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Chapter 649: Solar System Defense

Chapter 649: Solar System Defense

"My Lord, I understand, my Lord."

And just when the demon prince was feeling fear, he suddenly received an order. After receiving the order, he immediately looked at those mortal soldiers. The moment he looked at those mortal soldiers, those mortal soldiers suddenly began to tear their flesh and blood frantically, and then drew formations on the ground.

This array was designed to allow the demons from the subspace to descend upon this world. Human bodies were placed on the array one by one, and the bloody sacrificial ceremony began at this moment. As the demon prince chanted the twisted and blasphemous spell, the human corpses disappeared on the sacrificial array. One by one, the human corpses were quickly decomposed by some force. Their souls and bodies, in front of the great existence of the Supreme Heaven, were a group of portals that could open the real universe and the subspace.

While this sacrificial array was continuously sacrificing human corpses, whispers suddenly rang out in the space around the array. They described the greatness of the Lord of Change, the complexity of those schemes and the emergence of countless plans. One by one, Tzeentch's demons began to descend upon this world, but just as the Tzeentch demons descended upon this world.

A golden flame suddenly covered their bodies. The demons that had not yet manifested their cosmic bodies had their essences burned out in the golden flame and were completely killed. Wang Ming also deliberately saved the Demon Prince. He already knew who the culprit for the current situation was. It was really the Demon Prince, the damn thing who had instigated the planetary defense forces to encircle and suppress him.

"You are the demon prince. You are doing quite well in this world."

Wang Ming looked at the damn guy on the ground. He picked him up from the ground, and then used his psychic power to fix his limbs, making it impossible for him to struggle. Wang Ming just stared at it, and the demon prince saw Wang Ming's golden eyes as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. He could feel the anger in Wang Ming's golden eyes.

It was afraid of Wang Ming's wrath that could burn all demons. It had seen Wang Ming completely kill those demons before. It had never imagined that the demons would be completely killed. In its impression, demons or messengers of gods were eternal existences. Even if they were temporarily killed, they would only return to the subspace.

But now Wang Ming's ability to kill those demons instantly has completely frightened the Demon Prince to the extreme. It keeps speaking incoherently to Wang Ming, begging Wang Ming to spare its life and not use the golden flame to burn its essence to ashes. But would this really be of any use?

When it comes to demons, humans have only one attitude towards them, which is to find a way to destroy them when they see them, except for the Inquisitors. They are obviously the first safety valve to deal with chaos, but some Inquisitors, for various reasons, are the ones who understand chaos the best and even know how to use the power of chaos.

"Hahaha..., if I let you go, then what about those people you killed? You must have killed a lot of people in this world, right? This body is probably not yours. What does his soul taste like? Guess, if he is still alive, will he let you go?"

Wang Ming looked at the man in his hand. He listened to it begging for mercy in an extremely sarcastic tone. Then Wang Ming exerted a little force with his fingers and instantly twisted the damn guy's neck into a knot. Just when the guy was about to return to the subspace, golden flames also burned. The soul of the demon prince continued to struggle and wailing in the golden flames.

It felt the pain of the golden flames burning its body. It wanted to curse at Wang Ming, but the pain caused by the golden flames made it unable to utter a word. After becoming a demon, the pain that it had lost for who knows how many years was infinitely magnified at this moment. Pain and fear filled its soul.

I wonder if it will remember the time when it was a human being in its last moments of death? Will it recall that it was once a loyal believer of the God-Emperor...

"A demon prince and a damned Chaos scum have caused at least ten regiments of planetary defense forces to rebel. It seems that the Chaos protection at the grassroots level and the Chaos pollution prevention and control at the upper level on this world are still too lax. I will have to torture the Inquisition when I return this time."

Wang Ming looked at the corpse of the demon prince that turned into ashes in his hand. He opened his palm and let the ashes fall to the ground. After doing all this, Wang Ming left the headquarters of the planetary defense force. This world has actually had such a serious chaos pollution, so there must be something wrong with the family of the planetary governor of this world.

From the memories of those corrupted mortals, Wang Ming could see the identity of the demon prince in this world. He was the offspring of the family of the planetary governor of this world and the only heir of the planetary governor of this world. You know, if this thing is really allowed to inherit the management of this world, then one can imagine what this world will become.

As for the nobles in his family, Wang Ming would never believe that they had nothing to do with the pollution of Chaos. After all, the pollution caused by the demon prince was very huge. Just through language and some psychological hints, he made ten regiments of planetary defense forces rebel. What about the upper class of this world? What about the nobles of this world? If they were not polluted at all, it would be absolutely abnormal.

Wang Ming's next move is to clean out the nobles of this world, then quickly re-manage the people's livelihood in this world, and finally return to the galaxy. After all, if Wang Ming does not deal with the problems of this world, he will not get crew members who can operate ships at all. Although crew members are not the most important, artificial intelligence can also drive warships, but Wang Ming does not want to run away with the entire world's orbital defense system. That would be too frustrating for a Primarch.

