Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 624 Follow-up tasks

Chapter 624 Follow-up tasks
"The Chaos Artifact has been dealt with. I can already feel that the influence of Chaos in this star region is gradually weakening. What we need to do now is to clean up the demons and cultists on those worlds."

In the conference room of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming was holding a power sword that had not yet opened its decomposition mode. He pointed at the tactical briefing on the holographic projection screen in front of him and spoke to the captains and company commanders of the traversers around him.

"This operation is mainly to evacuate the imperial civilians on those worlds. As long as the civilians are evacuated, the fleet can begin to execute the extermination order. This star region is too seriously polluted. Only the holy plasma flow can cleanse the filth on the world."

Wang Ming looked at the timers who were eager to try, and he told them about the mission. Compared with the previous annihilation war, this mission was much simpler. They only needed to evacuate all the imperial civilians on those worlds, and then wait for the fleet to execute the extermination order and blow up the entire planet.

Of course, this extinction order directly destroys all life on the surface of the entire planet. The planet as a whole still retains its complete form. The 21st Legion never does anything to exterminate a species. As for the human empire's own world, unless it is a world that is completely beyond salvation, as long as there is a possibility of recovery, the traversers will definitely use the most conservative method to deal with it, thereby creating an opportunity for subsequent recovery.

"Understood! Promise to complete the task!"

The time travelers looked at the holographic projection panel next to Wang Ming. They all stood up and answered Wang Ming. They were very enthusiastic about this mission. After all, compared to killing people, the time travelers prefer to save people. They are not willing to let their fellow human beings suffer on the battlefield.

After assigning the tasks, Wang Ming continued with his own document processing tasks. He no longer had to go to the front line in person. Since he had arranged this operation, he discovered one thing, that is, the four old guys of the Human Federation were quite useful. These four old guys, plus Chen Xu who had begun psychological treatment, were no less efficient on the battlefield than a Primarch, and in some cases they were even more powerful than the Primarch.

Wang Ming was very relieved to hand over the task of clearing the big demons to these five guys. With these five guys taking over Wang Ming's task of clearing the big demons, Wang Ming can now be a humanoid computer with peace of mind. He must handle the affairs of the fleet. After all, this war is the largest war the fleet has ever encountered, and he needs to handle all kinds of supplies. This situation will be very troublesome if it is handled after the war. After all, the battlefield is changing in real time, and the powerful processing power of the Primarch is perfect to be placed here.

Just after Wang Ming assigned the task, the first regiment that had returned to the fleet went directly to a world and began to carry out its mission. This is a civilized world of an empire and a beautiful ocean world. 95% of the area of ​​this world is covered by the ocean. The area where humans can live is actually very small, but because of the beautiful scenery and the prosperous seafood farming industry, the economic situation of this world is actually very good.

There are about 50 billion local residents, and this is the population count of the last thousand years. They live in the world's only city, which is a giant nest city built on the world's only continent. They are the residents of this world and also the workers of this world. Everything in this world needs them to keep running. Just to maintain the world's huge seafood farming industry and the local algae used to produce nutrient blocks through continuous development and cultivation, these 50 billion people are actually suffering.

After all, the infrastructure of this world is actually very backward. Except for the Upper Nest and the Top Nest, there are actually not many people living in other hive areas. The actual population of the hive is actually only about one billion people. Most of them are civil servants and employees of certain companies, as well as the nobles who are as numerous as mountains and seas in this world.

The remaining 40 billion people are scattered all over the planet. Their only job every day is to drive their own small boats and continuously capture the grown algae and local marine animals on the endless ocean. This is their only means of livelihood. However, a more ironic thing is that in this world, people’s lives are actually not so miserable. The local planetary governor still has a human role.

Since the local seafood is relatively abundant and the local planetary governor is somewhat decent, the local imperial residents can enjoy the specialties of this world and will not go fishing all their lives without ever eating a single fish. It is also because of this relatively enlightened system that the world's population can reach 50 billion. Otherwise, with the oppression of those planetary governors, it would be a good thing for the world's population to reach million.

The fate of this world in this war is very unfortunate. They are very close to the world where the Chaos Artifact exists. It is for this reason that a Chaos Cult has appeared in this world. However, compared to the Chaos Cults in other worlds, the Chaos Cult in this world is not actually that destructive. They only destroyed the inside of a hive.

After all, they cannot destroy the overall structure of this world even if they want to. This world is full of oceans, and they cannot find a place to spread their evil ideas.

Then a very magical scene appeared in this world. That is, in the only city in this world, that is, that huge hive city, one billion people were dancing wildly in it, but the remaining 40 billion people in the world were not disturbed at all. They still went fishing and collecting algae. Even though the huge hive city had become as hot as a kiln, they were still doing their work.

Apart from those who went to the hive city to sell the results of their work, not many people actually noticed that a war had broken out in the hive city. People were still doing their work and living their lives, but today they suddenly discovered some changes in their world. A huge shadow suddenly appeared above their sky.

