Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 249 The demon concubine is chaotic, looking for traces

Chapter 249 The demon concubine is chaotic, looking for traces
Dayan Palace.

Yan Tingshan lay contentedly on the bed, enjoying the service of Concubine Rong.

As the hottest concubine in the entire harem today, this noble concubine Feng Rongfeng is actually not very old, she just turned 20 years old this year.

But she is extremely coquettish and charming, especially those seductive eyes, which can almost attract people's souls away.

"Your Majesty, I see that you have a few more white hairs on your head. Although the state affairs are heavy, you should also pay attention to your body."

Feng Rong said softly while gently kneading the acupuncture points on Yan Tingshan's head.

Yan Tingshan gently held Feng Rong's hand when he heard the words, and said with emotion: "You still love me the most, unlike the people outside who only whisper in my ears that state affairs are the most important thing."

Feng Rong chuckled, suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "I heard that it was very lively outside during this period, and there is a man named Jingzhao Mansion who manages the capital in an orderly manner. Is there such a thing?"

"It's true. Shang Jingchuan is still a veteran minister for many years. He just came back from another county not long ago. I originally planned to let him live in Jingzhao Mansion for the elderly, but I didn't expect him to make such a big fuss. He is capable." Yan Tingshan said with a smile.

He still appreciates Shang Jingchuan's actions, after all, he governs those aristocratic families, so it happens to be beating them.

"Oh? Such a capable minister should be greatly rewarded. Only in this way will more and more people serve His Majesty in the future."

"Hahaha, it's true, what kind of reward does Aifei think I should give him?" Yan Tingshan said fondly.

"This kind of talent is also an old minister. It is not an exaggeration to enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister, so it is natural to be promoted. The bigger the promotion, the better." Feng Rong said pretending to be ignorant.

Yan Tingshan laughed loudly, "Okay, I will listen to you and give him a promotion."

"Come here, Xuanshang Jingchuan comes to see me in the palace."


A eunuch immediately took the order and left.

Yan Tingshan smiled and said: "How about Aifei, are you satisfied now?"

"Your Majesty, I'm only thinking about your country." Feng Rong said.

"I know you are the most considerate, come on, let's play again before Shang Jingchuan comes."

As soon as Yan Tingshan said that, he threw himself on the bed impatiently.

And when the Lord of the Great Swallow was promiscuous in the daytime, Shang Jingchuan, who was working in the Jingzhao Mansion, had already received the order and couldn't help but be full of doubts.

what happened?

All right, why did you suddenly announce yourself into the palace?
Seemingly seeing Shang Jingchuan's doubts, the eunuch who passed the decree said with a smile: "Shangfu Yin, hurry up and follow me into the palace to meet you. Don't worry, it will definitely be a great joy."

Even so, Shang Jingchuan still felt heavy in his heart.

He originally wanted to discuss with Zhao Ya, but after asking, he found out that Zhao Ya hadn't been to Jingzhao Mansion these days at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the eunuch who passed the decree into the palace.

After seeing Yanting Mountain, Shang Jingchuan knelt down on both knees and shouted long live.

Yan Tingshan waved his hands weakly, "Okay, get up."

Shang Jingchuan just got up, and then took a peek at Yan Tingshan, his heart skipped a beat.

Because at this time, the Lord of the Great Swallow had blue eye circles, a pale complexion, and dull eyes. Although he was sitting on a chair, he seemed to be about to fall down at any time.

One must know that when Shang Jingchuan entered the palace last time, Yan Tingshan was not like this.

How did it become such a virtue in just one or two months?
He was having doubts in his heart, at this time Yan Tingshan yawned, and then said with force: "Jingchuan, you have done a good job recently, I am very satisfied."

"Given your talent, it's really a shame to be a small Jingzhao government official, so I decided to promote you as a subordinate, how about it?"

If it was two months ago, after hearing the news, Shang Jingchuan would have burst into tears with excitement.

Because Pingzhang Shi under the door is also called the little prime minister, it is an official position that must be held before entering the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister.

