Chapter 650 Terra
Today's solar system has become a huge fortress. All Mandeville points heading to or leaving the solar system are strictly monitored. The fleet is constantly patrolling in the void. Everyone is preparing for war. Various weapons and equipment are secretly transported to the militia forces in various hives. These militias, composed of factory workers, have now changed into weapons and equipment of regular combat forces.

After obtaining these weapons, these militiamen began to be trained by the planetary defense force and began to transform into regular troops.

While the entire solar system was engaged in a large-scale defensive battle, fleets of several legions began to advance towards the solar system. Due to the Eldar's damn suspicious nature, they did not tell humans about the webway leading to the solar system. Therefore, the closest webway to the solar system for humans can only be a galaxy more than 200 light-years away.

After gathering in that galaxy, the human fleet immediately headed for Holy Terra, but the journey still took some time, and during this time, the Chaos fleet had already begun to march towards Holy Terra. They sailed in the Solar Star Field and continued to exchange fire with the Imperial fleet. Those human fleets were constantly destroyed by these Chaos fleets.

Without a large-scale assembled blocking fleet, the Chaos Fleet cannot be stopped at all. The unstoppable Chaos Fleet is now the biggest threat to the entire Solar Sector. All human forces on the worlds that the Chaos Fleet passes by are on alert. They are extremely afraid of the huge Chaos Fleet descending on their world. However, what no one knows is that the Chaos Sword has only one goal from beginning to end, and that is Holy Terra.

Their only target has always been the human home planet, and after predicting the outcome of this battle, some psychics immediately reported the situation to the planetary governors of their own worlds. After learning of this situation, the planetary governors of many worlds also gathered the troops on their own worlds. After gathering these troops, they sent them directly onto the warships bound for Holy Terra.

As the planetary governors of the Solar Star Domain, their ancestors were at least loyal people. Faced with the siege of Terra predicted by the psychics, they could not sit idly by. Some families even sent all their available soldiers onto the warships. At the same time, the knight families in the Solar Star Domain also responded, and they were all very excited.

If the transport ship had not arrived quickly, they could have built their own chemical rockets and flown to Holy Terra. It can be said that if those Chaos creatures could land, they would be greeted by countless warriors on Holy Terra, and they would definitely not be able to break through Holy Terra's orbital defenses. You know, how terrifying the orbital fortifications built by the 21st Legion on Aegis Terra were.

There are so many fortresses and orbital defense platforms on Holy Terra that almost all places except the hive cities are equipped with these fortresses and orbital defense facilities. The firepower of these things is extremely terrifying. As long as any enemy fleet appears on the orbital vehicle, the Phalanx, which uses the moon as cover, and the orbital defense firepower on the ground will open fire together.

By then, no matter how big the fleet was, it would be beaten into cosmic dust by the huge firepower of both sides. You must know that the Phalanx was repaired by the 21st Legion. As the first force to protect Holy Terra, the 21st Legion's garrison on Holy Terra had participated in the repair of the Phalanx. Various artillery pieces were reinstalled on the Phalanx, and armor plates repaired with various materials were also reinstalled on the Phalanx.

If it weren't for the other legions' rejection of artificial intelligence technology and the leakage of the 21st Legion's little secret, the 21st Legion would have been eager to reinstall the artificial intelligence on the Phalanx. These terrifying firepowers are enough to be compared with an entire fleet of the 21st Legion. Of course, this comparison excludes the Solar Fortress, which is a star fortress even larger than the Phalanx.

The firepower of the Sun Fortress is enough to easily destroy the Phalanx. After all, compared to the repaired firepower system of the Phalanx, the weapon system of the Sun Fortress is complete. It has the complete weapon system of the Human Federation and the firepower strike system. As long as the battle with the Sun Fortress begins, the Sun Fortress will instantly destroy all enemy ships at the fastest speed. Its firepower and weapon control system are incomparable to that of the Phalanx.

After all, the 21st Legion could not treat the Phalanx like a Ship of Theseus, replacing all its parts and directly giving the Imperial Fists a new star fortress. Otherwise, the Imperial Fists would definitely declare war on the 21st Legion in anger.

However, the firepower is now sufficient, and the Empire's other fleets are constantly coming to support Holy Terra. At present, Holy Terra's void power should be no problem. Even if the Chaos fleet invades, it can only exchange fire with the fleets in the solar system at the edge of the solar system. But the most worrying thing is that the Chaos fleet will not come from the edge of the solar system.

After all, the warp is disordered. If they bypass the Mandeville Point and use some evil methods to appear directly within the defense circle of Holy Terra, then the situation will be more troublesome. We can only use the previously mentioned plan and use the firepower of the Phalanx and the orbital defense firepower of Holy Terra itself to engage in a firefight with the Chaos fleet.

However, something unexpected could still happen. If the Chaos forces took advantage of this exchange of fire to use teleportation to deploy troops and drop Demons and Chaos Space Marines into various areas of Holy Terra, it would be very troublesome. Not to mention that according to the intelligence they obtained, there was even a Dark Mechanicus fleet in the Chaos fleet.

The appearance of the Dark Mechanicus meant that Titan Legions might be involved in this battle, and a Titan Legion-level battle would be fought on Holy Terra. Wang Xiaofa, who was now temporarily responsible for the defense of Holy Terra, was extremely confused, but he still found a way to deal with this matter. Based on the contract between Wang Ming and the Mechanicus, he borrowed a Titan Legion from the Mechanicus in order to carry out the defensive battle on Holy Terra.