Just as they noticed these things, a huge transport ship suddenly broke through the clouds and fell into the atmosphere of this world. It flew directly over the heads of those who were working to the location of the hive city of this world. Most people had never seen these things before. Only some older people knew what they were. They were all old people who had seen the tithes paid in this world. They naturally knew that it was a ship of the Star Empire that they had never seen before. "Everyone, organize your equipment and bring all the necessary supplies. Pay attention to protecting those medical sisters and doctors. Our primary goal is to save civilians, not to kill everyone in this hive city. Be cautious."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the time travelers around him, and he told everyone all the things they needed to pay attention to in this mission. Their main mission this time was to rescue civilians, not to fight those running dogs of Chaos in the Hive City. They should not get so carried away in the fighting that they even forgot their original mission.

"Understood! I promise to complete the mission!!"

After hearing what Wang Xiaofa said, the time travelers immediately assured Wang Xiaofa that they were soldiers, a group of professional soldiers who had received professional training. Soldiers should put their mission as the most important thing. This mission was not like the previous big fights. This mission required precision. Saving people was not an easy task, but they were fully confident that they could do it.

As the First Regiment, their training has always been the most rigorous among all the time travelers' corps. This is the intention of Wang Xiaofa and all the time travelers in the First Regiment. As the First Regiment, they want to become the benchmark among all time travelers' corps, so they have been secretly comparing themselves with the Second Regiment. After all, the Second Regiment is the most powerful corps among the time travelers' corps today.

At present, they are still not as good as the Second Regiment in terms of combat, but in terms of executing tactical tasks, they believe that they are definitely stronger than the Second Regiment. After all, their training has always been based on tactics and strategy. Compared with the powerful combat effectiveness of the Second Regiment, the armored torrent of the Third Regiment, or the permanent fortress of the Fourth Regiment, most of their combat training is based on various indoor combat, street fighting, urban combat, special forces assault on large battlefields, and rescue of important hostages.

It can be said that the entire First Regiment is a complete special forces unit. Every Astartes in the First Regiment is proficient in various tactics and strategies. Three people can serve as a complete combat group and execute tasks that cause headaches for other Astartes legions or chapters.

In fact, this kind of thing is also a manifestation of the immortality of the time travelers. Countless deaths and countless battles allow them to accumulate a lot of combat experience in actual combat, and these combat experiences can be integrated into their future tactics. Moreover, based on grassroots data statistics and weekly discussion meetings with grassroots soldiers, they have fully developed a complete set of strategies and methods of play.

This kind of strategy and style of play would be extremely terrifying to demons, cultists, and even Astartes. After all, with the powerful combat capability of the Astartes and their ability to sustain sustained combat on the battlefield, the First Regiment's tactics and strategy could play a huge role among the Astartes.

And this battle can be regarded as a summary of their long-term training. As the saying goes, only actual combat can test the truth.

The transport ship flew across the blue sea and slowly anchored in the world's largest and only hive city. As soon as the transport ship stopped, the traversers of the First Regiment began their actions. First came the Terminator Squad of the First Company of the First Regiment. They quickly occupied the advantageous position of the entire anchorage port, and then dealt with all the Chaos Cultists and Chaos Demons wandering in the anchorage port.

After completing all this, the entire First Regiment began to spread rapidly towards the entire Hive City with the docking port as the center. They acted very quickly, and it only took them ten minutes to clear out a large area. The Chaos Cultists who were performing sacrifices on the streets of the Hive City had not yet reacted before their base camp was completely wiped out by the Astartes of the First Regiment.

A large number of cultists had no idea what was happening. Their last memory was hearing heavy footsteps, and then their bodies were turned into a bloody mist by the hot bombs. The first group of traversers did not stop their steps when killing those Chaos cultists. They cleared the cultists as they moved.

Often, after a group of cultists were turned into a bloody mist by explosive bombs, a group of traversers wearing Renaissance power armor would quickly pass through the bloody mist. The huge air currents they created when running would directly blow away the bloody mist that had just appeared.

When they kill the cultists, they will quickly use the life detection radar on the Renaissance power armor to search for survivors and enemies in the hive. Each team of the First Regiment will carry a think tank. The role of these think tanks is not to use psychic spells on the battlefield, but to observe whether the survivors show signs of being contaminated by Chaos.

If there is no Chaos pollution or the erosion of Chaos pollution has not shaken their souls, the survivors will be safe. They will be received by the Mortal Auxiliary Forces that follow the traversers. The medical nuns in the Mortal Auxiliary Forces and the doctors on the fleet will quickly heal their injuries, and then the Mortal Auxiliary Forces will send them to transport ships.

Moreover, when the first group of time travelers were rescuing the imperial civilians in the hive city, the Chaos cultists also discovered them. In addition to the Chaos cultists, there was actually a Chaos Astartes army in this hive city. That was an army of World Eaters. They were summoned to this world by a sacrifice of this world. After learning about the arrival of the first group, they were very happy. They were already impatient to hang the heads of those pseudo-emperor's running dogs on their power armor.

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