After parting ways with Fatty, Wu Chong returned to the house. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jing Ling's mother, Mi Xinlian, looking at the flowers he planted in his free time in the yard.

Jing Ling followed behind with a nervous look on her face. She didn't relax until she heard the door open.

For this mother, Jing Ling has always been afraid of excess family affection. Under normal circumstances, she would not take the initiative to see Mi Xinlian unless necessary.What she didn't expect was that this serious mother would actually come to the door today, saying that she wanted to see them.

"The Domain Lord Immortal level is really something I didn't expect."

Mi Xinlian raised her head when she heard the voice and looked at Wu Chong with a smile on her face.

She is a very realistic person.Perhaps it was due to the environment in which he grew up. In Mi Xinlian's eyes, everything could be measured by value. When Wu Chong became the 'Lord Immortal Lord', many things became clear.Because of this, she can take the initiative to have family time with her daughter, because she feels it is worth it.

"Is something wrong?"

Wu Chong asked straight to the point.

He had already gotten to know Jing Ling's mother, and knew that this woman would not come to him without any benefit.

"Can't you come see my daughter if you have nothing to do?"

Mi Xinlian was not angry, she had seen many of them over the years.For a woman to reach her position, she will only have to pay more than what she sees on the surface.


Jing Ling next to him was silent.

She had seen her mother's face many times.I originally thought I was used to it, but when I saw it again, I was still a little uncomfortable. It was too philistine.

"Okay, my daughter, I've finished reading, and it's time to go back."

Mi Xinlian stood up, and Aunt Zhao followed cautiously, not even daring to raise her head to look at Wu Chong.

The last experience left such a deep impression on her that when she was practicing now, the image of the monster that broke open the barrier with her bare hands would pop up from time to time, almost becoming her inner demon.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something that may have something to do with you."

When she reached the door, Mi Xinlian suddenly stopped.

"Do you still remember that when you were at the middle level, the Feng family concubine who worked with you had a young master named Wuyou?"

Worry free?

Wu Chong recalled everything in his mind and remembered the business of 'True Immortal Pill'.In order to achieve the goal of becoming a true immortal, the concubine bought a large number of elixirs from him and used the medicine to push himself to the level of a true immortal.

"He was rescued by someone, and the person who rescued him may be related to the Lotus Gate."

Lotus Gate.
When Wu Chong had just 'breakthrough' to the Immortal Lord, Deputy Palace Master Cai of the Danhuo Palace had contacted him and said that he wanted him to help him refine some bliss pills. Later, he rejected this person and gave it to him when he left. A lotus mark was left.

If Mi Xinlian didn't mention this kind of thing, Wu Chong would have almost forgotten it.

Now that I suddenly recall it, I find that many things seem to be connected in series.

Wuyou, Deputy Palace Master Cai.

They may have been exposed to it early on.

With a thought, Wu Chong took out the mark given to him by Deputy Palace Master Cai.He never thought that this mark, which he had almost forgotten, would actually emit light on its own when he took it out, and the white lotus flowers would flicker, just like active life.

"They have indeed contacted you."

Mi Xinlian's eyes flickered, and a lot of information in her mind quickly connected together.

"Deputy Palace Master Cai gave it to me." Master Wu sold it to Deputy Palace Master Cai naturally.

"Cai Cheng?"

Mi Xinlian knew who Wu Chong was talking about as soon as she heard it.

"Be careful with this person, he is not simple. Also, try not to have any contact with the Lotus Sect. Their reputation in the core is very bad. When Wuyou was taken away, there were masters from the Lotus Sect who appeared in the middle. , seriously injured the Domain Lord Immortal who was in charge at the time." There was an information line from the Immortal Cultivation Family behind it, and Mi Xinlian knew a lot of information that others didn't know.

I came here this time to remind Wu Chong and let him cut with Wuyou and his group.

To a certain extent, Wu Chong is no longer an ordinary person who is dispensable to Mi Xinlian. A son-in-law of the Domain Lord Immortal level is very valuable to her.She didn't want this valuable 'background' to be implicated in some inexplicable matter.

"I see."

Wu Chong nodded and expressed his gratitude.

His main focus now is on the deeper layers of the Immortal Mansion and the Great Immortal Lord. He really doesn't pay much attention to these troublesome trivial matters.If he was accidentally involved, it might really disrupt his current plan and force him to confront a certain force in the Immortal Mansion.

"The Lotus Gate is related to the Great Dream Lord of the Mirage, and the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord also knows about it. If you don't believe it, you can ask him for confirmation." As if she was afraid that Wu Chong wouldn't pay enough attention, Mi Xinlian added.

Big dreamer? !

Wu Chong's heart trembled.

If it really involves the Big Dream Lord, the trouble will really need to be re-evaluated.He can't even deal with the Great Immortal Lord now. If he meets the Great Dream Lord who is at the same level as the Great Immortal Lord and may even be stronger, it will only be more troublesome.

Mi Xinlian told him this news. Firstly, she was helping him and not wanting his suddenly rising 'son-in-law' to fall. Secondly, she was showing him the methods of the Immortal Cultivation Family.

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord is very strong.

The master of the Core Alchemy Palace, one of the top executives in the core of the Immortal Mansion.But when it comes to more precise information, the following people need to do it.The Immortal Cultivation Family are these 'people below'. This is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed. Even if Gu Xuan Immortal Lord wants to do something, it must be conveyed and completed by these people.

The palace master has his own affairs to do, and it is impossible to do everything himself.Once or twice is okay, but if you do it too much, the prestige of the hall master will be gone.

Mi Xinlian is gone.

Wu Chong did not try to persuade her to stay. After briefly chatting with Jing Ling and telling her not to worry, he left home.

Previously, I just wanted to practice cultivation and then help the Immortal Mansion change the world.

Now it seems that if you want to practice safely, you must make some arrangements.

Otherwise, you don’t even know when you will be cheated.

Buddhist practice is still protected by Vajra. How can he, the majestic master of Black Wind Mountain, not have brothers to help him?I used to be too lazy to take care of it, but now that trouble is coming, I can no longer ignore it.Just now, he also needs a quiet place to help the Immortal Mansion's Immortal Wen Formation 'share the pressure', and his external strength has also broken through to the level of the Domain Lord Immortal Lord.

You can also start arranging some things.

Just thinking about these troublesome trivial matters made him a little irritable.

'I just want to practice quietly, why are there always people trying to harm me? '

He suddenly understood a little bit about those monks who were not allowed to be pure.

In this mortal world, things will find you whether you want them to or not.

Because you are in the quagmire and cannot be abandoned in this mortal world.

When you are conspicuous enough, trouble will find you because you are in the middle of the game. (End of Chapter)

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