Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 312: Serving as the Senior Brother in charge of the outer sect

Chapter 312: Serving as the Senior Brother in charge of the outer sect

The seventeenth day of the first lunar month.

The excitement of the New Year gradually fades away, and people gradually return to their daily lives.

Early this morning, Zhao Ya got up and prepared to go to the library.

Although he has now been promoted to the Pulse Opening Realm, and his leg and light skills have also been promoted, it can be said that his strength has no shortcomings for the time being.

But Zhao Ya did not relax, but did everything possible to improve his strength.

Especially guarding the treasure house of Canglong Temple Library, it would be a pity not to seize the opportunity.

You must know that even if Zhao Ya reads like this every day and forgets to eat and sleep, the books he reads are not as much as one-tenth of the books collected in Canglong Temple.

Coupled with the careful guidance of Guo Luming, a master of martial arts, Zhao Ya naturally cherishes this opportunity even more.

But before he could go out today, Tian Yixin hurried over.

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​why are you here suddenly?" Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

"Junior Brother Zhao, my master asked you to come over and said that he has something important to tell you." Tian Yixin said with a smile.

"Oh? Elder Qin wants to see me for something?" Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, let's go there now."

On the way, Zhao Ya asked Tian Yixin what was going on.

But Tian Yixin couldn't explain the reason. He just said that the matter was very important and that it was ordered by the great elder himself.

Zhao Ya felt a little confused after hearing this.

The New Year has just ended, what can the Great Elder give you at this time?

After following Tian Yixin to the courtyard where Qin Jianji lived, Zhao Ya was surprised to find that Shen Yunshen was also there.

After seeing Zhao Ya, Shen Yunshen couldn't help but laugh.

"Boy, how have you been this year?"

"If I reply to Elder Shen, I'm doing pretty well."

"Really? How come I heard that you didn't even have time to spare on New Year's Day? You actually spent it in the library."

Zhao Ya smiled naively, "I have nowhere to go, so I might as well go to the library and feel comfortable."

"You kid..." Shen Yun smiled deeply and shook his head. He felt that after a year, Zhao Ya seemed to have changed a lot.

At least the momentum is much stronger than before.

In fact, it was not just Shen Yunshen who felt this, Guo Luming was also very surprised when he first saw Zhao Ya.

But whether it was Guo Luming or Shen Yunshen, they only thought that Zhao Ya had made a breakthrough in martial arts, but they did not expect that Zhao Ya had been promoted to the realm of opening pulses.

After all, this is too unbelievable.

According to the general public's knowledge, promotion from the Five Realms to Kaimai requires extremely tedious preparations.

First of all, it is important to have an experienced master to guide you.

How many amazing talents have finally failed at this step.

Therefore, neither Guo Luming nor Shen Yunshen thought about the possibility of Zhao Ya being promoted to the Pulse Opening Realm.

"I wonder why Elder Qin and Elder Shen came to me?" Zhao Ya asked after a few more pleasantries.

Qin Jianji and Shen Yunshen looked at each other, and then Qin Jianji spoke.

"Actually, I came to you this time mainly because I want to ask your opinion on something."

"Oh? What do you need to ask for my opinion on?" Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

He is just an ordinary disciple. Even though he was in the limelight due to Yu Zhang's incident a few years ago, it was not to the point where the elders would discuss matters with him. "The matter is actually very simple. The Great Elder wants to rebuild the outer sect outside. Now all the affairs are almost ready. The only thing missing is a senior brother who is responsible for the daily affairs management of the outer sect."

"Yun Shen strongly recommended you in front of the great elder. I also think that this matter must be yours. So the great elder wants to ask your opinion first. If you are willing, then let you go to the outer sect to be the chief steward." Senior brother."

Zhao Ya was quite surprised when he heard this.

In fact, Zhao Ya had already heard about the Great Elder's plan to rebuild the outer sect.

But he didn't expect that the Great Elder, Shen Yunshen and others would have such great expectations of him.

This elder brother in charge is a senior brother in name, but in fact he is equivalent to the actual manager of the outer sect, and he has a high position of authority.

To be honest, Zhao Ya was indeed a little moved.

Because he has made many enemies in Canglong Temple, especially Xia Jiye, who probably wants to eat him alive.

In addition, he has now been successfully promoted to open meridians. If he wants to improve again, it will not be a temporary achievement. It will take hard work to open up and refine all the meridians and acupuncture points all over the body.

This all requires a stable environment.

So no matter how you look at it, being sent to the outside world to be a big brother in charge is a good choice for you.

However, Zhao Ya was not in a hurry to agree, but pondered for a moment, and then asked: "I have no objection to this, but I would like to ask, who is the elder in charge of the outer sect?"

Qin Jianji smiled bitterly, "It's me."

Shen Yunshen laughed when he saw this, "Old Qin, don't be so gloomy. I was very busy at the teacher's contribution office before, and you have nothing to do at home all day long. Do you think this is fair?"

"Now the great elder has asked you by name to be in charge of the outer door. Is this also a sign of trust in you? From now on, neither of us will laugh at the other."

Qin Jianji looked helpless.

But I have to admit that Shen Yunshen is right. Before, he was only responsible for the founding ceremony every three years, and usually stayed at home. It was indeed unfair to those who were doing things.

At this time, he looked at Zhao Ya and said, "Xiao Ya, you don't have to worry. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, no one will force you."

Zhao Ya smiled when he heard this, then cupped his fists and said, "I happen to be a little bored in the temple, so it's good to go out and relax."

Qin Jianji was overjoyed when he heard this.

In his eyes, Zhao Ya not only has amazing talent, but also good strength and extremely strong ability in key matters.

This can be seen from the two division missions.

If he can go to the outer gate with him, he will be able to quickly open up the situation and greatly reduce his burden.

"Okay, let's go and report this to the Great Elder without further delay."

"So urgent?" Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

"Of course, the Great Elder has urged us several times, saying that the outer gate has been built, and we just need people to move in."

Qin Jianji and Shen Yunshen brought Zhao Ya to see the great elder.

Guan Xuejiang was naturally very happy. Not only did he approve it immediately, he also praised Zhao Ya greatly.

Zhao Ya just smiled in response.

After coming out of the Great Elder, Zhao Ya was not in a hurry to go back and pack his things. Instead, he went to the library and met Guo Luming.

Guo Luming obviously knew about this and just smiled.

"The outer gate is ten miles down the mountain. You can reach it with your feet. So if you encounter any problems while practicing, you can come back and ask me at any time."

Zhao Ya naturally nodded in agreement, and then continued to read the secret book hidden on the third floor.

But he didn't know that when the news spread, the entire Canglong Temple was in an uproar.

"What? Guan Xuejiang actually asked Zhao Ya to go to the outer sect to be the senior brother in charge?" Xia Jiye said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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