Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 706 Isa's Request

Chapter 706 Isa's Request

"So, what should I do with the big halo on my head now? I can't put it away. It's too blinding and I won't be able to sleep well."

Wang Ming slumped in the chair in his office. The specially designed chair made him squeak in dissatisfaction due to the pressure he put on it, but Wang Ming did not care about his chair. He only cared about the big halo above his head. That thing has never been turned off since it lit up. It has been hanging behind his head like a huge light bulb. This made Wang Ming very depressed. Although this thing represented that his plan had begun, it was too dazzling.

"You have to control it yourself. Although I can suppress it for you, you must learn to control it yourself."

The Emperor had no reaction to Wang Ming's complaints. He had also experienced this stage, so in response to Wang Ming's complaints, he said that he needed to handle it himself. Wang Ming was also very speechless about the Emperor's answer. How could he be controlled? With that big halo behind his head, he couldn't sleep well. Wherever he went, the place was illuminated. He was like a walking light bulb.

"I understand. I will learn how to control him..."

Wang Ming finally replied to the emperor helplessly, and then prepared to go out and discuss the start of this plan with the time travelers. At least now his plan has really started instead of just empty talk on paper. So Wang Ming hummed a song and prepared to find the time travelers. He was in a very good mood now, and his plan that only existed in his imagination had finally begun to be implemented.

The emperor, who had been paying attention to Wang Ming, looked at Wang Ming's happy expression, and the corners of his mouth began to curl up uncontrollably. Wang Ming still didn't know what he would face, and the big halo behind his head could not be extinguished for the time being. When the emperor thought that Wang Ming would have to live with this halo in the future, he felt happy.

As the Emperor had expected, Wang Ming's halo did cause him some very outrageous things. For example, as soon as Wang Ming went out, he saw a team of mortal auxiliary soldiers patrolling. When those patrolling mortal auxiliary soldiers saw the halo behind Wang Ming's head, they suddenly became excited, saluted Wang Ming and left immediately.

And when Wang Ming knew what these mortal auxiliary soldiers were going to do, he was completely numb. Starting from that group of mortal auxiliary soldiers, the word that Wang Ming was a god spread throughout the entire fleet. Now, those mortal auxiliary soldiers and those mortal crew members on the fleet were kowtowed to Wang Ming's statue with all their might. There was even a buddy wearing power armor who was almost kowtowed with sparks.

As for this kind of desperate behavior, Wang Ming expressed his understanding and acceptance, but also expressed his speechlessness and helplessness. In fact, this was also part of his plan, but he did not expect that the mortals on the fleet could be so fanatical. Although he thought that this kind of fanatical effect would be achieved, it felt like everyone had become fanatics, which Wang Ming had not expected.

"I should have expected this. The enthusiasm of the pilgrims on Holy Terra and the enthusiasm of the fleet today are both very high. As expected."

Wang Ming sat on the main seat in the conference room. He looked at the time travelers around him who were staring at his halo with curiosity and sighed helplessly. The time travelers naturally did not have the same fanatical beliefs as those mortals. They were not the Astartes of this world, but time travelers from another world. Their only thought about their boss's current situation was that they were very curious about the halo.

After all, they saw that the Emperor also had this great halo before, but they didn’t know whether Wang Ming’s current situation was the same as the Emperor’s. If it was the same as the Emperor’s, then could we kill those four ghosts in the subspace, and then directly start on the fast track of human revival, directly return to the golden age at superluminal speed, and human civilization take off on the spot.

"I know what you are thinking. I can't be like the Emperor, stepping on the four supreme gods of the warp and leading human civilization to take off. I am just a more powerful psyker."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin beside him. He stared at the passionate look in Hu Jin's eyes and he immediately understood what this kid was thinking. He was definitely thinking about whether he had become a god and whether he could kill those four weirdos in the subspace and then let the human empire launch a great crusade again and conquer the entire galaxy like the Emperor, so that all humans could live in a golden age like the Federation era.

But he couldn't do it at all. According to the Emperor, although he now had the opportunity to become a god, he was not even as good as those lesser gods of the Warp, let alone those evil gods of Chaos. He couldn't even catch up with Wattel. Now he could only barely sit at the same table with that guy Titanium.

"How should I put it? Our current plan has indeed begun, but it is much more difficult than we imagined. We can't expect it to come to fruition directly. That is impossible. We still have to try our luck in this dark place and pray to the Emperor to bless our plan to succeed... Although we all know that even if the Emperor blesses us, this kind of thing is too difficult for Him..."

Wang Ming told the time travelers with a depressed look about his current situation, and how they would need to continue exploring this dark land to find some luck. This was just a drop in the bucket for their current plan, and might not even be of any use at all. After all, luck was sometimes more mysterious than space. Wang Ming did not count on his luck and could only think that he had plenty of time and could look for it slowly.

After understanding the situation, the time travelers went from being extremely excited just now to being depressed. They now also knew Wang Ming's situation. Although it had begun, it was also over. If they were unlucky and could not find the subspace creations that could make Wang Ming a god, or other things, then Wang Ming and the time travelers would have no way out.

After the initial excitement, the entire group of time travelers are now only enthusiastic about their work. After all, if Wang Ming cannot become a god, then he will be unable to do anything to those bastards in the suppressed space. If they cannot do anything to those bastards, then they can only continue to fight against them in the real universe, and further improve their combat capabilities to make themselves stronger, so as to deal with any wars that may be faced in the future.

