"I am dead?"

Mu Zi's voice sounded in Wu Chong's mind.

"No, you have gained eternal life."

A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Chong's mouth, and then his figure flashed and left the space of consciousness.

Ancient God Qi is coming soon, just half a month later!
This is the first useful information Wu Chong obtained after looking through Mu Zi's memory.The School of Consciousness has already calculated it, so it sent Mu Zi over to make a time difference, and wanted to take the 'treasure' away first.It's a pity that the Stone Hammer World doesn't have any treasures. The one-eyed dwarf who issued the mission just became angry after being slapped in the face by the ancient god Qi, and only wanted to take revenge.It is not difficult to find out the cause and effect if you really use dim sum.Or maybe he didn't want to check at all.

Half a month may not be a short time for ordinary people, but for an existence like Wu Chong, it is almost a blink of an eye.

"You mean, you and I have become his vassals?"

In consciousness, after listening to Chi's description, Mu Zi's face was dull, she didn't know what happened at all.The last scene I remembered was just seeing Wu Chong pressing his hand on her head, and I didn't know anything after that.When I woke up again, I came to this place, and there was a world master like her inside, who seemed to have been 'domesticated'.

"Not a vassal, but a follower."

Chi corrected.

She has a dream, how ugly is it to be a vassal?A follower of the origin-level boss!This name sounds very domineering.Because her thighs were tightly hugged before, Wu Chong made a body for her, so that she can go out as she pleases.It's just that Chi thinks it's dangerous to stay outside and run, so it's better to stay with the boss, so that he can get close and increase his sense of presence.

It’s over.

Mu Zi's face was dull, she didn't expect that one task would kill herself.

"How is Qi's strength?"

Wu Chong, who was in the Shimo Great World's retreat, opened his eyes, and Chi and Mu Zi were also sent here.

For Wu Chong, both the avatar and the main body are part of him.Chi and Mu Zi were assimilated by Shimeng, and they were part of his own 'dream'.Dreams are the most unreasonable thing in themselves. After Chi and Mu Zi were assimilated, they also possessed this strange attribute.As long as they abandon their bodies, they can teleport between Wu Chong's avatar and the main body at will.

"Very strong."

Mu Zi has begun to adapt to the current state.

If you don't get used to it, you have to bow your head under the eaves. For the time being, bow your head first to gain trust.

Mu Zi didn't know that all her thoughts could be perceived by Wu Chong.Wu Chong didn't bother to care about her mentality, as long as he still existed, Mu Zi would never be able to betray him.Can a dream betray the dreamer?
At most, it can only make people have nightmares, and betrayal is never even thought about.For the dreamer is the root of the dream.

"One-eyed is a relatively well-known Lord of Order in the genre. His strength is equivalent to that of the middle stage of the disaster level. With such strength and other people assisting him, he was not able to hurt Qi even when he had the geographical advantage. Let him successfully snatch the accumulation in the Holy Court."

Mu Zi told him all the news he knew.

She is tied to Wu Chong now, Wu Chong's enemy is her enemy, she doesn't want to die before she is free.

"If you want to deal with Ancient God Qi, the best way is to join the sect and use the power of the sect to deal with him. I believe that at this point, many people will help you." Mu Zi suggested.

Gu Shenqi has offended many people all the way to the present.Especially in the school of consciousness, there are quite a few people who want him to die.

"Joining the genre is out of the question."

Wu Chong rejected the proposal.

There are too many secrets on him, especially the panel.It is easy to attract the prying eyes of stronger people. If the catastrophe level can still resist, and the origin level is interested, then the trouble will be big. Even if Wu Chong hides well and does not expose it, there is no way to explain the speed of his strength improvement .With a catastrophe level like him, it's hard not to attract attention.As long as he stays with guys in the genre, he will be noticed, and if he is a nominal vassal of the genre like Chi, it doesn't mean much to him.

"Do you think there is a possibility to take the initiative to kill Qi?"

Wu Chong summed up the relevant information in his mind, pondering the possibility of taking the initiative.

Being beaten passively has never been his habit.

"Take the initiative?!"

Wu Chong's thought shocked both of them in consciousness.

Faced with the pursuit of a strong man like Ancient God Qi, you don't want to save your life, but also want to take the initiative.It is worthy of the thinking of a disaster-level boss, which is different from ordinary world masters like them.

"It's not impossible." After being shocked, the two quickly thought about the possibility of taking the initiative.

Even they didn't think of it, Gu Shenqi certainly didn't think of it either.

Unprepared, maybe there will be unexpected results.

"That's it."

Wu Chong thought for a long time, and after simulating the whole process in his mind, he was ready to take the initiative to try again.

Sometimes the enemy is the best teacher.

Only by understanding can we deal with it, blindly avoiding it will only make the road behind us more difficult.

Do it when you think of it.

Wu Chong began to ask the two of them how to reversely invade the consciousness space of Ancient God Qi and destroy his 'star'.Although he has already mastered the memories of the two of them, this kind of reading is not as comfortable as teaching them personally.Self-study and being taught are two completely different treatments.

Under the guidance of the two, Wu Chong quickly grasped the essentials.

It's not a particularly advanced skill at all, it's just that Wu Chong has never been exposed to it before.

Heifeng Guanzhong.

Wu Chong sat on the platform and waved to the front.


Part of the energy absorbed by killing the emperor Yang Xiao before flew out from the cuffs, turned into little silk threads connected to the sky, and then took root and penetrated through.I don't know how long it took, the silk threads suddenly stretched straight, as if they caught something.In the next moment, only a 'bang' was heard, and the entire consciousness space was shaken.

The 'Seven Stars' belonging to Wu Chong shone brightly.

A huge vortex appeared in the distant ocean.

Opposite the whirlpool is a strange world under heavy rain.
Heavy rain.

Below is the turbid current, and the outlines of some thatched houses can be vaguely seen inside, but most of the area is submerged by the flood.A few willow trees that have not been submerged sway in the water, as if they will fall down at any time.

The world of Ancient God Qi is as humid as ever, with water everywhere.

Wu Chong was suspended in mid-air, looking down at the world below.

There is a description in Mu Zi's memory that ordinary world masters can only master a single attribute, and the constructed consciousness space is also monotonous.Only the disaster level can master multiple attributes, but this multiple attributes are built on top of the basic attributes.

The same is true for the world of the ancient god Qi. Wu Chong hadn't discovered it before, but looking at it now, he will find that everything in Qi's world is attached to 'water'.

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