Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 3 The Stage of Martial Arts in Dried Earthworm Meat

Chapter 3 The Stage of Martial Arts in Dried Earthworm Meat
Every three months, the handymen of the Changlong Escort will hold a martial arts performance to test everyone's progress in martial arts, Zhao Ya naturally knows this.

The performances that can be performed are basically performed by the bodyguards, and sometimes the bodyguards are all out to perform the bodyguards, and they will even be judged by the experienced fighters.

It has never been seen by the head of the security guard in person as this time.

Zhao Ya turned his mind, nodded and said: "Okay, I will tell him."

The servant is gone.

Zhao Ya was thinking about this while sorting out the goods.

Meng Lei, as the head of the Changlong Escort Bureau, doesn't talk about daily affairs, but he will never be bored to watch a group of handymen perform martial arts.

Combined with the last sentence, those who are good will be rewarded, and those who are bad will be punished.

Zhao Ya was thoughtful.

The Changlong Escort Bureau, or in other words, the Escort Bureau of Wuxiang City operates in the same way.

Except for a small part of the bodyguards and the backbone of the trippers who are hired from outside, the rest are basically trained by themselves.

From this point of view, Changlong and other bodyguards are actually more like a martial arts gym.

The advantage of doing this is that the bodyguard masters or troopers trained are extremely loyal to the bodyguard bureau.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is too slow and uncontrollable.

After all, not everyone is suitable for martial arts.

Often you invest a lot of resources in cultivating people, but in the end they get stuck at a certain pass and cannot make progress. This is simply too common.

So the quality of handyman is very important.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya let out a slow breath.

He didn't think that he would shine in the Martial Arts Competition and get the appreciation of the head of the bodyguard, so that he could reach the sky in one step.

That also goes against Zhao Ya's purpose of low-key development.

But if he can perform well in this martial arts performance, it should help his current predicament.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya secretly made up his mind.


Er Huan shop at the head of the bridge.

Tan Dong stared dumbfounded at Zhao Ya who had already eaten twenty pieces of meatloaf and was still chewing.

In an instant, the five meatloaf on the table entered Zhao Ya's stomach again.

Then Zhao Ya took a sip of the hot soup, and then hiccupped.

"Are you full?" Tan Dong asked cautiously.

"Well, that's it."

In fact, Zhao Ya could continue to eat, after all, the meat pie was crushed and absorbed by the powerful stomach as soon as he swallowed it.

But Zhao Ya felt that it would be a bit shocking to eat any more, so enough was enough.

Tan Dong heaved a sigh of relief, and asked after calculating the price of the meal.

"Old Zhao, you just said that you have something important to tell me, what exactly is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just about performing martial arts."

Then Zhao Ya said the matter lightly, and now Tan Dong couldn't sit still.

"What? The head of the security guard is personally in charge? There are rewards and punishments? It's over, it's over, it's over, I'm sure I won't be able to pass, what should I do!"

Tan Dong is too aware of his strength.

He practiced all the five tiger fists to the belly of those girls in Goulan.


He seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Zhao Ya eagerly.

"Brother Zhao, you are my own brother, you have to help me."

"Help? How can I help? Go and intercede for you? Don't make trouble, you know, I have only been in the Escort for more than a month." Zhao Ya said.

"That's not what you mean, haven't you been practicing boxing all this time, you must be better than me, so can you take advantage of these few days to make up for me?"

"Remedial lessons?" Zhao Ya looked at Tan Dong, "You mean to let me practice you?"

Tan Dong nodded, "Yes, yes, the more ruthless the better, as long as I can pass the martial arts performance five days later, I can do whatever I want."

Looking at Tan Dong's pleading face, Zhao Ya felt a little amused.

Why is this guy so like those students who crammed before the big exam in the previous life.

"But my time..."

"As long as Brother Zhao agrees, I will cover all the food for these few days."

"Actually, time, there is always squeeze."

After the break in the afternoon, the Changlong Escorts performed martial arts.

"You practice first, and I'll see what your level is," Zhao Ya said.

Tan Dong started to practice at the sound, but he was stopped by Zhao Ya after a few moves.

Zhao Ya frowned and said, "Are you practicing Five Tiger Fist?"

"Of course, what else could it be?"

"But your Five Tiger Fist even has a wrong starting position, forget it, let me rehearse it for you."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ya stood up straight, calmly, and suddenly stepped forward to clasp his hands, then lunged forward with his left leg, and punched straight with his right fist...

Zhao Ya began to practice carefully.

It has been more than a month since he learned the Five Tiger Boxing, Zhao Ya practiced diligently every day without slack.

So although this set of Five Tiger Fist is not to say how subtle it is, it is vigorous and crisp.


After the last movement was practiced, Zhao Ya put his feet together and pressed down with his empty palms, his breathing was steady without any disorder.

[Five Tiger Fist Proficiency +1]

A line of reminders appeared, and Zhao Ya only felt that his understanding of Wuhu Fist had deepened a little. He was very satisfied with this, and turned to look at Tan Dong.

"Do you understand?"

Tan Dong couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Brother Zhao, your boxing skills are indeed this, and I think it's even better than some other boxers."

Zhao Ya glared, "Stop talking nonsense, start practicing from your starting position."

This practice lasted for a full hour, until it was completely dark, Zhao Ya and Tan Dong walked out of the escort agency.

"Go, Brother Zhao, let's go home and eat."

"Go home and eat?"

"That's right, don't worry, the food you eat this time is guaranteed to be something you won't be able to buy outside. It's really good stuff." Tan Dong said mysteriously.

This is Zhao Ya's first visit to Tan Dong's home, and compared to his home in a slum, Tan Dong's home is much more luxurious.

There are three-story courtyards inside and outside, and the east and west wing gatehouses are all available.

It's just that there is no one else in this huge family except for a few rough envoys.

"My father and my elder brother don't live here at all, and I'm the only one at home."

Tan Dong explained, and then led Zhao Ya to the kitchen, and after a while he brought out a small box.

Inside the box were some long strips of dried meat. The color of this dried meat was dull, and it was impossible to tell what kind of animal meat it was.

"Come on, try a piece first."

Zhao Ya picked up a piece and held it in front of his eyes for a moment, only to feel a faint fragrance piercing his nostrils.

At the same time, the intestines and stomach began to wriggle, as if they were extremely salivating for this jerky.

Zhao Ya put it in his mouth, and after chewing for a while, he felt that the jerky melted like ice and snow, and instantly flowed into his stomach.


As soon as the jerky was swallowed, it turned into a stream of heat and was completely absorbed by the stomach, and then Zhao Ya only felt refreshed, and even the blood in his body became more vigorous.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Ya's face.

Just such a small piece of jerky can at least equal the nutrition of five catties of bacon.

Seeing this, Tan Dong chuckled, "How is it? I'm surprised. This is a really good thing, and it will be of great benefit to us martial arts practitioners."

"What kind of animal meat is this?" Zhao Ya asked.

"This is a kind of dried meat of a different species of earthworm cultivated by a secret method. It contains rich blood energy, which can replenish vitality and strengthen blood."

Speaking of which, Tan Dong handed the box to Zhao Ya.

"gave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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