Emperor Yang Xiao was stunned at the door for a while before walking in.

After entering the Taoist temple, there is an empty square with elegant buildings.On both sides is a row of long pools.In the center of the pool, two rows of stone beasts sit facing the passage in the middle, and water sprays out from their mouths, forming an arc-shaped water curtain.The corner of the steps by the pool is covered with moss because it is dark and humid all the year round, everything looks so real.

Yang Xiao's heart became more and more heavy.

He had already confirmed on the mountain road just now that this is not the real world at all.

A consciousness space that is not the real world, how can it be so real?

The head of Heifengzhai is completely different from what is recorded in the file.

Emperor Yang Xiao began to doubt himself. He began to doubt the words of "God". Is this legendary master of Heifengzhai really his destiny enemy?Is it too high to look at him?

He walked along the road for a while, and after passing through a door, he came to an open-air bluestone square.In the middle of the huge circular square, there is a huge bronze tripod nearly ten meters high, and bamboo incense is still burning on top of the tripod.

The green smoke is lingering, and the ancient sound is lingering in the ears, just like a fairy dojo.

'This is the martial arts arena, and it may also be the place where the master of the Taoist temple preaches. 'Emperor Yang Xiao had such a thought in his mind.

He walked to the edge of the giant cauldron and looked up.

Such a huge tripod looks like a hill when viewed from a close distance.At first glance, Yang Xiao didn't pay attention to it, but after watching it for a while, he felt something was wrong.The writing on Ju Ding Ding seemed to be alive.All the words on it are constantly changing, and in one of the inconspicuous corners, the words on it are constantly changing. When I looked closely, I happened to see a paragraph of words.

"Hu Jihua Emperor Yang Xiao, into the black wind, watching the tripod"

Seeing this part, Yang Xiao's heart was shaken!
Hu Ji, is exactly his first name in this world, given by his parents.Later, when he went out to cheat, he changed many names, including his two apprentices who didn't know his real name.Every time he went to a place, Hu Ji would change his name and appearance.So much so that he almost forgot his real name.

But at this moment, the words on the giant cauldron actually showed his whole life, how could he not be surprised!
"I learned this kind of writing from a stone tablet a long time ago."

A voice sounded, and Yang Xiao was startled. He quickly looked back and found that there was no one behind him, but a figure appeared at some point.

Wu Chong, dressed in black, was standing there, as if he had been watching him for a long time.

"Heifengzhai is the master!"

Although I have imagined the enemy of fate many times, I also want to kill this enemy.But when he really faced Wu Chong, Yang Xiao would understand why the "god" valued him so much.

Now Wu Chong looks like an ordinary person, with an ordinary body.

But when you really face him, you will feel a mountainous coercion. Facing this person is like looking up to a god.Yang Xiao couldn't figure it out at all, when he was outside, where did he come from, to dare to provoke such an existence.

But now that the position has been decided, Yang Xiao still gritted his teeth and asked.

He wants to live.

"Why did you pull me in!"

"You saw a strange ant on the road, mentioned him and fiddled with him, is there a reason?" Wu Chong walked to the side and stroked the giant tripod with his hand.

This giant tripod was built by him by imitating the stone steles of the 28 states.

He can now easily create things that were completely incomprehensible in the past.The method is very simple, you only need to gather the fate lines of some people and connect them.Just like the emperor Yang Xiao in front of him.

Since he entered Black Wind Mountain, everything has been controlled by Wu Chong, and he has no secrets in front of Wu Chong.

The realm of Taiyi corresponds to the disaster level of the world master.

But it is completely different, 'immortals' can watch fate and modify life.This method of manipulating life as a "net" is exactly what "immortals" are best at, just like Yue Lao arranges marriages for people and gods arrange disasters for people.

As long as you are in the world, everything is weavable in the eyes of the 'immortal'.

In this respect, no world master can compare.

Because the two are not in the same direction at all, there may be some similarities when they just jumped out of the world, but the further up they go, the greater the difference between the two.

"It turns out that I am an ant in the eyes of Master Wu."

Yang Xiao couldn't help but replied, he was not afraid of Wu Chong insulting him, even if Wu Chong stepped on his face at this moment, he could accept it.

The only unbearable thing is being ignored!

This feeling of being an ant among others was too much of a blow to Yang Xiao.He is also a proud and arrogant person, from being a charlatan to now occupying the status of two parts of the world.There may be the influence of the ancient gods in it, but it cannot be denied that Yang Xiao himself is an ambitious man.

"The Ancient God Qi has given you many things, but he has never taught you true strength. You are like a pig fattened by him."

Wu Chong glanced at Yang Xiao sympathetically.

This guy always thinks that he is a "Heavenly Blessed Person", but in fact, there are so many Heavenly Blessed People in this world.Your seemingly magnificent life is very likely just arranged and planned by others, the purpose is to make you sick of another enemy of the same level.

"Who is Ancient God Qi?!"

Yang Xiao asked subconsciously.

He found that he seemed to be ignorant of many things, and there was a lot behind it that he couldn't see.The head of the Heifeng Village in front of him is not as simple as the "God" said.

"Your so-called 'God'"

Wu Chong walked over and pointed at Gu Shenqi's forehead.

Ancient God Qi is feeding pigs, and he has been raising pigs.After the first fight with Ancient God Qi, Wu Chong knew that the opponent had seeds of power remaining here.But at that time, he didn't take action to annihilate it, but just cut off the connection between this seed and Ancient God Qi.

Later, when Gu Shenqi made his second move, he found this seed, and arranged it casually.Wu Chong didn't bother, he and Gu Shenqi just watched.

Watching this seed germinate and grow up, a little fat.

Both sides want to use this power to influence each other, and hope that it can play a role in the final fight.

Only Emperor Yang Xiao himself didn't know, he thought he was the 'chosen one'.As everyone knows, neither his "enemy of fate" nor the "god" he believed in took him seriously.

His life was just a game of chess between the two of them.



Yang Xiao asked back in disbelief, only thanking a certain belief in his heart, as if it had completely collapsed at this moment.


Wu Chong didn't care about Yang Xiao's inner turmoil. He pointed his fingers behind the other's brow and pulled back.

A lightning-like long arc was pulled out from between Yang Xiao's eyebrows. The power of the ancient god Qi above was beating like a heart. Those arcs were like tentacles, and they crazily climbed around, trying to break the blockade and communicate with it. the master.

But in Wu Chong's view of the black wind, such behavior is doomed to be futile.

I saw Wu Chong grab these arc tentacles and pull them lightly.

tear it up!

All the arcs were torn off by him, and the core in the middle was completely swallowed up by the 'star' emitted from Wu Chong's hand, turning into a pile of dust and falling to the ground. (end of this chapter)

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