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Chapter 676: The Second Group Flying Up and Down

Chapter 676 The Second Group Flying Up and Down
The blade of the power sword flashed with a light like thunder. Bai Qi raised the power sword high and slashed towards Abaddon. His two brothers had already attracted Abaddon's attention. Now he could go and pull out Abaddon's sky-high braid.

But just as his sword touched Abaddon's head, Abaddon's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, as if it had never existed. Just as the three of them reacted, a large area of ​​psychic lightning suddenly appeared around them. These things were not the color of the psychic lightning used by ordinary psychics, but a kind of ominous red.

The three of them looked at the psychic lightning around them. They were not killed immediately by it. The anti-psychic coating of the latest tactical power armor on their bodies protected their bodies very well. However, this was only protection for a while. Although these anti-psychic coatings could temporarily isolate the psychic energy, these things would also be consumed. After these anti-psychic coatings were consumed, the power armor naturally could not protect their bodies.

It was just a few minutes while they moved in the lightning that emitted an ominous red light. Although the anti-psychic coating could only last for a few minutes, for the Astartes, their reaction speed was calculated in nanoseconds. A few minutes was too much for them.

When these three guys knew that they had been tricked by Abaddon, they immediately began to look for Abaddon. But just as they were looking for Abaddon, a huge claw suddenly appeared in front of Bai Qi. The claw emitted a red light like thunder. That thing was none other than the Claw of Horus.

It was just one strike, and Bai Qi had no time to react at all. The power sword in front of him was shattered by the power sword. After the power sword was shattered, only his head was left. Although the material of the tactical power armor is extremely strong, this strength does not have much effect in front of power weapons. The principle of power weapons is to decompose objects at the molecular level, and can directly cut the essence of the object. Although the material of the Changshu power armor is good, it can't stop the power weapons at all.

In an instant, the upper half of Bai Qi's body was chopped into pieces by the Claw of Horus, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Liangjie and Wang Ben also discovered Abaddon's figure. They immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Abaddon, but before they could open fire, two subspace portals suddenly appeared beside them. Before they could react and prepare to dodge, several sharp claws suddenly grabbed their bodies and tore them into pieces in an instant.

There is no doubt that these three guys did not pose much of a threat to Abaddon. Apart from using anti-psychic coating and stealth technology to sneak around Abaddon, they did not cause much damage to Abaddon at all. The damage caused by those bombs and plasma balls hitting Abaddon was also quickly healed by Abaddon himself. It was very easy for the Demon Prince's body to heal these injuries.

Abaddon looked at the three corpses with broken limbs and arms on the ground. He showed disdain for the three people who dared to assassinate him. However, when he expressed his disdain for the three Krieg brothers, he did not notice one thing. That was the huge pigtail on his head. It had been broken by a plasma ball at some point. In fact, they had already achieved their goal. Their goal was not to assassinate Abaddon, but just to pull out his pigtail.

Abaddon actually hadn't thought about this kind of thing. If Wang Ming really wanted to assassinate him, he would actually use the assassins from the Assassin's Court instead of the time travelers in his own legion. At least he would use the Raven Guards, whose methods were much more useful than those of the time travelers.

And now, in the headquarters of the Palace District, Wang Ming was holding a tactical report and looking at the battle situation in various locations on Holy Terra. At present, the entire battlefield on Holy Terra was actually fixed, and every front line seemed to be welded there, even if the Chaos forces deployed more demons, Chaos Astartes, and cultists.

The entire battle line was welded there, the Chaos Astartes had become completely numb to these battle lines, and on some battle lines, those Chaos Astartes and cultists had completely stopped moving, except for sacrificing those cultists every day to summon a large number of demons to attack the battle lines, they did not move at all. At the same time, except for those troops ordered by Perturabo, the other troops were absolutely motionless.

All the Chaos troops now have an attitude of being as unmoved as a mountain even when attacked by friendly forces. After all, no matter how loudly those cultist troops shout for support, they will not move at all. They are Chaos Astartes, beings superior to mortals. To them, those mortal cultists are just a group of consumables that can be consumed. There are plenty of cultists anyway, so it doesn't matter how loudly those cultist troops shout for support.

Under such circumstances, all the attacks of the Chaos Forces have actually become a foregone conclusion. The Chaos Astartes and those mortal cultists don't want to go to the front lines at all. The front lines are fighting all those demons. How could the Empire not know about this? As for those Chaos Forces that are as unshakable as a mountain, Wang Ming is now thinking about how to behead them all.

The first is the decapitation tactic. For Chaos troops, their commanders are actually not that important. However, commanders are still more important for some older Chaos troops, such as those in the Black Legion, and those Chaos Astartes warbands that are well-known and on the Empire's kill list. Wang Ming has arranged at least three assassins for each of their Chaos warbands.

The three assassins are quite valuable. If they work together to kill the captains of those Chaos warbands and the more prestigious Chaos Astartes among them, as long as they are all killed, they can definitely cause temporary chaos in the command of the Chaos troops, and then let the large forces that have been prepared in advance launch a general offensive, starting with the Second Army on the East Asian continent and the First Army on Holy Terra to launch a counterattack.

Let them push the front lines back on those battlefields, and then the tens of millions of mortal troops on Holy Terra will enter the battlefield, let them directly stabilize the front lines, and finally drive the entire Chaos army out of Holy Terra in one go. The entire tactical formulation was very detailed. It was made after draining Guilliman's energy for several days. At the same time, it was modified by Dorn and Lion. It was completed after Wang Ming spent several days carefully arranging and mobilizing the entire Holy Terra troops.

