"This guy should have been limped by a fool." Chi's voice sounded in Wu Chong's mind.

From the perspective of the world lord, it is too easy to train someone like Emperor Yang Xiao.It can be done by rewarding some strength at will.Because standing at a higher place, the power belonging to the world lord is a level that the gods in the world cannot understand.

They can only attribute all this to miracles, and call the world lord who bestows power—God.

Incomprehensible, that is God.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

Emperor Yang Xiao, who was kicked out, regrouped again.The already shattered earth world became more and more shattered amidst his roar.

"This is the world, the power of God"

boom! !

The body exploded again, and the clay world collapsed again.The exploded emperor Yang Xiao completely lost his mind, his body twisted into some kind of monster he had never seen before, densely packed arms stretched out from the twisted body like plant fibrous roots, and attacked Wu Chong.

Bang bang bang! !

The blood mist exploded, and the arms continued to explode after approaching Wu Chong, but the rear continued to grow.

Each hand is wrapped with a powerful force, and this state of indulgence and distortion is more terrifying than Emperor Yang Xiao's personal manipulation.Wu Chong sensed the shadow of the ancient god Qi from inside, and he wanted to erode this clone of Wu Chong.

Finally, when a certain critical point was reached, all the arms twisted together and turned into a conical awl, which pierced Wu Chong's eyebrows.

Seeing the incoming attack, Wu Chong's strength circulated, he raised his fist and smashed it head-on.


The violent shock caused half of the clay world to collapse on the spot, and Wang Tong, who was watching from a distance, was thrown out directly.The remaining half of the dirt world is also full of cracks, and it doesn't look like this will last long.

The collision between the two forces lasted for about a breath, and then the awl on the opposite side exploded.The densely packed arms turned into blood and flesh and began to fly away.This time the power that was dispersed was different from before. Wu Chong's "star power" was added to all of them. After dispersing, the power was completely lost, and there was no possibility of reorganization.

The aftermath turned into a beam of light, which pierced through the defense of the conical arm, pierced through and knocked out half of Emperor Yang Xiao's body.All the distorted energy has been washed away by the 'star'.

Emperor Yang Xiao, who had lost consciousness for a short time, came to his senses again, looking at the dilapidated dirt world in front of him, feeling dazed for a while.

"What about my world?"

Wu Chong took a false step, and with one foot falling, the already precarious earth world collapsed completely.

This dilapidated world built by 'innate' power has reached its critical point and is officially scrapped.

Wu Chong stretched out his right hand, pressed his palm down, and a circle of black-gray energy spread along his palm.In the blink of an eye, he and Emperor Yang Xiao were enveloped inside.After the broken earth world disappeared, a brand new world shrouded them in it.

Here, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the breeze is blowing.

The salty sea breeze blowing in the distance, looking sideways, you can see a towering giant mountain behind, on which sits a Taoist temple hidden in the sun, even at such a long distance, Yang Xiao can see it clearly The plaque on the Taoist temple.

"Black Wind View?"

He was at a loss for a while, and he couldn't tell where he was.

conscious space?

Not like.

Consciousness space is a single attribute, this is what 'God' told him.The place in front of him has five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and he can even feel the water molecules mixed in the sea breeze.How could the space of consciousness achieve this step?
'But this is not the space of consciousness, what kind of place is it!Am I still in the capital? '

Emperor Yang Xiao looked around, but he couldn't find Wu Chong.

He didn't know where this mortal enemy had gone, but he was definitely 'watching' him somewhere.The previous fight had completely woken him up and made him understand the gap between himself and Wu Chong.He has obtained the favor of the 'God' and obtained the power far beyond ordinary people, but the other party may be a 'God' himself.

He first walked to the beach and touched it with his foot.

The sea water is cold, and the sediment is also very real. They are indeed two completely different material properties.It was completely different from the illusion he had simulated in the clay world before.

Strange to say.

When he was in the outside world, he was deformed all over his body and his mind was not clear.But after coming here, those forces that affected his thoughts were stripped away, and he seemed to have returned to the state of an ordinary person before.

At that time, he was still a charlatan, leading his two disciples to cheat everywhere.

Yang Xiao squatted down, took a handful of water with his hands, and took a sip.

Very bitter and very salty.

It is exactly the same as the sea water in memory.

"It's sea water."

Yang Xiao sprinkled the water in his hand, glanced at the climbing path behind him, hesitated and walked over.

Now in this strange place, all his 'divine power' has disappeared, and he doesn't even know how to leave.The only thing you can do is ask someone to see if you can find a way to leave.There was another thought deep in his heart.

Perhaps this is another world, and he just entered it by mistake. As long as he finds a way to leave, he can return to the original world, and the lost divine power will return at that time.

The mountain road is very rugged, and Yang Xiao only reached the mountainside after climbing for a long time.Looking up, the top of the mountain is still towering into the clouds, and I don't know when I can climb it.

When I looked at it at the foot of the mountain before, the 'Heifeng Guan' that was within sight is completely invisible now.


After walking for a while, Yang Xiao stopped.

He looked around and finally found something strange.

This mountain is so quiet!
It was so quiet that not even the sound of insects was heard.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao simply jumped out of the mountain road, walked to the edge of a thick weed, and pushed the grass away with his hands.Normally speaking, there must be many insects in such dense grass.But the strange thing is that he pulled up the whole weed and didn't see a single insect.

In order to prove this conjecture, Yang Xiao found a few weeds and dug down for a while, and found that everything in the grass and the soil was 'clean'.Not even an insect could be found!
"Why is this happening!"

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Xiao's forehead, and a thought that he couldn't believe before appeared in his mind.

Here, too, is a false world.

It's consciousness space!
It's just that the existence of this consciousness space is beyond his cognition, and even the "God" behind him doesn't know that the consciousness space can be built like this.

Just when Yang Xiao doubted his life, the space under his feet twisted for a while, and when he fixed his eyes again, he found that he had been moved to the top of the mountain.Looking up, I happened to see the plaque of 'Heifengguan' in front of me.

The door opened in response, as if to welcome his arrival.

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