Chapter 754 Trying
The Gorefiend lost the bet.

It never occurred to him that the entire Dengxiantai was actually Wu Chong's people.He was accepted as soon as he reported it, and the female fairy official sent him to mine directly, making him the first miner since the birth of the fairy world.

too dark.

The referees and athletes are all their own people, and I am the only outsider who co-authored it!
After dismissing the blood demon, Lian Xing arranged some simple tasks for the others. These tasks were all left by Wu Chong in the stone tablet, and they were all related to the construction of the fairy world.

A group of soaring pink fairies started a new pioneering work.

Outside the world, Wu Chong looked at the gray and black world in front of him.

When standing outside the world again, I can still feel the sense of oppression coming from inside the world.

Even now that he has the cultivation of a true immortal, he still has no way to influence this world. If he enters, his own rules will still be suppressed.Because the rules of this world are stronger than his, under different rules, the real immortal has no way to distort it, and needs to start all over again.

Unless Da Luo.

This also strengthened Wu Chong's determination to testify to Da Luo.

He didn't want his fate to be rewritten by others one day in the future.

The gray particles touched the palm of the hand, and the power surrounding the hand was stripped away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wu Chong withdrew his palm, and the entire palm was absorbed.

He tried it just now, touching the world with the rules of true immortals written by himself, but it was rewritten as soon as he touched it.In the face of the rules of this world, his true fairy rules are false laws and are not recognized.In this case, his hand that invaded the world would naturally be swallowed and assimilated by the world.

It was sensed before that it would become a 'flower fertilizer', which should be the reason.

"There is a world lord inside."

Wu Chong's eyes flickered, his path was different from most of the world masters in the chaos layer.

The world lord lives in the world, and everything is placed in the world, but his fairy way is more of a kind of plunder, a kind of distortion.

Just like the evaluation given to him by the panel when he preached.

He is a vain preacher, a loophole in order!
"Just learn from the difference, don't be so nervous."

Wu Chong sealed the power on his body, and stretched his hand in again.This time, he successfully entered the world.

When he opened his eyes again, Wu Chong found himself sitting in an old wooden house, the cold wind was howling outside, and the cold wind poured in along the cracks, making him shiver uncontrollably.

This is a dilapidated old house.

As if it was about to close down at any moment, the moldy wooden boards and the wooden door pulled by wire made abnormal noises in the cold wind.The window on the left was pasted with paper, and the four corners were nailed to death with wooden boards. The people inside the house made some preparations to resist the cold wind.

Wu Chong raised his hand. In this world, he is just an ordinary person without extraordinary power.

a mark.

It is the limit of what he can send in. The trace of life is a higher-dimensional power, which is recognized by this world.That's why he can appear in this world.Everything other than life is not recognized in this world, it is alien, and it is fantasized.

"It's really different."

Wu Chong tried to use the power of the false way here, trying to use the power of the false way to restore his own strength.

But after communication, I found that there is no such 'Tao' in this world.

He is like a story in a bedtime fairy tale, existing only in fantasy.

If one day in the future, his delusion can be written all over the heavens and worlds and recognized by all worlds, then he will also prove the Dao.At that time, no matter where he goes, he will have eternal power and will not be restricted by the rules of the world.

The storm lasted a day and a night before it stopped.

The wooden house almost collapsed several times in the middle. In order to support this only safe haven, Wu Chong also used tools to help reinforce it several times, and at least it survived.

Open the wooden door, the outside is silver and white.

The blizzard submerged the wooden door, and the traces of the strong wind left traces one after another on the silvery white snow.

A black letter bird flew over from afar and landed precisely on the mailbox at the door.

black evil bird.

A domesticated special bird that can travel through wind and snow and is extremely cold resistant.

Wu Chong walked over to remove the bamboo tube from Xinniao's leg, and at the same time, the memory of this world slowly recovered in his mind.

In this world, he is the second son of an official family, with an older brother on top and a younger sister on bottom.

The younger sister is already married. In this era, women get married very early.His father was not a high-ranking official, so he could barely ensure that their family had no worries about food and clothing.Due to the influence of the subconscious, Wu Chong, who has no awakened memory, has been pursuing the extraordinary power according to his instinct.In these years, he didn't know how much money he spent in order to seek immortality, and even his studies were wasted.

This wooden house is the practice site of a "hermit master" that he bought at a high price three months ago.

In order to gain the approval of the hermit expert, the predecessor also lived here.

I lived there until the mountains were covered by heavy snow, and then my memory came back to life.

"It took 17 years to cross a world barrier in 17 years."

After sorting out his memory, Wu Chong also understood his current situation.

He didn't know if the hermit master was real, but he knew that if he didn't take advantage of this time to stop the snow and go down the mountain, the one waiting for him might really starve to death.

The difference in the world has not yet been found, and the road to enlightenment has not yet begun, so you can't just starve to death in the mountains like this.

"Father is critically ill, return quickly."

The content of the letterhead is very simple, it was written by the eldest brother.

Things like the black evil bird can sense the location of the messenger through the blood, and it is one of the most mainstream means of communication in this world.

"It won't work if you don't go down the mountain."

After closing the wooden door, Wu Chong simply prepared some dry food, put on the animal fur coat prepared earlier, and stepped down the mountain on the snow.

He must contact human society.

Use the knowledge of the entire civilization to accelerate his accumulation.

In the process, we also need to continue to trial and error, to see if the false way can survive in this world by changing the logic.

This can be regarded as Wu Chong's first attempt at Da Luo's way.

After all, no one has walked this path before, so every step he takes is full of thorns.

"When you prove Dao Daluo, go to the place where the world masters gather. Although the road is different, there must be something we can learn from."

The wind and snow whizzed, and soon submerged the footprints down the mountain.

Not long after Wu Chong went down the mountain, the wooden house welcomed his original owner.

A man like a savage returned to the wooden house with a black bamboo knife, and behind him dragged a three-meter-long snow wolf.The bright red blood stained the white snow outside red.

After the savage entered the room, he looked around first, and finally his eyes fell on the raised bed.

The silhouette looked like someone was sleeping.

Without a word of nonsense, the bamboo knife cut a cold light and chopped directly on the wooden bed.

The cotton wool was flying, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of the Savage's mouth in the dust.

 Thanks to the book friend book friend 20191201145148452 for the reward!Thanks man.

  Thanks to Watcher Starry Sky, Qidian Reading iOS for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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