Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 674 Abstract Behavior of Each Group

Chapter 674 Abstract Behavior of Each Group
"So what is the problem on this front? Is it that our weapons and equipment cannot be upgraded or..."

In a temporary command post on the front line in the Pacific Basin, Wang Xiaofa looked at the battle line that was being pushed back by the Chaos Forces on the tactical map in front of him. He asked the time travelers around him, but none of them could answer his question, because everyone actually knew the answer to this question, but it was very uncomfortable to say it out loud.

Because the key to this issue does not lie in whether the equipment and weapons can be transported up, but the fact that the corruption of Chaos has already appeared on their front lines. A large number of mortal troops have all fallen into the mad embrace of Chaos because of the various blasphemous spells and the blasphemous demons. It is not that they do not handle their faith well. The Words of the Emperor are constantly played on the battlefield 24 hours a day, and the field priests of each regiment are desperately trying to consolidate their faith.

But how useful are these things in the face of the evil forces of Chaos? Those demons can even disguise themselves as priests and spread twisted doctrines to them, subtly influencing their spirits and making them fall into the abyss of Chaos, which they are unaware of, and even some traversers did not notice this happening.

The front line has begun to be controlled by Chaos, who are corrupting the Imperial forces and defeating the Imperial front line from within. They have reported this matter to Wang Ming, and Wang Ming will not accuse them of fighting because of this incident, but facing those corrupted soldiers killed by Chaos demons, the guilt in their hearts is still increasing.

They felt that they could avoid all this, but this was only their feeling. In fact, even the Emperor himself could not avoid all this. When they first came to the siege, how many mortals fell into the arms of Chaos because they looked directly at the evil power of Chaos. When the Emperor was still walking on earth, it was still like this. How could they think that they could avoid all this? What virtue did they have to let their warriors avoid all this?
"I think we should withdraw some of the mortal troops and let us take over..."

"No, although our forces may seem large, the enemy also has a large number of units that are comparable to ours. Those Chaos creatures have already started infiltration operations. We must ensure that we have an advantage in the number of Astartes when facing them. You know, they can now decapitate our squad and platoon officers."

"I think we should ask the boss to allocate some holy water. If the water that has not been blessed replaces the domestic water we have been using now, I think it may improve the soldiers' faith."

"How about we ask... we ask the boss to let us use the combat iron man."

"No, the use of those things must be strictly supervised. Currently, except for the battle zone in the Imperial Palace District, it is dangerous for other battle zones to use Combat Iron Men. You know... you know, there are already records of corrupted cybernetic soldiers in the Mars battle zone, and the boss also saw those corrupted Combat Iron Men when he was dealing with Perturabo. If we rashly use Combat Iron Men, it may cause huge damage."

The time travelers in the command center quickly began a discussion. They started discussing various solutions to the problems that had arisen on the current front line. While Wang Xiaofa was listening to their discussion, he was also constantly thinking. As a regiment leader who often dealt with some major affairs and as the leader of the first regiment, Wang Xiaofa made decisions very quickly on some things. After thinking for about a minute, he finalized the plan in his mind.

"Send down all the mortal soldiers who might have problems, have the priests start to rotate, and pull up those fanatics with extremely firm faith in the rear. Have them chant the Emperor's prayers in the trenches day and night. Have the state religion send up a group of mechanical servants. At the same time, go to the boss to ask for holy water and some holy objects. It would be best if the boss could melt a few sets of worn armor into flagpoles for the military flags. If possible, have the boss dye a few military flags with his own blood."

Wang Xiaofa expressed his thoughts to everyone. In other legions, if someone dared to say this to their own Primarch, it would definitely be a bit offensive. However, in the 21st Legion, it was very normal to say such things, and it was not the first time that Wang Ming did such a thing.

In fact, the first military flags of all the corps were dyed with blood by Wang Ming. This can be regarded as a metaphysical hedge in a sense. As long as the military flags of these corps appear on the battlefield, their mere appearance in front of the demons will cause the demons to become weakened to a certain extent.

But now the flag of the First Regiment is no longer enough. The battle line in the Pacific Basin is too long. This flag has almost become a mobile red flag in the positions of various companies. Today the First Company will take it for use, tomorrow the Second Company will take it for use, and the day after tomorrow the Third Company will take it for use. I guess the kitchen squad will come to borrow it one day.

The mobile red flag was really about to be snatched away by various companies. In order to solve this situation, Wang Xiaofa came up with this idea, and Wang Xiaofa's idea was soon passed to Wang Ming. Wang Ming looked at the plan given to him by Wang Xiaofa, and his mouth twitched at first, and then he stamped his seal of approval on the plan. After doing these things, he went directly to the Sun Fortress.

After all, the power armor he wore was only on the Sun Bastion, and Wang Ming also came up with an extremely outrageous idea, which was the mass production of holy relics. This thing was completely feasible in the 21st Legion. After all, the medals awarded by the st Legion to the mortal auxiliaries and the gifts given to mortals by the primarchs were all holy relics to a certain extent. Moreover, the fragments of Wang Ming's power armor enshrined in Valhalla could also be reused.

In fact, most of these things are just Wang Ming's praise and recognition of the combat merits of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. In addition to these things, most of the things that the Mortal Auxiliary Army gets after making merit are actually some practical things, such as their retirement benefits, and which planet they will be transferred to and what official position they will hold after retirement. Again, the welfare and honorary treatment of the 21st Legion are very good. As long as you make merit in the battle, no matter what your identity is, the 21st Legion will equally let you get that honor and reward. So after Wang Ming returned to the Sun Fortress, he directly took out the pile of military medals in the warehouse. These things all contain his blood, and what's more, they were originally smelted with his previous power armor. These things have accumulated in several warehouses on the Sun Fortress. Now is the time to use them. Wang Ming plans to award a collective honor award to all the corps as a recognition of their honor for defending Terra.

