Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 625 Equipment and Tactical Suppression

Chapter 625 Equipment and Tactical Suppression

"I will hang the heads of the false emperor's lackeys on my power armor and sacrifice them to the great blood god!"

On the battlefield of the hive city, a group of World Eaters wearing red power armor were looking at the time travelers who were advancing in front of them. They looked at the cultists who were constantly being killed by the time travelers. All the weapons in their hands had been activated. The chainswords and chainsaxes made a huge roar in the space. The World Eaters were already thinking about how to decorate the heads of the time travelers on their power armor.

Just as they were thinking this, there was a sudden roar above their heads, and as soon as the World Eaters raised their heads, they saw bombs flying towards them. It was a group of Transcenders wearing Renaissance tactical power armor flying in the air with flying backpacks, attacking the Chaos Space Marines below.

The First Team's use of tactics has reached its peak. They can flexibly use the various equipment and devices they carry, especially the devices for detecting the enemy's position. The life detection radar carried in their power armor can quickly detect the difference between Astartes and mortals. After detecting the position of Astartes, the tactical system in their helmets will directly mark it out and make it a priority target.

Those World Eaters were obviously stunned by those time travelers. They did not expect that these guys would actually attack them in this situation. After all, their brains had been almost soaked in the power of Khorne. Except for a few who could still maintain their previous thinking patterns, the others were simply a group of killing machines who only knew how to use chainsaw axes to hack around. Their brains were all nailed with butcher's nails, and with the blessing of Khorne, it could be said that they no longer had much IQ.

However, the Chaos Space Marines were stunned for a very short time. They were only stunned for a second before they immediately picked up their long-range weapons and started to fight back. After all, they just lost their brains, but they still knew the basic tactical skills. They naturally would not be like a group of fools, flying around in the sky with their chainswords and chainsaw axes in their hands, trying to chop those time travelers.

Looking at the bombs and plasma balls flying from below, the travelers flying in the sky did not dare to be careless. They kept adjusting their flight trajectories and carefully avoided the attacks.

The Renaissance Tactical Power Armor is not a power armor model with outstanding defensive performance. In order to carry more tactical systems and increase the scalability of the power armor, this type of power armor does not have much defensive performance. It can be said that it can even be directly penetrated by a bomb. However, it is precisely this design that sacrifices defense for tactics. Their tactical scalability is very strong, with flying backpacks, power weapons installed on the arms of the power armor, all kinds of strange weapons and equipment they carry, and some tactical systems and the like. This is the scalability and tactics obtained after sacrificing defense.

What's a bit funny is that the design concept of this power armor is very similar to the tactical concept of the First Regiment. The tactical concept of the First Regiment is that as long as they don't encounter too powerful enemies, they hope to ensure that their combat loss ratio is zero, and this power armor allows the traversers of the First Regiment to be trained very well.

It's like playing a soul-based game like Sekiro or Aiden Ring. For the traversers of the first group, wearing this kind of power armor means that they only have one chance. They will not die if killed by the enemy, but they will kill the enemy without getting hurt. They will not charge recklessly like the second group. Everything is based on tactics.

While those Chaos Space Marines were shooting at the timers in the sky, the timers on the ground quickly broke through the cultists' positions and attacked those Chaos Space Marines from the ground. For a moment, this Chaos Space Marine gang could only deal with the dual threats from the sky and the ground at the same time. Although they did not care too much about this threat, after all, for the Blood God, as long as fighting is glorious.

Their morale will not be crushed by the lackeys of the false emperor, but morale is one aspect, and the gap in manpower and strength under actual circumstances is another aspect. As we all know, Chaos Space Marines are actually not doing very well in the Warp, and most Chaos Space Marine warbands do not even have complete power armor for their warbands.

After they separated from the Imperium, their own logistics became a huge problem. Even though the Dark Mechanicus could supply them with some weapons and equipment, in reality the logistical conditions of most Chaos Space Marine warbands were very poor. Some even had problems with the most basic Astartes bombs, although they had faith in the Chaos Gods and the blessings of the Chaos Gods.

But in fact, if they really were to face the 21st Legion, an Astartes Legion that relied on equipment to crush the enemy, then in fact, their so-called blessings would be not worth mentioning, unless they were like the Thousand Sons, who had received psychic blessings from the Chaos Gods and were all very dangerous and powerful psychics. Otherwise, they would not be able to achieve any good results at all under the circumstances of being suppressed by numbers and equipment.

Just as the Chaos Space Marines were struggling to resist the Travelers in the sky and on the ground, an even more terrifying scene appeared before them. They saw ten Dreadnoughts, which were ten Contemptor Dreadnoughts. The appearance of this powerful Dreadnought on the battlefield had already sentenced those Chaos Space Marines to death.

These ten dreadnoughts are also one of the tactics of the First Regiment. They have taken into account that they may face powerful enemies in this huge nest city, so they assembled these ten dreadnoughts on the spot. As for the time travelers in these ten dreadnoughts, it is quite funny to say that these ten time travelers did not guess others when they played rock-paper-scissors, and then they were forced to accept the hard job of driving a dreadnought.

