Chapter 755 New World

By the time Wu Chong rushed home, his father, who had been ill for a long time, was gone.

In the mourning hall, Wu Chong offered a stick of incense to cheap father.

The whole process was very quiet, the eldest brother and the younger sister knelt down, and they didn't have much to say to him, the second child who was bent on chasing immortality.

There is a high probability that he is heartbroken.

Mother knelt beside the coffin, silently burning the paper.

The whole family was in mourning.

After Wu Chong finished burning the paper, he also stayed behind like his elder brother and younger sister, and began to welcome the guests.No matter what happens in the future, you must now finish your work as a Son of Man.Wu Chong's body has been raised by this father since he was a child. This is the law of nature and human relations, so he played the role of son very well.

It wasn't until evening that the guests gradually dispersed.

"This is what your father left for you."

In the evening, there was a knock on the door of the room.

The one who came in was the younger sister, who already had two children, and looked more mature than him.

After the little girl left her things, she turned and left.

Opening the wooden box, Wu Chong saw two letters inside, both of which were left to him by the old man.One is a reprimand to him, and the other is a letter of introduction.Introduce him to study under the door of a former classmate.It can be seen that the old man did not rest assured of his useless son until his death.


Never existed in this world.

"It is said in the classics that the mortal world is the most difficult to break. This may be part of the reason." Looking at the two letters, Wu Chong was silent for a moment,

In his mind, he recalled the stories of some people who asked for immortality in the classics.

The most difficult thing to cut off is the fate.

In addition to grievances and resentments, there is also love and hatred in the fate of the world.

The love of lovers, the love of parents, the friendship of clansmen.Each is a fetter, and some practitioners believe that only by being unfeeling and severing desires can they jump out and become immortals.There are some differences between Wu Chong's immortal way and tradition. In the eyes of orthodox immortal cultivators, his "immortal way" has nothing to do with immortals.

But this does not prevent Wu Chong from learning.

Other people's immortals have nothing to do with me!What I cultivate is the real way of immortality, except me, everyone is a false immortal.

Putting the letter aside, Wu Chong simply ate something and took a rest.

After driving for a few days, I encountered several dangers on the road. Without the blessing of extraordinary strength, I was already exhausted.

Early the next morning.

It started to do things outside. According to the customs here, the old man has stayed at home for enough time. This unfilial son has also seen it. It's time to go to the ground for peace.

The ritual is over.

Carrying the coffin up the mountain took several days of back and forth.

Some relatives and friends in the clan also left after being buried.After the bustle, it was cold, and my mother sat alone in front of the hall in a daze.

The eldest brother tidied up the house, and he seemed to have matured overnight in his twenties.

The younger sister returned to her own home. She was married and had children to take care of at home. Her husband's family also ate the imperial food. Although her status was not as high as that of the old man, she was still a respectable figure in the local area.

Wu Chong followed his eldest brother to pack up the things at home.

Calculating the time, I said goodbye to my mother when the academy was about to start.

He has integrated into this world now, and many things need to be explored slowly. Before that, he still has to live his own life well.

Only those who have more than enough can move forward.

If it is at stake, what is the pursuit of it?


Wu Chong was carrying a blue-gray package, which was prepared by his mother.

"Go on, take care of yourself."

The eldest brother Wu Jiang came over and patted him on the shoulder. Originally, he still had a lot to say, but after seeing the expression on his second brother, he finally came together with one sentence.The two brothers have decided on their direction since they were young. The elder brother is not as smart as him, so he can't read books.So he came out to do errands early in the morning, and his father also arranged an identity for him, so that he could barely support the family business.The second son, Wu Chong, is the hope of the family. He has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. Originally, the family arranged for him to take the imperial examination, but he gave up on it himself.

Just because he was going to chase the immortal way.

Because of this incident, the father and son fell out very early.Wu Chong ran away from home and wandered alone for many years, and he didn't come back until this time.

It's just that a lot of things have changed this time around.

The stubborn old man is gone.

Those who are alive will continue.

"Don't be contaminated by the matter of seeking immortality and asking for immortality. My father is gone, and my family is no longer what it used to be."

The little girl also came up to give him some things, but when she saw Wu Chong who was about to board the ship, she couldn't help but say something.

In the past, the consumption of seeking immortality and asking questions was covered by my father.

Now that their father is gone, they have become the pillars of the family, and they should let go of their willfulness when they were young.Especially this time, the letter of introduction was the last lingering heat left by his father after his death. If he couldn't grasp it well, what should he do in the future.

"I see."

Wu Chong nodded in response.

When he left this time, only his eldest brother and younger sister came to see him off, and his mother was in poor health, so she didn't go out.

"Let's sail, let's sail!"

Behind him came the impatient voice of the boatman.

"Brother, little sister. Go back earlier."

Wu Chong arched his hands, turned and boarded the boat.

During the paddling of the boatman, the boat moved away from the shore little by little, and Wu Chong's eyes flickered as he watched the figures getting farther and farther away from the shore.

"Mortal fate. Can you prove Da Luo if you cut it off?"

he does not know.

Because no one has walked this road.


It is a state capital under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, and its prosperity is far beyond that of the Wu family's hometown.Wu Chong once came here when he was seeking immortality in the past, and he also found two "hermit masters" here, but it's a pity that these hermit masters disappointed him.Although there are some unique skills, it is completely different from the immortal way he imagined.

After paying the boat fare, Wu Chong came to the academy with ease.

"A student?"

The door boy looked at Wu Chong in a scholar's uniform, and asked cautiously.


Wu Chong thanked him and handed over the letter in his hand.

After the memory awakened, he didn't plan to ask immortals any more.With the vision and cognition of the ontology, the "hermits" in this world may not be comparable to him.Instead of trying your luck aimlessly, it is better to accumulate yourself first and find the answer from the existing cultural inheritance.

That's why he agreed to come to the academy.

"Hold on."

The doorman took the letter, responded politely, and led Wu Chong to the side hall.

The layout of the side hall is very elegant. There are old porcelain teapots on the mahogany tables and chairs, and calligraphy and paintings are hung on the surrounding walls, including some famous works.From this point, we can see the identity and status of the master of the academy. This classmate of Dad should have a lot of energy.

"You are Wu Qiren's son?"

An old voice sounded.

Looking back, I happened to see a middle-aged man in a gray and white Confucian shirt walking out.

Su Tianzheng, who learned Taoism in Jinzhou, was a classmate and friend of his father.He is also his best friend. He probably wrote more than one letter before he died, and this Taoist master also received it in advance, otherwise he would not come out to meet him in person.

(End of this chapter)

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