This is not a formality. After the Battle of Terra, all mortal auxiliary troops will be rewarded with actual rewards. Benefits after retirement, official positions after the 21st Legion takes control of the world, and their retirement benefits are all included.

While Wang Ming was preparing in full swing for a metaphysical confrontation with Chaos, on other battlefields above Terra, the traversers from various groups of star travelers were now showing their magical powers. Of course, this is a compliment, but in fact it was a riot of demons. Except for the first group, which had a relatively normal style, the styles of the second, third, fourth and several other groups were gradually becoming outrageous.

Needless to say, the Second Regiment is now fighting with Khorne demons on the battlefield where they are rampant. Hu Jin has led the traversers of the Second Regiment to chop off the heads of several big demons and placed them on the battle line. In order to prevent their heads from dissipating so easily, the think tank of the Second Regiment even used his psychic power to maintain the existence of those demon corpses. Hu Jin is worried that mortals will be affected, so now all the mortal auxiliary troops of the Second Regiment are fighting on the second line.

The first line was composed entirely of time travelers from the Second Regiment. As the strongest individual combatants among the time travelers, they managed to reach an abstract balance with the Khorne demons. Anyway, both sides were quite abstract. The Khorne demons liked to hang the heads of the time travelers, while the time travelers liked to hang the heads of the Khorne demons on their bodies. On one side, they shouted "blood sacrifice to the blood god", and on the other side, they shouted "Long live the God-Emperor". Both sides fought happily on the battlefield on the East Asian continent.

The Third Regiment, with their Combat Iron Men and a large number of mortal auxiliary troops, guarded the palace area. The Third Regiment's fighting style was completely based on cooperating with mortal troops. After obtaining Wang Ming's permission to use the Combat Iron Men, their tactics became more flexible. Often the Combat Iron Men and them were at the forefront, and the mortal troops had to provide fire cover and fire support behind them.

Anyway, they just pushed away the demons who dared to invade the outskirts of the palace area. They were like an iron wall standing above the palace area, holding huge boarding shields, and defending the palace area together with their intelligent robots and mortal brothers, the imperial guards and the silent sisters. To be honest, their tactics were actually very similar to those of a rebellious legion, but their tactics were actually more flexible, and they also joined the cooperation of mortal troops.

After talking about these two distinctive corps, let's take a look at the various bizarre operations of the Fourth Regiment stationed inside the Imperial Palace area. As we all know, most of the brothers in the Fourth Regiment were doing civil engineering before they traveled through time, and this also caused them to have many common topics with the Empire. They have now completely fortified the Imperial Palace area, and they have built another fortress on top of the fortress, and they think this is not enough.

Due to their occupational disease and ancestral fear of insufficient firepower, their painting style began to become abstract. In the current palace area, there is a small fortress every three steps and a large fortress every five steps. The further you go into the palace area, the more fortresses there are, as well as various light and dark sentries and firepower points, as well as various traps designed for demons, and semi-automated firepower points. Even now, Wang Ming has to worry about whether those firepower points will suddenly fire when he leaves the palace.

However, since all the equipment of the Fourth Regiment was manufactured by the First Engineer Regiment, there had been no problems with the many automated firepower in the Imperial Palace area, but who knew when there would be problems with so many firepower points? Moreover, their actions had completely changed most of the structure of the Imperial Palace area. Now, even the Imperial Guards had to adapt to the changed structure of the Imperial Palace area.

However, their behavior also caused something extremely disgusting to the Chaos Demons. That is, all the demons who wanted to infiltrate and sneak into the palace area would be discovered and eliminated by various automatic firepower and various light and dark sentries within five minutes of entering the palace area. No demon could last more than five minutes. Those terrible firepower could even make those demons with a certain immunity to thermal weapons be instantly evaporated by thermal weapons.

You know, although some of their concepts are immune to these things, if the firepower of these things exceeds the maximum limit of their immunity, then their immunity will not be of much use at all, and those that should be smashed into pieces by thermal weapons will still be smashed into pieces by thermal weapons.

The Fourth Regiment's large-scale changes to the Imperial Palace area and various projects were also tacitly approved by the Emperor. The Imperial Guards could not say anything. They also dug out many forgotten technological creations from the Imperial Palace area. Those things had been in the Imperial Palace area for at least ten thousand years. Some of these things were technological creations, as well as the remains of martyrs who had fought in the Defense of Terra. These things were properly handled by the Fourth Regiment, and then the fourth layer began to continue abstracting.

Wang Ming actually knew about the various abstract behaviors of these legions. Even on the huge Titan battlefield outside the palace area, the 20th Regiment was now fighting with the Chaos Force led by Abaddon. Although they were not as abstract as the old legions, as relatively new legions, those traversers who had only traveled through time for a few years were no worse than those of the old legions in their ability to make things happen. Now they had only one ambition, which was to catch Abaddon in the midst of thousands of troops and then pull out the sky-high braid on top of his head.

If the 20th Regiment had not told Wang Ming about Abaddon's current form, Wang Ming would not have known that Abaddon still had his pigtails. Why didn't he see them when he was upgraded to a demon? Did he get them in the warp after he was upgraded to a demon? Sure enough, the pigtails were the real body.

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