Chapter 677 Golden Light

On the ruined battlefield, huge Titans fell one after another. They were a group of dead giants, silently telling everyone who saw them the horror of the battlefield. Even though they had fallen, the war had not stopped. On the ground, the Imperial Astartes were fighting those demons, and in the sky, the overwhelming Hell Dragons were fighting with the Imperial Navy and the Air Force.

Every place in Holy Terra has become a battlefield, especially the Imperial Palace area where the fighting is most intense. This is the area where the Chaos forces have the strongest desire to attack, but it is also the area best guarded by the Empire. All the elite troops are here, and of course, the same goes for Chaos.

The moment the general offensive was launched, this war zone basically began to attack immediately. Both the Chaos troops and the Imperial troops began to fight desperately. Of course, these two troops fighting each other were immortal. After all, one side was the Emperor's demon army and the other side was the Chaos demon army. The two had completely welded the battlefield together. Except for those Chaos Astartes and those cultists who were conducting some infiltration battles, no demons could break through the defenses of the traversers.

This situation also made Perturabo a little confused. He looked at the tactical maps in front of him and the latest battlefield situation that was updated in real time in his head. He thought for a while, then stopped thinking for a while. Finally, he chose to place the main force of Chaos Astartes and the main force of cultists directly on the defense line of the Imperial Fists. He had given up fighting those time travelers. After all, no matter how hard he fought, he could not completely kill these guys. It was just like a demon.

It has to be said that tens of thousands of years have brought about certain changes in Boss Pi's strategy and his twisted thinking. At least now Boss Pi has learned to quickly give up a front that is absolutely impossible to capture and attack another front that is easier to attack. He is not so twisted anymore.

As for Boss Pi's strategy, Dorn's solution was to rely on a large number of STC templates provided by the 24st Legion to the Imperial Fists, to build a large number of automatic fire defense points and a large number of fortresses on that front line, and try to quickly fortify the entire front line within hours. This was not a difficult project, especially with the help of those STC templates and consultants from the st Engineer Corps of the st Legion.

When the Chaos Astartes and the Cultist troops arrived at the front line, what they saw was not the standard Imperial fortresses as shown in previous intelligence, or the fortresses reinforced by the Imperial Fists, but a row of neatly arranged high walls. On top of the steel walls, countless fire points were already aimed at them.

This was not a counterattack for the Empire, and it was not an offensive war for Chaos. It was just a one-sided fire suppression and massacre. Have you ever seen a rain of fire? It was not the kind of fire rain that fell from the sky, but a rain of fire made of iron and fire formed by various metal barrages and energy beams. They were like real raindrops from the sky, falling from the high wall that was at least 50 meters high, and all the land where the enemies of humanity stood in front of it was drenched.

All kinds of ammunition fell on the ground, and countless explosions occurred on the ground, as if the surface of the moon had been blown up again. Under such terrible firepower, the only ones who could still survive were the Chaos Space Marines, and all the other cultists were killed by these attacks. There was no movement of any living creature on the entire battlefield.

It was not that all the Chaos Astartes were killed in this wave of attacks, but because these guys were waiting, waiting for an opportunity to break through the Imperial front line. They knew that as long as they dared to move on the battlefield, the deadly rain of fire would fall again. What they did not expect was that even if they hid on the ground motionless, the second wave of fire rain would fall directly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to be connected again, all kinds of colorful lights kept falling on the battlefield above the ground, all kinds of explosions also fell on the battlefield, the Chaos Astartes looked at these attacks falling on them, their hearts were confused, the Astartes' powerful reaction ability allowed them to see it all clearly, but even if they saw it, they might not be able to avoid it. No matter how fast they were, could they be faster than the laser?

Countless colorful lasers fell on the ground, and those Chaos Astartes were directly burned into a ball of ashes by these lasers in an instant. Their death was silent, without any sound. After all, there was not much time between the two waves of attacks. On this huge city wall, Wang Ming looked at the Chaos Astartes who were burned to ashes under the city wall, his expression did not change, as if everything was normal.

After looking for a while, he raised his head and looked at the distance of the city wall. This city wall spanned the East Asian continent and almost covered all the nests on the entire East Asian continent. This huge project took only twenty-four hours. In fact, if it were not for the rush work, the city wall could be built even larger. This is almost a miracle, but this miracle was already considered a relatively small construction project in the former Human Federation.

When the Human Federation was colonizing the entire galaxy, their construction projects on various worlds were actually able to completely crush the current Human Empire. Their construction projects were completely based on a template, using the STC template and various construction tools to print out the buildings like printing, and the printing speed was very fast.

Today, this huge wall spanning the East Asian continent can only be regarded as a superficial utilization of the human federation's terrible construction project.

Wang Ming looked at the battlefield filled with smoke in front of him, and at the countless Titans lying on the ground. Those silent giants of death seemed to be telling something, but their voices did not come out, and it was impossible for them to make any sound. At this moment, the sunlight suddenly broke through the clouds and shone on the battlefield.

This kind of thing should not have happened, because of the smoke above the entire battlefield and the optical pollution caused by various weapons, as well as the atmospheric pollution, no sunlight should have been able to shine through the clouds of Holy Terra today. However, this star, which has existed for countless years under the influence of human beings, still passed through the clouds of Holy Terra that were full of various pollutions, and shone its light again on this devastated land.

These golden sunlights did not seem to be real sunlight, but the light coming from the God-Emperor on the Golden Throne. Wang Ming also hoped that this was the light coming from the Golden Throne. After all, the Holy Terra now really needed the saint on the Golden Throne to clean it up. The pollution of chaos could not be completely solved at the physical level.

