"who are you?"

The Mouse Saint's face changed slightly. His son, the Mouse family, had thrown away the sky-shielding cloth. This was a secret that few people knew.There are very few people who knew about this back then who are still alive today.It stands to reason that this kind of secret should be buried underground forever as time goes by, but now an unknown person who appears from nowhere has revealed it.

Wu Chong stretched out his hand, and a piece of black cloth similar to the Rat Saint flew out of his hand.

The next moment, the curtain easily cut through the defenses arranged by the Rat Saint outside. The cloth he opened to cover the sky in front of the cloth in Wu Chong's hand was like Li Gui meeting Li Kui, with no ability to resist at all. He was defeated.

"This is the real sky-shading cloth."

With the blockade of the sky-shielding cloth, the entire area was completely divided, and even the most basic immortal formation of the immortal mansion ignored their existence.

"you are"

Seeing this scene, Rat Saint's expression immediately changed.

He remembered a person recorded in family documents, and the first Rat Saint was killed by this person.

The moment he thought of this, he immediately turned around and fled into the distance. His escape was so decisive that he even ignored the sky-shielding cloth that his family had spent countless resources to imitate.It's just that Wu Chong finally bumped into him, so how could he let this guy run away from him.

I saw him spreading his palms, and a trace of power spread out.

The direction within the area of ​​the canopy can be changed instantly.

Before the escaping Rat Saint could react, he bumped into Wu Chong, and no matter how he escaped, he would come back here.

"I fought with you!!"

Frightened and angry, the Rat Saint was ready to give it a go and kill the enemy.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't know that even his ancestors couldn't do something, how could he, a latecomer, do it?The rat body manifested and he bit into it.But the next second, when his teeth touched Wu Chong, they strangely turned into sponges.It was soft and without any lethality, and the remaining strength extended to his body. In the blink of an eye, the contemporary rat saint who was ready to give it a try really turned into a little mouse and was pinched by Wu Chong. .

The entire process from the appearance of the Rat Saint to his defeat only took a few breaths.

Gu Xuanxian Zun, who was standing behind, was already dumbfounded.

'How come the boss has become stronger again? !How on earth did he practice!Does immortality really have such great potential?It's just that I'm weak because I don't have a good level...'

Countless thoughts flashed through Gu Xuan Immortal Lord's heart, and the excitement of breaking through to Great Immortal Lord suddenly disappeared.He has decided.This time I go back and put all my energy into cultivating immortality.

The backward path of the Immortal Mansion system has no future at first glance.

"Let's go."

With a pinch, he let out a scream.

This contemporary Rat Saint directly embarked on the same fate as his ancestors.

Guxuan Immortal Lord looked at this scene blankly, and the next second suddenly there was a mouse corpse in his hand.It belonged to the Rat Saint, and the imitation sky-shielding cloth was also thrown away to Gu Xuan by Wu Chong as rubbish.

"Use the waste, take it back and see if you can make it into a pill and give it to the brothers below."


Guxuan Immortal Lord calmly collected the Rat Saint's inheritance.

After doing this, the two figures turned into rainbow light and returned to the middle-level nest.

Wu Chong has already agreed to take action in the war with Xian Mansion, but the strength in the initial stage does not require someone like him to end up. He needs to wait until the defense of the sand dunes is broken down and enters the swamp area before taking action.

This time, Xianfu's plan is to invade the sea area and completely eliminate the cancer of Mirage.

Mere sand dunes can no longer satisfy them.

Two days later.

Chamber of Secrets.

Wu Chongping dismissed everyone and took out the 12-yuan slate from the secret room.

The moment the power of the stone slabs connected together, all the immortal formations outside that he had transformed came to life.Countless powers were projected towards him, and Wu Chong reached out and slapped the ground.

The originally solid ground became strangely twisted after the palm fell, rippling like waves. "As long as you are strong enough, there is no door in this world that cannot be opened."

Looking at the opened door in front of him, Wu Chong became more and more sure that he had made the right choice.

Only the weak will be confused, and the strong will only climb all the way until they are the strongest.

As soon as I thought about it, my body suddenly disappeared.

Different from the feeling in the mirage, the feeling here in the Immortal Mansion did not feel like entering water. After passing through the barrier, Wu Chong came to a circular space surrounded by green and black walls, and some could not be understood. The cyan mural is very similar to the internal structure of some tower-shaped buildings.

In the middle is a huge pillar supporting the sky. Looking up, you can't see the end.

On the edge of the giant pillar, there is a white jade staircase that looks like a long snake. The staircase winds up and down, with no end in sight.

"This is the real second level of the Immortal Mansion."

Wu Chong looked around, recalling the strange villages and puppets he saw when he came down last time, and he felt thoughtful in his heart.

The last time his strength had not reached this level, he was influenced by someone while sneaking down and went to a place similar to the mind space, so he was discovered by Ghost Anaconda and taken out again.

But this time he used his own strength to dig out the door, so naturally there was no possibility of being affected.

Go up the stairs.

The crisp sound of footsteps echoed in the space.

One lap, two laps, three laps.
Wu Chong didn't know how many floors he had climbed. When he looked up, the winding steps above still had no end, and the flat ground below turned into a black abyss with no bottom.

"Why is it this routine again?"

Stopping, Wu Chong became a little impatient.

The same thing happened when I dived in the sea last time. I could never reach the bottom. This time in Xianfu, I encountered steps that could not be reached to the top.

"Come out."

A group of ferocious-looking monsters with delusional thoughts crawled out from his body, and the originally empty steps were suddenly filled with these monsters.Several monsters that had no foothold fell directly from the edge of the steps.

"Find a way and move quickly."

Wu Chong didn't care about the status of these monsters. As long as he was around, these monsters would not die.

After receiving his order, several of the most powerful monsters rushed straight up.

Boom! !
With an explosion, the spiral steps above were broken, and a large number of white jade stones fell from the side.There was also an angry monster that directly hit its head against the pillar in the middle.

The solid pillar kept shaking and roaring under this attack, and a large amount of debris flew out from the pillar.The hunger monster was even more exaggerated. He grabbed the stone steps and started chewing them, swallowing them in big mouthfuls, as if there was not enough food at all.

In just a moment, this originally quiet space was transformed into a demolition site by these monsters.

Except for the area where Wu Chong was standing, other places began to collapse.

Finally, when the furious monster hit his head, the supporting stone pillar in the middle could no longer hold on and broke in the middle.A large round stone pillar flew out.The strange thing is that the upper part did not fall down, and the stone pillar still exists.

There is no dependence between the top and bottom of this pillar, they are simply listed together.

Wu Chong walked to the broken part of the pillar and found that it was soft when his feet stepped on it.

He knelt down and knocked gently, and another door appeared at his feet.

The entrance to the third floor!

Although he had never been there, Wu Chong read the information on them the moment he touched them.So without saying a word, he opened the door and walked in.

The third floor is his main destination this time.

The three old guys from Tiangong Hall said that the Immortal Mansion sealed the 'Nine Thousand Years Old' that they had jointly killed on the third floor, and they used this area as an isolation zone.From the perspective of the Immortal Mansion, it is full of contaminated materials that cannot be processed and waste products that need to be sealed, but from Wu Chong's perspective, it is full of treasures. (End of chapter)

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