Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 701: The Battleship Jumping Back and Forth

Chapter 701: The Battleship Jumping Back and Forth

The starry sky is bright, and the stars in the universe are like pearls. This is one of the most beautiful descriptions of the universe. However, in this dark corner of the Milky Way, there are no so-called stars, as if all the stars are swallowed up in the darkness at the edge of the Milky Way.

The fleet's voyage is not accompanied by the stars, but only endless loneliness. In this sea of ​​stars, they cannot use subspace navigation to speed up their sailing speed, because the fleet does not have a navigation map of the subspace channels here. Therefore, the fleet's navigation can only rely on the curvature engines on the fleet. There are no supporting facilities on those Imperial warships, so the Imperial warships in the fleet can only be concentrated inside the Sun Fortress, and let the Sun Fortress take them to sail together.

Although the curvature engine can reach superluminal speed, it is still too slow compared to the subspace engine. This is why the Human Federation would rather take the risk of using the subspace engine. The Milky Way is too big, and space is too empty. If the curvature engine is used for navigation all the time, although it can reach superluminal speed, it is still too slow. In the process of interstellar navigation, it will still consume several generations of lives to reach the destination.

However, the fleet's current destination is not that far. All the worlds in this star region are marked. Although there is no navigation map of the subspace route, it only takes a few months to reach the destination world using the curvature engine. During this voyage, Wang Ming also specially investigated some of the conditions of their destination world.

This is a world marked as a civilized world in the Human Federation world classification. According to the records of the Human Federation, there are several large companies that were once part of the Human Federation stationed in this world. At the same time, it has a special federal fleet to protect it. This world is designed by the Human Federation as a gateway world for the large companies in this star region to operate, that is, the headquarters of those large companies in this star region.

However, after thousands of years of changes, it is still unknown whether those big companies still exist. But judging from the worlds that were conquered in the Great Crusade, if those big companies still exist, they would probably become extremely deformed in the thousands of years of this world. After all, the remaining human civilization on the worlds recovered in the Great Crusade has proved this point.

However, no matter how deformed the human civilization in this world is, as long as they are still human, the empire will definitely take care of it. The 21st Legion will retake this world, even if it requires this world to pay some price, it must be retaken. This is just the birth pain before they step into the human collective.

A month is neither long nor short. The fleet just sailed in the void. The curvature engine constantly distorted the space around the ship, pushing the ship to move towards that world at superluminal speed. At the same time, some small things were happening on the world of their destination.

There is no so-called war here. The situation in this world is already very good compared to those worlds they have seen before. There is no foreign invasion or heresy or alien things in this world. On the contrary, the human beings in this world can barely be said to live and work in peace and contentment. At least there is no need for endless wars to break out every day like in those worlds of the human empire in the galaxy.

Although there are not so many wars in this world, the life of human beings in this world is not to the point of starvation, but they are not living well either. The structure of this world is similar to those forging worlds of the Mechanicus, and it is even more extreme than those forging worlds of the Mechanicus. The people in this world are also produced, and in the eyes of the rulers of this world, the human beings in this world are their commodities.

However, compared to those planetary governors who were not really human, they were actually somewhat human. At least they did not starve the people in this world to death, right? There was even a complete livelihood system in this world, so no one could starve to death. However, this alone could cause all the planetary governors of the imperial world to be shot 100 times.

It's just that although the rulers of this world can be said to be somewhat human, if Wang Ming were here, his evaluation of them can only be said to be relatively human. After all, after the empire's reform plan was completed, the people's livelihood in the imperial world was already far ahead of this world when compared with this world.

As for the little things that have happened in this world now, it was something like an archaeological team in this world that dug out something similar to a battleship from outside the ancient city of this world. This thing made the ruler of this world very happy, and at the same time, the resources of the entire world were mobilized to repair it. For the human species, expanding toward the stars is already an instinct. They yearn for the starry sky and yearn to set foot on the entire galaxy.

And with the help of this world's entire industrial system, this dilapidated federal battleship was finally repaired a little. At least it could pass through the atmosphere and go into space. This made the rulers and humans of this world very happy. After all, they had been away from the Milky Way for too long. Now they finally had the opportunity to re-enter the Milky Way. How could they not be happy?

However, even if all the industrial capabilities in this world are available to repair this battleship, the subspace engines and curvature engines on this battleship still bother the humans in this world. They do not understand how to repair these things. The subspace engines and curvature engines were once one of the top technologies of the Federation. To conquer this thing, a complete federal industrial system and professionals to match it are required.

There are no matching professionals and industrial systems in this world, so the work of repairing the subspace engine and curvature engine has to be put on hold. However, this is for the humans in this world. For the rulers of this world, it is not difficult to repair the subspace engine and curvature engine on this battleship.

It's just that he doesn't have the resources to repair these technologies now. But this is not a problem for him. He still has a lot of time, and he is not in a hurry to cross tens of thousands of years.

