Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 654: Tzeentch's Bad Life

Chapter 654: Tzeentch's Bad Life

"What do you think we want?"

On Wang Ming's new fleet, a soldier was looking at a twisted thing in front of him. The twisted thing asked him this, and his eyes became confused by the twisted thing's questioning. He looked at the twisted thing in front of him, as if he saw the most beautiful thing in the world. A crazy smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and then he answered the twisted thing this way.

"You want me to start the warp drive, and you will let me ascend into Paradise."

The soldier looked at the twisted thing in front of him, answered it with a mad smile on his face, and then he set out on the road to the ship's warp engine room.

Just after the mortal soldier left, a group of combat nuns suddenly rushed into the room. They looked at the twisted object in the room and immediately aimed their flamethrowers at it. As a flash of fire appeared in the room, a dragon of fire sprayed from the muzzle of the flamethrower directly at the twisted object.

Promethium burned the air and the twisted flesh, and the smell of burnt protein filled the entire room. The soldier who had been bewitched by the twisted thing was also captured by the group of battle nuns. The battle nuns did not escort him to prison, or try to expel the false bewitching feeling for him.

The only mercy they showed to these bewitched people was to break their necks and throw them into the holy fire to purify their filth.

"There have been more than a thousand Bewitching Events. As we get closer and closer to the solar system, Chaos' obstructions to us become more and more frequent. But now we don't need to worry so much. We are already close to the solar system, and it is estimated that there are nine more... Let's speed up the warp engine a bit and shorten it to six hours. Nine hours is a bit unlucky."

Wang Ming was in the office of his new flagship, constantly calculating the time it would take them to arrive at the solar system. In fact, they were only nine hours away from reaching the solar system. The superluminal travel of the curvature engine was still relatively fast. Over a distance of only a few hundred light years, the efficiency of the curvature engine was completely sufficient. It would only take a few days or a few weeks to complete a journey of several hundred light years.

Although this thing is still too slow compared to the Kia space engine, which can travel across thousands or even tens of thousands of light years by passing through the uncertainty of time and space.

Just as Wang Ming's fleet was about to enter the solar system, a fleet of Abaddon also changed direction directly, ready to intercept Wang Ming's fleet. After all, it was very bad to let a Primarch return to Holy Terra to command the battlefield, but could they intercept Wang Ming's fleet? That was absolutely impossible. Not only Wang Ming, but even the fleets of the other Primarchs heading to Terra, it would be very difficult for Chaos to intercept them with just the fleet.

After all, in Wang Ming's crazy imperial supply plan, a large number of federal warships have actually been equipped in the imperial fleet. Although due to the size of the flagship fleets in the major star regions and some time and political reasons, the imperial-made warships are still the main force of these fleets, but now, the reform plan is still in progress, and an independent production line has been installed in the Star Ring Dock Manufacturing Port on Mars.

In fact, as long as those oil guys don't make big profits, the output of these docks is actually enough to replace the entire Solar Star Region fleet. However, according to the traditions and dogma of Mars, all warships produced from that dock must undergo strict inspection and blessing, and due to some taboos, the artificial intelligence systems on these equipment have all been dismantled.

It can be said that although the output of this production line is sufficient and the production efficiency is rapid, nowadays, every time these production lines are started, the mechanical gods of the Mechanicus need to work hard, and they have to knock a machine soul out of those machines. When the First Engineer Regiment of the 21st Legion returned to the solar system this time to see the equipment on Mars.

They were surprised to find that those devices actually gave birth to machine spirits, and each of them was very unhappy. After all, the maintenance of their equipment by the Mechanicus was too outrageous. They did not follow the normal maintenance procedures at all, but disassembled each part separately and maintained it again, and also blessed and kowtowed to them in various ways.

This has caused some devices to completely stop working. After all, it's like those children taking apart watches when they were young. If you take the watch apart, can you put it back together? Even if you put it back together, will it still work?

The time travelers were also very divided about this situation, especially those from the First Engineer Corps. They were extremely angry. Due to their long-term interactions with machines and the formal education they received from the Mechanicus and the Federation, their feelings towards machines were actually even more outrageous than those of the Mechanicus. They even regarded their machines and weapons as their friends.

There were even some time travelers from the First Engineer Corps who treated the machines they made as their own children, and the conflict between them and the Mechanicus was absolutely inevitable. The two sides had started a 24-hour non-stop war of words over those devices. Both sides were a group of non-humans anyway, and they had been cursing each other for half a month without repeating the same words. However, because they all knew the actual situation, they did not take action.

After all, if they took action, wouldn't that give the Chaos Forces a chance to take advantage?
As for the fight between the First Engineer Regiment and the Mechanicus, this was the first time that Wang Xiaofa missed his boss so much. He, the Imperial Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior were almost completely exhausted. If it weren't for Guilliman's backup, they would probably have been completely broken apart. They had to manage Terra's defense and ease the relationship between the Mechanicus and the First Engineer Regiment. It was really too troublesome.

I believe everyone has noticed the current command situation on Terra. Guilliman is now on Holy Terra, but he did not choose to directly command the battlefield situation. He just handed over the task of commanding the defense of the solar system to the commanders of the 21st Legion and the Imperial Guards, while he continued to deal with the internal affairs of the Empire. Yes, although the Chaos Army has now arrived outside the solar system, the huge size of the Empire is still operating. Guilliman is the core of the current huge operation of the Empire. After all, after the Webway technology has been applied by the Empire, the Empire's current operating efficiency is faster than ever. Various intelligence, even if it is not transmitted to Holy Terra by the Astropath, those transport ships will use the Webway to transport this intelligence to Holy Terra within a few weeks or months.

