Chapter 637 Freezing Time
"You can't escape, my brother. Since you don't want to fight me in this world, I can only go to your fleet and have a good chat with you."

Magnus looked at the distorted space above the sky, and suddenly smiled and said something, then gave up the use of his psychic spells, took his descendants and those Tzeentch demons to open a subspace portal, and instantly disappeared on the spot.

And at the moment they disappeared, the terrible impact of the warp power and the chaos of space mixed together, and a terrible force descended directly on this world. In an instant, the basic structure of this world was completely destroyed. It was torn into pieces by the huge explosion and scattered in the void. However, this did not really kill the world, it just made its warp properties become disordered.

Those fragments kept changing, and after a long time, they synthesized into several very small dwarf planets. After those dwarf planets were formed, they began to change again. Everything in this world has been thoroughly soaked by the power of chaos, and endless changes are its normal state.

"Count the losses, send all injured crew members to the medical area, pay attention to counting casualties, and reduce the death rate to the lowest possible level."

Inside the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection panel in front of him. He looked at the various data constantly coming out of it and spoke to the fleet's artificial intelligence. The fleet's artificial intelligence system also quickly compiled the information Wang Ming needed. The loss this time was not too great. Only a few strike cruisers were blown up, and the equipment on each ship suffered large-scale damage.

The losses are still within an acceptable range. There are actually not too many really huge losses. The fleet does not actually care so much about the loss of equipment. What they really care about is the loss of personnel.

This means that although the curvature navigation is relatively rapid and the environment of curvature navigation is also very dangerous, fortunately, the hull of the Federation ship is still very strong. Only those strike cruisers that were converted from Imperial ships were turned into pieces under the hasty curvature navigation.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the fact that these strike cruisers are not strong enough. This function was not originally considered in their design. The superluminal navigation technology of the curvature engine can be regarded as a technology that uses physics to achieve superluminal navigation in the physical universe, but its speed is still too slow.

"Manpower losses... Hundreds of sailors were injured, and dozens of people were suffocated to death due to the failure of the life support system..."

Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection panel in front of him. He looked at the data and intelligence displayed on it. The fleet’s losses were not that great. Only a few hundred sailors were injured, and dozens of people were suffocated to death due to the failure of the life support system. These losses were still acceptable.

"Let's sort out the situation on the ship again, we..."

"Report, subspace anomalies detected, illegal transmissions have broken through the fleet's defense network!"

Just as Wang Ming was about to continue issuing orders, a think tank suddenly ran up to him and started waving a data tablet in front of him, reporting to Wang Ming what he had discovered while waving it. Wang Ming looked at the think tank in front of him, and his heart was filled with helplessness.

After hearing the report from the think tank, with his intelligence, how could he not know what happened? It was nothing more than those Chaos bastards trying to board the ship again. His fleet had been in trouble in the past few days. First, some warships were robbed by Abaddon, and then they were almost dragged to that terrible planet by Magnus's psychic power.

And now those damn Chaos guys are definitely going to board the ship, but this time they have chosen the wrong time to board the ship. This time, Wang Ming is not only in the fleet, the old Federation guys he had sent to deal with the big demon before are also back. This time he can take those four old Federation guys, plus that scary psychic Chen Xu, and his new pet, to teach Chaos a good lesson.

Just as Wang Ming was thinking this, huge figures suddenly appeared above the fleet. They looked at the various equipment on the fleet and quickly began their own actions. They destroyed various equipment and facilities on the fleet as they walked. The light of psychic energy continued to flash above the fleet, and various spells continued to appear above the fleet.

The psychic wizards of the Thousand Sons boarded the fleet, and their terrible psychic spells continued to destroy everything on the fleet. All the mortal auxiliary troops and mortal sailors who encountered them were turned into ashes by their terrible psychic power.

"As expected, they came up. Damn it! They caught up with us so quickly. It hasn't even been two hours since we escaped, and they've already caught up with us!"

Wang Ming was looking at the surveillance video on the holographic projection screen in front of him. He was looking at the Thousand Sons who were fighting with the mortal auxiliary army and the time travelers. Although he had expected that the Thousand Sons would catch up, he did not expect that they would catch up so quickly.

"It's not a big problem..., notify the First Regiment to quickly engage the enemy, and at the same time have the Fourth Regiment guard the various roads on the ship, try to trap the Thousand Sons in one place, and then surround and annihilate them. At the same time, notify all the think tanks on the Sun Fortress to try to stabilize the space and not let any of these guys escape."

While Wang Ming was observing the constantly changing tactical intelligence in front of him and watching the live surveillance from the front-line battlefield, he issued orders very calmly. A large number of orders came out of his mouth and were conveyed to various troops. The various troops on the Sun Fortress quickly began their own actions. While Wang Ming was constantly analyzing tactical strategies, a voice that was extremely familiar to him suddenly appeared beside him.

This voice instantly made Wang Ming alert. He placed his hand on the Yongcun sword at his waist, ready to strike the source of the voice at any time.

"My brother, such a quick analysis, such a careful response plan, although you have done very well, but compared to our brother Guilliman, you are still too slow." Magnus stood behind Wang Ming. He looked at Wang Ming, who had tensed his body and was ready to stab him at any time. He chuckled and spoke to Wang Ming in a very relaxed tone, as if two old friends were meeting each other. There was no tension at all.

