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Chapter 700: Mad Dog Regiment 2

Chapter 700: The Mad Dog Second Group

"I go!"

Wang Ming felt the pain on his back. It was so sudden that he cried out. It was really too sudden. He never thought that Magnus would poke his spine. After all, he usually did this kind of thing. What the hell was this? This time he was stabbed!

Wang Ming wanted to turn around, but his lower body was unable to move because his spine was pierced by Magnus. Even a Primarch could not change the physiological structure of an organism. Although the physiological structure of a Primarch was indeed very special, Wang Ming had seen his own anatomical diagram before, and that thing was really, none of the organs could be understood. Wang Ming knew the body structure of a human, and his body structure was completely unlike that of a human. However, he still had a spine. After all, a Primarch could be considered a vertebrate.

"Your uncle's!"

Wang Ming collapsed to the ground all of a sudden. He could only turn his head with difficulty and look at the huge Magnus behind him. He stared at the smug smile on Magnus' face. He didn't expect that when he fought Magnus before, he always broke Magnus' spine, but this time, it was Magnus who used a reverse Tiangang to break his spine.

Just when Wang Ming was stabbed in the spine by Magnus, the time travelers were also resurrected. They stood beside Wang Ming and looked at Magnus who was suddenly surrounded by them and fell into contemplation for a second. They were thinking about how they died. Finally, they recalled the scene they saw when they died. Those out-of-control cyber flying swords flew directly towards their faces. This was indeed, they were killed by their own swords.


The more they thought about it, the angrier they became. Those time travelers were originally from the second group, and it was the first time for them to be killed by their own weapons. So they were absolutely furious. After a second of immersive thinking, all the time travelers took out their weapons, and some even took off their helmets, ready to find an opportunity to spit a mouthful of thick phlegm with corrosive acid on Magnus' face.

When Magnus saw those time travelers stunned for a second, his mind was full of questions. With the reaction time of Astartes, they could do a lot of things in one second, so why didn't they attack him?

Just as Magnus was thinking this, he suddenly saw the group of time travelers pulling out their weapons with red eyes and gnashing teeth. For a moment, the momentum burst out by these time travelers even made the Demon Primarch feel a little scared. It felt like he was a piece of fragrant barbecue, and in front of him there was a group of starving mad dogs.

The feeling was so terrifying that even a demon primarch felt fear, but it was only a little bit of fear. After Magnus reacted, he was ready to use psychic power to kill those time travelers. However, these time travelers did not retreat at all in the face of Magnus' psychic power. They rushed towards Magnus' psychic spells desperately.

No matter what else, this face must be fought for today. If Magnus is not killed, the traversers will not be able to get rid of their anger today. Wang Ming also saw the situation of the traversers. He thought about it and prepared to add a buff to the traversers. As for how to add the buff? Of course, it is to restore the body after death, and by the way, give the traversers a layer of buff similar to black rage.

Thinking of this, Wang Ming decided to go all out and give himself a good show. After all, he still held Eternity in his hand. Although his lower body was paralyzed, his upper body could still move. It was easy for him to stab himself. The blade of the phase weapon directly scratched Wang Ming's neck, and in an instant, the head of a Primarch flew off.

Just after Wang Ming was about to commit suicide and resurrect, the time travelers immediately felt that their original gene had died. This Buff was effective. The time travelers' behavior became crazy the moment Wang Ming died. If they were just a group of mad dogs before, now they were like a group of Tyranid war beasts with no emotional response. There was only anger and killing in their eyes, and their target of killing was Magnus in front of them.

Magnus frowned as he watched the time travelers in front of him become so crazy, and then continued to use psychic spells to tear those time travelers into pieces. However, just as it was tearing those time travelers into pieces, it suddenly felt as if its own strength was weakened by something. After using psychic sensing, it understood that there were several blank areas of the subspace around it, and there were definitely untouchables in those areas.

"It seems that Wang Ming has already arranged some people for me. So let it be. I don't want to return to my father's arms like my other brothers, at least not now."

When Magnus saw those empty areas in the subspace, he immediately understood Wang Ming's plan for him. Now that he had discovered it, there was no need to stay. He did not want to be like his brothers, killed by Wang Ming and then return to his father's arms. At least not now, he had gone too far.

Magnus looked at the traversers who wanted to rush towards him, so he cast a few psychic spells to stop the traversers' actions. Then, while the psychic spells were still usable, he directly opened a subspace portal and left without looking back. There was no need to fight to the death with Wang Ming in this world. He already knew Wang Ming's purpose, and he would not deliberately interfere with Wang Ming's plan.

Compared to the other fallen brothers, it has its own ideas about the Chaos Evil God and the Warp. It knows the reasons why those things happened back then and the reasons why it fell. So apart from completing that guy's task, it actually doesn't want to have any intersection with those time travelers. After all, those guys have caused too much psychological trauma to it, and they fight like mad dogs without caring about their lives.

