they also understood what Wang Ming meant, and they continued their work directly. There will never be a lack of medical work on the fleet. After all, the medical work on the fleet is the cultivation of Astartes organs, the biological research on some organisms, and the preparation of vaccines for some viruses.

Although the talents trained on the fleet are called medical sisters and doctors, in fact the nature of their work is closer to those of biological researchers. After all, the person who trained them is a federal biology professor. Although this professor only has one favorite student, the workers she trained can also complete a lot of corresponding work.

After Wang Ming arrived at the medical area, he went directly to the biological culture area. This is a special area prepared for the mortal auxiliary soldiers who have lost their limbs. It is also a professional medical area. In this area, a large number of spare organs and spare limbs are cultivated in culture tanks. At the same time, some mortal auxiliary soldiers who are seriously injured but still have a breath will also receive treatment in this area.

After Wang Ming entered this area, he passed by a number of culture tanks filled with various organs, as well as those mortal auxiliary soldiers who were receiving treatment. He looked at those culture tanks where organs were being cultivated and those mortal auxiliary soldiers who were receiving treatment. Wang Ming actually didn't come to this area very often. After all, although this area was the medical area of ​​the fleet, the things in it were really too weird.

Who knows what experiment that guy is doing now? It's really lucky that he has not been noticed by Nurgle. If he were chosen by Nurgle, who knows what he could come up with.

"Isn't this Captain Wang Ming? When are you interested in coming to play with me?"

Clayrose looked at Wang Ming who walked into the biological culture area. She put down a growing Astartes organ that she was cultivating in her hand, looked at Wang Ming with a smile on her face and said.

"I came to see Zhou Heng."

Wang Ming looked at Clayrose. He was very helpless about this old woman who was over ten thousand years old. The knowledge she possessed was very important and was the crystallization of federal biotechnology. "Oh, this, I'm a little disappointed. I thought you came to see me."

Wang Ming from Clayrose. After she played a joke on Wang Ming, she directly mobilized a robotic arm, grabbed a huge biological culture chamber from the numerous biological culture chambers, and placed it directly in front of Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at the huge biological culture chamber in front of him. He looked at Zhou Heng who was soaked in nutrient solution containing various heavy metals, and knocked on the glass of the culture window in front of him.

Zhou Heng also woke up when he knocked on the glass. He looked at Wang Ming in front of him with a confused look in his eyes. He had been almost in a dormant state since he was forcibly taken to the medical area by the First Engineer Corps. He just woke up when Wang Ming knocked on the glass.

"How do you feel? Is your injury healed?"

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng in the incubator and asked Ziqi about his current situation. Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming and wanted to talk to him, but he had been soaked in the nutrient solution and took a mouthful of water. This was because Zhou Heng was a war weapon, so he didn't need air. If a normal mortal auxiliary soldier used this method of treatment, he would probably be drowned in the nutrient solution before his wounds were healed.

After Zhou Heng took a sip of water, he struggled for a while in the incubator, and then helplessly gestured an OK to Wang Ming. After getting Zhou Heng's confirmation, Wang Ming gave Clayrose a look, and Clayrose understood the meaning of this look. She directly operated the robotic arm and fished Zhou Heng out of the incubator.

“How long have I been in treatment?”

As soon as Zhou Heng climbed out of the nutrition cabin, he asked Wang Ming about his treatment time. He just hoped that his treatment time would not be too long and he would not miss some major battles.

"You have been in hibernation for about a week. This war is not over yet. The battlefield still needs you."

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng in front of him. He threw a piece of Human Federation officer's clothes to him and motioned him to put on the clothes quickly. It was too indecent to be naked.

Zhou Heng caught the clothes that Wang Ming threw to him. He looked at his body, then looked at Wang Ming and Clayrose beside him. In fact, for these two old guys, it didn't matter whether they wore clothes or not. They had lived too long and had seen too many things. They didn't pay much attention to some common-sense things.

But because of human etiquette and human identity, they must maintain this habit. After all, if people lose these things, what is the difference between them and those Chaos believers and those beasts.

Zhou Heng quickly put on his clothes, and then he began to ask Wang Ming about his mission, but Wang Ming did not tell him immediately. Instead, he took him directly out of the medical area and went to the Inquisition's base on the fleet. In the Inquisition's base, Wang Ming caught Rengar, who was doing some prophecy stuff.

After bringing Rengar into the team, Wang Ming took the two of them to the mortal auxiliary military dormitory in the fleet and caught Edwi and Luna who were playing cards and slacking off with the wounded. Looking at the four old guys from the Federation era in front of him, Wang Ming took them directly to the fleet's Valhalla.

In the fleet's Valhalla, not only the mortal auxiliary soldiers who died in battle are enshrined, but also the Emperor who sits on the Golden Throne. When they enter Valhalla, the Emperor's voice is directly transmitted to their minds.

"I want to know how to resolve this war. The expansion of the cultists and the spread of Chaos pollution are very strange. There must be something influencing them from behind, but the possibility that it is the Chaos Evil God is very small. Although they can interfere with the real universe on a large scale, these worlds have not yet fallen into the demon world. So I want to know what is influencing them."

After hearing the voice of the Emperor in his mind, Wang Ming did not waste any words and started asking the Emperor about the situation. He also needed to know where the influence of chaos came from. If the influence of chaos was really the influence of the Chaos Evil God himself, then the possibility was very small.

Although the Chaos Evil Gods can interfere with the situation in the real universe on a large scale, it is not cost-effective for them to directly affect an entire star region. Therefore, there must be something they have placed in the real universe that is affecting the progress of the real universe.

After Wang Ming asked the Emperor the question, the Emperor did not say much. He directly implanted a coordinate in Wang Ming's mind. The coordinate was exactly the capital world of this star region, an industrial world called Muros. The Emperor actually gave him the coordinates of this world, so there must be something he wants in this world.

"I understand. I will definitely eradicate all the chaos pollution in this star region."

Wang Ming looked at the coordinates of the world in his mind. He was using his soul to view it. This viewing mode was very intuitive. The emperor even marked the distance between this world and the fleet.

After getting the information about this world, Wang Ming directly explained the current situation to the four old guys from the Federation era, and then gave them a task, which was to find the source of chaos pollution in this world. Because he needed to solve some war problems in this star region, he could not go there in person and could only rely on them.

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