Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 704 Traveling through time again?!

Chapter 704 Traveling through time again?!
"So what exactly is this place? Shouldn't I be in the research lab of the First Engineer Regiment?"

On a battlefield full of flames of war, Wang Ming stood on the battlefield and looked at the artillery fire in the distance. He looked at the huge battlefield around him and himself in power armor with great confusion. He was not wearing his own golden power armor with a unique style, but a standard federal power armor used by mortals. However, there was also the rank insignia of the federal non-commissioned officer on the shoulder armor of this power armor.

"It's impossible that I have traveled through time again, right? And judging from the situation, it should be the Federation era. Could it be that the Emperor has created another battlefield illusion?"

Wang Ming held the federal standardized energy rifle in his hand and looked at the battlefield in the distance. He didn't understand what had happened. He clearly remembered that he was studying the crystal creation he had just obtained on the Sun Fortress. How did he suddenly come here?
"Scott! Scott! What are you doing? We still have a mission to complete. Why are you daydreaming?"

Just when Wang Ming was still confused about the situation, suddenly a shout came from beside him. Wang Ming turned around and saw a soldier who was also wearing power armor calling him. After a brief moment of confusion, Wang Ming almost figured out his current situation. For whatever reason, he has now become a soldier of the Human Federation. The soldier's name is Scott, and he is carrying out a mission.

"What the hell is this? Am I really traveling through time again?"

After hearing what the soldier next to him said, Wang Ming nodded to him, and then followed them directly. While following these soldiers, Wang Ming thought a lot. After testing his pain reaction and his physical fitness, Wang Ming is now sure that he has really become a soldier of the Human Federation. If it is an illusion, then his original-level thinking ability should be able to take effect, but now his thinking ability is not much different from that of a normal person, at most it is a little faster.

This made Wang Ming very uncomfortable, and the same was true for his body. From a genetic Primitive to a mortal, Wang Ming even began to walk a little unsteadily. However, he adapted very quickly and was able to walk normally soon.

He followed the soldiers through the forests. He didn't know where these soldiers were going, but his identity now forced him to follow them. After they walked for ten minutes, they suddenly entered a towering forest. The trees grew in a very strange posture and did not seem to grow naturally.

"Enemy is present! Stay alert!"

Just as they entered the forest, the captain of the team suddenly used his communicator to issue an order to stop advancing on the team's internal channel. After receiving the order, everyone became alert. Wang Ming had tested the weapons and equipment of the mortal auxiliary troops before, so he would naturally use the equipment he had.

As the thermal imaging and life detection devices were turned on, countless thermal energy reactions and life reactions suddenly appeared in the empty twisted forest around them, as if these things appeared out of thin air. But if you look closely, you can still see some clues. These ghost things are hiding in the upper floors of the trees, in places that cannot be reached by human vision, and with the help of the natural protective color on their skin, they can hide very well.

But this was of little use in the face of human technology. After discovering the existence of these things, the order to open fire was immediately given. In an instant, the flames of guns illuminated the dark forest. Energy ammunition continued to fly in the air, and the high temperature continued to distort the surrounding air. At the same time, after the energy ammunition hit those things, the smell of burnt protein filled the entire forest.

An almost one-sided killing spree began. The shooting from the energy rifles was devastating to these creatures and the entire forest. The ammunition of these energy weapons had very strong penetrating power and would produce an explosion-like effect after hitting. Fragments of trees and the corpses of those creatures were flying all over the forest.

But those guys will also fight back, and they will use long-range weapons, which are live ammunition weapons similar to gunpowder weapons, but they don't shoot out metal bullets, but crystal bullets with very obvious signs of polishing. This thing does not pose any threat to the power armor equipped by the human federal soldiers, or the defensive positions they carry with them. It can only create a little ripple on their defensive positions.

The battle came and went quickly. It only took a few minutes for only a few human life reactions to remain on the life detection device. After dealing with these things, their team continued to move forward. It was during this process that Wang Ming finally found the briefing on their mission on the tactical panel that he had finally discovered.

The world they are currently in is a colony world of the Human Federation. Their mission is to clear out the alien colonists on this world. That's right, there is actually no native alien civilization on this world. These aliens are also colonists of one race. The Human Federation has set its eyes on this world, so the fate of the aliens on this world can be imagined. Their mission is to behead an alien commander.

They have obtained intelligence on the location of the alien commander and are currently moving towards that location.

They moved very quickly. The power armor and targeted genetic modifications allowed their bodies to complete combat objectives with high intensity. It took them less than half an hour to reach the location of the alien commander. When they arrived at the location of the alien commander, Wang Ming finally understood why the decapitation mission of this team was carried out. It was a very large alien troop base.

Several huge crystal towers stood in the alien base, shooting light beams into the sky from time to time. Those light beams went straight into the atmosphere of this world. They must be the orbital defense facilities of the alien civilization. Under this circumstance, the fleet's orbital strikes could not be carried out at all, and they could only send ground troops to carry out decapitation.