It would rather fight with the other troops of the Empire than with the traversers. Why do you want to kill them? They are just a bunch of lunatics, and they are invincible. Sometimes they are so crazy that even Angron seems so normal. Wang Ming was resurrected after Magnus left. Wang Ming looked at the empty battlefield and the traversers who were still in a state of madness. He rubbed the place where he was pierced with lingering fear, and then made up his mind that the next time he saw this one-eyed red Ogryn, he would definitely break its spine again.

Magnus left, but the Chaos cultists he left behind still needed to be dealt with, so the time travelers went back to their old job and cleaned out the cultists on the world. Fortunately, these cultists did not spread out and were still in this tribe. The tribe of several thousand people, several thousand cultists and those humans who were contaminated by Chaos all had to be forced to be cleaned up.

Even if some of these humans did not believe in the Chaos God, they were already corrupted by Chaos the moment they saw Magnus, and the people around them would involuntarily spread the Chaos beliefs to them, so these people had to be eliminated.

Listening to the sounds of the grenade launchers firing, to be honest, Wang Ming felt very uncomfortable. Cleaning up the civilians contaminated by Chaos was a task usually left to the mortal auxiliary army. Killing those cultists was fine, but what about those ordinary people who didn't know they had been contaminated? They didn't know they were contaminated by Chaos, and they didn't even understand why they were dying.

"One day, one day..."

Wang Ming looked at the corpses that were ignited by the promethium fuel. He muttered in a low voice, and then performed a simple mass for these mortals who died from Chaos Corruption. This was all he could do. He could not cleanse the Chaos Corruption from these mortals who had been deeply infected by Chaos Corruption, nor could he allow them to live safely in this world, because their existence would be a disaster for this world.

Any human who has been corrupted by Chaos has an absolute chance of becoming a Chaos cultist. Even if it does not manifest itself at the time, after a period of time, they will definitely become believers of Chaos for various reasons. These believers of Chaos are a hidden disaster that may erupt at any time for the world.

After resolving the last Chaos threat on this world, Wang Ming began to work on the reconstruction of this world. With the assistance of various STC templates of the First Engineer Corps and the Federation's automated construction facilities working day and night to repair the environment and rebuild the city, it only took one month for the largest hive city on this world to be repaired, but the extent of its repair was only that of when the hive city was just built.

The internal infrastructure has been completed, and the civil facilities still need to be rebuilt. But that doesn’t matter. Under the professional team arranged by Wang Ming, this work has been taken over quickly. At the same time, world environmental control facilities have also been established on this world. With these things, the environment of this world will be like a controllable object, in the hands of human beings.

It has to be said that both the Human Federation and the Human Empire have very powerful planetary transformation technologies. At least the planetary transformation technologies of the Human Federation have not been lost in large quantities by the Human Empire. It is completely possible to forcibly change the environment of a world into a habitable state for humans.

Humans have developed countless technologies for interstellar colonization, but planetary environment transformation technology is by far the most important one. Humans are living organisms, not inorganic objects like Iron Man. Living organisms naturally need an environment in which they can live safely, so planetary environment transformation technology is necessary.

Another month has passed. With the help of planetary environment transformation technology, the natural environment of this design is changing rapidly. Large tracts of wheat fields have appeared in the wilderness of this world, and all kinds of strange plants have also appeared in this world. Those large tracts of wheat fields were actually all occupied by those plants before, but with the deliberate intervention of the First Engineer Corps, the plants in these areas were cleared in large tracts, and then all of them were planted with a kind of genetically modified barley.

This world's food supply cannot rely on the agricultural world. It is too far away from the imperial borders, so the humans in this star region must be self-sufficient. This high-yield genetically modified barley must be planted on each world so that the humans on each world can basically be self-sufficient. This star region is far away from the imperial borders and is considered an enclave. Its state is very similar to the Old Night Era of the Great Crusade. The human world in this star region must be able to survive.

Speaking of which, time travelers have a lot of work to do these days. Since human civilization in this world is almost all in the tribal era, the job of the time travelers is to unify all the humans in these tribal eras. This kind of work is very simple to give to them. After all, humans were still very strong in the wild tribal era. A time traveler can basically reconquer a human tribe.

After the time travelers recaptured these human tribes, they handed all these humans over to the human federal soldiers in the planetary defense command center facility. After a simple training, these humans were assigned to the newly established factories to participate in production work. The children in the human tribes would complete their compulsory education in the newly established schools and pick up human civilization again.

After the time travelers completed most of the work in this world in the last month, they handed over the management rights of this world to the management talents selected from the reconstruction team’s military academy and the federal soldiers in this world. Then the fleet set off again. The star region here is very large, and there are many worlds that the Human Federation once colonized. At the same time, there are also many subspace intentions in this universe. Wang Ming has not forgotten his main mission here.

In addition to re-unifying the human civilization in this universe under the banner of human civilization, it is to find opportunities to become gods in this universe. Speaking of Wang Ming's plan, the execution of the fleet has now begun. Now there are so-called statues of Wang Ming in every area of ​​the fleet. Now, the belief in Wang Ming's statue is no longer a hidden thing. Those large numbers of Wang Ming's believers in the fleet can finally believe in the Imperial Protector openly.

(End of this chapter)

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