It is also the step of advancement that Shang Jingchuan has always been thinking about.

But for some reason, after hearing the news now, Shang Jingchuan didn't feel any excitement, but was a little at a loss.

How could he be promoted all of a sudden?
One must know that it has only been two months since he served as the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture. In such a short period of time, he has been promoted to a member of the family. Shang Jingchuan himself does not believe that no one is involved.

And the person who played tricks behind the scenes obviously didn't want him to continue doing it.

Thinking of this, Shang Jingchuan fell to his knees with a plop.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for not being able to take office."

"Oh? Why are you doing this?"

Yan Tingshan was a little surprised, he didn't understand why Shang Jingchuan refused such a good opportunity.

"It's true that Jingzhao Mansion's work has just started and some achievements have been made. If I leave now, all the previous efforts will be in vain." Shang Jingchuan simply told the truth.

Unexpectedly, Yan Tingshan just laughed when he heard the words, "I think it's why, don't worry, after you are promoted, I will send a competent person to the position of Governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, and I promise that your hard work will not be in vain. "

"That minister has the guts to ask, who do you plan to send?"

"Well, Lin Shizan from the Lin family is good, stable and reliable, let him go."

Yan Tingshan thought of the candidate recommended by his concubine Feng Rong, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

After hearing this, Shang Jingchuan felt that the blood all over his body turned cold.

The previous conjectures were instantly verified.

The reason why I was suddenly promoted must be due to the rich families of the Wei family and the Lin family.

They saw that they couldn't win them over, and they couldn't catch themselves, so they came up with this poisonous trick of going up and down.

But at this moment, he couldn't tell the truth at all.

Because he didn't have any real evidence, even if he said it, it was very likely that he would be considered as a random guess.

In desperation, Shang Jingchuan had no choice but to kowtow to thank him, and then left the palace in a daze.

On the way home, looking at the people who were living and working in peace and contentment, Shang Jingchuan felt a tight breath in his heart, he wanted to say it but couldn't.

In this case, as soon as he got home, he lay on the bed, his whole body motionless, his face full of despair.

Shang Luoluo was so smart that he could tell something strange at a glance, so he walked into the room with tea.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Ah!" Shang Jingchuan sighed deeply, "Today the emperor called me into the palace and announced a news."

"what news?"

"From today onwards, I will no longer be the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, but will be promoted to the post of Pingzhangshi under my door."

Shang Luoluo understood immediately.

"Did the rich families of the Wei family make the move?"

"That's right, do you know who will succeed me? Patriarch Lin Shizan of the Lin family, hehe, you must know what kind of character he is. If he becomes the governor of Jingzhao, we will create a wonderful situation with great difficulty." The situation is bound to go down the drain.”

Shang Jingchuan said very excitedly, with unwillingness written all over his face.

Shang Luoluo didn't know what to say.

Because this trick is indeed very vicious, Shang Jingchuan's promotion from Yin of Jingzhao Mansion to the post of Pingzhang Shi under the sect is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

You can't even find a reason to say no.

But as soon as Shang Jingchuan left, Yandu City would return to its previous chaotic situation.

This is almost an unsolvable deadlock.

Both father and daughter fell into silence.

After a long time, Shang Jingchuan suddenly asked, "Is Xiaoya at home?"

"No, he has been looking up information at the Guozijian for a while, and he came back very late." Shang Luoluo said.

"Sigh, I'm incompetent, and Xiaoya's efforts were wasted!" Shang Jingchuan sighed.

He knows better than anyone else that Zhao Ya has made great contributions to his position as the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture.

But now that the situation has just improved and such a thing happened, anyone would feel useless.

At the same time, Zhao Ya was still looking up materials in the library of the Imperial College.

Zhao Ya finally understood how difficult it was to be a scholar in ancient times when information was underdeveloped.

Not to mention anything else, Zhao Ya spent a full day just sorting out these scattered map data.

After sorting them out by categories, Zhao Ya began the difficult road of searching.

The treasure map of the East King's treasure that was searched from Fu Tingyuan's body depicts a majestic and majestic terrain, so it will never be an ordinary unnamed mountain range.

