Chapter 90 Sister
Edwie looked at Wang Ming who was staring blankly at her, and felt very panicked. Her Edwie could live in this dark universe for tens of thousands of years, and her way of survival was a dog.

Don't stand out, don't take risks, don't ask about world affairs, don't be a leader, and reduce your sense of existence, these are the experiences that Edwie has summed up in the past ten thousand years.

Back then, in the era of the Human Federation, she was forcibly recruited by the head of the planetary government. When she went to fight against aliens on the battlefield, she directly took advantage of no one to dig a hole and buried herself, and escaped the catastrophe.

Once, the secret sect wanted her to join. She joined the secret sect for a quiet living environment, but when the secret sect wanted her to assassinate a Primarch, she ran directly to the starport of her planet and sat down casually. Boarded a starship and slipped away.

Edwie would not take part in any dangerous things. At that time, the Secret Cult had let Edwig join through threats. It was impossible for Edwig to really do things for them.

"Let her go." Wang Ming finished his conversation with Niels and said, looking at Edwie who was tied up.

Wang Lei looked at Wang Ming, and opened the chains on Edwie's body, the moment the chains were released.

Edwie jumped up with a snap, quickly turned around and ran towards the door, intending to escape. In order to escape, Edwig's body was radiated with psionic light.

In order to escape quickly, she even used spiritual energy to increase her speed. It can be seen that she tried her best to escape.

Wang Ming and Wang Lei looked at Edwie who was running away. Their expressions were calm and they were not panicked at all. Wang Ming even picked up the teacup and took a sip of Mers tea.

"Well, slightly sweet, really delicious."

Wang Ming and Wang Lei looked at Edwie running in the corridor of the Governor's Mansion. Wang Lei took out a remote control, and pressed his fingers in power armor lightly on it.

As Wang Lei pressed the button, Edwie, who was running in the corridor, suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground.

"This thing is very convenient." Wang Lei looked at Edwie who was twitching on the ground, and waved the remote control at Wang Ming.

"The pile of equipment I gave you before?" Wang Ming looked at Wang Lei who was waving the remote control, and remembered the pile of various equipment given to them before he passed out.

"Yes, boss, but this psychic energy suppression collar is too stretched. It didn't completely suppress her psychic energy just now. Fortunately, there is an electric shock device on the collar." Wang Lei said to Wang Ming.

But just as they were talking, Edwie stood up tremblingly, supported her body and continued to walk slowly in the corridor, desperately trying to escape.

Wang Ming and Wang Lei looked at Edwie who was working hard, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Her physical fitness is really strong. If ordinary mortals receive this electric shock, they will definitely not be able to stand up within two hours. Electricity passes through and spasms.

But Edwie just stood up after falling on the ground for a few minutes. Wang Ming and Wang Lei were a little surprised by her strong physical fitness. It can only be said that she is indeed the emperor's real child.

Wang Lei watched Edwie's trembling steps, and quickly walked forward, holding a brick that he took out from nowhere.

It hit Edwie on the back of the head with a slap, and Edwie who had just stood up fell to the ground again.

Wang Lei dragged Edwie's leg directly, and dragged her back to Wang Ming without any mercy.

Croas Rengar, who had witnessed the whole process, stared blankly at Wang Lei who was dragging Edwie, and suppressed the idea of ​​escape in his heart. He could clearly see the brick and Edwie's head. He didn't want to be in close contact with her.

"Boss, how do we deal with her now?" Wang Lei put Edwie in front of Wang Ming, and asked him.

"Arrange a room, wait until she wakes up, and what the hell is that brick?" Wang Ming looked at the long bloodstain that Wang Lei dragged out on the ground, and said helplessly, he didn't expect Wang Lei to use it In this way, bring Edwie back.

"Boss, this is the fine gold brick you gave us earlier, it is from the previous pile of equipment." Wang Lei put away the fine gold brick, clapped his hands and said to Wang Ming.

"Well, how much did I give you?" Wang Ming looked at Wang Lei and asked him. Wang Ming was very confused at the time. He didn't have much image of what he took out by himself.

"Um, Boss, let me tell you this, you give us everything that is useful and not, and there are even some potato chips and Coke among the pile of things." Wang Lei said, really took out a bag of potato chips.

Wang Ming looked at the potato chips in Wang Lei's hand, completely speechless.

"potato chips?"

At this moment, Edwie, who was knocked unconscious by Wang Lei with a fine gold brick, got up tremblingly again, her eyes were fixed on the potato chips in Wang Lei's hand, and her saliva flowed out.

But now her face is full of blood, and the saliva mixed with blood will look like she is vomiting blood.

"Can you give me a slice? I haven't eaten this for a long time." Edwie walked a few steps towards Wang Lei, talking to Wang Lei while walking.

Wang Lei looked at Edwie, who was covered in blood, and handed her the bag of potato chips. Edwie stretched out his trembling hands, and took the bag of potato chips.

Edwie quickly tore open the bag of potato chips, grabbed the potato chips and stuffed them into her mouth, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch her.

As she was eating, she burst into tears suddenly, and she was still muttering vaguely.

Wang Ming and Wang Lei looked at Edwie who was devouring, and used their extraordinary hearing to hear what Edwie was muttering clearly.

"It's been more than 3 years, and I can finally eat it again."

Wang Ming and Wang Lei heard clearly, Edwie was muttering something, it was a foodie waiting for 3 years.

"Edwie Niles."

Just as Edwie was devouring, Wang Ming suddenly said her name to her. Wang Ming's sudden words made Edwie choke, and she looked at Wang Ming and coughed continuously.

Wang Ming looked at Edwie who was choking and coughing constantly, and handed her the hot water bottle. Edwie gave her the hot water bottle and took a big gulp, so that the food in his throat finally fell into his stomach.

"Who are you? How do you know me?" Edwie asked Wang Ming. This was the first time she spoke in front of Wang Ming and others. Her voice was very gentle, just like a bird.

"Wang Ming, the primarch of the empire, the genetic heir of the emperor, genetically speaking, I should call you sister." Wang Ming's words made Edwie look confused.

The Primarch, the Emperor's genetic heir, she knows, but what the hell is it that he is his sister genetically, I am just a mediocre immortal, how could I have anything to do with the Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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