After leaving the courtyard, Wu Chong planned to go to find the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord.

Ever since he changed cultivation, Gu Xuanxian Zun has been very busy every day. This feeling of clearly increasing his lifespan gave him the urge to indulge in it.The only troublesome thing is that as his cultivation level improves, the Immortal Mansion seems to slowly start to exclude him.

'The Dream Demon really still belongs to the power of the mirage. '

Gu Xuanxian Zun thought in his heart.

According to the immortal system taught to him by Wu Chong, he is still in the stage of Nascent Soul becoming a god.For the creatures in the world, this kind of cultivation speed is simply faster than riding a rocket, but at the level of Guxuan Immortal Lord, it becomes very reasonable. If a university professor returns to kindergarten to learn to read, his speed will definitely not be slow. .The realm in the world is that simple for the top immortals.

What makes Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord addicted to it is that every breakthrough in such a 'weak' realm can bring him an increase in longevity. Although it is not much, it can be regarded as giving him hope.

Wu Chong did not expect this. After the immortal monks transferred to his system, they received very little longevity feedback, which was far inferior to the creatures in the world. He guessed that the immortal world did not allow it and did not give it to the world. This will only happen if you feed back.

"Immortal Master, Master Wu is here to visit."

The boy at the door interrupted Gu Xuan Immortal's thoughts.

Ever since Guxuan Immortal Lord publicly praised Wu Chong, everyone in the Immortal Mansion thought that Guxuan Immortal Lord had taken a fancy to Master Wu's qualifications and wanted to accept him as his true disciple.

As the children of Guxuan Immortal Lord, these people are naturally human beings. Now they are very respectful to Wu Chong. They rush over to report anything involving Wu Chong. The purpose is to show off one more thing in front of the Immortal Lord. Increase your presence.

"Bring people in."

After finishing his training, Gu Xuanxianzun stood up and walked towards the living room.

He knew that the master would not come to him if nothing happened.

"what's up?"

After ordering all the disciples to retreat, Gu Xuan Immortal Lord sat down in the seat next to him.

"Do you know about Lotus Gate?"

Wu Chong didn't show up and asked directly.

"They're looking for you?"

Gu Xuan Immortal Lord frowned slightly.

He naturally knows about the Lotus Sect, can hang out in the core of the Immortal Mansion, and has also developed a sect of first-level disciples, the deputy master of the Danhuo Palace. How could those of them at the top not know about it.Even the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord himself continues to receive filial piety from the Lotus Sect every year.

All top-level palace masters are the same.

Because of this, they turn a blind eye to the Lotus Gate.

"I'm in some trouble and I might get dragged into it."

Wu Chong was talking about the 'True Immortal Pill'.

Wu Chong had released a lot of this kind of elixir before, and later released some upgraded versions.These things were not a problem when no one took care of them before, but when someone really wants to cause trouble and drag him into the water, these inconspicuous things will become ropes.

"It's a little tricky."

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord frowned and pondered.

The Lotus Sect is not an opponent that can be solved simply with strength, or with the power they currently have in their hands, they cannot use this most barbaric method to solve this matter.Because the backer of Lotus Sect is not just the palace master, if he turns against him and flips the table, others will definitely intervene.And the Lotus Gate is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He heard a rumor a long time ago that there is a mirage dream master behind the Lotus Gate.Although it was just a rumor, no one dared to test it.

After reaching a certain limit in strength, neither the Great Immortal Lord nor the Great Dream Master would be something that ordinary people would dare to provoke.

"Why don't I accept you as my disciple and declare to the outside world that you are my true disciple?"

Gu Xuan Immortal Lord weighed a little and thought of a compromise.Anyway, there are rumors outside, so just confirm him.

It's just that Gu Xuan Immortal Lord also has his own troubles. If Wu Chong really assumes the identity of Gu Xuan Immortal Lord's true disciple, then the troubles belonging to Gu Xuan Immortal Lord will spread to him.

While enjoying rights, there are also troubles caused by rights.

It is impossible to be free and at ease.

"No, you are in a lot of trouble, and using your name will cause even more trouble."

Wu Chong waved his hand and refused.

He has also been a top-level strongman, so he naturally knows the troubles these people have.

After all, the Lotus Sect incident has not broken out yet, and the True Immortal Pills he sold can only be regarded as a troublemaker.For him, as long as he is not involved in the Big Dream Master level incident, other minor troubles can be easily solved.

Just worry-free
Thinking back to the ambitious common disciple, Wu Chong always felt that there was a big hole hidden in this guy.In the beginning, he dared to follow him with such little resources, but now in order to obtain more things, he would inevitably sell more.And Deputy Palace Master Cai, who took drugs in front of him, was already an immortal-level powerhouse in his own right.Although he is just a fake immortal, he is no longer a small shrimp in the immortal mansion.How can it be such a small thing if people like this come together to stir things up?

The information network was still insufficient. Even Mi Xinlian noticed that there was no news feedback from his side. This situation was too passive.

"I'm going to recruit some subordinates and use your name."

Wu Chong planned to use the channels of Gu Xuan Immortal Lord to spread the stall.As long as he has people in all aspects of the Immortal Mansion, the situation will be completely different from now.

As for the issue of loyalty, there is nothing to worry about.

He is familiar with the human skin business.


Guxuan Immortal Lord took off his token and gave it to Wu Chong.

In Immortal Mansion, this kind of identity token is sometimes more useful than being present in person.

After taking the token of Gu Xuan Immortal Lord, Wu rushed to the front hall.The front hall is the hall that ordinary people in the Immortal Mansion have the most contact with. In the plan of the Immortal Mansion, the front hall is the fifth hall, second only to the fourth hall managed by cultivation.The front hall is responsible for the overall planning and people's livelihood of the entire immortal mansion.The front hall is responsible for the methods and systems of low-level monks, as well as the trade of spiritual stones, etc. These related matters are all in charge.

"Master, why did you call us all here?"

At the stall in the front hall, Wu Chong called over the Dragon King, Giant Snake, and Chen Han.

These three guys are his team here, plus Xie Jiufeng and Jing Ling who come here occasionally, they are all his core forces.

These people are now scattered in various palaces of the Immortal Mansion, like a plate of scattered sand, and it is difficult to gather them together.

This is also a common problem of bandit organizations like Heifeng Village. When fights break out, management becomes relatively chaotic, and many things are handled in a mess.

There is no master!

This chaotic situation made Wu Chong miss Ma Runan, a subordinate he used to have when he was still in the "Daqi" of the Sea of ​​Chaos.At that time, I didn't know how comfortable it was to be a hand-off shopkeeper. Later, the head butler of Heifeng Village became Yan Jiu.Although Yan Jiu is very loyal, he is indeed much weaker than Ma Runan in terms of doing chores. That is to say, his long life has lengthened these conflicts, otherwise Yan Jiu would not be able to handle it.

"Recruit some subordinates, just use the name of Dandian."

Wu Chong didn't bother to explain to Dragon King and the others, and directly took out the token of Gu Xuan Immortal Lord.

"Recruiting subordinates?"

The giant snake was stunned and soon understood.

After all, he is also a world leader. He has never eaten pork and has always seen pigs running away.Although the world it is in is similar to a virgin forest, this does not mean that the giant snake has a poor IQ.If you really don't have a good brain, you won't be able to escape from the world and become the master of the world. (End of chapter)

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