After Wang Ming dealt with the demon prince, he went to the middle nest. He found the little girl who had been placed in the middle nest before, took her back to the lower nest, and went to the outer area of ​​the nest. Wang Ming's own power is always limited. A gene primarch can indeed conquer a world, but if he wants to manage a world well, he must have his own power, or power. The power of the state religion can be used, and the local planetary defense force can also be used depending on the situation, but Wang Ming will never let the nobles of this world, or those management, continue to live. The management of this world must be replaced. The pollution of chaos has been infecting the management for too long. Who knows how many people have been secretly corrupted by chaos? Wang Ming must find some talents from the grassroots to manage this world.

In other words, he can only manage it temporarily. Once the situation in his world is temporarily stabilized, he will return to the fleet, and subsequent issues will be handled by the fleet's managers.

While Wang Ming was carrying out reforms in one world, the five groups of traversers who were scattered across the various worlds of the Milky Way were now having a great time in the worlds where they fell.

With the help of their Astartes' physical fitness, their combat experience, and the equipment they carried, none of them died on those worlds full of suffering. Now they are leading the residents of the local worlds to resist and fight against chaos. The local chaos cults on those worlds are almost numb now, and they have no idea why this group of extremely terrifying guys appeared.

They really have no power to resist the New Astartes. The New Astartes' terrifying defense and terrifying vitality make their endurance on these worlds extremely strong. These guys have brought local civilians to defeat all the Chaos Cults on various worlds.

It's not that those Chaos Cults haven't thought about decapitation, but all their decapitation plans seem ridiculous when facing those New Astartes. Even if they get the largest caliber automatic cannon or even a Leman Russ tank, the armored firepower can't penetrate the force field shields on those traversers, not to mention that most of the time they can't hit the traversers at all.

The nanosecond reaction speed of the Astartes after the transformation surgery is simply beyond the reach of mortals. Often, the bodies of the cultists are smashed into pieces by explosive bombs the moment they aim their weapons. However, some worlds are more fortunate, as only one or several travelers appear on some worlds.

However, on some worlds there are even more than a dozen traversers, and they appear in groups. That is to say, these traversers can use the resurrection lock on their squad leaders and continue to use the tactics of infinite resurrection. And the cultists on these worlds can also understand why Astartes is the Angel of the Emperor.

How much damage would a dozen Astartes do to the cultists on those worlds? It would be a completely crushing battle. As long as one of the traversers rushed into their position, it would only be a matter of time before the position was lost.

The traversers have now scattered to every corner of the Milky Way, but there is a group of traversers who are not like that. They are a team of 3,000 traversers. The world these traversers landed in is very special, because they landed directly on the mother planet of mankind, the extremely sacred Holy Terra, and they found the Emperor the moment they landed on Holy Terra.

No one on Terra knew how this team of three thousand people descended on Holy Terra, but people knew that on the day they arrived, the extremely holy Majesty allowed them into the throne room of the palace and talked about some things with the five leaders of the three thousand star travelers.

No one knew what the holy Majesty had talked about with them, but recently all the fortresses on Holy Terra and the planetary defense facilities built by the 21st Legion had been activated. At the same time, it was heard that the fleet of the 21st Legion was on the way back to Holy Terra. Now anyone who was not a fool knew that something was going to happen on Holy Terra.

And recently, the public security problem on Holy Terra has reached a new peak. There are rumors every day in the hive that the great angels in silver armor are constantly rooting out the hidden filth. What's more, a huge golden figure was briefly seen in the bottom nest. The entire Holy Terra is now undercurrent.

The planetary defense forces on Holy Terra are constantly being deployed. The streets and alleys are filled with various recruitment advertisements, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Holy Terra is also constantly distributing various foods and water to the residents. This has far exceeded the daily quota for each person. Something is definitely happening now.

After Wang Ming's speech, the martial virtues of the people on Holy Terra had reached a certain level. In the hive cities, a large number of civilians began to buy various firearms. Civilians in various areas took the initiative to report to the militia forces in various hive cities. There was already a feeling of preparing for everyone to become a soldier and fight against Chaos.

As for this attitude of the people, the Empire did not express its support or opposition openly, but the number of missionaries on the streets increased every day. At the same time, the radio continued to broadcast the stories of those warriors who had fought bravely for mankind, and the holographic projection screens in residential areas also continued to play images of the heroes of the Human Empire.

After seeing these scenes, people had an estimate of the official attitude of the Empire, and then they prepared for war even more diligently. Now, the homes of the civilians in the hive cities have been playing The Emperor's Words 24 hours a day. At the same time, they have turned every street and block into trenches and positions, and there is already a feeling that a great war is coming.

As for this situation, Wang Xiaofa, who has taken over the defense of Terra, has dealt with it by dispatching as many planetary defense forces or militia forces as possible to each block to provide these loyal people with some simple military training. At the same time, he has deployed some traversers at some important tactical nodes to increase the fighting morale of the people of Terra.

At the same time, Wang Xiaofa also asked the group of mechanics on Mars for a group of Crusaders to support the defense. At the same time, he deployed the Shanzhen, which was guarding the solar system, in the synchronous orbit of the moon. This was a kind of protection for the Shanzhen, allowing it to avoid the first wave of attacks from the Chaos fleet. Of course, if the Chaos fleet can break through the first defense of the Solar System fleet and the Martian fleet, and the second defense of Mars.

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