Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 717: The sudden appearance of the subspace rift

Chapter 717: The sudden appearance of the subspace rift
"What on earth have you done? How can we research this kind of technology without such talents?"

"It's very simple. I just need to study it."

"This is a little embarrassing drama of the Human Federation... How can such a joke survive for so long?"

Wang Ming looked at the picture on the holographic projection screen in front of him. He complained speechlessly, then directly closed the holographic projection screen in front of him. He had been very idle these days, so idle that he could not bear it any longer. When the fleet left the galaxy and began to use curvature navigation to head to the next destination, Wang Ming suddenly found that he really had nothing to do.

A large number of talented people in the current fleet have successfully completed their work and have been fully integrated into the fleet's operating system. Wang Ming's job can now be taken over by these mortals. This has made Wang Ming extremely bored these days. He even started watching TV dramas about the Human Federation.

"Boss! Come to the bridge! There's an accident!"

Just when Wang Ming turned off the holographic projection screen and was about to pick up the data board to see if there was anything wrong with the fleet, Hu Jin's voice suddenly appeared in Wang Ming's room. The voice was emitted through the sound array system in Wang Ming's room. After Wang Ming heard Hu Jin's words, he immediately rushed out of his room. As he rushed in such a hurry, he didn't even have time to open the door. However, this was not a big problem for the Primarch. Wang Ming simply slapped the alloy steel door and slammed it away.

As the alloy door danced in the air and then directly stuck into the alloy wall, the patrolling mortal auxiliary soldiers in the corridor and Isa next to Wang Ming's room were frightened. They thought that some enemy had boarded the ship and were preparing to take a defensive posture and fight back, but just as they raised the plasma rifles in their hands, a huge figure swept past them with a gust of wind.

"what's the situation!"

Wang Ming rushed directly into the bridge. He looked at everyone in the bridge and immediately asked them about the current situation.

The situation on the bridge is not very good now. Almost everyone is busy. The holographic projection screen keeps popping up and retracting. The navy keeps stopping and starting on the equipment to adjust some parameters. The parameters of these devices are now like some out-of-control electronic equipment, all jumping garbled codes crazily.

"Warp rift, warp rift, we encountered a warp rift while traveling in warp mode! Now the entire fleet is being dragged into the warp!"

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming who entered the bridge, and he immediately explained the situation to Wang Ming. After Wang Ming learned about this situation, he did not panic. First, he immediately sat on the simplified version of the golden throne on the bridge, and directly used his subspace essence to protect the fleet first, and then he began to issue orders to the fleet.

"Turn on the Geller force field, and call the fleet's chief navigator over..."

Wang Ming sat on the throne that transmitted the essential power of the subspace. He looked at the people in the bridge. Golden light flashed in his eyes and the halo behind his head also flashed violently. He was now trying his best to protect the fleet.

"The Geller force field has been opened, but the navigators... all the navigators on duty are dead, including the chief navigator..."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming on the throne. He skillfully took out a pair of sunglasses made in the size of an Astartes and put them directly on his face. The time travelers were already accustomed to Wang Ming's behavior of being like a big light bulb when sitting on the throne. To them, Wang Ming's current situation was similar to that of the emperor on the Golden Throne, except that that place was also the era of the Great Crusade. He could travel freely on the Golden Throne and lead the expedition fleet to conquer the starry sea.

How they wished that the Emperor could recover to this state. Although Wang Ming's current situation was similar to that of the Emperor, that thing was actually quite different from the Golden Throne. That damn thing was just a psychic conductor device. Compared with the Golden Throne, the technological content of this thing was ridiculously low. You can't compare a pager with a smart phone.

"It seems this was premeditated. Never mind. Let's quickly stabilize the situation. I will do my best to protect everyone on the fleet, and ask Isa to help. We must not let anyone die in this incident. Also, let those think tanks start offering sacrifices quickly and send a psychic message to the Emperor."

After hearing Hu Jin's words, Wang Ming immediately thought about how to solve this matter. Don't panic when facing such a crisis. This situation is obviously a conspiracy of the chaotic forces. This situation is definitely a conspiracy of the chaos gods. Those ghosts are definitely plotting against them.

After Wang Ming arranged everything, he continued to stabilize the situation of the fleet. Suddenly falling into the subspace was a very uncomfortable thing. Moreover, the fleet did not activate the Geller force field at the moment of entering the subspace. No one knew better than them what the consequences would be if they entered the subspace without activating the Geller force field.

And through the consequences, they also knew which evil god of the Warp was that was messing with them. In these areas corrupted by the Warp, the alloy walls turned into lumps of flesh and blood under the influence of the evil power of the Warp. They squirmed and roared, riding on the twisted flesh and blood, which continued to rot and grow. There were also some maggot-like things twisting in it, and in the areas where these things appeared, groups of disgusting flies also appeared in the ship.

It was very obvious that it was the influence of Nurgle's power, and Wang Ming quickly responded to these influences. The golden flames continued to burn in that area. As long as the golden flames touched the corrupted walls, they would be ignited instantly like an open flame meeting gasoline. Those areas affected by Nurgle's power were quickly burned out. After they were burned out, the nanorobots on the ships quickly repaired the damage. While Wang Ming was trying his best to protect the entire fleet, the fleet was also trying to save itself. The first step was to turn on the subspace engine and try to return directly to the real universe, but this attempt had no effect at all. The subspace engine did not respond at all, and they could not leave the subspace through the subspace engine.

