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Chapter 705 The plan finally started and ended

Chapter 705: The plan finally started... and ended
"The human soul? This thing..."

Wang Ming looked at the crystal creation in his hand. He stared at its beautiful appearance and after thinking for a while, he showed a disgusted expression. He knew how this thing was made. This thing was made entirely of countless human souls. This ghost thing was made entirely of the souls of countless human psychics.

However, Wang Ming changed his mind and wondered if that meant that the souls of those humans were not corrupted by Chaos. Although they were dead, their souls were still in this crystal creation. Moreover, Wang Ming could use this crystal creation to recycle their souls into his subspace essence. Although Wang Ming did not know what the use of this was, he felt that the current situation was like the emperor protecting the souls of mankind.

This had a certain experimental effect on his plan, so Wang Ming decided to continue recycling the human souls in the crystal creation. However, Wang Ming would soon regret his behavior because that kind of recycling was not the direct recycling of souls as he imagined. Instead, every time a soul was recycled, he would experience a memory of the soul's owner.

Two days later, in the laboratory of the First Engineer Corps, Wang Ming opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at the crystal in front of him that was about to lose its luster. Who knew what he had experienced in the past two days? Those were the memories of thousands of people. Although these memories would not affect Wang Ming's own consciousness, and each memory was operated by Wang Ming's own consciousness, but experiencing thousands of lives still made Wang Ming feel extremely tired, just like an emperor going through endless years of mankind. That feeling almost made him lose his humanity.

However, those thousands of life experiences overwhelmed Wang Ming's rationality, and the so-called divinity that had been born. These life experiences made Wang Ming know one thing, that is, all the things that the Emperor had ever experienced. He had gone through endless years of mankind and experienced endless feelings of mankind. Now, he is protecting countless human souls in the galaxy in the subspace. He can see everything that every human soul has experienced and hear the prayers of countless struggling humans in the galaxy to Him.

But He still did not give up His humanity, because He knew that if His divinity overwhelmed His humanity, the moment He became a God, all humans in the entire galaxy would face the same terrible darkness that the Ancient Elven Empire faced back then. In this dark and desperate universe, becoming a God was not so good. The gods in the subspace were all extreme, and to retain one's own autonomous consciousness and not lose one's humanity under the extreme impact of becoming a God, the difficulty can be imagined.

"Become a god..., become a god for humanity..., become a god for killing those Chaos Evil Gods..."

Wang Ming sat on a chair in his office. He was constantly thinking about the problem. After experiencing the life experiences of thousands of people, Wang Ming's ideas about the galaxy or mankind had some subtle changes. He became more extreme than before. In some life experiences, he had seen the most glorious era of the Human Federation. Starships cut through the dark universe and went to one world after another. People boarded the starships with smiles on their faces and went to one world after another.

In most worlds of that era, there was no hunger or disease, and people did not need to worry about the Chaos God or the war that could come at any time. The great abundance of technology made humanity as a whole fall into a very arrogant atmosphere. Humans of that era believed that it was their destiny to rule the galaxy, and that their race was born to be the overlord of the galaxy. Some of the most extreme people even believed that the universe should belong to humans.

The way of communicating with aliens in that era was very consistent with that of the Empire, that is, there was no mercy for aliens. Although the Human Federation would still sign non-aggression treaties with some alien forces, that was also based on the situation that the strength of those alien forces was equal to that of humans. If the strength of those alien forces was not equal to that of humans, then they would have only one ending in front of humans as they were powerless, and that was to be directly cleared out of this universe by humans. Of course, some of the lucky ones would survive and then be transported to zoos on some worlds of the Human Federation for people to watch.

That would be a beautiful era for mankind, at least it would be much better than the chaotic dark age of today. Although there was still darkness in that era, compared with the monsters and demons in the universe today, those guys could be considered great good people. The scientists of the Human Federation at most wanted to do various genetic experiments or biological transformations, but the gods of the subspace in this dark universe now wanted to plunge the entire human race into endless chaos and devour the souls and emotions of all beings in the galaxy.

In comparison, the difference between the two sides is obvious. Wang Ming was thinking about the thousands of lives he had experienced in the past two days, while looking at the distorted space outside the porthole. The fleet has now left the federal world and started to head to the next destination. The curvature engine distorted the space to move forward. Wang Ming just stared at the distorted space outside the window. This time, he did not feel any dizziness. This kind of superluminal navigation is very common in the human federation, but the most common long-distance superluminal navigation is still the technology of subspace navigation.

"Can I really do it? Become a god with independent consciousness who only works for human civilization, slay all Chaos Gods with my sword, and then bring the human empire back to the golden age, making humans great again in the galaxy. Can I really do what the Emperor couldn't do?"

Wang Ming looked at the distorted light speed. He kept asking himself in his heart whether he could accomplish the plan in his mind, kill the Chaos Evil God, save the entire human civilization from the darkness, let mankind rise again in the galaxy, and let human civilization return to that great golden age. Can he really do it? ?

He had seen the lives of thousands of people, some of whom were even high-ranking officers of the Federation. What they did were even more extraordinary than what he was doing now, expanding territory for the Human Federation and conquering hundreds of worlds. Others were scientists of the Federation. Although they were also a group of lunatics like the Federation scientists on the fleet, the things they made actually served the collective human civilization.

