After passing through the door, Wu Chong came to a dark space. After getting used to it for a while, he looked around.

This is a completely enclosed space, very similar to the original stone room in Mirage. The difference is that this room is surrounded by wall cabinets filled with various items.There are wine made from animal body parts, some weapons, and study decorations.It looks just like a grocery store.

"Are these the sealed artifacts of the Immortal Palace?"

Wu Chong walked to a counter. Inside the counter sat a colorful glazed toad, half-squatting there, just like a fortune-seeking ornament.I don't know why, but when Wu Chong saw this thing, he felt destined at first sight.

So he reached out and prepared to take it off and take a closer look.

"If I were you, I wouldn't mess with these things."

A voice sounded suddenly.

"In charge?"

Wu Chong turned around and found a translucent shadow floating in the sky sitting behind him. This guy had white beard and hair, a wrinkled face, and a wooden cane in his hand. He looked like a myth. The Earth God in the legend looks exactly the same.

This person gave him a very strange feeling, not like a real monk, but more like a special being.The light group beings he encountered in the world of mind before gave him this feeling.

"When you came to the lower world of Immortal Mansion, no one told you about the people who were guarding the lower level?"

The old man was also observing Wu Chong.

He had never seen this person before, and his memory was completely blank.

It should be a new face.

Just how do new faces get a chance to get in during this time period?Under normal circumstances, it is not yet time for the Immortal Mansion to open.

Could it be that another unknown incident occurred above?
In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through the little old man's mind.

"The layer guard? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Wu Chong looked at the ghost-like little old man in front of him. He didn't believe a word he said.If there really was a layer guard, why didn't he meet him when he was on the second layer?If he had met him earlier, he wouldn't have wasted so much time on the second floor. It would have been easier to catch him and ask for directions directly.

"You didn't meet the defenders on the second floor? You shouldn't have"

The little old man frowned in confusion, but the next moment he raised his hand sharply.

The wooden stick in his hand turned into a layer of white light and crushed it down.Wu Chong was about to catch Jin Chan's hand but was strangely pressed down. Not only that, the counter very close to him was also inexplicably separated from him.

"Don't think about touching the master's things when you are talking. If you are reckless, you will lose your life. The toad just now was transformed into the remains of Mirage's [-]-year-old body. The pollution it carries can instantly assimilate a three-level immortal. Your Majesty, block the people of a certain area."

The little old man jumped and appeared in front of the counter like smoke, completely separating Wu Chong from the counter.

"A little patience."

Wu Chong glanced at the counter at the sudden edge, and his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Rule power.

So far away!

Although he had never seen anyone from the Immortal Mansion, he had played the 'Internal Beta Server' in the Sea of ​​Chaos before and recognized him at a glance.When he was on the other side of the Sea of ​​Chaos, he had controlled these rules, so he couldn't be fooled.

"Okay, tell me about the defenders on the second floor. Did you really not see the defenders when you came here before?"


Wu Chong was not in a hurry, this place was very big.

Ignoring the toad just now, he saw a squid tentacle soaked in a glass jar on the cabinet next to it. Below it was a bottle of wine, soaked with centipedes. He didn't know how it tasted.

'With so many things sealed, if you eat them all, you can definitely go further. '
Wu Chong looked at the things on the counter like a merchant who wanted to purchase goods. He didn't hide it at all, and he didn't forget to deal with the little old man's questions.

"On the second floor there is only one stone pillar reaching the sky and a winding white jade step."

"Shizhu is the guardian of the second floor! That guy is originally a stone creature. He likes to pretend to be dead. It's normal that you didn't see through it." The little old man said with certainty.

Is Shizhu the guardian of the layer?Wu Chong was a little stunned. Recalling the experience on the second level, and then thinking back to the scene when the delusion monster broke the stone pillar and the other party was nowhere to be found, it felt like this was really the case.

But why do the defenders on this second floor feel a little timid?
"How did you get his permission?"

The little old man was very curious.

It is impossible for an unfamiliar face to enter the lower world without the consent of the person guarding the lower level.

This is the rule of the Immortal Mansion.

It was also a long time ago that the Immortal Mansion set the rules when it connected to the ancient pagoda, and no one could violate them.

"How did you agree?"

Wu Chong thought for a moment, then his whole body's strength surged.

A large group of densely packed delusional monsters crawled out of his body, especially the greedy monsters, who subconsciously licked their tongues when they saw the little old man.The hungry monster next to him even had tears dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"That's probably how I agreed."

The scene suddenly froze.

The little old man subconsciously grasped the wooden stick in his hand and let himself fly back quietly.

He didn't understand what these things that came out of the opponent's body were, but when he saw these things, he instinctively felt a hint of danger.

Strange to say, he is a great Immortal of the Four Realms, a source-level powerhouse!
When he sees these things, he will feel fear. Obviously these things are extremely weak, and he can crush them to death with one hand.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"Supernatural power? It's probably...summoning... strong men?" Wu Chong was also stunned for a moment, remembering his identity as the ancestor of the immortal world, and held back for a long time to define an identity for these monsters.


That's right, it's called a strongman. Who said that a strongman can't look like this!

"You call this thing Summoning a Rikishi?!"

The little old man's eyes changed a bit. He suspected that the guy in front of him might have been contaminated and had something wrong with his brain.

"Although the appearance is a bit outstanding, the core is the same. Immortal cultivators like us should not limit ourselves with narrow vision." Wu Chong gave the other party a hint with an elder's tone, which made the little old man himself doubtful about life.

Is it possible that I have been working as a layer guard for a long time and have lost touch with the outside world?
"Are the roads in the Immortal Mansion outside so wild now?"

He asked subconsciously.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here. I thought that toad just now was very pleasing to the eye, so I took it back for a while." After talking for a long time, Wu Chong roughly figured out the strength of this little old man.

The source level great immortal of the four realms.

He might have cared about it before, but now he really isn't afraid of the other party.In the time and space of 6000 years ago, he had tested the source-level Immortal Lord of the Immortal Mansion. Although he had never seen this little old man, his strength should not be much different.

In front of the road to enlightenment, it is useless for anyone to stand in the way!

The little old man suddenly became anxious.

If any of these things on the third floor flow out, they will have a huge impact on the outside.The former Maotu Immortal Lord was so rebellious that even now, there is still one vacancy among the twelve saints in the Immortal Mansion.Because the first-generation Immortal Maotu is not dead yet, the holy light in his body cannot be taken back.

"You can't control it. These things are more dangerous than you expected. Don't look at them now. That's because there is a counter sealing them. Once they leave,"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Chong stepped over the 'so close to the end of the world' set up by the little old man and put a hand on the toad's head.

Hand it warm and quite soft.

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