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Chapter 91 The Industrialization of Mers

Chapter 91 The Industrialization of Mers

"elder sister?"

Edwie listened to Wang Ming's words, but felt baffled, she was an ordinary, self-contained immortal.

How can I have anything to do with the emperor, I have lived as an orphan in this desperate universe for 3 years.

She has never seen her parents. Since she was thrown at the gate of the orphanage in 2015, she has been living with unrelated people for more than 3 years.

Most of the time, she is alone. The eternal life of the immortal is too short compared to the short life of a mortal. Since she knows that she is an immortal, she will try to avoid intersection with mortals.

She didn't want to leave any regrets or painful memories in her heart. She never thought that she could meet her relatives.

She thought that her immortal physique was just produced by accident, and she never thought of finding her parents in the past.

But today, Wang Ming's words made her completely confused. The Primarch in front of her actually called herself "sister", and even said that she was "sister" genetically.

Edwie's small brain of more than 3 years was operating at high speed, and quickly understood Wang Ming's words.

The Primarch in front of him is the heir of the Emperor, and his genes come from the Emperor, and if he says that he is his genetic "sister", it means that he is also the heir of the Emperor.

"The Emperor is above."

Edwie looked at Wang Ming, and subconsciously muttered something in shock.

"Edwig, you have found your father now."

Edwie said to herself in her heart, she never thought that she could find her relatives, she thought her parents had already been buried in a cemetery in Terra.

"Then..., then what do you want from me? I don't believe it. You just want me to reunite with my father. "

After experiencing the excitement of finding her relatives, Edwie began to ask why Wang Ming was looking for her. Edwie didn't believe that Wang Ming found her just to reunite her with the Emperor.

"The Emperor asked me to find you." Wang Ming looked at Edwie, and told her the mission that the Emperor asked him to come to Moers to find her.

"He asked me to bring you by my side, saying that it would help me." Wang Ming did not hide anything from Edwie, and told her the exact words of the Emperor.

"Well, it turned out that the Emperor personally asked you to come to me, so I can't escape. I know the horror of Astartes and the Primarch, and I have seen it with my own eyes."

After listening to Wang Ming's words, Edwie said helplessly, then she found a corner in the room and squatted up, she has accepted her fate now, in fact, the moment she saw Wang Ming, Edwie knew , My safe life is over.

After finishing Edwie, Wang Ming looked at the "judge" who was tied up on the ground.

"You are also an immortal." Wang Ming looked at Croas Rengar who lowered his head and pretended to be dead, picked him up, looked into his purple eyes and said.

"Cadrians?" Wang Ming looked into the purple eyes and asked Croas Rengar curiously.

"Yes, my lord, I am a Cadian," Croas Rengar replied.

"Why do you want to catch Edwie?"

Wang Ming asked Croas Rengar, Wang Ming wanted to know why Croas Rengar pretended to be a judge to arrest Edwie.

"She is a Starchild, and we wish to use her to heal the Emperor.

Croas Rengar looked at Wang Ming and told his purpose of catching Edwie.


"A judge of the same faction as me."

Croas Rengar replied truthfully.

"Lock him up first, and then bring him to the Antarctic Hotel for questioning."

Listening to what Croas Rengar said, Wang Ming couldn't tell whether what this man who claimed to be a judge said was true or not.

Anyway, he is an immortal, and he can't be killed, so lock him up first, and then take him to the Antarctic Hotel of the Judgment Court to have a look.

"I'm really a judge, Lord Primarch, you can't lock me up, I still have a mission."

Wang Lei ignored Croas Rengar's yelling, and directly hit the back of his head with a fine gold brick, and then dragged him away.

The emperor's task has been completed, and now the traversers have begun to make great progress on Mers.

With the help of the STC template and the strong physical fitness of the Astartes, the traversers set up factories in various wastelands and hives of various sizes in Moers, and then recruited workers to start production.

The weapons and armor produced will be loaded onto transport ships, and then distributed to various Indomitable Expeditionary fleets through Guilliman's new logistics department.

In addition to these routine production work, the First Engineer Company is also constantly conducting various experiments on transforming weapons in the wilderness. These mechanical old buddies have already taken off their power armor and put on work clothes. To build a factory is to modify weapons.

They even made a mecha that a mortal can drive. This small three-meter-high mecha has very good combat effectiveness, and its weapons allow a mortal to head-to-head with an Astartes.

However, because the traversers of the First Engineer Company could not understand the brain-computer interface, the response speed of this mech was very inefficient.

Its reaction speed can only reach the standard of a mortal, but the Astartes' nerve reaction speed can reach the nanosecond level.

No matter how powerful the mech is, it can't keep up with the speed of Astartes at all, and it will be approached by Astartes before it reacts.

Thirty sets of this kind of mecha were experimentally produced by the traversers, all of which were equipped in the Primarch's Guards. When the time came to fight in the world around Moers, they would collect combat data.

The industrialization of Mers is very fast. It took ten months for the traversers to cover the surface of the planet of Mers with factories and artificial crop cultivation rooms. Mers has changed from a hive world to an industrial world .

This should be the first industrial world in the empire that is not controlled by the Mechanicus. There are only a few mechanical priests who shuttle and debug equipment in the production line, and most of the maintenance and debugging equipment are traversers.

Thanks to the powerful memory and learning speed of the Astartes, the traversers studied all kinds of mechanical knowledge and management knowledge day and night, and every factory in Moers was organized in an orderly manner.

Moreover, the traversers have the purpose of cultivating mortal managers. It is impossible for the traversers to manage Moers' factory for a long time. After the industrialization and defense work of Moers is over, they will go to other worlds to fight with Chaos.

These factories will eventually be handed over to mortals for management. During this period of time, the traversers will train some mortals to manage the factories. After the traversers leave, these people can take over from the traversers to maximize the factory's production capacity.

(End of this chapter)

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