Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 250 Discovering the Treasure Spot, Myriad Beast Mountain!

Chapter 250 Discovering the Treasure Spot, Myriad Beast Mountain!
Looking at the people kneeling down to persuade them to stay, Shang Jingchuan only felt his heart beating and tears welling up in his eyes.

He suddenly felt that he had read the books of sages for so many years, and he didn't really understand what is the heart of the people until now.

But he didn't know that at this moment, at a corner not far from this street, a black carriage was parked.

The people in the carriage also saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

"What the people want, based on this alone, Brother Huang shouldn't remove his position."

Yan Peng, who was in charge of driving the car, did not speak, but he was also shocked.

Before, he always believed that the reason why Jingzhao Mansion could achieve such brilliant results was entirely due to Zhao Ya's work alone.

This Shang Jingchuan was just a mascot on the table.

But now this scene tells Yanpeng that Shang Jingchuan also contributed a lot, otherwise why would Wanmin keep him?
"Let's go to the palace." Yan Xizhao put down the curtains and said calmly.


The black carriage passed through the city and came to the gate of the palace.

The guards in front of the door wanted to stop them, but after seeing the signs on the carriage, they hurriedly retreated to the sides and stood up to welcome them.

The carriage drove straight into the inner court, and then Yan Xizhao got out of the carriage.

"I have seen Your Highness!"

The eunuchs and maids knelt down one after another, saying that they were Your Highness.

Yan Xizhao is not only a disciple of Xijian Villa, but also the daughter of Dayan's royal family, the younger sister of the current emperor, with a very noble status.

"Where is the emperor now?" Yan Xizhao asked.

A senior eunuch in charge hurriedly reported back: "His Royal Highness, the emperor is currently in Rongxi Palace."

"Rongxi Palace?" Yan Xizhao frowned.

She has been to the palace more than once, and she has never heard of a place called Rongxi Palace.

"Yes, it was only recently set up by the emperor for Concubine Rong, so His Highness may not have heard of it."

"Take me there."


The Rongxi Palace is located in the inner courtyard. It used to be the Empress' bedroom, but since Feng Rong entered the palace, the Empress has fallen out of favor. Even the bedroom was awarded Feng Rong by Yan Tingshan and renamed Rongxi Palace.

When they came to Rongxi Palace, a young eunuch went in to report.

It took less than half an hour to go, Yan Xizhao waited patiently at the door, and finally the little eunuch ran back panting.

"Your Highness, the Emperor let you in."

Yan Xizhao stepped into the Rongxi Palace, walked through two corridors, and finally saw Yanting Mountain.

At this time, he was wearing casual clothes, half lying on the Arhat bed to rest, seeing Yanxi shining in, he struggled to sit up, a smile appeared on his face.

"Sister, why are you here?"

As soon as he saw Yanting Mountain, Yan Xizhao couldn't help but thump in his heart.

Because at this time, Yan Tingshan's complexion was pale, his lips were bloodless, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes were dull.

In an instant, the light in her eyes was bright, and she turned her head to look at Feng Rong beside her.

As far as he could see, Feng Rong, who was already a little uneasy, paled in an instant, and then tremblingly hid behind Yan Tingshan, not even daring to lift his head.

Yan Xizhao frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

Because she found that Feng Rong's qi and blood were stagnant, he was clearly an ordinary person.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?

At this moment, Yan Tingshan also noticed something strange, and hurriedly took Feng Rong's hand to comfort him, and then said to Yan Xizhao with some displeasure.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Yan Xizhao lowered her head, "Brother Emperor, I'm sorry, I was curious just now, I didn't pay attention to control my momentum, I may have disturbed the imperial concubine, I'm really sorry."

"That's enough, that's enough, we must pay more attention in the future, Rong'er is weak, but he can't stand the aura of a martial arts practitioner like you."

Yan Tingshan didn't bother with this matter, and changed the subject: "Sister, you suddenly came to see brother today, what's the matter?"

"There is indeed one thing. Today I happened to pass by Jingzhao Mansion and found a large number of people gathered there. After asking, I found out that they all came for Jingzhao Mansion Yin Shang Jingchuan."

Yan Xizhao recounted the scene he saw today in detail before speaking to Yan Tingshan.

"Brother Huang, although this is a matter for the court, I shouldn't talk too much, but Shang Jingchuan's popularity is so high, if he is forced to leave office, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble, so I think it should be Let him stay in this position?"

Yan Tingshan also frowned when he heard that, "Is there such a thing? This Shang Jingchuan has only been the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture for two months, how can he have such a high reputation?"