And there are at least hundreds of mountain ranges in Dayan that can be called the number one. It would be a huge project to search for them one by one.

However, Zhao Ya still saw a clue from the treasure map left behind by the Eastern King.

He found that the mountains and rivers depicted on it are very steep, and there are several rivers passing through them, so it should not be the arid and rainless northern mountains.

Based on this speculation, Zhao Ya focused his search on the mountains and rivers in the south.

But even if about half of the northern mountain ranges are excluded, the remaining amount of work is still not small, and it is far from being clear in a day or two.

Zhao Ya closed the atlas, even he felt a little dizzy after studying it for a day.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the sky outside, Zhao Ya realized that it was very late, so he quickly put away the atlas he had read, left the Imperial College, and returned home.

As soon as he got home, Zhao Ya saw Shang Luoluo sitting in the courtyard.

"what happened?"

Shang Luoluo sighed, and then told Zhao Ya what happened today.

"Now my father is lying in bed sulking."

Zhao Ya was silent for a moment, "I'll go and see!"

When they came to Shang Jingchuan's room, the room was very dark, and in the dim light, they could only vaguely see a person lying on the bed.

"Uncle Shang!" Zhao Ya called out.

Shang Jingchuan sat up all of a sudden, looking at Zhao Ya with bright eyes, "Xiao Ya, what do you think about this matter!"

He had lost his mind and was already in a mess, so he pinned all his hopes on Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya smiled, "I know you are in a hurry, but there is no need to be in such a hurry, there must be a solution to this matter."


"There's nothing wrong with it, don't you believe in my ability?" Zhao Ya said.

Only then did Shang Jingchuan let out a long breath, "Of course I have great confidence in your ability."

"That's good, let's get up and have some food first."

"it is good!"

After soothing Shang Jingchuan with a few words, Zhao Ya came to the courtyard.

Zui'er had already brought him some food, Zhao Ya used it hastily, and then said to Shang Luoluo.

"I'll go out for a while. You watch your father at home and tell him not to take this matter too seriously."

Shang Luoluo didn't understand what Zhao Ya was going to do.

But since he said there is a way, then there must be a way.

So he nodded and said, "Okay."

After Zhao Ya left home, he went straight to Anshanfang.

With the destruction of the Four Seas Gang, Anshanfang gradually regained its calm from a place where fish and dragons were mixed together.

Zhao Ya came here to find Chen Xiaoer.

This chess piece that was accidentally placed at the beginning has played a huge role now.

Speaking of this time, Chen Xiaoer did a lot of hard work and provided a lot of valuable information in the eradication of the local hooligans in Yandu City.

But this time Zhao Ya didn't ask him to inquire about the news, on the contrary, he asked him to spread the news.

"Do you understand?" Zhao Ya asked after finishing his instructions.

Chen Xiaoer nodded solemnly, "I understand."

"It is necessary to spread the news tonight, and the louder the better, can it be done?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, let alone your instructions and advice, even if I don't, I won't let it go when I know the news. You can leave this matter to me." Chen Xiaoer patted his chest and promised road.

Zhao Ya nodded.

This Chen Xiaoer was quick-witted and reliable in his work, so it was perfect for him to do this.

"Go, I'll have a big reward after it's done."

"Look at what you said, this matter is not only related to the governor of the Shang government, but also to the safety of the people in the city. Although I, Chen Xiaoer, am a fool, I can tell the importance of this, and you don't have to give me money , I'll help you with this."

Hearing this, Zhao Ya patted Chen Xiaoer on the shoulder, "Then thank you!"

"Master Zhao is too polite, I'm leaving."

Chen Xiaoer turned around and fell into the darkness, and began to get busy nervously.

Soon, Shang Jingchuan will be forcibly deprived of his position as the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, and he will be replaced by the notorious head of the Lin family, Lin Shizan. The news quickly spread in Yandu City, especially among the people at the bottom.

For a time, the whole city was in an uproar.

Countless people were filled with righteous indignation, their teeth itching with hatred.

