Chapter 638 Illusion
Time was solidified, but Wang Ming's consciousness was not solidified. He was next to Magnus, and Magnus was looking at him. Magnus smiled at Wang Ming. It had solidified the time around it. The current situation was that it could move in the solidified time, but Wang Ming could not. It could now easily kill Wang Ming, or... bring him into the realm of Tzeentch to be corrupted.

"My brother, the Lord of Change wants you very much, so... go and meet the Lord of Change."

Magnus looked at Wang Ming and said to him with a smile. As he spoke, he placed his finger on Wang Ming's head. As he made this movement, Wang Ming's consciousness gradually began to dissipate. However, at the last moment, Wang Ming still forcibly took out something from the system space.

Magnus looked at Wang Ming who had lost consciousness in front of him. He waved his hand to release the frozen time around him, then used his psychic power to open Wang Ming's body, preparing to take Wang Ming's body away. But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that Wang Ming was holding something in his hand.

And just when it used its psychic power to open Wang Ming's hand and saw the thing in Wang Ming's hand, Magnus' expression suddenly became ferocious, because what Wang Ming was holding in his hand was an antimatter bomb, and it had been activated. The moment Wang Ming's hand was opened, the pressure detection system of the antimatter bomb detected the loss of pressure and exploded directly.

Now, it is too late for Magnus to stop time again. It takes some time to use that spell, but the antimatter bomb has exploded in front of it. Although it can react, it is too late to stop the explosion of the antimatter bomb.

The explosion of the antimatter bomb is very terrifying, but if you want to kill Magnus in his current state, the explosion of this antimatter bomb alone will never be enough. However, Wang Ming didn't want to use this antimatter bomb to kill Magnus at all. All he wanted to do was to destroy the command room and throw Magnus into the void, so that it could at least be driven away from the battlefield for a short period of time, giving him enough time to revive, or react time to come back and deal with Magnus.

"Not bad, not bad. You have tricked me in this situation. Wang Ming, you are really good. It seems that there is a reason why my landlord likes you so much."

Magnus floated in the void, looking at the Sun Fortress that was getting farther and farther away. He did not choose to go back directly, but floated in the space. Magnus had his own pride. Even Wang Ming’s so-called highly secret plans were actually just some very cheap jokes to him. However, after being tricked by Wang Ming twice in a row... Magnus still needed some time to adjust his mentality.

As for Wang Ming, his situation is very bad now. He did not enter Tzeentch's palace directly as he had imagined, but returned to his home on Earth in his memories. However, for him, the environment this time is really a bit outrageous. Wang Ming feels that the situation this time is not the same as the time when Slaanesh affected him before.

Slaanesh only wanted to make him indulge in the desire to go home, but Tzeentch wanted to directly use the destruction of his hometown to crush his mind, and at the same time constantly play with his soul and psychology, so that he would completely collapse in this world, and thus accept Tzeentch's power and join Tzeentch's arms.

However, this scene is a bit outrageous for Wang Ming. After all, think about it, Wang Ming knows that this is an illusion, but this illusion is a bit outrageous. Have you ever seen a group of Chaos Demons running wildly on the street? When Wang Ming saw this scene, he was completely confused. He originally thought that Tzeentch would come up with some kind of serial tricks for him to make him completely sink into this illusion.

But the current situation is a bit like Khorne's handiwork. Would Tzeentch really do such a thing so directly? In Wang Ming's impression, shouldn't Tzeentch use various tricks to corrupt human souls? So direct, let a large group of demons run wildly in front of him, what's the trick? You are kidding.

However, when a demon rushed towards Wang Ming and Wang Ming was about to slap the demon, Wang Ming gradually understood why Tzeentch dragged him into this kind of environment, because when he was about to attack the demon, he suddenly found that his body had turned back into that of a mortal, and the demon in front of him was definitely not something a mortal could fight against with his physical body.

It was this habitual blow that caused Wang Ming's hand to be torn off by the devil. He looked at his arm that was torn off by the devil and felt the familiar pain. He actually didn't feel much. He was already accustomed to pain. It was just the feeling of losing strength that made him a little uncomfortable.

When Wang Ming reacted quickly, he immediately took a few steps back to distance himself from the demons. Wang Ming knew a lot about demons, but with his current physical fitness, it was a bit of a pipe dream to want to fight those demons. However, Wang Ming's skills were still there. Although he had no physical fitness, the fighting skills were still in Wang Ming's mind.

You have to know that with Wang Ming's learning ability, in fact, Wang Ming's fighting skills are very powerful, but compared with his other brothers, he still seems relatively unfamiliar. However, this fighting skill is more than enough to fight a demon.

"One of my arms is broken, and my body is convulsing involuntarily. But it doesn't matter. Adrenaline is also being secreted, and the pain will subside soon. I must find a way out... But looking at the current situation, these demons can attack me wantonly, which proves that death cannot leave here. I need other methods..."

Wang Ming looked at the surrounding environment. He looked at the huge demon in front of him, which had thrown away the broken arm in his hand and was slowly walking towards him. It was a demon of Khorne, just a bloodthirsty demon. There were all kinds of demons in this illusion, including those under the thrones of the Chaos Gods and those demons without Chaos. The appearance of a bloodthirsty demon was nothing strange.

Looking at the weak demon in front of him, whom Wang Ming would not even look at before, Wang Ming now tensed up. For some reason, although he had lost his strength, it seemed that his original body's reaction speed and thinking ability had not been taken away. He could still think about problems at the reaction speed of a original body, and compared to before, he felt that his thinking speed was even faster.

