Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 675 Pulling the Sky-high Braid

Chapter 675 Pulling the Sky-high Braid
"Pull it! Pull it!!"

In a corner of the East Asian continent, the traversers of the 20th Regiment are constantly fighting with the Chaos Astartes and demons of the Black Legion. They look at the enemies in front of them and keep rushing towards the pigtail behind the enemies. Their fighting enthusiasm has reached a point where, in order to compete with the Second Regiment for the credit of grabbing Abaddon's pigtail, they now completely ignore their own front line. Anyway, there is no reaction force on their front line to fight with them.

And they don't need to worry about their front line being pushed over, because behind their front line is the front line of the Second Regiment. The brothers of the Second Regiment will solve everything for them. The only thing they have to do is to prevent them from snatching Abaddon's pigtails from them. They are now moving very fast and have been fighting Abaddon for 28 hours without sleep.

However, due to the demonic troops represented by Abaddon, its Black Legion, and the Chaos Titans, the 20th Regiment has never been able to break through Abaddon's front line. Now they can only pray that they can pull out Abaddon's sky-high braid before the 2nd Regiment and other legions come to support.

In fact, the current battle lines all have their own divisions. The battle line near Terra belongs to the Second Army led by the Second Regiment. That's right, in order to allow the traversers in the Battle of Terra to be better commanded, all the traverser troops were temporarily reorganized into the First Army and the Second Army after arriving at Holy Terra. The First Army is distributed in the Pacific Basin and Holy Terra, several other locations, and several planets in the solar system.

The Second Army is distributed in the Royal Palace area of ​​Shenzhen Terra and several extremely important locations in Holy Terra. This is not because the First Army is not suitable for the defense of key locations in Terra, but because the Second Army includes the Fourth Regiment. The fighting style of the Fourth Regiment has been mentioned before. It is a more extreme civil engineering style than the Imperial Fists.

Compared with the First Army led by the First Regiment, which were good at tactics and strategies, the Second Army's composition was made up of the weirdos among the time travelers. All those extremely abstract time travelers were among them, including the new recruits who had been led astray by the Second Regiment. As new recruits who had worked with the Second Regiment for several years, they naturally inherited the Second Regiment's style of fearlessness.

Now, they are in charge of several major battle lines of Holy Terra. This is undoubtedly a very disgusting thing for the demons. They can't break in at all. Except for the 20th Regiment which has to fight Abaddon and fight them constantly, the other battle lines are like welded there, and some battle lines are even pushing outward, showing signs of covering the battle lines of the First Army.

"What the hell is going on with these guys? When did the people of the Empire become so abstract? How come they are as fearless as demons and don't even care if their front line is breached?"

Among the Chaos Astartes attacking the 20th Regiment's position, a Chaos Astartes looked at the traversers from the 20th Regiment who kept charging towards them. It took the heavy grenade launcher in its hand and kept shooting at those traversers. With the blessing of the power of destruction, it could use this heavy weapon as an ordinary grenade launcher, but these things were of no use at all to those seemingly endless traversers.

Even if they killed more time travelers, it would not have made a big difference. These guys were impossible to kill all. There were countless of them. If they did not have the Titan Legion behind them to support the entire front line, they would not have had much ability to fight against this group of time travelers. They were a group of well-equipped new Astartes with a strong fighting will.

And in this battle, Abaddon finally knew what those new Astartes created by Wang Ming were? These new Astartes were more powerful than the old Astartes or even the Chaos Astartes. The new enhanced organs on them made their vitality extremely strong, especially those star travelers of the 21st Legion.

The characteristic originally given to these guys by their gene seeds is that their vitality is extremely strong, and after the new Astartes transformation surgery was added to them, their vitality is now even stronger. They will not leave the front line if they are slightly injured, and they can die together with the enemy if they are seriously injured.

The Black Legion had been a little numb by the time travelers' fighting mode. It was the first time they had seen such a disgusting enemy. The disgusting level was even worse than those demons. For a moment, except for the Chaos Astartes veterans in the Black Legion, the newly recruited Chaos Astas looked at the wounded soldiers of the time travelers crawling on the ground, and they only had one thought in their minds.

What the hell are these guys? Compared to the familiar Imperial Astartes, these guys are more like the demons in the warp, and even the demons in the warp are not as crazy as them in some situations. The Imperial Astartes was beaten to only half of his body but he still continued to fight, and he was still moving forward, as if he was even crazier than when he was intact.

"see it?"

"I see!"

"Get your weapons ready, guys!"

"The first credit belongs to us!"

While the Chaos Astartes of the 20th Regiment and the Black Legion were fighting fiercely with the demons, in a collapsed building behind Abaddon, three traversers wearing tactical power armor suddenly poked their heads out from the ruins. They stared at Abaddon who was observing the battlefield situation, and then turned on the optical stealth devices installed on their tactical power armor. Although this thing is still in the experimental stage, it should be sufficient for now.

