Chapter 385 Fantasy Mushroom
"How did you get in?"

The master of the Dragon Palace who was in charge of receiving the newcomers swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously.

"Pierce through the ground and come over."

Wu Chong glanced at these people and found that they were not weak.Each of them has a cultivation base of about a hundred years, and the one who spoke has nearly 300 years. In the spirit world of God Baihe, this strength is comparable to that of the centipede he met for the first time.

Break through the ground? !
"Ask you something, is there no one farming in your place?"

After observing for so long, Wu Chong just wanted to know how the people in Dragon King's Mansion became stronger.He didn't see anyone planting spiritual fields, nor did he see anyone looting everywhere.But if they don't have both, how did these people become stronger.


The person in charge who was going to ask the question was dizzy, and always felt that something was wrong with the process.But after seeing the fierce figure of the frog spirit opposite, he decided to reason with the other party.

"Forget it, it looks like you don't know."

This person was dumb, so Wu Chong didn't bother to ask any more questions, so he might as well go out and have a look.

Turn around and open the door behind you.

A big hole was knocked out on the top of the door. This room is already considered big. Normal people can enter and exit with a gate of more than ten meters.

Several people in charge of the reception felt their scalps tingle for a while, and when they saw Wu Chong going out, they could only get up and follow them out quickly.This toad spirit can't run around, otherwise they won't be able to stand up if something goes wrong.It was just that they stopped as soon as they went out, because they saw a terrifying figure floating over from a distance.

"It's that adult!"

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of several people, and they quickly retreated to the original room, ignoring Wu Chong no longer.

This is?

After leaving the reception room, Wu Chong saw gigantic balloons floating in midair one after another, boundless, like dream bubbles, filling the entire sky.

The interior of these balloons is colorful, and the exterior is connected with a thin and long silk thread, which extends all the way to the material world below.Wu Chong walked up to a balloon, observed carefully, and found that the interior of these balloons was like one small world after another, in which countless people lived, their thoughts and desires () were intertwined, sucked away by the bubbles, and collected.

Looking at the past from this angle, I don't know how many similar bubbles there are in front, spreading to the end of the world.

Good guy!
Transformed the second floor of the entire spiritual world into a spiritual field, proper big landlord!

"This is a fantasy mushroom, which is specially used to collect mortal thoughts and purify aura."

A strange man with a pale mask suddenly appeared on Wu Chong's shoulder. Except for a mask, the rest of the body was covered in gray mist.It kept twisting, very weird.

"You came from the spirit world controlled by other gods, right?"

Before Wu Chong could speak, the weird man said on his own.

"Every year there will be some people from other spirit worlds, but most of them are waste materials eliminated by other spirit worlds, or waste that survived death in a certain spirit world. You are different! You are very strong, even I I can’t even see the depth.” The strange man turned into a cloud of smoke as he spoke, and began to observe Wu Chong.

"Are you here to plunder? I heard that the Lord likes to do this. He unified many places in the material world and annexed the corresponding spiritual world above these places."

The weird man stopped suddenly while speaking, and flew in front of Wu Chong, facing Wu Chong with his pale masked face, and asked.

"You won't be the lord, will you?"

The masked man didn't know what kind of magical skill he practiced to enter the spirit world. This was the first time Wu Chong had encountered him in this form.

"Are all the fields here planted like this?"

Wu Chong ignored this strange person, what he cared about was his way back to the void.Looking at the endless mushroom fields in front of him, he felt that the way of farming in Heifeng Village in the spirit world was a bit conservative.

Only by resolutely farming can there be more harvests.

"Farming is a very profound knowledge. Mushroom fields are researched by Lord Dragon King in combination with spiritual plants." The masked eccentric turned back to the ground as if he didn't know what a secret was.

The translucent gray tail supports his body and floats around.

"It's not the lord, the lord will definitely not be so polite."

This guy's brain circuit is not very normal, he floats around, and says some messy and illogical words from time to time.

Wu Chong walked over and poked the bubble in front of him with his hand.This thing is very soft and feels like a bubble to the touch. When you poke your finger into it, you can still feel the scream inside.It seemed that something was squeezed, but when I looked carefully, there was nothing.

"Are you here to join the Dragon King?"

The masked man ignored Wu Chong's behavior and kept flying around him.

"For such a powerful existence like you, why did you leave the original spirit world? The runes corresponding to each spirit world are different, and each god is also different. If you leave the original spirit world, everything in the past will be lost." To clear it, you need to start refining the gods again."

The weird masked man chirped and chattered, as if he hadn't talked to anyone for a long time.

Runes are different in each place?

Wu Chong stopped his movements and looked back at the masked monster.This was the first time he had heard the news, but now that he thought about it carefully, he found that the runes on the bodies of the White River God and the Black God were really different.

The power of the runes in his current body was all obtained from the Black God at the Eternal Department.


If I had known that Baihe God still had wool to pluck, I should have finished plucking before leaving.But it's not too late to know now, and when I have the opportunity to go back to chat with God Baihe again, I believe that Dingfu will still welcome him very much.

"Who are the gods here? Do the gods here have any objections to the Dragon King modifying this spiritual world?" Wu Chong looked back at the masked monster and asked.

The status of this guy seems to be quite high. Those young people who just came in before all backed away after seeing this person. Although Wu Chong didn't pay special attention to it, his spiritual sense still noticed it.

After a little tossing around in the spiritual world of God Baihe, those gods came to him.It stands to reason that the Dragon King is so drastic in farming, someone should have come to him long ago.But now there is harmony here, and nothing is wrong.

"The god here is the God of Misfortune. He doesn't manage the spirit world very much. He is unconscious most of the time, and he doesn't care about the transformation of the spirit world by the Dragon King."

The Masked Man really knew.

Just gods who don't care?Sure enough, the world is so big, full of wonders.

"Only the spiritual world of sleeping gods is the upper-class spiritual world. The big men occupy this kind of spiritual world. If the gods in the spiritual world you have been to are awake, then it will be difficult for the spiritual world to develop. No millennium overhaul is allowed," said the masked weirdo.

I just said that the Xiguo area is so neglected.

It turns out that Baihe God is a big pit!Because of His existence, that piece of spiritual world would be so barren, and there would be so few strong people.Those strong people are too lazy to go.

It turned out that what I plowed was wasteland! !

Master Wu understood instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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