"This is the influence of Tzeentch... The thinking speed of the Primarch placed on a mortal body is like a huge network delay. I can perform various actions with the Primarch's thinking mode and reaction speed, but my mortal body cannot keep up with the speed..." Wang Ming looked at the vampire in front of him. As fast as a mortal could do it, he used an elbow to break the glass of a shop window next to him, and then grabbed a longer piece of glass, not caring about the cuts on his hand from the glass shards. He just looked at the vampire in front of him, constantly thinking about how to kill it with this piece of glass.

Although Wang Ming's power was taken away in this illusion, he would not give up his fight. He had seen his mortal auxiliary troops fighting. Even though they did not have the abilities of demigods, they could do the things of demigods. The mortal body was not that fragile, and they could fight against evil spirits just like demigods.

"Huh... My hometown cannot be destroyed by you! Damn it!!"

Wang Ming looked at the bloodthirsty vampire in front of him and the demons that were constantly killing humans on the surrounding streets. The appearance of his hometown kept stimulating his soul. When he thought that his hometown would really be invaded by these demons, Wang Ming felt an indescribable anger in his heart, an anger that could never be suppressed. Instead, the anger kept stimulating Wang Ming's nerves, and he finally decided to take the initiative to attack.

Wang Ming's body rushed towards the vampire at the fastest speed of a mortal. This was an action he performed by forcibly controlling his body with the control of his original body. Pain and fatigue had nothing to do with him. As long as the action could be performed, with the control he had over his body, he only needed to exert pressure on his body. As for the negative effects it brought, this was not something Wang Ming cared about. Anyway, he no longer felt much pain and fatigue.

When the bloodthirster saw Wang Ming's action, it roared at Wang Ming, then swung the Hell Blade in its hand and slashed directly at Wang Ming who was rushing towards it. Facing the attack of the Hell Blade, Wang Ming did not dare to be careless. This thing might cause instant death. As long as he was touched lightly by it, he would die immediately.

Although he didn't know what the consequences of death would be in this illusion, this was a chaotic environment and he should avoid death if possible. The previous illusion of Slaanesh clearly showed that it wanted him to perish, so Wang Ming had so easily committed suicide to resurrect and escape from the illusion. However, this time the illusion did not have that kind of situation. It was clear that he would not escape from the illusion even after death, otherwise those demons would not have attacked him directly.

But if you think about it from another perspective, if death can lead to escape from the illusion, then the attacks of those demons are intended to make Wang Ming feel that death cannot lead to escape from the predicament. Is this possible? However, Wang Ming did not dare to gamble. If he would completely become a demon prince of Tzeentch after death, that would be terrible.

However, this statement is also impossible. You must know that Wang Ming's soul is special, and it is not so easy to corrupt him. It is impossible for Jianqi to corrupt him only by using this illusion. This illusion may not be useful to him.

While dodging the vampire's attacks, Wang Ming kept thinking, but as he thought, he did not immediately understand one thing, which was that his thinking pattern had begun to show a sense of contradictions. He thought about one problem after another, and from another problem to another. It felt like everything was a plan, but he could not figure out how to execute this plan.

He can list all the plans, but he really can't tell which one is true and which one is false. It is precisely this state that Tzeentch wants to use to corrupt him.

In this place with his hometown as the background, he constantly fights with various demons, is constantly killed and resurrected, and in the process constantly thinks about why he came here, how he should get out, what he should do, and how he should defeat the enemy in battle.

Tzeentch also arranged some humans in the illusion for Wang Ming out of Wang Ming's kindness. Among these humans were Wang Ming's relatives, Wang Ming's friends, and a large number of strangers. Tzeentch wanted to see how Wang Ming should protect these humans under such circumstances. As long as Wang Ming did not give up thinking, as long as Tzeentch was given enough time, he could definitely corrupt Wang Ming and obtain the most special Primarch in this galaxy.

Tzeentch had plenty of time and various plans to hold that man back. He was not like his other "friends" who corrupted without any preparation. He had made a lot of preparations in advance. This illusion was specially made for Wang Ming by him. He used the memories of the place Wang Ming most wanted to return to that he got from Wang Ming's soul when he pretended to corrupt him several times before, plus those memories of Xin Jian.

There are also a large number of memory templates provided by the souls who have been dead in the warp for who knows how long. Tzeentch has forcibly fabricated an illusion specially prepared for Wang Ming. In this illusion, Wang Ming will constantly see all kinds of people dying in front of him because of his miscalculation. Under this situation, Wang Ming will continue to try to save them, he will continue to fight and continue to think.

He constantly weaves plans in his mind, and then slowly falls into the arms of the Lord of Change and becomes the demon prince of the Lord of Change. His soul will be slowly corrupted. With the help of the instability of time in the subspace, ten thousand years can pass in the blink of an eye. Tzeentch has enough time to corrupt Wang Ming as long as Wang Ming follows His plan.

At the same time, Jianqi also set up a lot of insurances for Wang Ming, delaying the man's insurance so that he could corrupt Wang Ming's soul before the man came. Everything was so seamless and everything was so perfect.

But one person in his plan didn't think so. Xin Jian looked at the huge illusion woven by Tzeentch. He looked at everything in the illusion, lit a federal cigarette that he had just brought back from the time travelers, and then he was ready to start his plan.

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