In their view, they had just lived a peaceful life for a few days, but in the end, this hateful court would try to break it.

How can this be tolerated?
Coupled with Chen Xiaoer's intentional or unintentional incitement, soon, an invisible wave began to brew...

Early the next morning.

The palace then sent someone to bring Shang Jingchuan a new official uniform and official seal.

Shang Jingchuan took it with a heavy heart.

The eunuch who delivered the decree said with a smile: "About Shangzhang, you should hand over the affairs of Jingzhao Mansion as soon as possible, and then go to take office. Please help me a lot in the future."

In the eyes of this eunuch, Shang Jingchuan was able to be promoted from Yin Rong of Jingzhao Mansion to a first-rank official in just two months. It is obvious that his foundation is deep and his family is prosperous. About the relationship.

But Shang Jingchuan didn't have the mood to ponder these things at the moment, after some perfunctory prevarication, Shang Jingchuan finally sent the eunuch who passed the decree away, and then came to Jingzhao Mansion full of frustration.

At this time, there are already many people waiting in the mansion.

These yamen servants and arresters all knew the news, and they were all standing in the courtyard at this moment, looking at Shang Jingchuan with complicated emotions.

Although he only took office for two short months, he left a deep impression on these government officials and police officers.

Under his leadership, these yamen arresters tasted for the first time what it was like to be supported by others.

During this time, no matter where you go, as long as you see someone from Jingzhao Mansion, the people will greet you with a smile, and you don't even need to pay for meals.

This also gave them great spiritual satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Shang Jingchuan would leave, and he was still promoted.

The one who succeeded him was the patriarch of an old family. Naturally, the gang of yamen servants and arresters knew what this meant.


Lin Shizan stood in front of the steps with a smile, and when he saw Shang Jingchuan coming in, he hurried up to greet him.

"Shangzhang, congratulations, I will be your subordinate in the future, please take care of me."

Shang Jingchuan suppressed the disgust in his heart, nodded slightly, "Let's go, let's talk in the room."

When he came to the lobby, Shang Jingchuan started handing over things one by one.

He spoke in detail, but Lin Shizan listened casually.

At this time, Lin Shizan was thinking about how to maximize the benefits brought by this position, so he kept doing things in a perfunctory manner.

Seeing this, Shang Jingchuan sighed in his heart, and his mood became more and more depressed.

He didn't know how Zhao Ya planned to solve this matter.

Did he kill Lin Shizan?

But does that work?
Kill him, and someone will take over later.

After handing over everything, Shang Jingchuan reluctantly handed over the official seal to Lin Shizan, and finally urged.

"Patriarch Lin, the current situation is hard-won, please handle it properly, so as not to chill the hearts of the people."

"Understood, please don't worry Shang Zhang, I have prepared a table to celebrate your promotion, can I honor you?" Lin Shizan laughed.

Of course it was impossible for Shang Jingchuan to drink his wine.

He just waved his hands in disappointment, and then walked out of the lobby.

"grown ups!"

These yamen servants finally couldn't help shouting.

Shang Jingchuan suppressed the sadness in his heart, clasped his hands together and said, "Thank you all these days."

Then he walked out.

But as soon as he got to the door, he suddenly heard noisy voices outside.

"Has Mr. Shang come out?"

"Not yet, don't worry!"

"Damn it, you dare to bully Mr. Shang. Even if I risk my life today, I have to break the heads of these corrupt officials."

Shang Jingchuan was taken aback, and couldn't help pushing the door open, and then he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the streets outside Jingzhao Mansion were densely packed with people standing there.

When they saw him, these people immediately broke out a huge noise.

"Master Shang, don't go!"

"Yes! If you leave, what will we do? We don't want to be bullied by those local hooligans anymore."

While speaking, these common people fell to their knees in unison.

Shang Jingchuan felt his nose sore, tears almost fell down.

Holding back his tears, he hurried down the steps.

"Everyone, what are you doing, please get up!"

"We won't get up, unless you don't leave and continue to be the Governor of Jingzhao." Someone shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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