It can be said that although the Chaos fleets have almost surrounded the solar system, those political affairs still need to be handled and then spread to various worlds by the astropaths. Moreover, since all the available soldiers on Holy Terra have been transferred to fight, those time travelers who handle government affairs with Guilliman have been directly pulled to the front line.

Today, Guilliman is the only one handling the affairs of the Empire. Although the Regent's superhuman body still allows him to handle these affairs quickly, and he can even find time to improve some military aspects that the time travelers have not perfected, the old Regent is now exhausted. However, Guilliman has now become accustomed to this tiring job.

After all, the Regent's ability to handle government affairs is very strong. However, what Guilliman wants to do most now is to pick up the Sword of the Emperor at hand and kill all the Chaos forces that are attacking the solar system. This damn thing, attacking the solar system is simply adding to his workload. He really misses his brothers.

While Guilliman was missing his brother, Wang Ming was floating in the space thinking about life. He had thought that the Chaos God would attack him directly, but he did not expect that the Chaos God would attack him in this way. He was not drifting in the periphery of the solar system, but in the Oort Cloud at the edge of the solar system. As soon as the fleet entered the solar system, Wang Ming was dragged out of the ship by a subspace rift created by an unknown Chaos God.

He was now looking at the small ice crystal meteorites that floated by him, constantly wondering which blasphemous thing had done this? Why not just let the Chaos Fleet attack him instead of just throwing him into the void? To be honest, this was a really bad idea. He had already arrived in the solar system, so they had to disgust him, right? !

Wang Ming was helpless now. It was very easy for him to go back to Holy Terra. He only needed to take out a small single-person spaceship from the system. However, he did not do so because he knew that the influence of Chaos on him had not ended. The Chaos Evil God who was really hard to live must have more to do. Was that guy Tzeentch? Only Tzeentch could do such a thing.

And things happened just as Wang Ming expected. Just when Wang Ming was bored looking at the ice crystal meteorites around him, a Chaos strike cruiser suddenly appeared in his field of vision. After seeing Wang Ming, it immediately turned its gun muzzle towards Wang Ming, and at the same time changed its posture and moved towards Wang Ming's position.

After seeing the strike cruiser, Wang Ming immediately began to use his psychic power. Small portals appeared beside him, continuously teleporting him to a position close to the Chaos Strike Cruiser. Facing this Chaos warship, Wang Ming's choice was to directly attack it head-on and seize it or destroy it. As for how Wang Ming destroyed it, doesn't Wang Ming have psychic powers?

In fact, Wang Ming did not actually use high-powered psychic spells very often. Although his psychic level had definitely reached the Alpha level, with the blessings of the Emperor's several great bidou, Wang Ming's psychic power was definitely very strong. But precisely because of his strong psychic power, he did not dare to use his psychic power indiscriminately.

Although he had learned how to use psychic power from the think tanks and some psychics in the legion, even though he had a certain degree of mastery of psychic power, Wang Ming was still wary of your power. After all, his stereotype of psychic power was that it was powerful but unstable. Now, under this situation, he had no constraints.

Although it was very stupid to use his psychic power to fight a strike cruiser head-on, Wang Ming wanted to give it a try. After all, he finally had a chance to use psychic spells without any restraint, and he also wanted to see what his full strength would be like without any restraint.

With sufficient preparation, an Alpha-class psychic can use various rituals and spells to use their powerful spiritual power to destroy a world, but their individual strength is also very strong. They can destroy a Titan-level force, but it is still too difficult for them to face something like a battleship. Of course, this is without any rituals, formations, or spells, but with pure psychic power.

However, Wang Ming couldn't be so stupid as to rely solely on his psychic power to directly compete with the battleship in firepower. Otherwise, the greatest damage he could cause would be only similar to that of a macrocannon shell, just like when he used all his psychic power to attack the activated planet before, at most it would only cause an explosion similar to that of a macrocannon shell.

"Hmm... we are close enough. Now let me see where the bridge of this battleship is. I guess only the Emperor, Lord Ma, or that one-eyed Ogryn have the psychic power to crush an entire battleship without using any spells. A psychic like me can only use some spells."

Wang Ming looked at the Chaos battleship that was searching for him at that time, and he also began to use his psychic spells. First, he crushed all the cult crew members in the bridge to death, and then tore the blasphemous and twisted ghost thing that really controlled the ship into pieces, making this blasphemous thing out of control, and then used psychic spells to overload its reactor.

Just as Wang Ming was using his psychic powers to do these things, inside the Chaos Strike Cruiser, those mortal cultist sailors on the bridge were suddenly torn into pieces by an invisible force. At the same time, the twisted captain who had merged with the ship suddenly screamed, and in the room made up of countless flesh, blood and cables, this guy suddenly exploded into countless pieces.

The Chaos Space Marines on the ships also reacted. They instantly knew that this was a psychic attack, but the moment their wizards counterattacked, their wizards were torn into pieces by an invisible force. Just after their wizards were torn into pieces, the bodies of these Chaos Space Marines also began to be torn into pieces.

And they didn't know until their death that the people who attacked them had overloaded the reactor and subspace engine in the engine room.

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