Chapter 872

The screen began to distort.

Like Ling Zhujun before, the picture in Mu Zi's eyes also began to change.Layers of snowflake-like ripples appeared in front of her eyes, and the world seemed to have become false.The city gate in the distance also turned into a jumping tree stump, and the hill further away turned into a huge black mushroom, looking at her with a grin.


As a top world master, Mu Zi reacted immediately.

She quickly mobilized the world she was in, and took out a small purple bottle from her bosom, and sniffed it in front of her nose.

A strong stench came over the face, and the consciousness that had been somewhat scattered was re-condensed and formed again.After feeling that the state was lifted, Mu Zi was relieved.

"Wait for me, don't leave me."

A strange sound sounded, and Mu Zi subconsciously looked down.After taking a look, she realized that the person who spoke just now was actually the small purple bottle in her hand.

This bottle is a kind of potion developed by the Consciousness School itself, and it is a disposable product.Medicine is not expensive, very easy to use.But it was the first time she encountered the bottle talking.This made her wonder if she was still in the real world.

"Are you going to run away? Let's go, although I have guessed this day."

A tree not far away even spoke, with that sad expression, just like a real person.The weird sense of distortion struck again, this time so strong that she didn't have time to react, and she completely lost consciousness.

Outside the government office, Wang Zhong and other disciples sensed the movement and rushed over.


The seven disciples scanned around and saluted Lord Ling Zhu after finding no enemies.As for Wu Chong, he disappeared after the attack. Everyone in Heifengzhai was used to his elusive method.

"Miss, what happened?" Nianhong asked cautiously.

Now Nianhong has also become an important member of the imperial court, serving as a high-ranking official in the new dynasty and wielding great power.But Nianhong is very clear about where her power comes from, so she has always declared herself as Ling Zhujun's personal maid.

"There are assassins, but they have been dealt with by my husband."

Ling Zhujun waved his hand, and after dismissing the irrelevant people, he spoke.

Such a big movement must not be concealed. Instead of letting others guess, it is better to take the initiative to reveal it.This can also serve as a deterrent to Xiaoxiao.

When Mu Zi with a dull face woke up from the chaos, she found herself in a completely strange place.

This is a Taoist temple in a big mountain. The Taoist temple is built of bluestone and is very majestic.The giant cauldron in the middle is even more exaggerated. The ten-meter-high tripod body is shining with metallic luster, and the thick atmosphere surrounds it, just like the world-suppressing god tripod.Outside the Taoist temple is a forest with lush trees, and you can see the blue sea further down the mountain.

The breeze blew past, mixed with the fragrance of plants, which made Mu Zi even more at a loss.

What is this place?
'Consciousness space?No, how could there be multiple attributes in the consciousness space. '

Even the consciousness space of the Lord of Calamity will still have its own main attributes. The so-called multi-attributes are all appendages around the main attributes, just like the consciousness space of the ancient god Qi, the interior is mainly water of.

But the space in front of him doesn't look like a consciousness space. Mu Zi searched it for a long time, but couldn't find what the so-called main attribute is.

"This is my dojo."

A voice sounded from behind, Mu Zi quickly turned her head, and found that Wu Chong had come over at some point and was standing behind her.


Mu Zi subconsciously showed a look of alertness.

"Yes, I named it Black Wind View."

Wu Chong didn't care about Mu Zi's expression, he took a false step, and the entire consciousness space changed with his step.By the time he settled down, the two had already reached the gate of Heifeng Temple.

Mu Zi's face was full of shock, she didn't feel any rule fluctuations, this kind of shifting seemed like the world was serving the individual, it was totally incomprehensible.

But it also made her confirm the place.

Awareness space!

It's really a space of consciousness, but how did this newly promoted Lord of Calamity manage to create the Five Elements attribute in the space of consciousness?

"...I didn't mean to offend you."

Mu Zi was silent for a long time before she opened her mouth to explain.

It's all that damn mission, if the one-eyed dwarf hadn't gone crazy, how could she have gotten into such a dangerous situation.

"Don't worry, the end result is the same." Wu Chong grinned.

This sentence made Mu Zi's heart sink.

Sure enough, you don't intend to let me go!

Wu Chong doesn't care what Mu Zi thinks, ever since the 'Dream Eater' skill helped him assimilate Chi, he has been looking for the next 'Dream Eater' partner.It is best to be a target with a wide range of information. Ancient God Qi is a good choice, but this guy can't beat it for the time being.

The appearance of Mu Zi perfectly solved this problem.

As the world master within the school of consciousness, she must know more about the dispute between the two schools and the information about the Lord of Calamity than Chi.After the 'Dream Eater' skill assimilated her, all the useful information would belong to Wu Chong.

In that case
Sitting still is not her style.

Mu Zi felt ruthless in her heart, and stabbed at Wu Chong's back with a flicker.The moment she dodged, the patterns on her body converged to the elbow, and a three-meter-long bone spur protruded.Powerful consciousness waves exude from the pattern, and the half-formed 'star power' flows in it.

It can be seen that Mu Zi's strength is also very strong, and she has already begun to try to gather her own stars.

There was only a sound of 'tearing', and 'Wu Chong' who was attacked in front was torn into several pieces, and his body fell to the ground like a rag.

Mu Zi was stunned for a while, she didn't expect to succeed so easily.

"Dream eating."

A big hand suddenly pressed on her head from another direction, a familiar voice, a familiar figure from the back.It was Wu Chong who was still talking to her not long ago. What puzzled Mu Zi was that it was Wu Chong who shot him, and who was the one who was killed by her surprise attack earlier?
The shadow of delusion?
The powerful pulling force was transmitted along the palm of the hand, and Mu Zi's consciousness could no longer be stabilized, and it turned into a stream of light and merged into the opponent's body.

Along with Mu Zi's integration, a brand new power appeared in Wu Chong's body, and along with the integration, there was also a huge amount of memory.From birth to jumping out of the world to become the world lord, growing up step by step, the memory contained in it is richer than a pool.In these memories, Wu Chong also saw many strong men of the school of consciousness, including the one-eyed dwarf who gave her a mission.

After the memory fusion was completed, it turned into a tide and began to flow back quickly, and finally a brand new consciousness appeared in Wu Chong's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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