Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 653 "Cannon Fodder"

Chapter 653 "Cannon Fodder"

"So the current situation of Holy Terra is that it is under siege again."

Wang Ming looked at the astropath in front of him. He got the news of Holy Terra from the astropath. Now, the news of Holy Terra is no longer a secret in the empire. After all, under the influence of the newly established Imperial Propaganda Department, all loyalists are gathering in Holy Terra.

They will protect Holy Terra in this battle and will not let Holy Terra be in danger for the third time. At the same time, since the Empire knows it, Chaos definitely knows it too. However, Chaos's actions in this operation are more intriguing. Some Chaos warbands actively responded to the tactical call and joined the Warmaster's fleet to attack Holy Terra, but some warbands did not do so. They did not pay attention to any of Abaddon's orders.

They did not plunder the worlds of the Empire. They did nothing but quietly observe the development of things. Some Chaos Space Marines directly declared war on Abaddon's Black Legion. They declared to all humans in the galaxy that although they were classified as a rebel chapter by the Empire, they still remained loyal to the Lord of Mankind and they would support the defense of the solar system and fight desperately with those real traitors.

As for these guys, Wang Xiaofa immediately identified their nature, and after confirming their purpose, Wang Xiaofa accepted them all. The Mandeville Point of the solar system opened wide, and the warships of these Chaos War Gangs entered the solar system, and then were all sent to the edge of the solar system under the escort of the solar system fleet.

When the war breaks out later, these guys will all be pointed at by light spears to board the Chaos warships. There is no possibility of them turning against the enemy. After all, when they arrived in the solar system, the solar fleet forcibly escorted them and sprayed a huge Imperial Sky Eagle on all their warships.

Moreover, these guys were disarmed by the Imperial forces as soon as they arrived in the solar system. Although these Chaos Space Marines did not actually have many weapons and equipment, and even some Chaos Space Marine warbands, well, they might not be real Chaos Space Marines. After all, when you see that some of the warbands have only one company of people, without any heavy weapons and heavy equipment, except for more than 50 bolters and more than 40 sets of patched power armor, they don't have any extra supplies.

Even their warships had not been maintained for who knows how many years, and there were no traces of Chaos on those warships. The same went for those so-called Chaos Space Marines, they had not fallen into the corruption of Chaos, they were defined as Chaos Space Marine warbands entirely because of the damn internal struggle of the Imperium.

These truly loyal people were quickly separated out, but there were problems with the others. Some did not realize that they had been corrupted by Chaos, while others believed that they were still loyal to the Imperium, and some were genuine Chaos Space Marines who were simply trying to take advantage of the situation. And some were more interesting. A group of Alphas actually gathered into two Chaos Warbands, and some of them were full.

They openly mixed into this team to show their loyalty, and Wang Xiaofa was very welcome to these problematic Space Marines, they were the best cannon fodder! It was perfect for them to fight with those Chaos Space Marines in the void.

After completing the classification of these Chaos Space Marines, Wang Xiaofa supplied those truly loyal ones with a complete set of Astartes standard weapons and equipment. These warriors will be deployed together in the defense of Terra under the supervision of the 21st Legion.

As for those with problems, Wang Xiaofa gave them a new set of equipment. Of course, these equipments definitely had a backup plan. As long as these guys dared to turn against him at the critical moment, they would all be blown into dumpling fillings. The weapons and equipment they got all had the mark of the Imperial Sky Eagle. Wang Xiaofa even engraved the Emperor's Words on them out of mischief.

Those Chaos Space Marines who felt they had not betrayed, although they had a certain degree of Chaos contamination, actually still believed in the Emperor in their hearts. They were not averse to these new equipment and were grateful to the 21st Legion. They had even given the flags of their own chapters to the 21st Legion.

They hoped that if their entire chapter was destroyed in this battle, protecting Holy Terra, the 21st Legion could preserve their flag and bring it before the Golden Throne, allowing them to complete their atonement.

The 21st Legion agreed to all of these legions' requests. These Astartes were not true traitors. Although they were contaminated by a small amount of Chaos power, they still believed in the God-Emperor in their hearts and were willing to fight for the Empire with their lives until the last moment.

Compared to these people, those Chaos Space Marines who really took advantage of the situation to fish in troubled waters were in a bit of a dilemma. Although they were allocated equipment, they were not allocated weapons. They went to the 21st Legion to ask for weapons and equipment, but the 21st Legion told them that this is a special period and weapons and equipment need to be managed in a unified manner, and they will be given to them when the war breaks out.

When they saw the latest weapons and equipment in the hands of other troops, they instantly realized that they were definitely being targeted and that the 21st Legion had definitely discovered their problems. But it was too late to say this now, as their weapons had already been confiscated by the 21st Legion.

Moreover, those guys from the Mechanicus actually removed all the weapon systems on their warships in the name of maintaining their warships. Not even a few tons of fuel were left. Even the subspace engines were dismantled under the pretext of maintenance. These guys have completely taken advantage of them.

They are destined to be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder, and they will die miserably. They feel that they have no chance of surviving. After all, even if they survive, the subsequent empire will clean them up very quickly. However, they do not have any power to resist. You have to know what their current situation is.

