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Chapter 651: The Gathering of Armies

Chapter 651: The Gathering of Armies
"So, what did we do?"

Above Holy Terra, a group of traversers looked at the fleet in the sky and the Titans on the ground. This was the fleet of the 21st Legion and the Titan Corps of the 21st Legion, but as a force that had been stationed on Terra, they had never actually seen these Titans.

In particular, they saw the Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans that were comparable to the Emperor-class Titans. These things were even larger than the Emperor-class Titans, and the various weapons carried on them were more terrifying than the Emperor-class Titans. What surprised the traversers stationed on Terra the most was that they actually saw the Eldar goddess of life, Isha.

They had not expected that their brothers would even capture the female Eldar during their expedition in the starry sea. After Isa descended on Holy Terra, she was immediately assigned work. A large number of patients were put on Isa's work list. These were people who were injured for some reasons. Isa did not discriminate against these humans and healed their injuries as she would her own children.

After seeing Isa's power, the time travelers also completely developed another use for Isa. They planned to arrange Isa to the rear of the battlefield to treat the seriously injured on the battlefield. After all, the appearance of Isa could save a lot of medicine for the troops and a means to quickly heal the wounded. At the same time, the appearance of Isa was also known to the elves who had been communicating with humans on Terra.

The Eldar had already predicted this war, and now that their gods are on humanity's home planet, they will definitely not sit idly by and watch the Eldar. They have proactively proposed to humans that they can go to Holy Terra to support humanity's defense. Wang Xiaofa also accepted the support of this Eldar force. Anyway, Isa is in their hands now, and these guys can't make any waves even if they want to.

Because of Isha's arrival, a group of Eldar troops appeared on Holy Terra. These Eldar will fight for humanity on humanity's mother and protect humanity's home planet together with humanity. Although their purpose is only to protect their gods, they actually know in their hearts that if humanity is defeated in this war, their gods will definitely be obtained by Chaos again.

Moreover, this action might put Isa into an even more miserable situation. After all, this war was initiated by those four terrible beings together. If Isa was obtained by that thirsty lady, then the consequences for her would be the same as those of the Eldar gods. She would definitely be swallowed up by that thirsty lady.

As the only three gods left in the Eldar, the Eldar dare not let Isa fall into danger again. They really do not have the ability to protect Isa, and now they can only rely on humans to protect Isa. After all, if the Eldar really let them protect Isa, it is only a matter of time before Isa is devoured by Slaanesh.

The smoke of gunpowder in the solar system is about to rise, but those traversers in the Milky Way are still fighting their own battles on those worlds. Tzeentch's plan to disperse the traversers' forces was successful, but He was not too successful. After all, the plan to disperse the forces was successful, but in fact, after the traversers' forces were dispersed, the range of their chaos attacks on the entire galaxy was increased.

After all, they are star travelers. One of the greatest characteristics of the 21st Legion is their tenacious vitality. They can maintain extremely long standby times on battlefields throughout the galaxy. After being dispersed, they can fight on their own. They have started war after war on the worlds where they fell. They will protect the rights of the empire against those who have done injustice and those who have rebelled, and will replant the flag of the empire on these worlds.

Looking at the Sky Eagle flag fluttering in the sky, looking at those people who were happy because of winning a battle, looking at those civilians who were saved, the time travelers finally understood the meaning of their fight. The meaning of their fight is to protect these worlds. Perhaps on the previous battlefields, when they followed the large troops to fight, they did not have the feeling that as a time traveler, they could change the world alone.

Because they were real soldiers in a large army, they did not feel that they were special. They just fulfilled their duties diligently. Once separated, their characteristics as time travelers appeared directly. This characteristic was not easy to use. It sounded like an instinct when expressed in words. After acting alone, they had the ability to lead troops to fight.

All time travelers can form a large team in the world where they fall. As long as there are loyal people in that world, as long as there are people who dare to resist chaos in that world, then the time travelers can gather an entire team and drag the chaos of that world into the vast ocean of a people's war, letting them know how terrible human beings are after they have a being who can lead them in battle.

This should be considered a characteristic of time travelers, but this characteristic had not been stimulated for a long time. This time, this characteristic happened to be stimulated. All time travelers can lead troops to fight independently, and all time travelers have very good command abilities. Of course, this is limited to battles between mortals. If they are asked to command large-scale battlefields like Wang Ming or other Primarchs, they will definitely not be able to do so well.

However, they were already enough to deal with the cultists. The cultists on the worlds they descended upon had been completely numb. The cultists on some worlds had even been completely cleared out. They could not hold out for long under the attacks of the militias commanded by the traversers, and were immediately crushed by various tactics and became confused.

Moreover, there are some worlds where multiple travelers descended together. These travelers are not afraid of death at all. Anyway, their resurrection point is on this world. They directly join the battlefield and crush the cultists. Basically, the war in the entire world can be ended within a week. Those travelers who ended these few times and caught up with the war also got in touch with the top leaders of these worlds.

After all kinds of coercion and inducement from the high-level officials of those worlds, they finally got the ship to return to Holy Terra. Going to Holy Terra with them were not only themselves and their battle brothers, but also the militia they led. After all, under the oppression of the high-level officials of those worlds by the traversers, the militia they formed now have standard PDF equipment.