But compared to Magnus, Wang Ming was not so relaxed. He looked at the mortal sailors around him and gave them a look. After seeing Wang Ming's look, those mortal sailors immediately gave up the idea of ​​drawing their weapons and they slowly moved towards the door of the command room.

When Wang Ming saw them moving towards the door of the command room, he turned around and looked at Magnus. His hand was on the hilt of the Eternal Sword at his waist. He did not pull out the Eternal Sword. He just stood there and looked at Magnus who appeared beside him at some point. He did nothing and said nothing.

"Let the mortals leave first. You are indeed a kind person, just like our brother Vokhan. I respect your kindness, my brother. After all, those mortals are powerless to participate in the battle between us."

Magnus looked at Wang Ming who was facing it. It smiled at Wang Ming again, and then, with its size advantage, it looked down at Wang Ming's golden eyes and spoke to Wang Ming. Wang Ming looked at the huge demon primarch, he still didn't say anything, as if he had accepted his fate. However, Magnus, who had fought with Wang Ming several times, didn't think so.

It knows what kind of person Wang Ming is. Wang Ming is a special immortal, and an immortal who doesn't care how he dies. As long as he can achieve his goal, death is just a problem that can be counted for him. This guy can do anything, but the only thing he can't do is sit and wait for death.

"I think you are being a little too confident to appear by my side alone. My brother, do you think you can kill me alone, or corrupt me with the help of your master?"

After a long time, after those mortals had withdrawn from the command, Wang Ming finally said to Magnus the first words he had said after seeing it, and the tone of this sentence was full of sarcasm, as if he didn't take Magnus seriously at all. His relaxed attitude was even more relaxed than Magnus before.

When Magnus saw Wang Ming's state, he was puzzled for a moment, and then tried hard to think about what means Wang Ming had to suppress him so easily. In his cognition, Wang Ming must have corresponding means to be so easy, and he must find out Wang Ming's means.

"My brother, Lord of the Dark Crows, the King of the Shadows, you can take action now. Give our brother a surprise."

While Magnus was thinking, Wang Ming suddenly said this sentence to Magnus' back with a relaxed look. After hearing Wang Ming's words, Magnus suddenly remembered the battle when Wang Ming and Clarks fought against it before. He immediately turned around and looked behind him, ready to defend against Clarks' attack.

But just as it turned around, Wang Ming suddenly jumped up, and he chopped Magnus' head with Eternity. Magnus did not expect this situation, and he looked at Wang Ming in surprise. Originally, he wanted to predict it in advance, but Wang Ming and Clarks had left him with a psychological trauma, so he really believed it.

But the price of believing in Wang Ming is to be cheated by Wang Ming. Magnus had been cheated once before, but Clarks really came out that time. Magnus would not make the same mistake. The only difference is that this time Clarks was not there at all. The whole process was just Wang Ming's nonsense, and his purpose was to make Magnus turn his head.

"You believed it. You actually woke up! Hahaha!"

Wang Ming looked at Magnus's stunned expression and couldn't help laughing. The Eternal in his hand directly chopped at Magnus, but Magnus's psychic shield still stuck Wang Ming's hand. As for why it didn't block the Eternal's blade, it was because the Eternal's blade had already opened the phase stance.

If this thing is blocked with a psychic shield, the psychic shield will also be cut. The safest way is to use psychic power to block Wang Ming's arm so that Wang Ming can no longer wield the Eternal Power in his hand. But can this really stop Wang Ming?
You must know that the Eternal Blade is now about one centimeter away from Magnus' head. As long as Wang Ming can break through Magnus' zero-energy restraints in an instant, he can directly cut Magnus' head in half with one knife and capture Magnus directly. If the golden flame is added at that moment, it is even possible to take Magnus' soul directly to the Emperor.

"Hehehe, your reaction is quite quick, but have you ever thought about what will happen when your evil psychic energy encounters my subspace essence?"

Wang Ming looked at Magnus in front of him. His whole body was bound by Magnus's psychic spell, but he did not feel any anger towards Magnus, nor did he feel panic after being bound. Instead, the smile on his face was still there. He stared at Magnus very calmly, and then spoke to Magnus. The moment he said this, a golden flame burned directly.

The golden flame gushed out from Wang Ming's body and directly burned the evil spiritual energy of Magnus around him. In an instant, the power of chaos was ignited like fuel, and the golden flame filled the entire command room.

Magnus looked at these golden flames that suddenly appeared, and he felt that his spiritual energy was being rapidly burned by these golden flames. These golden flames continued to burn, burning Magnus's spiritual energy and rushing directly towards Magnus along with Magrus's spiritual energy.

Magnus could feel the terrible power in the golden flames, the power that restrained chaos, the power that burned all chaos. This power burned towards its body. This power would burn its body and its soul completely, making it pay the price for its betrayal.

But Magnus would not accept this outcome. He looked at the golden flames around him, then roared and released his spiritual energy. For a moment, the surrounding space seemed to be solidified. With the help of the power of the Supreme Heaven, Magnus froze all the time around him.

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