Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 716: Dismantled Fleet

Chapter 716: Dismantled Fleet
"Report, all officers and soldiers of the Human Federation Arsenal World Tros garrison fleet have assembled. Commander, please review them."

In the Sun Fortress, a large number of soldiers wearing Federal Navy uniforms stood in a square. They formed a huge square formation, all looking at Wang Ming who was standing on the high platform in front of them. The commander who led these human Federal Navy soldiers was now standing next to Wang Ming. He reported to Wang Ming that all their officers and soldiers were present, waiting for Wang Ming's next orders.

In fact, this was also a statement to Wang Ming. All the naval crew members were on board the Sun Fortress, which meant that the fleet had been handed over to the 21st Legion and the Human Empire. It was also a formal two-way consensus reached with Wang Ming and Wang Ming's conditions had been accepted.

"Today, the world of Tros has been recovered by the Human Empire, the legal successor of the Human Federation. From this moment on, all the garrison fleets in this world have been transferred to the Human Empire and officially reorganized into the First and Second Fleets of the Human Empire Navy in this star region. Considering the tasks completed by all officers and soldiers in the fleet, as well as the achievements of their ancestors and themselves, all officers and soldiers are granted the status of Human Empire nobles. At the same time, all officers and soldiers retain their original positions unchanged."

Wang Ming looked at the naval officers and soldiers of the Human Federation. His arrangements for these naval officers and soldiers were just as he had promised before. They were given corresponding identities and social status. At the same time, they continued to serve as the guard fleet of this star region.

As Wang Ming's order was issued, the somewhat lengthy ceremony began. As various medals were awarded and officers were granted military ranks of various levels, Wang Ming also obtained two standard human fleets of the Federation era. These two Federation fleets were two fleets with actual combat capabilities, but tens of thousands of years had passed. The lack of maintenance and the modifications made by the crew members living on those ships during these tens of thousands of years had made these warships more like mobile colony ships than warships.

The first and foremost task was to remove all unnecessary devices and equipment on these warships and restore them to their complete factory mode as much as possible. With a Jingwei-class engineering ship building a series of simple maintenance docks in the planetary orbit, the renovation project of those warships officially began.

For the battleships of the Federation era, repairing them is a very simple matter, but restoring them is quite complicated. After all, after tens of thousands of years, although the nanorobots on these things can be maintained, the programs written by the crew for this fleet during tens of thousands of years have caused the nanorobots of these battleships to develop in a very strange direction.

Those nanorobots have formed a large number of living facilities on the battleships, and these living facilities have become part of the battleship's program. Every time these battleships are overhauled, those nanorobots will call on resources for those living facilities. This has caused these battleships to actually lose most of their combat capabilities. After all, they are just some battleships, not a real space city.

The two fleets have a total population of hundreds of thousands, not counting those who have died and been born in the past ten thousand years. Those warships are not real space cities by any means, they are just some warships. They cannot support so many people while ensuring their own integrity. Although there is no shortage of resources in this galaxy, humans still need a suitable environment to survive in the void.

The battleship is not a very suitable environment, it can only be considered a reluctant environment, so in order to transform the environment inside the battleship into an environment suitable for themselves, basically all three years have been transformed into an existence similar to a small ecosystem. When Guangming visited these warships, he even saw large tracts of barley planting areas. They also have this kind of thing on their fleet, but the barley on their fleet is directly planted in normal ecological warehouses.

"Okay, I know your current situation. I thought you might use these warships to resist our recovery, but now it seems that these warships... to be honest, although they are better than those imperial warships, if you really use them to fight, you will be wiped out in less than a minute."

Wang Ming was walking on the flagship of this fleet, the Pride of the Earth, which used to be an Earth-class battleship, but now it looked like an ecosystem. As he walked, he pushed aside a grape vine on his head and built a framework in the corridor of the battleship to plant grapes grown in space. This idea really opened Wang Ming's eyes.

"There's nothing we can do about it. These warships are actually quite capable, so they can still hold out for a minute. Oh, and by the way, would you like to try the wine we brewed ourselves?"

The commanders of the two fleets also followed Wang Ming at the same time. He looked at the grape vines that Wang Ming had pulled aside, picked up a grape with some heartache, then wiped it a few times on his military uniform that had been mended countless times and passed down for countless generations, and then threw it directly into his mouth.

It can be seen that they are used to saving. After all, everything is scarce in the void, and the humans in that world were full of hostility towards them. All resources are scarce. They can survive until now, which is really due to their thriftiness.

"Alright, alright, I got it. I will immediately allocate a batch of supplies to you, including daily necessities and military supplies. In the meantime, you should withdraw your warships first. I will go and do a major repair on your warships. Otherwise, you won't even be able to complete the most basic patrol mission."

Wang Ming opened his personal terminal and began to urgently allocate supplies to the people on the fleet. When the commander of the fleet saw Wang Ming's behavior, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. When Wang Ming was considering their value, they were also considering their own value. They were trying to show their own value and their possible resistance as much as possible.

In this way, the fleet of the 21st Legion will remain vigilant towards them and make them think that they have a certain value. This is also one of their means of survival. They must ensure that they are valuable in the eyes of the target, because they know what will happen if they lose their value. Two fleets with no ability to resist at all. This is a huge temptation for any civilization.

