Chapter 372 What the hell is your name Baihe God?

I don't know if the thing on the opposite side is irrational, but Master Wu doesn't care anymore.

On his arm, the veins popped out.A toad's big hand swelled beyond the limit, and blood mist sprayed out from the pores. At the same time, the power of the gods was still affecting him, and the fingers on it wanted to fall.It's just that at the moment when King Toad's power was fully activated, all external aspects were withstood, even the oppression of the gods disappeared, and he regained his ability to move.

"What the hell is your name Baihe God?"

Wu Chong was completely out of control, and fired at Baihe God on the opposite side with full firepower.

At this moment, all martial arts and immortal techniques are discarded.

It's pure power!
boom! ! !
With a loud bang, the flow of the river was interrupted, the air wave exploded, and everything around was blown away, and the gods who watched in the distance were frightened away when they saw this scene.

"Blasphemer! This is a blasphemy against the gods!!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How can a great existence be repelled by a lowly life?!"

Some people with strong beliefs went crazy on the spot.

This is the god they believe in, how could it be drawn by a toad.

Such a terrifying power caused Baihe God's figure to shake, and it seemed to be a little puzzled, why this little bug could shake him.

"Damn, hard."

King Toad spat, and his figure shook twice.

It exploded with a bang...

After the overload erupted, the body had already reached its limit, coupled with the backlash of divine power and a series of previous attacks, it broke the critical point in an instant.

The force is mutual, his toad body is not as good as Baihe God, and it exploded into a blood mist on the spot under the hedge.

King Toad, who was so strong that he was almost invincible, failed to break through the boundaries.

The fragments of the explosion sank to the bottom of the river, and the dead could not die again.

After dozens of breaths, Baihe God resumed his previous behavior and continued to swim.This thing seems to have no emotions, repeating the same behavior forever, the figure becomes solid, then becomes virtual, and disappears.



Hee country.

With the unification of Xi State, the Heidang Mountain God became the most widely believed god in Xi State.

The royal family of all dynasties will worship.

There are countless sacrifices at the grand ceremony every year. When the new emperor succeeds to the throne, he will pray to God and regard himself as the son of the God of Heidang Mountain.Under the environment of imitating from top to bottom, it led to the construction of many Heidangshan temples in the territory of Xiguo.

It reached its peak for a while.

It's a pity that everything that is mundane will be diluted by time.

When the country was first founded, these temples were naturally full of people, but as time went by, some temples in remote places began to decline slowly and became unattended.To this day, there are not many temples abandoned in the country of Xi. The older generation of temples died, and there were no successors. This kind of situation also appeared on a large scale.

In the dilapidated temple, the statue of Heidang Mountain God suddenly opened its eyes.Then he looked around, the stone body gradually shrunk, and the color of the body surface slowly returned to normal.

This person is none other than Master Wu who has just fought with Baihe God in the spirit world.

Along with his recovery, the power of King Toad, who died in the spirit world, began to flow back.For Xiguo, the spirit world is originally the upper world, where the gods live, and they only have the opportunity to touch it when they are dreaming.But for Wu Chong, the spirit world is another training ground, and the strength of the body that dies in the spirit world will not dissipate.The power still exists, and it will flow back from the spirit world with his resurrection, which is the benefit of turning into a god.

All the power in him is his own, thousands of great powers are in one body, people are immortal, and power is always there.

"It's dead again, and next time I go back, I'll chat with the little girl with the lantern again."

This time, Master Wu officially came into contact with the gods.A slap is a pleasure, and a death is also a pleasure.

He killed countless gods of the White River God in the river water of the White River God, until it caused the backlash of the gods' rules, allowing him to do it himself, and achieved the goal of truly understanding and contacting the gods.

"Twice, this dog killed me twice, I must take good care of him when I find a chance in the future."

Master Wu, who moved his body a bit, secretly wrote two strokes to God Baihe in his heart.

After writing down the notebook, Wu Chong began to revive his body.

Half an hour later, the recovery is almost complete.

The rules of the material world are different from those of the spiritual world, and growth requires a little bit of logic. The 20-meter-high King Toad shrank to a height of about five meters after returning to the material world.

If Wu Dazhang's strength fully exploded, he should be able to add another one or two meters.

A height of about seven meters is no problem.

Master Wu takes it for granted. I'm taller, so there's nothing strange about it, right?Little did he know that his "common sense" was already rubbing against the ground the rules of the material world.

This kind of destruction caused Wu Chong's realm of cultivating immortals to further deepen, and the level of transforming gods began to gradually complete.When he can completely break the gap between the spiritual world and the material world, it will be the time for him to become a god.

At that time, you will be able to turn reality into emptiness, and advance to the power of returning to the void.


A miserable scream sounded.

The beggar who was so downcast that he was laying on the floor in the ruined temple just went out to beg for food and came back. Before he fell asleep, he saw the god statue on it "live". This scene scared the little beggar and peed his pants on the spot. , and passed out directly.

Wu Dadang, who had just adjusted to his body, turned dark.

I am a late-stage immortal cultivator, Heidang mountain god of Xiguo
Forget it.

I don't know the same as this beggar.

He walked over and took the beggar's clothes and changed it for himself. Don't blame him for being so poor that he robs beggars. It's really because of his reborn body like a god, naked, and it's a bit indecent for a big bird to enjoy the cool outside.

As a 'Heidang Mountain God', basic dignity is still required.

He is definitely not holding grudges because of the beggar's previous offense. He is famous for being open-minded and broad-minded.

Walking out of the street, Wu Chong quickly saw the prosperity of Xi Kingdom.

This place should still be the Linhai County when he left, but with the "recovery" of Taizu Lu Chuan, Linhai County has become the largest city in the Xi Kingdom, and its prosperity is no longer comparable to that at the beginning.

Wu Chong was dressed in a beggar's outfit, strolling casually on the street.

From the roadside vendors, he heard a lot of rumors about the royal family of Xi Kingdom, and also heard a lot of stories about the 'Heidang Mountain God'.

These things are heard with relish.

The only thing worth noting is that Lu Chuan, the patriarch of the restoration of the Xi Kingdom, is actually dead.Even his son was sent away, and now Lu Chuan's grandson is in power.

"It's been so long."

Wu Chong was a little surprised.

On Xiguo's side, more than 70 years have passed.

(End of this chapter)

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