Chapter 384 Smash!
In the gray world, Wu Chong has walked forward for an unknown how long.

The whole world is full of dust, countless black and gray particles floating in the air, giving people a dark and depressing feeling.This place seems to have been forgotten for a long time, with no people, no sounds, and no boundaries.No matter how long he walked, he was surrounded by the same scene and countless wreckage, which gave Wu Chong a new understanding of the spirit world.

Wu Chong tried to perceive it with his spiritual sense, but he found that this spiritual world was very strange. Those gray-black particles floating in the air would block his spiritual sense, and he could not perceive many details of the past clearly.


A voice sounded from behind.

Wu Chong stopped, looked back, and found a humanoid monster!
"Do you want soup?"

This is a crooked old woman, with thinning hair, an old face full of wrinkles, and a few black teeth left in a shriveled mouth.At this moment, the old woman was holding a bamboo ladle in her hand, and a pitch-black pot was boiling in front of her, and there were a few strange heads floating in it.Judging from the aura, these spirits should be the 'higher life' coming up from below.

Wu Chong glanced at the old woman, but did not speak. This was the first time he saw a humanoid monster in the spirit world.

"Have some hot soup."

The old woman raised the spoon, and the soup inside was steaming. If it weren't for the eyeball of a frog floating inside, the soup would still look good.

"Is your soup cooked?"

Wu Chong looked at it for a long time and asked a question.

The spiritual world here is very strange, and I can't find a way to obtain spiritual energy in this place for a while, and the current scene doesn't look like there is a spiritual field.Simply stop and chat with this old woman to see if I can get some useful information.

Bao. What?
The old woman holding the spoon didn't react for a while.

It was only after she regained her composure that she heard Wu Chong's question clearly, but how would she answer it?What she sells is soup, not melon.

"You have to drink soup to get out of the endless ruins." The old woman's smile was not so bright.

"I don't drink uncooked soup."

Wu Chong took the spoon from the old woman's hand and stirred it a few times in the soup pot.Some hard vegetables from the bottom of the soup floated up, and Wu Chong saw some frog legs, rabbit heads, spider legs, locust eyes, etc. No matter how you look at them, these things don't look like normal people can drink them.

"You will drink."

The old woman didn't care about Wu Chong's behavior, but her expression became more and more indifferent.

The spirit world of the Dragon King's Mansion is not isolated and separated. After thousands of years of construction, many places in the Dragon King's Mansion have changed, and the spirit world has been cut.The place where all newcomers come up and enter is only the outermost part of the spirit world. After the three disasters in the spirit world are overcome, the old woman who cooks the soup will be attracted, and only after drinking this bowl of soup can they enter the deeper spirit world.

It's like a dream.

This is the outer spirit world of the first level, and the strong men of the Dragon King's Mansion are all in the second level of the spirit world.The key to the door is the soup cooked by the old woman.

The reason why the old woman cooking soup appeared here was because she noticed Wu Chong.

Come to pick him up, the strong man who has survived the three disasters in the spirit world.

"Can't I go out without drinking?"

"can not go out."

"Is there any place in this world that you can't get out of?" Wu Chong looked at the old woman and grinned.

I don't know why, but the moment she saw Wu Chong's smile, the old woman on the opposite side felt her scalp go numb, as if something bad was about to happen.

"This is the territory of the Dragon King"

the old woman warned.

The so-called Dragon King is not a nickname, but a real title.The strongest person in this spirit world is a dragon-shaped monster who has mastered eight thousand runes and has survived in the spirit world for nearly 3000 years.

Wu Chong's breath began to recover.

The King Toad, who belonged to the Baihe God area and ruled over him, woke up from his depression, and under the terrified eyes of the old woman cooking soup, Wu Chong's body expanded rapidly, reaching a height of nearly 25 meters.After suppressing it for a while, King Toad became even bigger.An almost substantive violent aura spread from King Toad's body.

There was a crisp sound on the ground, and the square bricks cracked like porcelain.

The old soup-cooking woman who was facing King Toad collapsed on the ground, unable to move no matter how hard she struggled.


The soup pot in front couldn't bear the force and exploded directly.


After walking for so long, Wu Chong, who had long been a little impatient, moved his body.Such a vast aura accompanied his movements, forming waves of storms, blowing away the dust and sand around him.

This is a newcomer?

An idea popped into the mind of the old soup-cooking woman who was in charge of escorting newcomers who had survived the three disasters in the spiritual world.In the next moment, I saw the huge toad monster raise its hand and clenched its five fingers into a fist.Several streams of air flow surround the pitch-black arm, and it hits the ground with a single blow.

boom! !

The earth collapsed, and the tyrannical aftermath swept in the old soup-cooking woman next to her, drowning her before she even had time to scream.The power of the explosion unreasonably spread to the surroundings.Immediately afterwards, the abandoned houses next to it were rolled up, turning into a storm and spreading into the distance.At the center, a huge deep pit appeared, and after it shattered to a certain limit, a twisted feeling like drawing candy appeared.

The ground twisted abnormally.

The power of Wu Chong's punch was pulled by these 'drawing candies' and turned into strange circles. These circles increased sharply, and after a while, the circles filled the entire ground, and then the sound of glass shattering was unbearable. .

Only a 'click' sound was heard, and the abandoned city that couldn't get out disappeared, replaced by a strange house full of white walls.

The second layer of the spiritual world!
Inside the room, a group of people opened their mouths wide and looked at the toad spirit who was thrown in with brute force, and even forgot to say anything.

These people are the powerhouses on the second floor of the Dragon King Mansion's spiritual world. They are all subordinates of the Dragon King, and here they are also in charge of receiving those newcomers who have passed the three disasters of the spiritual world and were picked up by the old lady who cooks soup. The rules of the spirit world.After so many years, it was the first time they saw someone smashing from the first floor with brute force.

"Very weird power." Wu Chong recalled the process of coming in just now.

When he found that he couldn't get out of the abandoned city, he realized that something was wrong. In the spiritual world governed by Baihe God, Heifengzhai is also a famous top power, and he has also inspected his own territory.There has never been a situation where he couldn't get out. Looking back on the reduced platform of the little girl with the lamp, he guessed that the Dragon King should have mastered some unknown rune, which can change the order of the spirit world.

The scene here is caused by the change of order.

If he wanted to enter the transformed spirit world on the second floor, the normal procedure would be to drink the old woman's soup.But Master Wu never drinks from strangers, and he doesn't believe that there are indestructible things in this world.

If there is, then it must be that the strength is not enough!
(End of this chapter)

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