"This is absolutely true. I heard from those people that it was because Shang Jingchuan wiped out many gangs in Yandu City as soon as he took office, and the ground suddenly became extremely peaceful. That's why they support Shang Jingchuan so much. .”

While speaking, Yan Xizhao's eyes kept turning around Feng Rong who was hiding behind Yan Tingshan, and he became more and more puzzled.

Because no matter how you look at it, this Feng Rong is just an ordinary person.

But looking at the state of Yan Tingshan, it is clear that the loss of kidney essence is too huge.

Is this really what an ordinary woman can do?

Or is it because Yan Tingshan doesn't know how to restrain himself, and cuts down suddenly?

Feng Rong didn't dare to look up, and kept avoiding Yan Xizhao's gaze, feeling even more terrified in his heart.

Don't look at the inner courtyard of the palace, but if Yan Xizhao really wants to do something, there are really few people who can stop her.


At this moment, Yan Tingshan said, "If this is the case, I thought it was easy before, but now that my order has been made, what should I do if I order him to make peace for the sect? Do I have to withdraw my order?" ?"

"That's not necessary. After all, Dayan didn't stipulate that a person can't hold multiple positions, so it's better to let him concurrently serve as the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, so as to reassure the hearts of the people." Yan Xizhao said.

"Okay, then do as you say."

For Yan Tingshan, this is just a trivial matter, since Yan Xizhao has already spoken, there is no reason to refuse.

"Thank you, brother."

"Hahahaha, do you still need to be so polite between me and my brother and sister? You have not returned to the palace for so many years, and it is hard to come here once. Why don't you just stay here for two days." Yan Tingshan said.

"No need, there are still many things to deal with in the villa, and I have to go back."

Speaking of which, Yan Xizhao stood up, wanted to say goodbye and leave, but suddenly thought of something.

"Brother Huang, although state affairs are important, your body is equally important, so I hope you take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself."

These words were very tactful, intended to remind Yan Tingshan to exercise restraint.

But Yan Tingshan didn't seem to understand at all, and nodded with a smile: "I'm sorry, my sister is concerned, I will."

Seeing this, Yan Xizhao knew that Yan Tingshan hadn't listened at all, and she couldn't help but secretly sighed in her heart. She could only stop talking about this kind of thing, and couldn't go any further.

So she nodded, then turned and left.

As soon as she left, Feng Rong let out a sigh of relief, and then Huarong turned pale and said: "Your Majesty, the aura on this princess is so fierce, I'm so scared."

"Hahaha don't be afraid, don't be afraid, she is like this, just get used to it."

Speaking of which, Yan Tingshan hugged Feng Rong in his arms, trying to comfort him.

Feng Rong's eyes were so charming that it seemed as if water could drip out, and without knowing it, he stirred up the anger in Yan Tingshan's heart again....

At the same time, in front of Jingzhao Mansion, more and more people gathered.

Under the turmoil of the crowd, Lin Shizan's complexion became more and more ugly.

He didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as he took office.

Originally, he wanted to order his subordinates to drive these people away, but when he saw the situation in front of him, Lin Shizan was a little timid, and hid in the lobby, not daring to come out, leaving Shang Jingchuan alone to deal with it.

Shang Jingchuan tried his best to appease the people, but no matter what he said, the people refused to leave.

It was at this time that the decree was delivered.

When it was heard that Shang Jingchuan was no longer resigning, but was holding two official posts at the same time, Pingzhangshi and Jingzhaofu Yin, the crowd burst into cheers.

"it is good!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Amidst the applause, Shang Jingchuan was a little confused.

Because he really did not expect such a will.

Could this be the result of Zhao Ya's secret plan?
When he was at a loss, he saw those yamen servants and arresters happily surrounding Shang Jingchuan back.

As for Lin Shizan.

As early as when the decree was issued, he knew that the general situation was over, and staying here would be of no use except to lose face, so he had already slipped away quietly through the back door.

Shang Jingchuan sat back on the lobby again.

At the same time, Zhao Ya was standing on the eaves of a small building in the distance, talking to Wang Tiancheng and Xu Nianran.

"I thought I could use this opportunity to give this group of rich and powerful a small shock, but I didn't expect Yan Xizhao to stop it all." Zhao Ya sighed.

He asked Chen Xiaoer to spread the news last night in order to arouse the resistance of the people, and then let them carry out a resistance, and finally force the Great Yan court to make concessions.

After all, only the rights you have won by yourself are real rights. If you always think about waiting for others to give you alms, you will never stand up.

As a result, Yan Xizhao made a sudden move, which changed the outcome of the matter.

"It's not surprising, after all, Yan Xizhao is the daughter of the Dayan royal family, so she naturally wants to face the Dayan court." Wang Tiancheng said.