This plan can be started now, but there is a huge variable in this plan, that is Abaddon. This guy has descended on Holy Terra. Now he is fighting with the 20th Regiment. The 20th Regiment may not be able to suppress Abaddon's troops. Although the 2nd Regiment can protect them, the offensive on that front also needs to be promoted. All Chaos troops on all fronts must be withdrawn. The most important one is Abaddon's front. That front points directly to the palace. If Abaddon points his troops directly to the palace area after the general offensive is launched, the 2nd and 20th Regiments should not be able to stop them. After all, with the power that Abaddon now has, there are more than a few big demons with them. The power of these guys on the battlefield is incomparably huge.

Moreover, there are several giant hives behind that front line, large hives on Holy Terra, with a population of at least hundreds of billions. If these hives were captured by the Chaos forces, all the people in them would definitely be sacrificed by the Chaos forces, and it is possible that the cultists' forces would be increased by hundreds of billions of troops, which is something no one wants to see.

Abaddon must be dealt with first, or the entire plan must be implemented together, and Wang Ming quickly chose the latter. It is actually very simple to deal with Abaddon. You just need to increase Abaddon's strength. Although Abaddon is not so easy to kill under the protection of the Four Chaos Gods, but with four or even five Primarchs in front of it, even if the Chaos Evil God blesses it, no matter how powerful it is, it will die.

Moreover, Guilliman and Dorn need to fight an offensive and defensive battle with Perturabo. At present, the one commanding the battlefield is Perturabo. Wang Ming has already learned this news through the informants in the warp. As for who those informants are, it is very easy to guess. At present, these three newcomers are still on the front line of the battlefield to support the Empire. The power of Chaos is used by them to fight against Chaos, which can be regarded as rebellion against Tiangang.

Just when Wang Ming decided to carry out this plan simultaneously, the battle lines of the First Army and the Second Army began to change. The horn of attack had been sounded on the battlefield, and the sound of the charge resounded throughout the battlefield. Various heavy armored firepower took the lead, and the Titan Legions that followed charged towards the Chaos troops together.

The first to bear the brunt were the Great Demons who were pushing the Chaos battlefield. Some of these Great Demons were proficient in psychic spells while others were proficient in battlefield killings. These guys were undoubtedly the main force of the Chaos forces attacking Holy Terra. Each of these guys could easily wipe out several armored regiments, but facing such a huge offensive from the Empire, they could not hold on.

After all, in order to complete this plan, Wang Ming went to the palace specifically to have a good discussion with the emperor, and thus borrowed the command of the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence from the emperor. With the help of the emperor's claws, Wang Ming also arranged them all on the front battlefield to fight against those chaos demons and behead them all.

With the powerful cooperation of the Sisters of Silence and the Imperial Guards, most of the demons could not hold on for too long, but some demons could not be quickly solved by the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence. As for these guys, Wang Ming chose to transfer back all the time travelers from the Second Regiment. At the same time, he transferred the Third Regiment out of the Palace to defend the Second Regiment's front line. As for the Palace area, the battle zone previously under the responsibility of the Third Regiment was temporarily handed over to the Fourth Regiment for management.

After all, these civil engineering guys from the Fourth Regiment have not done anything except building various fortresses and automatic defense firepower in the palace area. A good Astartes Corps has now been organized like a large civil engineering team. If their organization did not belong to the combat sequence, Wang Ming really wanted to transfer all of their organizations to a construction corps like the First Engineer Corps.

So the Fourth Regiment gave up its construction tasks in the palace area and directly took over the battle line of the Third Regiment. The Third Regiment took over the battle line of the Second Regiment, and Wang Ming transferred the Second Regiment to the battlefields where the big demons emerged, dispersed them, and carried out various decapitation operations against those big demons.

After this group of living daddies entered the battlefield, the entire battlefield of Holy Terra began to change on a large scale. This group of living daddies were flying up and down on the battlefield, and each one was more capable than the other. Some of them were charging with power swords in their bare chests, and there was a group of guys who had demon heads tied all over their bodies and chased after those lustful demons and those Tzeentch demons, and there were also some who didn't care about their own life or death at all, and just hacked around on the battlefield with melta bombs tied to their bodies.

That guy Hu Jin even gave Wang Ming a tough job of chopping his way all the way from the East Asian continent to the Pacific Basin. Although Wang Ming was speechless about these guys, their combat effectiveness was really strong. The moment they entered the battlefield, several fronts began to change. However, Wang Ming also took some effort to explain to the troops of other legions that those were not Chaos Space Marines who believed in Khorne, but the Second Corps of the 21st Legion.

Although these guys look a bit like Khorne Space Marines, or even a bit worse, their beliefs are firm. There will never be any problems with their beliefs, and their loyalty to the Emperor is unshakable.

Moreover, when Wang Ming's brothers looked at his Second Regiment, they first thought that there might be some problems with Wang Ming's legion, and then quickly denied this idea. They had actually all seen the Second Regiment fighting, but they saw it at different time periods. Guilliman's impression of the Second Regiment was still that group of very reckless Astartes, and the other brothers had similar impressions of the Second Regiment. All in all, their impression of the Second Regiment could be summed up in one word: reckless.

It's just that the Second Regiment now, besides being reckless, is also a little bit crazy, but that madness is directed at the demons. Although it's a bit strange, their combat effectiveness is high. With the help of the Second Regiment's combat effectiveness, the general offensive can be launched immediately, and Wang Ming and his men are also ready to directly torture Abaddon, the so-called Chaos Warmaster.

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