However, for Wang Ming, although these two fleets no longer have much value and these thousand-year-old warships are antiques, the crew members on these warships are very valuable. There are crew members who are skilled in operating warships, staff on these warships that only the Human Federation has, technicians who specialize in repairing warships, electronic hackers who get into electronic stations, and federal standard Marines. These are what the 21st Corps does not have.

These things are very worth learning from. It seems that Wang Ming has already started to poach people from these warships. However, Wang Ming's poaching is really a bit large. He poached people from each warship one by one. This made the commander of the fleet stunned. He knew that Wang Ming poached people, but wasn't it a bit too much to poach so blatantly? This guy even poached the chefs from the kitchen! He looked poorer than them.

"Aren't you going too far?" The fleet commander looked at Wang Ming in front of him. He picked up the bottle of black tea in front of him speechlessly. He felt very uncomfortable with Wang Ming's blatant poaching behavior. After all, after Wang Ming's poaching, there were basically only a few people left in the fleet.

"Have it?"

While Wang Ming was processing the documents in his hands, he looked at the fleet commander in front of him. Was his method of poaching people so extreme? He had given this task to Zhou Heng. This war hero of the Human Federation should know his limits and should not do such an outrageous thing.

"Uh... are you sure? Why don't you talk to General Zhou Heng? General Zhou Heng is so attractive. As long as he opens his mouth, almost everyone will be attracted by the call of the war hero."

The fleet commander looked at Wang Ming. He was speechless about Wang Ming sending Zhou Heng to do publicity activities. Originally, the people on the fleet wanted to continue working for human civilization. At this time, a war hero printed in the textbooks of the Human Federation appeared in front of them. These people who had received orthodox education in the Human Federation followed him almost instantly after seeing the call of the war hero of the Human Federation.

"Uh..., I didn't think it through, but this is actually a good idea. Anyway, I'm planning to have those people reorganize a fleet. Why don't you come over too..."

Wang Ming looked at the fleet commander in front of him. After hearing the explanation from the commander of the Human Federation Fleet, he immediately understood the whole situation. Although this matter was indeed not fair, as long as the commander was poached, it would be a particularly fair thing to do. Wouldn't it be enough to just give them a new fleet?

"You...what on earth are you planning? What happened to my fleet?"

At this moment, the commander of the Human Federation suddenly figured it out. He stood up instantly, threw the tea in his hand to the ground, and quickly asked Wang Ming about his fleet.

"In fact, your fleet...your fleet has now been completely dismantled by those simple dismantling platforms. The materials from the dismantling of these warships will all be transported to the ground. But don't worry, the fleet's artificial intelligence has been preserved. We are currently writing codes for them to clean up the pile of shit you left behind."

Wang Ming looked at the emotional commander of the Human Federation Fleet in front of him. He put down the data tablet in his hand, sighed, and said directly to the commander of the Human Federation Fleet that, in fact, they did want to repair these warships before, but when they really started this work, they found that instead of repairing these warships, it would be better to give them a batch of new warships to use, because after thousands of years of use, the internal structure of these warships could not be changed again.

It's not just the hardware system, but also a lot of software. These software have become a pile of shit after thousands of years of programming by the crew of the Human Federation Fleet. They cannot be changed back at all. The program is completely like, you say the city gate tower, he says he says the hip axis, there is no need to repair this thing at all.

Fortunately, during this time, they did not change the programs of the artificial intelligence on the fleet. After all, if the programs of the artificial intelligence were changed, the people on the fleet would not be able to survive.

"Okay, okay, but how can you call it a mountain of shit? That's all the wisdom of the Federation's predecessors over thousands of years."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the fleet commander collapsed on his chair powerlessly. Although he was sad that the old fleet was dismantled, it was also good to have a new fleet. However, he could still argue about the pile of shit that Wang Ming mentioned. These were all things made by their ancestors in order to keep them alive.

"Guess how long it took the brothers from the First Engineer Corps to fix that thing before they gave up. We also brought in scientists from the Federation. You know, the scientists from the First Engineer Corps also participated in this work. One of them was an old professor who was over 15,000 years old and cursed. The old professor also said that the pile of stuff you wrote should be included in the collection of wrong questions in the human Federation programming textbook."

Wang Ming looked at the fleet commander who was still quibbling about their pile of shitty codes. He helplessly told him everything that had happened before. Several professors of the Human Federation were so angry about the code being fixed that they cursed at them. Otherwise, those warships would not have been dismantled.

After this conversation, these naval officers and soldiers finally got their new warships, as well as various supplies and daily necessities. Wearing brand new uniforms, they stepped onto the brand new warships, and then followed the star map given to them by Wang Ming, started the curvature engine, and began to head to another galaxy. At the same time, there were several traversal corps stationed there. They would become the second fleet of the 21st Corps and expand the development of this area.

And now they have finally solved all the problems in this galaxy. At the same time, they have also found the reason why the two ghost red giants appeared before. This is a very funny thing, because the two ghost-like red giants are actually just celestial-level tactical camouflage. After knowing this, Wang Ming was speechless for a long time. With such a simple camouflage method, they actually didn’t have anyone who discovered their camouflage. You know, this kind of technological fleet actually exists, but no one thought in this direction at all...

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