These ten Dreadnoughts quickly cleared the positions of those Chaos Space Marines, and after clearing those positions, they continued to move forward. Along the way, there were actually some Chaos Space Marines who wanted to attack the Time Travelers' troops, but the Time Travelers' powerful firepower quickly eliminated those Chaos Space Marines. Under a complete tactical system and with the coordination of various powerful equipment, those Chaos Space Marines were simply unable to fight against the Time Travelers' regular troops.

There are a total of 500 Chaos Space Marines in this hive, which is almost half of the number of this Chaos warband. These Chaos Space Marines have killed countless planetary defense forces loyal to the Imperium in this hive, and under their leadership, countless Chaos Cultists have been sacrificed. The entire hive has now become a cave of demons. Except for those survivors hiding in various corners and constantly praying to the God-Emperor, all the others active in the hive are Chaos Cultists and demons.

The survivors who were hiding in the corners and praying to the Emperor could only listen to the sounds of battle outside their hiding places and kept praying to the Emperor, hoping that the Emperor would bless them to survive this disaster. They had given up the idea of ​​escaping from the Hive City because they had seen the fate of those who wanted to escape from the Hive City. All of them had become sacrifices offered by the cultists. While the traversers were constantly fighting the Chaos cultists, in a pipe in the Hive City, a man was holding an automatic gun that was obviously made by hand, and nervously looking at the covered pipe break in front of him. Behind him was his family of four. As a middle-class family living in the middle nest, he had a pair of lovely children and a virtuous wife. In this disaster, the only thing he could use to protect his family was the automatic gun he bought from the black market.

On the eve of the disaster, this man was very sensitive to the changes in the hive city. Although the local laws of this world did not prohibit civilians from owning weapons, given the official channels for obtaining weapons that were deliberately raised to sky-high prices, most of the civilians in the hive city could only buy those hand-made weapons on the black market.

This man was one of the many people who went to the black market to buy weapons at the beginning of the disaster. However, he was luckier than others. He used this weapon to protect his family of four on the eve of the disaster. He did not die at the hands of the cultists like his other neighbors.

He is now using this weapon to protect his family behind him. He aims the automatic rifle at the only entrance to the pipeline. He will pull the trigger immediately if there is any movement. He must protect his family with his own life.

Just as the man was aiming his automatic rifle at the only entrance of the pipe, ready to shoot at the enemy rushing in, he suddenly heard a teeth-grinding sound of metal tearing. Everyone in the pipe was startled, and the man pulled the trigger directly towards the location where the metal tearing sound came from, but he did not fire many shots, because he saw something reaching into the metal pipe. It was an arm covered with armor, and on that arm, the golden Imperial Sky Eagle was flashing golden light in the dim light.

When the man saw the Imperial Sky Eagle, he seemed as if his soul was sucked out. He silently put down his weapon and looked at the silver-armored giant who tore open the gap in the pipe and walked into the pipe. He looked at the Imperial Sky Eagle on the silver-armored giant and the golden patterns decorated on the silver armor. He knelt on the ground at once, and his family also began to cry.

The woman hugged her son and daughter tightly. She looked at the giant. The image of the giant was not the same as the statue of the Emperor's angel in the Anglican Church, but it was very similar. The sense of affinity and security they felt from the giant made them immediately certain that it was the Emperor's angel. The Emperor had heard their prayers and sent His angel to save them.

"You did very well."

The time traveler looked at the four mortals in front of him. He looked at the man who was shielding the child and the woman behind him, and at the automatic rifle in the man's hand. It only took him a second to fully understand what was happening here. He looked at the mortal in front of him and praised him.

"Great angel, are you the great angel of the Holy Emperor?"

The man looked at the time traveler in front of him. He still wanted to get the time traveler's personal confirmation, just like a person who was in despair was suddenly rescued. He was a little bit unconvinced that the scene in front of him was real.

"Of course, in the name of His Majesty, we are His angels of death, and our duty is to protect mankind. Now, you are saved. Please follow me, and I will take you to a safe place."

The time traveler looked at the four mortals in front of him. He spoke to them in a voice that he tried to be as calm as possible. However, what made him feel a little uncomfortable was that his voice was always low through the helmet. He did not think that voice would make mortals feel safe, so he simply took off his helmet.

When the four mortals saw the time traveler take off his helmet and saw his face as holy as the statues in the Anglican church, they finally felt at ease and they finally had their own salvation.

Such scenes are ubiquitous in the current hive cities. After being rescued by the traversers, the reactions of a large number of survivors are not much different from the situation here. Their loyalty has finally been redeemed, and His Divine Majesty's Angel of Death has finally come to save them.

As the number of rescued people increased, the first group of traversers also learned about the situation of this world from their mouths. An analysis of the situation in this world was quickly drawn up. This world was not the kind of world that needed to be destroyed by an extermination order. This world could still be saved. Although most of the one billion people had become cultists, destroying this hive city would almost solve most of the problems in this world. What they had to do now was to resettle these civilians as much as possible, then evacuate them in a unified manner, and finally destroy this hive city.

So when the time travelers took action, the mortal auxiliary troops took the initiative to take on the task of taking care of these civilians. Big pots were set up, and the aroma of stew wafted around the survivors. They looked at the mortal auxiliary troops who kept walking back and forth in front of them with all kinds of supplies, they looked at the mortal auxiliary troops who were treating their injuries. They had never seen such an army before, with strict discipline, without any contempt for them, and doing their best for them. They had never seen such a force before.

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