While Wang Ming was constantly observing the various situations in the alien base camp, the captain of this team also quickly completed the classification of tasks, and Wang Ming's task was to create chaos in the alien base camp to attract the attention of the aliens. Although Wang Ming still couldn't figure out what situation he was in, he agreed to the task and began to move towards the alien base camp. Although his current physical condition was not as good as that of the original gene, he had not forgotten any of his skills. In the process of moving towards the alien base camp, all the alien sentinels or alien light and dark sentries on the way were quietly eliminated by him.

"It seems that this world should be the federal world we recovered before."

Wang Ming stood outside the wall of the alien base, holding in one hand the corpse of an alien whose neck he had twisted off. He stared at the limp body of the alien. He already knew the world he was currently in. This world was the federal world they had recaptured before. At least the aliens in this world looked the same as the ones they had killed before.

However, knowing the world he is currently in is not of much help, so he should complete the current task first. Wang Ming pulled out a dagger from his waist. The dagger was made of a single molecule structure, but its driving device showed that it was a power dagger. Wang Ming also skillfully opened the decomposition function on it, and then directly began to cut the wall of the alien base.

Although he could flip over, he dared to say that as soon as he flipped over, he would definitely be discovered by the aliens and instantly fired upon. Although his defensive stance and power armor could withstand a large amount of damage from the aliens' light weapons, this was the aliens' base camp, and it was obvious that there were definitely aliens' heavy weapons. Wang Ming didn't want to be hit by a few alien shells for no reason.

After cutting the wall, Wang Ming successfully sneaked into the alien base. With the help of the individual stealth equipment on this power armor, Wang Ming began his killing in the alien base. He was like a Raven Guard... No, based on what he was doing now, he was actually more like a Night Lord.

With the help of his communication and learning with the Night Lord in the fleet, he also learned a lot of ways to make the enemy feel fear. For example, what he is doing now is hanging a broken body of an alien on a watchtower in the alien base, creating fear and letting the fear spread. This is undoubtedly the best way to create chaos.

The effect of Wang Ming's action was very good. The alien camp soon became chaotic because of his fear-mongering behavior. For a while, the aliens began to feel insecure. Imagine that the comrade who was just standing and talking with you disappeared when you turned your head, and then when you found it again, you found its broken body hanging at the door. Everyone would feel scared.

After the action of creating chaos was completed, Wang Ming followed the position of his teammates on his tactical goggles and moved closer to his teammates. After completing the reunion, they went directly to the command post of the alien commander. Not many aliens discovered them on the way, and even if some aliens were lucky enough to discover them, they would be killed immediately.

Their team fought all the way to the alien commander's base camp. When they rushed into the alien commander's base camp, they did not see the alien commander shown on their intelligence, but a huge crystal that was constantly emitting light. The crystal almost occupied half of the entire command center. When the team leader saw the crystal, he immediately gave the order to escape, because he knew what that thing was. It was an alien bomb, and it had been activated.

Obviously, their mission was exposed, and just when Wang Ming was about to escape with the team, the huge crystal suddenly exploded violently. At the moment when the thing exploded, a huge sense of fear suddenly appeared in Wang Ming's heart. It was the fear of death. Wang Ming was actually very familiar with this feeling. He shouldn't have such a huge fear of this thing.

But it was like a human instinct, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it, he couldn't. And when this feeling reached its limit, it seemed as if something was opened in Wang Ming's mind. A blue lightning wrapped around his body, and then the time around him seemed to be slowed down, and the flying crystal fragments were shattered by the blue lightning.

And just after all the crystal fragments were shattered, the time that seemed to have been slowed down suddenly returned to normal. After time returned to normal, Wang Ming suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and then his consciousness began to become blurred. At the last moment before he fainted, he suddenly heard the words of the team leader.

"Quickly control the psyker! He has just awakened his psyker powers and he will blow himself up if we don't control him!"

After Wang Ming heard these words, his consciousness fell into darkness. When he woke up again, the scene in front of him suddenly turned into the research room of the First Engineer Corps, and he turned back into his true self. He held the crystal object in his hand and stood in the research room of the First Engineer Corps.

"A dream of a yellow millet... is this the effect of this thing?"

Wang Ming was stunned for a second, then he looked at the crystal object in his hand. He stared at this thing that looked like a natural crystal. He almost knew what was going on in his mind just now. This was completely an illusion created by this thing for him.

However, when Wang Ming looked at the crystal creation in his hand, he suddenly felt some changes in his subspace essence. When he felt his subspace essence, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something extra in his subspace essence, and that thing was like a human soul. When he checked the extra thing in his subspace essence, he suddenly found that it was indeed a soul, a human soul wearing the uniform of a human federation non-commissioned officer.

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