You know that the current Imperial PDF is different from the former PDF. The equipment used by the current PDF are all retired weapons and equipment from the former Astra Militarum. After the Astra Militarum was fully equipped with the standard equipment of the 21st Legion's former Mortal Auxiliary Forces, a large amount of their equipment was directly distributed to the PDFs on those worlds.

It's OK. Today's militias can be regarded as the poor version of the former Star Army. In addition to insufficient training, they have more actual combat experience than some newly established Star Army. After all, these militias have fought their way out of the bloody sea. They have experienced a lot of battles with the travelers and liberated their own world. Now, they have to follow the travelers to Holy Terra to guard the home planet of mankind for the holy Majesty. As for how the travelers got the news that Holy Terra was about to be besieged, it was thanks to the astropaths who were collectively crazy in every world. These astropaths received a prophecy after the 21st Legion was dispersed by Tzeentch. This prophecy was received by them, not predicted by them.

A certain being implanted these prophecies into their minds, letting them know that Holy Terra was about to be besieged. It also reminded the local planetary governors of possible rebellions or some unexpected events. Some planetary governors were very sensitive to these things and had prepared corresponding measures. They also transported some troops from their own worlds to Holy Terra.

However, some planetary governors who are really useless don't feel anything about these things. They don't take them seriously and think that they are just the fantasies of the astrologers. These guys have been enjoying endless wealth and glory since they took over the management of their own world. They are not like their ancestors who have experienced any wars and events. They are really too comfortable.

It was this kind of comfort that brought endless suffering to their world, and the time travelers all arrived at these worlds. This was due to Tzeentch's plan, but after the time travelers arrived at these worlds, they were able to truly solve the problems of these worlds, which could be considered a blessing in disguise.

While the traversers' troops were constantly dealing with matters on the worlds they had descended upon, and then taking the teams they had gathered together to Holy Terra, in the world where Wang Ming fell, Wang Ming had already begun to deal with the high-level officials of this world.

Let's go back to the time when Wang Ming dealt with the demon prince. After Wang Ming dealt with the demon prince, he immediately went to the capital of this world, the Hive City. At the same time, he also used his identity to directly enter the top nest of the Hive City.

After learning of his identity, the nobles of this world immediately came to personally welcome the great Protector of the Empire, but Wang Ming was not here as a guest.

"The person who came here is not good."

In the palace of the planetary governor of Dingchao, Wang Ming looked at the surrounding guards of honor, the mortal soldiers, and the extremely flattering nobles. This was his evaluation of all those nobles. He did not feel much loyalty in the hearts of these nobles, but only felt some great greed.

These guys have been corrupted by Chaos imperceptibly. Although they don't show obvious Chaos beliefs, they only lack an opportunity to become complete cultists. The soldiers are okay. At least they have a certain loyalty to the Empire or the planetary governor's family that represents the Empire in their hearts. At the same time, they also have faith in the God-Emperor. These soldiers can at least be saved.

"Sir, you are the one who is coming..."

The little girl who had followed Wang Ming for a long time before is still following him. Wang Ming deliberately brought her along. After all, Wang Ming needs her to carry out a thorough action to overturn the table. He will use the people's livelihood in this world as the starting point and question why the planetary governor, who may have been corrupted, does not do his job well. After all, if Wang Ming wants to take control of this world back into the hands of the empire, he still has to have a legitimate reason.

"I know. You don't have to be afraid. Those decorations on you are all defensive field generators. Theoretically, any damage will not pose any threat to you. Just follow what I told you before and show your life to the planetary governor. I will take care of the rest."

Wang Ming looked at the little girl beside him, he touched her head, and then answered her, the planetary governor of this world arranged this scene to welcome him, which proved that this guy did not want to expose his identity as a Chaos believer, but what if Wang Ming turned the table over with him? It can be completely stimulated by stimulating it, and then Wang Ming can output the famous and chop all the nobles of the planetary governor's family in this world.

Then the system of this world will be replaced with the system of the 21st Legion. The responses from several previous experimental planets have been very good. Whether it is the agricultural world, the death world, the hive world or various worlds, the 21st Legion has experimental planets. Now, the 21st Legion has proved that their system can definitely replace the work of those planetary governors, so those rebellious planetary governors can step down completely.

If you are loyal to the empire, then this world is yours. If you have a rebellious heart, I'm sorry, the empire can replace you at any time. This is Wang Ming's attitude towards all the imperial planetary governors, including those retired planetary governors of the mortal auxiliary army whom he had personally appointed. The empire only needs loyal people. If the loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolutely disloyal.

Just as Wang Ming and the little girl were walking towards the huge palace, a man, a man who looked like a mountain of flesh, dragged his fat body and ran towards Wang Ming excitedly at his fastest speed. Beside the man, there was a guy who was even faster than him. The guy was dressed in Christian clothes and ran directly to the side of the man and then knelt down in front of Wang Ming.

He pressed his head tightly to the ground, not daring to look directly at the great Primarch. He was too excited. As a fanatical believer of the state religion and the bishop of the state religion in the local world, he was actually fortunate enough to see the offspring of the God-Emperor, the Son of God who only existed in legends. He was really too lucky.

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