"The next world, Tros, is a federal arsenal world, a warehouse world. It exists as the arsenal of the federal army in the entire star zone. It has two federal fleets stationed there as standard." After a period of depression, Wang Ming continued to work. The advancement of that plan could only rely on their efforts. Recovering this star zone, searching for relics of ancient times in this area that has never been explored by the human empire, searching for those strange subspace phenomena, or subspace creations, this is the only direction that their plan can work towards.

"This world has so many Federation-standard weapons and equipment, and is protected by two Federation fleets. The human civilization on this world should have been preserved during that crisis. Then why is there no news about him in the two neighboring galaxies? There are also no fleets or observation devices from them. According to the custom of the Human Federation, shouldn't they send rescue teams to other Federation worlds after the war is over?"

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand, and he became more curious about the world he was about to go to. This world was a Federation arsenal world and also a Federation warehouse world. There were a large number of Federation weapons and equipment and technological creations in this world. There was also a large permanent population, and even two standard Federation fleets for protection. They should not have lost the ability to step out of the stars.

But in the past ten thousand years, they did not go to other human federation worlds. What was going on? How could a human civilization that had not lost the ability to step into the starry sky stay in its own galaxy? And for ten thousand years, this should not be possible.

Just as Wang Ming was thinking this, the door of his room was suddenly knocked. The knocking sound interrupted Wang Ming's thoughts. Wang Ming looked at the knocked door, he raised his hand, and the fleet's artificial intelligence directly opened his door. When the door opened, an unexpected person walked into Wang Ming's room.

No, that guy cannot be said to be a human being, but a god. Isa, the goddess of life of the elves, looked at the big halo behind Wang Ming's head. Her expression was very strange, as if she was very afraid of Wang Ming's current condition, but there was some disbelief in her fear.

"You have ascended to the throne of the Most High Heaven. I can ask you for one thing..."

Isa looked at the big halo behind Wang Ming's head. She knew Wang Ming's current condition very well. Although Wang Ming was now a very weak lesser god of the Warp (although it was possible that he was not a lesser god at all, but just a powerful Warp entity), Isa understood her situation very well. Although she was protected by humans now, the actual situation was more like imprisonment and control, but this kind of imprisonment and control was much better than being in the hands of Nurgle.

At least he can move freely on the fleet now, and will no longer be fed those strange viruses. The experience during that period was simply the most terrible nightmare and the most horrible torture that Isa has ever had. Now the human species has two supreme gods..., one more god's protection, and Isa doesn't want to go through that kind of torture again.

Moreover, he knew the situation of the human species. They had a very strong disgust and hatred for all aliens in the galaxy. Although Wang Ming's emotions towards the mixed-race humans in the fleet were similar to those towards a normal human, this was only based on the fact that those mixed-race humans had human genes and could be classified as sub-humans. Although his attitude towards the Eldar was not as crazy as that of the human imperials, Isa could still see Wang Ming's disgust for his children.

"About the Eldar? Are you worried that after I truly ascend to the throne, I will destroy all the aliens in the galaxy, including them?"

Wang Ming looked at Isa in front of him. When he saw this guy's attitude towards him, he knew what the god of the elves was thinking. As a famous Mother God in this dark universe, He definitely cares about His children. Wang Ming actually has no interest in the elves.

His approach to the Eldar was very gentle. He simply allowed this desperate race whose souls were being sexually abused to slowly integrate into the human race, and let their descendants become sub-humans, become a part of the human race, and work for humans. Except for those disgusting things in Comoros, Wang Ming's attitude towards other Eldar was like this.

Although he wanted the Eldar's technology and webway technology, if he tried to take them by force, the Ark Eldar and Dark Territory Eldar would definitely resist fiercely, and both sides would suffer losses. Besides, the Eldar might be desperate and destroy everything without getting anything. It would be better to let humans with Eldar blood merge with the Eldar, and let the Eldar, a race that was about to become extinct, become a subspecies of humans. Then their technology would naturally belong to humans. If not for themselves, think about their mixed-blood descendants.

Moreover, those mixed-blood elves and humans are very likely unable to produce offspring. The genes of those mixed-blood sub-humans are too strong, and it is difficult to support genetic fusion with normal humans. Even if they want to produce offspring, it is very difficult. Therefore, Wang Ming does not have to worry about these guys polluting the human gene pool at all, and can safely give these guys the identity of sub-humans.

"Yes..., so I would like to ask you to at least allow my children to survive, even if they are just vassals of human civilization..."

Isha knew how terrifying the Chaos Gods in the High Heaven were. Slaanesh alone had already put the Eldar in danger of destruction. If the two gods of mankind were to destroy all races in the galaxy except humans, then the Eldar would have absolutely no possibility of survival. So she must fight for a glimmer of hope for her children.

"Don't worry. We are allies with the Eldar. We will never let our allies be destroyed, right? Besides, the Eldar... the Eldar also have a god like you."

Wang Ming looked at Isa in front of him. After thinking for a while, he did not tell her the news of other gods of the Eldar. For a dangerous prisoner, not giving him hope is the best way to control him.

(End of this chapter)

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