The Mechanical Education actually did not want to lend the Titan Legion to Wang Xiaofa, but according to the contract they signed with Wang Ming, they had to provide all possible assistance when the Empire needed them, including allocating the Titans of the Titan Legion. This also invisibly strengthened the connection between the Mechanicus and Holy Terra.

Under the current situation, Mars is absolutely impossible to create a situation like Wandering Mars in the Beast Wars. After all, if they really abandon Holy Terra and run away, what awaits them is Wang Ming's thorough cleansing of them. The people of the Mechanical Call actually know the industrial worlds created by Wang Ming. The productivity of those worlds is actually more terrible than those of the Forge Worlds. Automated factories continue to produce various weapons and equipment. A large number of STC templates are used in engineering manufacturing, and the local Mechanicus has been assimilated. They still maintain their faith in the God of All Machines, but they have become tools that can only awaken the machine souls and bless the newly produced weapons.

The Mechanicus had thought about what Wang Ming would do to them if they were no longer useful. Wang Ming was not the Emperor, and he could not make any compromises with the Mechanicus. His current cooperation with the Mechanicus was only based on the Mechanicus' help to the Empire. If the Mechanicus was not irreplaceable in the Empire, and the interests involved were too deep, and they had not yet reached the point where Wang Ming had to clean them up,
But if they dare to taunt Wang Ming behind his back, or do something like abandoning Holy Terra and running away with Mars, then Wang Ming will have reason to want to deal with them. By then, the Martian Mechanicus might still exist, but it will definitely become a Mechanicus controlled by the 21st Legion.

The great sages of Mars are not fools. They understand the gap between the technology in their hands and the technology exposed by the 21st Legion. They have seen the iron men of the 21st Legion, those terrible demons from that era, the most horrific nightmare of mankind. Therefore, the Mechanicum of Mars now dare not have any conflict with the 21st Legion.

Anyway, as long as they listen to Wang Ming, technology will come to them in large quantities. Maybe they can even get some information on STC templates every day. Moreover, academic exchanges with the mechanical priests in the 21st Legion can always benefit them a lot. As long as they can get more knowledge, they don't care about being forcibly bound to Holy Terra by Wang Ming.

"After all, the 21st Legion only needs to fight on the front lines, but we, the top brass of the empire, have a lot more things to consider."

And now on Holy Terra, those high-ranking officials have begun their intensive thinking again. In a hive dome, a group of imperial high-ranking officials are gathered together. They are constantly discussing the current situation of the empire. They are still a little dissatisfied with the 21st Legion's improvement of people's livelihood, but they will no longer say it out loud like their predecessors.

After all, those imperial nobles who spoke out directly have now been hanged on the street lights. The 21st Legion is not like other legions or other political factions. They don't care who you are or what your connections are. They only look at what you do. As long as you have any rebellious behavior, please believe me, my friend, the Holy Terra Civil Affairs Department will knock on your door within an hour and bring you the best warmth.

"Yes, yes, look at these fortifications, they have been built all the way to our manor. Now the entire Holy Terra is under martial law. Oh, I am really worried."

"Can those guys protect Holy Terra? If not, we..."

"Can you guys please speak more clearly? Don't make it seem like we are planning something weird. If you want to support the defense of Holy Terra, those who have money can contribute money, and those who have strength can contribute strength. You are talking nonsense, making it seem like we are some kind of rebels!"

Just as those imperial nobles were constantly discussing, suddenly a time traveler who was discussing things with them couldn't bear it anymore. He slammed the table in front of him, and then spoke speechlessly to those nobles who had sent their family descendants to the front lines and used their family funds to buy supplies and send them to the front lines.

I don't know if it's the stereotype of the imperial nobles, or if what they said was too outrageous, making it seem as if they were extremely dissatisfied with the affairs of the empire and wanted to rebel. In fact, these guys have almost emptied out all their family fortunes. If the time travelers hadn't found a way to drag them here, they would probably have wanted to take up guns and go to the front lines themselves.

After all, these old men were also very scary when they were young. Among the imperial nobles with abundant martial virtues, these guys had once participated in the Star Army, and they did not go there to gild their reputations, but relied on their own abilities to survive until retirement. These guys were so full of martial virtues that they were about to overflow.
"Isn't it because you don't want us to go to the front line? There's no point in complaining."

A noble looked at the time travelers. In fact, they were all nobles who had a lot of contact with time travelers. Compared with the conservatives in the empire, they were reformists. They were willing to contact the time travelers and understand what they wanted to do. Gradually, they established some friendships with the time travelers and also learned how to communicate with them.

"I'm not saying anything, you guys are almost 400 years old, and you still want to carry guns and go to the front line like young people? I'm afraid you will hurt your back before you even get to the front line, gentlemen!"

The time travelers looked at these old men who were almost 400 years old, and the oldest was almost 500 years old. If these guys were sent to the front line, the empire would really be left with no one. But speaking of it, these uncles and aunts were really loyal when they were young. Each of them was a veteran of hundreds of battles and had crawled back from the pile of dead bodies. Some of them even had the experience of close combat with Chaos Astartes. Even in that situation, they were still able to come back alive. The time travelers who had a good relationship with them also admired them very much.

While Holy Terra was now preparing to deal with the invasion of Chaos, in the Chaos fleet, Abaddon was laughing as he looked at the star map in front of him that pointed directly to the orbit of the Earth and the Moon. With the help of the power of the four powers of destruction, he could jump the fleet directly to that location, and then begin to rapidly deploy troops, igniting the entire Holy Terra into a huge battlefield.

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