All weapons and equipment were confiscated, and the equipment they were wearing was all from the Empire. These equipments definitely had the Empire's back-up plan. If they dared to resist rashly, they would definitely be killed by the Empire's back-up plan. They would never doubt this. Compared with the Chaos Space Marines who had completely accepted their fate, the Alphas were different. They were constantly trying to make trouble. They came up with all kinds of plans, such as trying to break away from the control of the 21st Legion, trying to directly meet up with the Chaos Fleet, and even wanting to fight to the death with the 21st Legion.

All I can say is, there is nothing that you can't think of, and there is absolutely nothing that these Alphas can't do. These guys are simply doing things to the extreme, but for these guys, the 21st Legion also has its own way of dealing with them. Do you remember the power armors given to them before?
The 21st Legion has seen fireworks on top of those Alpha warships many times. As long as these guys dare to make any unusual movements, the dazzling fireworks will explode on top of their warships, taking away a few unlucky guys who joined in the trouble.

Now these guys have all become cannon fodder of the 21st Legion, but the 21st Legion also gave them the right to choose. The broken power armor on the battleships is one of their rights to choose. Either serve as cannon fodder for the Empire to complete their atonement, or die as Chaos Space Marines. This is the choice the 21st Legion gave them.

And just after dealing with these cannon fodders, Abaddon's Black Legion coincidentally, or perhaps deliberately planned, launched the first wave of attacks on the solar system at this time.

That was a huge Chaos fleet, and facing this Chaos fleet, those cannon fodder could play their role. A large number of cannon fodder Space Marines were sent to the warships, they were temporarily assigned weapons, and then thrown directly to the front line of the battle with the Chaos Space Marines.

In this situation, those guys could only pick up their weapons. They could not turn against the Empire. After all, the power armor they wore left them no chance of turning against the Empire. They had all seen their comrades who had turned against them being blown into fireworks. If they fought against the Chaos Space Marines, they might be able to survive for a while, and maybe their souls could really be redeemed.

As for these guys lurking in the subspace, they know what they will face after death. They already know that their souls will be devoured by the power of destruction after death, but in fact, they reject this fate. Now, they do have a choice to change their destiny.

Fighting for the empire again, dying on the battlefield fighting for humanity, rediscovering the meaning of their fight, letting their souls return to the golden throne that they had cursed countless times, isn't this a much better choice than having their souls devoured by the power of destruction?
Although this choice was forced, and although they actually did not want to fight for the empire, the arrow was now on the string and had to be shot. They had no choice. They held their weapons, rode on boarding torpedoes, and fought boarding battles that they had no idea how many times they had fought. However, the situation this time was better than any other time.

After all, although the Empire forced them to be cannon fodder, the weapons and equipment they were given were indeed not bad. They were given standard Astartes individual equipment and even a few sets of Renaissance Terminator power armor. Although they were used as cannon fodder, the equipment they were given was not that of cannon fodder.

This also made their battle with those Chaos Space Marines a little easier, but this kind of close combat was still very cruel. However, both sides were desperate and they fought to their death all the way.

Various high-powered weapons were used in the warships. Some Space Marines even lost their combat capability, not even because of direct combat with the enemy, but because they were not familiar with the damn equivalent of the Super-Melta. Some were directly killed, while others were sucked into the space and gave up thinking because the Super-Melta blew through the armor plate of the ship. Of course, these Chaos Space Marine cannon fodders who gave up thinking in space will also be recovered by the 21st Legion.

After all, if these guys are allowed to float in the solar system without being dealt with, there will definitely be problems, so these guys must be recovered and then put back into battle.

Just when the first battle in the solar system had begun, Wang Ming was heading for the webway closest to Holy Terra with a fleet he had reassembled, as well as the Ecclesiastic believers who had voluntarily followed him to fight on Holy Terra and the local planetary defense forces.

Their speed was very fast, and the warship Wang Ming used was a Federation warship. The moment they left the network, they directly activated the curvature engine for superluminal navigation. A distance of only 200 light years did not require the use of subspace navigation. Moreover, if they used subspace navigation in the current situation, there would definitely be problems. He did not want to be like Guilliman, waiting for nine hours forever.

While Wang Ming was desperately rushing to Holy Terra, all kinds of defensive fortifications on Holy Terra had been completely activated. In the sky, aerospace fighters of the Imperial Navy were constantly circling, and the 21st Legion's atmospheric destroyers and atmospheric transport ships were also constantly patrolling the atmosphere of Holy Terra.

They are not only the first line of defense to protect the Holy Terra sky, but also the first line of defense for Holy Terra's orbit. These destroyers within the atmosphere have a certain anti-orbital strike capability. If Shenzhen Terra suffers an orbital strike, they will open fire and counterattack like the planetary defense systems on the ground.

And above the ground of Holy Terra, in those huge hive cities, all the hive residents took up their weapons, no matter which area of ​​the hive they were in, no matter whether they came from the top nest, the upper nest, the middle nest, or the bottom nest, they now had only one identity, that is, the guardians of the God-Emperor. The God-Emperor had protected them since the opening of the Great Rift, and had dispelled the Eternal Night with his boundless divine power since the advent of the Eternal Night.

His warriors have protected the lives of mortals like them with everything they have, and now they don't want to be a burden to the God-Emperor anymore. They have weapons in their hands, and even if they fire the tiniest shot at the God-Emperor, they will no longer be a burden to the God-Emperor. They will become the guardians of Holy Terra and His Holy Majesty!
Fight for the Emperor, fight for Holy Terra! This is the voice shouted from all the mortals in Holy Terra. The unity and courage of mankind will give those chaotic bastards a severe and painful blow.

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