Chapter 373 New Power
I don't know how to calculate the speed of time in the spirit world. He obviously hasn't been in the spirit world for long.Just subdued a few younger brothers and set up a branch of the spirit world of Heifeng Village, and such a long time has passed outside.

"There is no way to the spirit world for the time being, unless I can cross the river, but at present, the Baihe God will definitely not allow it, and I don't know why. Maybe I should find a chance to go back and enter the spirit world from the Eternal Department. Take a look at the world, I remember that it seems to be the territory of some kind of black god."

Wu Chong thought about the follow-up plan.

Heifengzhai in the spiritual world will not have any problems for a while. Even if he is gone, the dozen or so masters who have been subdued by his personal charm will continue to maintain everything as before. Before the emergence of absolute force, there will be no major problems. misfortune.

The most urgent thing for him to solve now is how to solve the gap with the gods, otherwise he will die the same next time he meets.

The strength of God Baihe's body is still fresh in his memory.

The ability to turn the virtual into the real, and then from the real to the virtual.
Wouldn't it be returning to the void?

The Xiguo Plain is located in a fully enclosed basin surrounded by ring-shaped mountains.

Going further outside, there will be many powerful forces and countries one after another, and there are many powerful "higher beings" inside.Wu Chong searched for such a place for a long time in order to transform into a god.

On the bare bluestone mountain, a group of men and women in leather armor gathered here. Each of these people carried a long sword on their backs, and gathered here standing or lying down, as if they were waiting for someone.With so many people, no one spoke to each other, not even tentative words. Everyone seemed to be a cold machine.

The cold wind whimpered, and the scene was eerily quiet.

An eagle chirped.

In the middle of the sky, a black dot descended from the sky.It fell to the ground like a meteorite, splashing gravel all over the sky.After seeing this person, these sword bearers all stood up.

"It's all resolved?"

The dust cleared away, and a burly bald man stood up from the deep pit.The previous act of falling from a high altitude did not cause him any damage.


All the sword bearers bowed to respond, their voices were neat as if they had practiced thousands of times.

"very good."

The bald man nodded, not surprised by the result, and his inquiry was just a routine.

"The goal this time is the Hundred Kingdoms Plain. Going west from here, I want to make all life shrouded in the glory of the Lord."

When the bald man mentioned the Lord, there was a flash of enthusiasm in the eyes of everyone present.

It seems that only honoring the name of the Lord can awaken their emotions.

"The lord is on the holy mountain, watching us."

"Only the Lord is eternal."

Everyone responded in unison.

Wu Chong was not in a hurry to leave. First, after the death of the spirit world, King Toad's power was still flowing back.Only this place can link to the spiritual world above, and the second point is that he hasn't figured out where the root of the gods is.

I thought it was a rune before, but now it seems that it is not just that.

So, he stayed in Xi Country for a while, and what surprised him was that in these days, he actually saw many immortal cultivators, even though they were only at the Qi Refining Realm, they were indeed no longer pure martial arts!

After confirming again and again, Wu Chong discovered that these people practiced the skills he had distributed in Daqi World.In Xiguo, everyone can cultivate immortality skills, and after being passed here, sects appeared. During this period, he also saw several small sects created by Foundation Establishment Daxiu.

Although it is still not as good as the martial arts school as a whole, it has begun to show some energy to the outside world.Moreover, many people sensed the trend and realized the potential of the path of cultivating immortals. Some people who had reached the end of martial arts began to secretly switch to cultivation.

"This power."

After finishing his meal, Wu Chong returned to the dilapidated temple. He spread out his right hand, and a group of colorful silk threads emerged from his palm.These silk threads are still very weak, but Wu Chong has tried many methods, even using King Toad's mighty power, but still can't destroy them.It was as if this silk thread did not belong to this world.

This familiar sense of sight immediately reminded Wu Chong of God Baihe.

He also felt this way when he was with Shirakawa God Hard Steel.

Can't be destroyed!

"Is it the power of inheritance? Or something else?"

For Wu Chong, this was an unexpected gain.I came into contact with the mysteries of the gods by accident. What is the specific difference? I still need to try a few more times.

As long as there is a direction, the rest is trial and error.

Thinking of this, Master Wu turned his attention to the beggar below.This beggar was also very courageous. Apart from being frightened to death on the first day, he even dared to go back here to sleep in the next few days.Up to now, I have dared to say a few words to him from time to time.

"My lord, you eat."

The beggar who had just finished eating the steamed buns noticed the gaze and immediately showed a flattering smile.

Glancing at the steamed bun that this guy took a bite out of, the black tooth marks and five finger prints, Mr. Wu directly passed by, then walked down and stood in front of the beggar, and asked.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

Become stronger?

The beggar looked dazed and didn't understand what it meant.

Since he was born, he has never been exposed to these two words, and he doesn't understand them.

Seeing this, Wu Chong didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and directly stretched out his hand to press the other party's forehead.

The power of the soul gathered in the palm, engraved the memory into a pattern, and passed it directly to the beggar's mind.Qi training chapter!It was transmitted in an instant, because Wu Chong was afraid that the beggar would be illiterate, so Wu Chong changed it into a picture on purpose.

After incorporating the memory, the beggar instantly realized.

The body seemed to be awakened, and began to absorb the free energy between the heaven and the earth. The breath that the warrior could not sense, the breath defined as polluted gas, all poured into his body, and he completed the first three stages of Qi training in the blink of an eye. layer.

This is not because the beggar is gifted, but because of the empowerment given by Master Wu.

He didn't want to teach his apprentices, but he was just going to test the influence of the inheritance of cultivation skills.

"Thank you Shangxian."

The introduction to Qi training is accompanied by the steps of enlightening wisdom and spirit.

Beggars after getting started have already understood the cause and effect, and also know the strength of the person in front of them.So he found a respectful title from the newly acquired words in his mind, and knelt down to thank him.

Wu Chong ignored him.

With the introduction of the beggar's Qi training chapter, he clearly felt a slight change.The silk thread in his hand became stronger by an extremely weak star.This kind of change was very weak, and it was only when Wu Chong personally empowered him and his strength in the later stage of Huashen could barely capture it.

"It's really feasible."

Seeing the silk thread slowly becoming stronger in his hand, Wu Chong never imagined that the little seed left casually in Daqi back then would now blossom and bear fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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