As the sun shone on the earth, Wang Ming also boarded the Thunder Eagle gunship to the front line. Before boarding the Thunder Eagle gunship, he took a last look at the golden land, and then went directly to where Abaddon was. On the battlefield where Abaddon was, Abaddon now realized what the Empire wanted to do, and it no longer played dirty with the 20th Regiment. Many Chaos Demons suddenly appeared on the entire front line. They came from the subordinates of various Chaos Evil Gods, and their appearance on the battlefield undoubtedly brought huge pressure to the traversers on the battlefield.

After all, no matter how hard the time travelers fight, their numbers are limited. Even if they can be resurrected, the Chaos Demons' lethality on the battlefield is too great. Those terrible psychic spells are now rampant on the battlefield. The time travelers of the 20th Regiment can only barely maintain the stability of the front line. The third regiment that will support them is still on the way. After all, Abaddon's attack was not only aimed at the 20th Regiment, and the third regiment that came to support was also specially taken care of by Abaddon.

At the same time, they had also made special arrangements for Perturabo. After all, apart from the 4th Regiment which was difficult to break through, the 20th and 3rd Regiments were the easiest to interfere with in the battle line in the Imperial Palace area. The Chaos commanders knew this, especially Perturabo. Perturabo had never fought such a smooth battle. At least the Chaos troops were really listening to him now. A Demon Primarch was leading the general direction of the entire Chaos force.

Both the Chaos Astartes and the cultists were very obedient, of course, as usual, with the exception of Khorne's. Those guys had been fighting madly with the Second Regiment, and their numbers were constantly being reduced by the Second Regiment. After all, no matter how hard they fought, they could not beat the Second Regiment. After the Second Regiment dealt with some Khorne demons and those big demons on the battlefield, they quickly set out on the road back to the battlefield in the Palace area.

“This guy is pretty confident.”

Wang Ming was on the Thunderhawk gunship looking at the scene on the ground. Abaddon was standing in front of the Chaos army, holding high the Claw of Horus in his hand, and leading a large number of monsters under his command to fight with the 20th Regiment in front. Wang Ming was quite happy when he saw the extremely arrogant Abaddon. At least in this way, it would be easier to behead this guy.

Just as Wang Ming was about to open the hatch of the Thunder Eagle gunboat and jump down to behead Abaddon, a Hell Dragon somehow broke through the Imperial Navy's defense line and directly attacked the Thunder Eagle gunboat that Wang Ming was on. The traverser who was driving the Thunder Eagle gunboat immediately turned the nose of the plane around and aimed all kinds of firepower at the Hell Dragon, but the flexibility and speed of this demon engine in the air could not be locked on by such slow movements.

The Hell Dragon quickly dodged the Thunder Eagle gunboat's lock, and then launched an attack directly at the Thunder Eagle gunboat. The Hell Dragon's sharp claws tore through the Thunder Eagle gunboat's armor, and flames sprayed from its mouth into the interior of the Thunder Eagle gunboat. When Wang Ming and the traverser of the Thunder Eagle gunboat faced the Hell Dragon's attack, they did not show any fear or surprise at all.

Wang Ming was thrown out of the Thunder Eagle gunboat due to the huge suction force of the pressure, but Wang Ming used his psychic power to force himself to stay in the air, and then used other psychic powers to directly catch the traverser who flew out with him. For a psychic of Wang Ming's level, it is completely possible to stay in the air or even fly with the help of psychic power.

Wang Ming just stood in the air. He looked at the Hell Dragon that was tearing the Thunder Eagle apart. An invisible force quickly wrapped up the Hell Dragon. Then the Hell Dragon and the broken Thunder Eagle gunboat turned into a big iron ball in an instant. The big iron ball fell directly to the ground. Wang Ming also directly opened a subspace door and instantly came to the ground, in front of Abaddon.

Wang Ming stared at Abaddon, and Abaddon also stared at Wang Ming. The time traveler next to Wang Ming looked at this scene, and he did something that was very consistent with his identity. He directly took out the data board he carried with him. This thing was not damaged in the previous bumpy ride. Then he took a photo of Abaddon and Wang Ming, and he sent this photo directly to the time traveler's special communication channel.

As a time traveler, his ability to do things is pretty good, but his behavior made Wang Ming a little unbearable. It was clearly an operation to behead Abaddon, so why make it so easy, as if it were a trip?

When the time traveler was taking a photo with Abaddon and Wang Ming, a subspace crack suddenly appeared beside the time traveler, and a sharp claw suddenly stretched out from the subspace crack and grabbed the time traveler's head. Wang Ming reacted quickly. He pulled out the Eternal Life from his waist and wanted to cut off the claw directly, but it was too late for Wang Ming to move. In an instant, the time traveler's upper body was torn into pieces, and the claw returned directly to the subspace.

"Which master of yours gave you this ability?"

Wang Ming looked at Abaddon. He knew that this ability definitely belonged to Abaddon, but he didn't know which Chaos Evil God gave it to him. With the attitude of mocking Abaddon, Wang Ming also asked Abaddon this question.

However, Abaddon did not answer Wang Ming, but the several warp cracks that appeared around Wang Ming could be regarded as its answer, and Wang Ming also subconsciously used his warp essence. When using the warp essence, Wang Ming could feel those disgusting chaotic forces, and there were four chaotic forces that Wang Ming felt from Abaddon. It seems that this guy really turned Abaddon into a four-god choice.

Just as Wang Ming and Abaddon were about to fight, in the throne room of the Terra Palace, the saint on the golden throne was also fighting against the four things in the warp. The golden light spread all over Holy Terra at some point, but somehow, very few people noticed the golden light spreading all over Holy Terra. However, the golden light still existed, illuminating the battlefield and the home planet of mankind.

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