However, this matter is indeed a small matter for the people on the fleet. After all, they have never considered that they can really use the subspace engine to leave the subspace so easily. The subspace evil god will never let them run away easily, so they chose the backup plan.

First of all, don't panic when you encounter such a thing. Just walk to the statue of our dear emperor and kowtow to him with all your might. Anyway, for such things, you must first maintain your own beliefs. You must keep your beliefs and your will firm. Otherwise, under such circumstances, you may be corrupted by the evil forces of the subspace imperceptibly and become its believers and betray humanity.

While the mortal auxiliary soldiers and crew members were kowtowed desperately, there was a group of people who did not kowtow, because they gathered directly beside Wang Ming and collectively turned their fully enclosed helmets into sunglasses mode. Compared to praying to the statue, it is safer to stand directly next to the god. Wang Ming was helpless about these people.

While the entire fleet was busy, the think tanks of the traversers were also completing their tasks. When faced with the target of the evil god of the subspace, the best solution is to bring out their own gods. They have two gods, and if the gods of other races are included, they can even make up three gods. However, this matter is not a simple comparison of size.

With the strength of Wang Ming and Isa, even if they were tied together, they would not be able to fight the Warp God head-on. It would be safer to pull the Emperor over. However, if those crisis situations really occur and the other parties are too late to come, the time travelers will not hesitate to throw Wang Ming out of the torpedo tube so that he can stop Nurgle as much as possible.

As for the time travelers' idea, Wang Ming was speechless at first, and then he acknowledged that he was immortal anyway, and throwing him into the warp would at most create a huge trouble for those warp demons. Moreover, given his current situation, a lesser god of the warp should be able to hinder the evil god of the warp a little, even if it could only stop him for a few tenths of a second. Anyway, it would be fine as long as he bought time for the emperor to pull the fleet out.

Wang Ming's experience of dying so many times has made him have no worries or fears about death. Death is just a reading bar for him. He will live forever and witness the destruction of chaos and the rise of mankind with his own eyes.

"Five minutes. I will drag the fleet out in five minutes. The fleet will return to its previous position in the real universe. But I need your help. Leave the battleship and go to the subspace. Use your ability to the maximum and point me in a direction. That damn disgusting thing has cooperated with another ghost. It is difficult for me to identify your position now."

Just when Wang Ming was thinking about how to pull the fleet out, the voice of the emperor suddenly appeared in his ears. When he heard the emperor's voice, he sighed helplessly. He had thought about this situation before, but when this situation really happened in front of him, he also felt helpless.

"Isn't it that there are too many things that have frustrated me recently... Never mind, the most important thing is to protect everyone on the fleet."

After hearing the emperor's voice, Wang Ming immediately started his action. He stood up from his throne and looked in the direction of the torpedo room. It was impossible for him to just smash the wall of the ship and drill out. Apart from drilling through the ballast compartment, he could only go through the torpedo compartment. The ballast compartment was too far from Cambridge, so he had to go through the torpedo compartment.

When the time travelers learned that Wang Ming needed to be thrown directly into the subspace to illuminate the emperor, they flew up excitedly, then carried Wang Ming and threw him into a torpedo tube. Before Wang Ming could say anything, he was directly thrown into the subspace by the time travelers. This was not the first time that Wang Ming had directly come into contact with the subspace with his body, but he still felt inexplicably nauseous about this bizarre scene.

After all, in the subspace, you can't tell the direction at all, nor can you tell what the thing in front of you is. Moreover, the bizarre scenes in the subspace will make your senses fall into an extremely strange situation. If you are a mortal, you will not be able to accept those scenes in the subspace at all, and you will be instantly corrupted by the power of the subspace into a wriggling lump of meat, or a completely crazy lump of meat.

"In this non-material universe, everything is disordered and chaotic. The Chaos Evil God is omnipotent in this non-material realm. However, we are not a group of ants that will not resist. Let this karmic fire that originates from humans illuminate the direction of the Lord of Humanity!"

Wang Ming looked at the strange scenes in the subspace, and suddenly he saw a distorted figure appear in front of him. It was a demon of chaos without distinction. Wang Ming grabbed the demon speechlessly, and then the golden flames on his body burned directly. As the demon was burned to ashes in the golden flames, Wang Ming's voice resounded in the surrounding space along with his psychic power.

As Wang Ming's voice resounded throughout the surrounding space, a huge golden fireball suddenly appeared in the subspace with him as the center. This huge golden fireball enveloped the fleet trapped in the subspace, as well as the demons that were eyeing the fleet covetously. The demons wailed, regretting wanting to devour those human souls. Their greed cost them their lives.

This huge golden fireball also pointed the direction to the emperor. As five minutes passed, a black force enveloped the entire fleet, and then the fleet was dragged back to the real universe from the subspace. However, it is not known whether it was intentional by the emperor, Wang Ming was not dragged back, he was still in the subspace.

"My Lord Emperor! I haven't even boarded the ship yet! How come you forgot about me!?"

Wang Ming looked at the large groups of Nurgle demons that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the huge twisted existence in the distance that was suspected to be Nurgle himself. The corners of Wang Ming's mouth twitched. He was speechless about the emperor's behavior of not caring about his life and death.

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