"However, this ending is not bad. At least in a short period of time, those aristocratic families will no longer engage in petty tricks." Xu Nianran also said.

Zhao Ya nodded.

Although the process was different from what I expected, at least the result was satisfactory.

"It is estimated that those wealthy families are cursing at home at this time." Wang Tiancheng laughed.

Then the three of them looked at each other and all laughed.

They guessed it right, Yan Sifu was yelling curses in Prince Qi's mansion at this time.

"It's all right now. Not only did he not lose his position as Governor of Jingzhao, but he also got an extra job in the family out of thin air. This Yan Xizhao is deliberately against me, right?"

Although Yan Sifu had stated before that he would no longer interfere with Shang Jingchuan's matter, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

So after hearing that he was going to be transferred, Yan Sifu was quite happy.

In the end, he didn't expect the situation to change again. Not only did Shang Jingchuan not lose his interests, but he even got an extra position as a subordinate of his sect out of thin air.

No one dared to speak.

After being incompetent and furious for a while, Yan Sifu finally had no choice but to accept this reality.It's just that from now on, he, the Jingzhao Manor Mu, can no longer handle Shang Jingchuan like before.

Because the position of Pingzhangshi under the door is of high rank and honor, he can't take it lightly.

At the same time, in Yandu City, there are many people who are as angry as him.

Wei family.

Wei Tianlin sent away the aggrieved Lin Shizan, and his face darkened accordingly.

"Patriarch Wei, why did you call me here suddenly?"

A breeze blew, and then the Lord of Bliss appeared in the house.

"How long will it take for your people to kill Yan Tingshan?" Wei Tianlin said in a deep voice.

"Probably two or three months."

"so long?"

"No way, just to be on the safe side, so as not to be noticed by the people from Xijian Villa, Feng Rong who was sent to the palace this time is an ordinary person who has never practiced martial arts. To exhaust the Yuanyang of Yanting Mountain, we must get it little by little."

"Why, Master Wei is in a hurry?"

"Well, I'm afraid that the people at Xijian Villa will notice again. Feng Rong sent someone to deliver a letter today, saying that Yan Xizhao seemed to have doubts about her after entering the palace."

"Don't worry, it's normal to have doubts, but no matter how hard they investigate, they will never find out what's wrong." The Lord of Bliss said confidently.

"I hope so, as long as Yan Tingshan dies, the court will immediately be in chaos because there is no heir, and that idiot Yan Sifu will definitely end up fighting for the throne. Then is the best time for us to do it." Wei Tianlin's eyes were gloomy. Said.

"Okay, but what about Shang Jingchuan? Now his power is getting bigger and bigger."

"Don't touch him for the time being, because Yan Xizhao has already paid attention to him. If he moves again, he will only scare the snake. As for power..."

"He doesn't have the slightest foundation in the court, so even if he has some power, he is destined to be a tree without roots."

"During this period of time, I have been in secret contact with Xuanyangzong, and we have already discussed that they will act together when they do it. First kill this Zhao Ya, and then deal with this Shang Jingchuan."

"Okay, this is for you!" The Master of Bliss took out a small box from his arms and put it on the table.

"what is this?"

"This is a powerful aphrodisiac I have recently developed. You can contribute it when the time comes. I believe it will shorten the process." The Bliss leader said with a sinister smile.

Under the calm water, an undercurrent began to surge.

Most people don't notice it, and only a few people realize that something is wrong.

Zhao Ya is naturally one of them.

But to him, none of that matters.

He doesn't have the slightest sense of belonging to this big swallow, and he only made moves for these ordinary people before.

As for Dayan's emperor and who will be the emperor after his death, Zhao Ya doesn't care at all.

At this time, he was holding a piece of light-transmitting paper and comparing it bit by bit on the map.

What is depicted on the translucent paper is the mountains and rivers recorded in the East King's remains.

It was a very boring job, but Zhao Ya did it very seriously.

In front of him was an atlas that was as tall as a person, and they were all compared.

At this time, the map in his hand was the last one in the stack of atlases that he had selected before and thought to be the most likely.

It can be said that success or failure is in one fell swoop.


Zhao Ya stopped what he was doing, because the pattern drawn on the translucent paper and the atlas below were slightly overlapped.

This happened more than once, but it was ruled out without exception, but this time was different, because this time the degree of overlap was the highest.

The key is that one of the mountain peaks perfectly matches the treasure location.

Zhao Ya compared them carefully again, and after confirming that they were correct, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"So it's here." Zhao Ya murmured, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

At the bottom of this map book, there is a line of small characters marked.

Wanshou County, Wanshou Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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