Through these thousands of life experiences, Wang Ming gained a lot of knowledge, including those of soldiers, scientists, civilian personnel, and the most ordinary people. They lived in that bygone era, each with their own way of living and their own life, but no matter what, in their hearts, they were proud of their identity as human beings.

"I can do it! I will kill the Chaos God! I will lead humanity to revival! I will bring humanity back to the golden age! Let humans in the galaxy no longer be troubled by war!"

As Wang Ming thought about it, he suddenly seemed to have an epiphany, as if he had been instructed by the thousands of people in his soul. He stood up all of a sudden, and all the doubts and concerns he had before disappeared at this moment, no matter how much it cost! No matter what Wang Ming needed to do! As long as he did not betray humanity and fought for the ideals of humanity, he would move forward without hesitation, let those Chaos Evil Gods beheaded, and bring those human worlds back to that glorious era. For a moment, that firm belief seemed to be a steel stamp of thought engraved in his consciousness, and at the same time, Wang Ming suddenly felt a strange feeling. The power of thousands of psychics seemed to have entered his subspace projection at this moment, and his subspace projection seemed to have finally gotten closer to the human souls in this universe. At the moment when he felt this strange feeling, an extremely strange emotion suddenly rushed into his mind.

It was an extreme emotion which was very difficult to describe. If one had to describe it, it would be to let human civilization revive at all costs and to let the four evil gods of the subspace die. Revenge and rage seemed to be the accompaniment of this emotion, and the main body of this emotion was the endless desire to kill the Chaos Evil God, and the yearning for the great ideal of the revival of human civilization.

At this moment, Wang Ming's spirit was almost overwhelmed by this strange emotion. It was really too much, too much!

Just when Wang Ming's spirit was about to be overwhelmed by these strange emotions, a golden light suddenly burst out from the depths of his soul. When the golden light burst out from the depths of his soul, his spirit that was almost overwhelmed by these emotions finally stabilized. When Wang Ming came to his senses, he suddenly found that he seemed to have become different from before. Although his appearance had not changed much, the huge psychic halo behind his head was really dazzling!

That thing was like a 100,000-lumen light bulb. In an instant, the golden light in Wang Ming's office illuminated every corner. Wang Ming was completely numb. Wasn't he just making a bold statement? What was going on?
Just as Wang Ming kept shaking his head and had no idea what to do with the huge psychic halo behind his head, the Emperor's voice suddenly appeared in his mind. There was some helplessness and worry in that voice. He already knew Wang Ming's plan, but did not expect Wang Ming to execute it so quickly. The gods in the subspace were all created by faith and emotions, and the huge halo behind Wang Ming's head was the result of the faith in him of tens of millions of mortal auxiliary troops in the entire fleet, as well as the worlds of the empire.

"This is the power contributed to you by those humans who believe in you. Their faith has become your power, and it has also allowed your soul to finally establish some tiny connection with the subspace. I have temporarily stabilized this connection. This is very dangerous, do you know? Wang Ming! If you are swallowed by those emotions..."

The Emperor's voice was telling Wang Ming about his situation just now in his mind. He was very worried about Wang Ming's dangerous behavior, but he was also very helpless about Wang Ming. He could not stop Wang Ming's current plans at all. This was the only plan that would not destroy mankind and deal with the Chaos Evil God.

"In other words, after the souls of those thousands of people merged with my subspace projection, my subspace projection became almost the same as the humans in this world?"

Wang Ming listened to the words of the Emperor, and asked him in a daze, "How could the fusion of thousands of human souls with his subspace projection actually cause such an effect? ​​What kind of principle is this? Even if these people are not psychics, this would not happen. What is going on?"

"I can't explain the specific situation to you right now, but you said something wrong. Your current subspace projection is not the same as a normal person in this universe. While retaining the uniqueness of your soul, it has also achieved a certain connection with the subspace of this world. However, this connection is still too weak compared to a normal person. As for the power you have obtained, it is only due to the huge base of faith in you in the entire human empire. Some of it..."

After the Emperor heard Wang Ming's words, he was completely speechless about Wang Ming's ability to understand. He could only patiently explain to Wang Ming his current situation. Rather than being a lesser god of the warp who had gained faith, Wang Ming's current state was better to say that he was just a psychic who had gained faith. He did have the basic requirements to become a god of the warp, but with the state of his soul, faith in him actually had no effect at all. These beliefs would make his power good, but the quality... It could only be said that he could only be compared with those lesser gods in the warp, and there was a great probability that he could not even compare with them.

At most, it can only be compared with that weird thing called Titanium Vana, and Wang Ming has no control over his own power. He is completely in the dark about everything. To be honest, his plan is really a bit makeshift in the eyes of the emperor. He has faith, but it is just faith. For him, these beliefs actually only increase his spiritual power, and his other abilities are useless.

Moreover, it was a coincidence that Wang Ming was in this state. At least no one had ever done this before, right? If he wanted to go further, he could only rely on luck. It could be said that this plan could only be completed in a split second.

"Um..., Your Majesty, no matter what, at least..., at least my plan has finally begun, right..."

Wang Ming listened to the emperor's explanation. He went from being excited just now to facing the reality now. In the end, he could only answer the emperor in this very stubborn way.

"Yeah, at least it's started... But there's a high chance that it's completely over. Your makeshift plan is really unreliable."

The Emperor listened to Wang Ming's stubborn words and was completely speechless.

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