Chapter 383 The Brave Pig
Their resistance seems to have aroused the interest of the little girl with the lantern outside, only to see that the little girl with the lantern who had already walked to the corner turned her head, and that cute head was bent at a strange angle.As soon as he turned around, he walked towards the stone house where several people were hiding.

Just at this time, the re-condensed figure of Master Wu appeared.

"Oops, it's a newcomer!"

The complexions of several people changed, and they secretly said badly.

The appearance of the newcomer will definitely attract the attention of the voice of the spirit world. In this way, the monster will definitely walk in, and then they will face the voice of the spirit world at close range.With their current spiritual bodies, they simply cannot bear the intensity of singing.

"Got you."

With a "squeak", the door opened.

The little girl with the lantern came in from the outside, the lantern in her hand was the first to enter, and then a cute little face poked in from the outside, as if playing hide-and-seek.

Everyone in the room showed a terrified expression the moment they heard the voice.

"Damn it, the monster is already gone!"

"It's all the fault of this newcomer, he doesn't even understand the most basic rules of the spirit world, this time he killed him!!"

Wu Chong ignored the complaints of these guys.

When the little girl with the lantern looked over, he also looked over, and the two immediately met eyes.

The arrogant and domineering girl with the lantern suddenly froze, and her mischievous smile froze. In the midst of the strange panic in the corner, the girl with the lantern changed into a flattering smile in seconds, just like changing her face. This operation directly stunned several people .Not only that, but the little girl with the lantern quickly stepped forward with the lantern in hand, and handed over the lantern in her hand.That way, he looks like a little milk dog who pleases his master.

"Remember, it seems that you are indeed connected."

Master Wu patted the little girl with the lantern on the head in satisfaction.

The previous few beatings were not in vain, and now even if he changes places, he still remembers him.

The "Three Disasters in the Spiritual World" has never been experienced by Master Wu from the very beginning. When he entered the spiritual world for the first time, he already had a background of +19.While others were still thinking about how to deal with the wind of the spirit world and avoid the rain of the spirit world, he was already blowing the wind of the spirit world, standing in the rain of the spirit world and beating the voice of the third disaster, the spirit world.

"What is he doing?!"

The mouse spirit was so frightened that snot and tears came out, thinking that he had a hallucination.

"That toad spirit is touching the head of the voice of the spirit world!"

"And took the monster's lantern."

Several people gasped.

Over there, Wu Chong patted the head of the little stick with the lantern, and returned the lantern to the little girl with the lantern.The lantern is one with the little girl, and it's useless to take it away.Its current image is only endowed by the spirit world. The real little girl with the lamp should have the same image as the wind and rain in the spirit world. It is only because of some special reasons that it has a carrier.

After dismissing the little girl with the lantern, Wu Chong didn't care about those strange shapes, and just pushed the door open and went out.

Inside the stone house.

Several odd-shaped spirits looked at each other, then at the little girl with a lantern sitting on her knees facing the door, and a bold idea came to her mind.

The black pig took a look at his hooves.

Could this be the real way to deal with the voice of the spirit world?

A few people suddenly regained their energy, thinking that they had found a way to subdue the voice of the spirit world.

The mouse spirit who likes to pick up cheap ones rushed up first.
what! ! !
Not long after, there were several shrill screams from inside the stone house.Wu Chong who walked out of the door heard the voice and looked back, just in time to see the picture of the black pig pressing its hooves on the forehead of the little girl with the lantern.


I didn't realize that this pig is so brave.

As the cold wind blew past, Wu Chong's sight returned to the front.

When entering the spirit world from Xiguo, the place outside the stone platform is a boundless black land, with various plants growing in the spirit world, and some low-lying places will have tentacles crawling over. Overall, it is still alive.But the spiritual world here is completely different from the spiritual world above Xiguo. At first glance, it is gray and gray, with black and gray particles floating in the air, resembling the ruins after the war.

The outside is not a large wasteland, but an abandoned city in black and gray style.

Wu Chong glanced at his feet, but after a short time, he left the dividing line of the stone platform, and the little girl with the lamp had already been compressed to such a small extent.

"Spirit world."

Wu Chong mused, until now he didn't know the mechanism of the existence of the spirit world, let alone whether there were any differences between them.The only thing that feels different is that the spirit world where the Dragon King's Mansion is located is more active than the spirit world above Xiguo.Among them, it is easier to collect spiritual energy and human thoughts, and the corresponding subordinate human kingdom should be far from what Xiguo can match.

Wu Chong began to explore along the street.

Since this place is called the Dragon King's Mansion, it means that the Dragon King must be in this spiritual world. In this case, it is always right to keep a low profile.He gave the Dragon King such a big hat, and he would be very 'warm' to thank him.So for the sake of unnecessary trouble, Master Wu felt that it was better not to contact them as much as possible.

But even if it is really unlucky to meet him, he doesn't care.

The Dragon King and the Venerable Lord may be very strong, but he, King Toad, is not a vegetarian either.A record like being defeated and surviving in front of the gods, can that be considered a record?His Baihe God's big ear scraper was whipped, so he didn't die either.

For Wu Chong right now, the most important thing is the issue of returning to the void.

Nothing else matters.

While Wu Chong was exploring the spirit world, the bald man in Xiguo was also awakened.

The bald man who woke up was telling what he knew, including the information about the Dragon King.

"It should be a thousand-year overhaul. I have fought him with all my strength, and I can feel that the other party has not held back." When he said this, the bald man paused.

He recalled the lagging scream during the previous fight.

It must have been an accident.

"Thousand-year overhaul?" The strong man in charge of investigating the matter looked solemn.

A millennium-level overhaul is a big figure that cannot be ignored anywhere. I didn't expect such a troublesome guy to appear.

Fortunately, it is still within the control range.

Thousand-year overhaul, they also have sword bearers inside, but the more troublesome ones are the guys who help this person escape.

"Are you sure you were knocked out by someone?"

The investigator looked back at the bald man, and asked again for confirmation.

"Sure, the person who came out later is very strong, I can't judge it." Thinking of the scene of the last short film, the bald man also had a dignified expression.

One blow stunned the Millennium Overhaul.

who is it?

A person with such strength will definitely not be an unknown person.

"Could it be the Dragon King?"

"Let's stop here, I will report the news." The investigator interrupted the bald man's guess.

The problems involved later are no longer something the two of them can solve.

Before the results come out, it is right to be cautious in words and deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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