The three of them slowly moved towards the location of Abaddon. Their purpose was very simple, to chop Abaddon down directly and then pull out his pigtails. But to be honest, with their fighting power, it would be a bit difficult to chop Abaddon down, but if they couldn't chop Abaddon down, they could at least pull out his pigtails. And these three guys were not killed by others, but by the three Krieg brothers among the traversers. They have been together since they returned to the Legion. The long-term joint actions have made them have a very tacit cooperation. The cooperation of the three of them can even deal with a Khorne demon for a while, but the fighting power of these three guys...

According to Wang Ming's words, if the three of them were tied together, they would be equivalent to half of Hu Jin. If the three of them were separated, there would be no difference between them and a group of normal time travelers. It can be said that the three of them together are the true body.

These three guys thought their actions were flawless. At least now Abaddon showed no signs of discovering them. They just sneaked all the way towards Abaddon. Their footsteps were unusually light. With the help of their tactical power armor, they didn't even leave any footprints. After all, this was an experimental technological creation of the First Engineer Regiment. Its powerful anti-gravity engine allowed its wearer to truly leave no trace of any movement.

It's just that the performance of this thing is still in the experimental stage. The few reports are only about experiments conducted on the Sun Fortress. In terms of actual combat experiments, these three brothers are currently the first to experiment with this type of power-added traverser. But looking at the current situation, the performance of this power armor does not seem to have any major problems, at least there is no problem with the program written by the brothers of the First Engineer Regiment.

If there is a problem with the program code they wrote, then the stealth system of this power armor may suddenly stop when they are using it, or the anti-gravity system may stop and make their footsteps visible, or some power system may get stuck and make them stuck in place. This set of power armor can be said to be a culmination of various technologies. It was manufactured as a prototype of the latest generation of tactical power armor, but it has not been tested in actual combat. Otherwise, the three Krieg brothers would not have been able to get these three sets of good things from the First Engineer Regiment.

It would be nice if things were always smooth sailing. Abaddon suddenly turned his gaze behind him at some point. He stared at the empty ground behind him. He did not use his psychic powers to observe that area. He just used his demon's perspective to observe it. There was a large blank area in that area.

What puzzled Abaddon was why that area was blank. This brought up another luxurious configuration of the power armor, which was the 1st Engineer Regiment's latest anti-psychic coating. This thing was made from the black stone coating materials that had been developed before and the ashes of the Untouchables. The effect of this thing had been tested by the Dreadnoughts of the Dreadnought Regiment, and it was extremely excellent.

Abaddon looked at the large empty space. From its perspective, that space was pure nothingness. There was nothing in that space, but it felt that there were some things in that area, and those things made it feel very bad, causing the ponytail on its head to hurt vaguely.

Feeling something was wrong, Abaddon prepared to use his psychic powers to take another look at what was in that area, and at the same time switch his perspective back to a normal biological perspective rather than a demon's perspective. And at the moment when he used his psychic powers to touch that area, a small bug suddenly occurred in the system of the power armor of the three Krieg brothers. This bug had never appeared before, but it was not an accident, but was caused by a small mistake by the code-writing guys of the First Engineer Regiment.

After all, as long as the code is written and can be run, it's fine. If you insist on fixing its bugs, you will probably find more and more.

And it was because of this small bug that their stealth system failed instantly, which allowed Abaddon, who had just regained his normal biological perspective, to see them immediately. However, these three guys were still there, groping slowly. They looked at Abaddon, and Abaddon was also looking at them. They didn't know that Abaddon had seen them, and they thought they were in stealth mode, so they slowly approached Abaddon.

"Hey, brother, did it see us?"

"I don't think so. We are in stealth mode."

"I feel like there's something wrong. Lao Zhang, go over and take a look at what's going on."

The three Krieg brothers suddenly discovered something unusual about Abaddon as they were moving forward. Bai Qi looked at the way Abaddon was staring at them and always felt that something seemed to be wrong. After thinking about it for a while, he spoke to Zhang Liangjie beside him and asked him to go and see what was going on with Abaddon.

Abaddon knew all his words and Zhang Liangjie's actions. He stared at the three star travelers. Although he was very angry towards them, he looked at them more as clowns. These three guys didn't even know that they were discovered. Should he say that these three guys were too confident or too stupid?

Just as Abaddon was thinking this, the three time travelers suddenly moved extremely quickly. They immediately dispersed from the spot, and then rushed towards Abaddon from three directions at the maximum speed of the New Astartes. The three of them had experienced a hundred years of ups and downs on the battlefield. How could they not know that Abaddon had discovered them?
Abaddon watched their actions and reacted. He looked at the traversers rushing towards him from three directions and suddenly laughed. He originally thought that these three guys were brainless, but he didn't expect that these three guys were self-righteous. These three guys thought that they could behead him with just the three of them. How was this possible!
However, what Abaddon did not know was that their purpose had never been to behead Abaddon. They knew very well their own strength, and beheading Abaddon was basically an impossible task for them. But pulling out Abaddon's pigtails was definitely a possible task.

The three time travelers cooperated with each other very well. Two of them had taken out the grenade launchers and plasma guns they carried with them, and then kept shooting at Abaddon to try to attract Abaddon's attention, while the other time traveler quickly rushed to Abaddon's back, and the thunder of decomposition on the power sword in his hand had already covered the blade.

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