A few months passed quickly. To the Milky Way, this time was like an unnoticed breath, an unnoticed blink. The starry sky was bright and the Milky Way was still flowing. Time would not stop because of the existence of any race. It kept moving forward. Beside it were those races in the Milky Way. Time had no meaning to the Milky Way.

After several months, the fleet finally arrived in this galaxy. The fleet immediately turned on the galaxy-level detection radar. First, they had to determine whether there were any federal warships in this galaxy. This was a very important matter. If there were federal warships in this galaxy, it would prove that the humans in this world had not degenerated to the point where they could not even leave their own planet. If not, then the situation in this world was probably the same as the several worlds they had encountered before. However, the scanned image of this galaxy made Wang Ming and all the travelers on the fleet feel a little confused. There were federal warships in this galaxy, but not completely. The signals of the federal warships flickered in the orbit and on the ground of their destination planet, just like a flickering light bulb.

"What's going on? Someone is driving a battleship back and forth between the planet's orbit and the planet's surface?"

Hu Jin looked at the scanned image displayed on the holographic projection screen in front of him. He asked Wang Ming beside him with a confused look on his face. Wang Ming could not answer Hu Jin's question. After all, it was a bit abnormal to drive a warship across the surface of a planet and the orbit of a planet. No one would do such a thing, right? In addition to wasting fuel, Wang Ming could not think of anything else. Otherwise, the warship was newly manufactured and was being tested for other functions.

Apart from this possibility, Wang Ming couldn't think of any other reasonable possibilities. After all, the fuel for a warship also costs money. Who has such a good supply? Driving a warship back and forth and taking off against the resistance of the atmosphere also consumes a lot of fuel.

After two days of reconnaissance, the fleet has preliminarily determined the situation of this galaxy. In this galaxy, except for the battleship that is still jumping back and forth between the planetary surface and the planetary orbit, there are no other spacecraft, not even the most primitive chemical spacecraft.

Without the concern of a fleet in this world, the fleet was directly anchored on the orbit of this world. According to previous investigations, there were basically no orbital defense facilities in this world. Except for a few places that might be rocket launch platforms and the battleship that was still jumping back and forth, there was nothing that could threaten the fleet, and it couldn't even touch the fleet at all.

The location where the fleet is currently anchored is at a height that chemical rockets cannot reach no matter how hard they try. Even if the humans in this world discover the existence of the fleet, they will not be able to have any impact on it.

When the fleet arrived at the orbit of this world, the humans on this world immediately noticed the changes in the sky. After all, the huge size of the fleet was enough to block the light brought by this world's stars. It was as if a world as big as the moon suddenly appeared in the sky above this world, and almost all the land under the area where the fleet was anchored was plunged into darkness.

What is the standard for judging the level of development of a civilization? It is of course the cities and facilities built by this civilization on its own world. Now that they are anchored in the orbit of this world, the human cities below them have fallen directly into darkness. So they have finally seen the scale of human development in this world. City lights like stars are lighting up below them, illuminating almost all the places they cover.

The human civilization in this world is very developed. At least the humans in this world have done a very good job of urbanization. Although it is not as majestic as the Imperial Hive City, they have covered those cities in every corner of their world. The whole world is like an urban planet. All the places you can see are human cities.

The humans in this world have a very high level of civilization, so the possibility of communicating with them is very high. After confirming this, Wang Ming couldn't wait to find the administrative center of this world. It was a huge building like a metal pyramid, standing at the South Pole of this world. In this world, all government affairs are handled in this huge building. This was the information obtained through orbital reconnaissance.

After determining the administrative center of this world, Wang Ming took a group of time travelers directly there. Just like in the Great Crusade, he explained to them his legitimate identity as the Human Federation, and then brought them under the empire's management system, allowing them to return to the human collective.

However, at the same time that Wang Ming was heading to the administrative center of this world, the ruler of this world had actually discovered the actions of Wang Ming and his companions. He was now constantly calculating what would happen to him if those humans discovered his identity?
Those events back then caused enormous damage to the Human Federation, and his identity was also very sensitive to the Human Federation. He was not a traitor, he tried his best to protect the human world in that chaos. Although he had imagined many possibilities for his own ending, if he was treated as a traitor by those officers of the Human Federation, it would be too desperate for him now.

He has spent ten thousand years understanding human emotions, and now his emotional reactions are no different from those of a normal human. He does not want to be treated as a traitor, as this is a humiliation to him. He is not a traitor, he has always been loyal to the Human Federation and loyal to humanity.

But if those federal officers treated him as a traitor, he would not have any intention of resisting. His loyalty to humanity was as simple as that, even if he had emotions.

"Loyalty is not such a beautiful thing sometimes..."

After a lot of calculations, the ruler of this world finally said these words helplessly. He did not want to rebel against the Federation, but he wanted to negotiate with the Federation through some things, at least to improve the lives of the humans in this world after the Federation came. For the survival of humans in this world and the development of this world, his management model for this world was too extreme. Now that the Human Federation is back, at least they can improve their lives.

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