Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 313 analyzes the pros and cons and sets the general direction.

Chapter 313 analyzes the pros and cons and sets the general direction.

Xia Jiye's face looked uncertain, and he started pacing back and forth in the room.

The other elders looked at each other, but none of them spoke.

After a moment, Xia Jiye suddenly stopped and said sadly.

"No, if this kid is not eliminated, he will become a serious problem. I will contact people now and find an opportunity to kill him."

An elder hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Now is the cusp of the storm. If we send someone to kill Zhao Ya, will it be too conspicuous?"

"Don't worry, the people I contacted are all dedicated to this, and I guarantee that there will be no flaws in Zhao Ya's death. Even if Guan Xuejiang is suspicious of us, without evidence, he can only watch." Xia Jiye He sneered and then thought of something again.

"How have you been communicating with the other elders lately?"

"Well, we have been doing it, and it has achieved some results. Some elders who were originally neutral are now inclined to move closer to our side."

"We need to work harder. As long as we remain in the majority, there will be nothing we can do no matter how much Guan Xuejiang, Guo Luming and others dislike us."

"Brother, are you going down the mountain now?" Gui Xuanqing said.

"Yeah." Zhao Ya packed up his things and looked up at Gui Xuanqing's expression of reluctance, and couldn't help but smile.

"The outer gate is ten miles down the mountain. You can't go back and forth for more than a cup of tea. Are you so sad?"

"That's what I said, but now that you leave, senior brother, I always feel empty in my heart. Moreover, the Canglong Temple that we both worshiped together has now been divided into two gates, the inner and the outer. Alas..." Gui Xuanqing said more and more. sad.

Zhao Ya couldn't laugh or cry, and reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Okay, it's a good thing for me to go. Otherwise, if I stay in the temple, sooner or later a big conflict will break out with Xia Jiye."

Hearing what Zhao Ya said, Gui Xuanqing felt better, and then nodded vigorously.

"Then senior brother, you have to be careful when you go outside."

"You too."

At this time Tian Yixin came.

His master, Qin Jianji, was going to serve as the chief elder of the outer sect at the foot of the mountain, and naturally he, the apprentice, had to follow.

So he also brought a big package, called Zhao Ya and walked down the mountain.

Gui Xuanqing arrived at the mountain gate, and then watched the two of them go down the mountain.

After going down the mountain, Tian Yixin and Zhao Ya each used light kung fu and body skills and rushed towards the outer door.

The distance of only ten miles is extremely easy for them.

Zhao Ya also deliberately suppressed his speed, otherwise he could arrive in three or two minutes at most.

When they arrived at the newly built outer gate, they saw that it was a manor that occupies a large area. Because it was recently built, it looked very new. Even the red paint on the gate had not yet completely dried. .

There is a huge plaque hanging on the door with five big characters written on it.

The outer gate of Canglong Temple.

The font is so powerful that I don’t know whose hand it was.

Zhao Ya and Tian Yixin looked at each other, and then walked inside.

Qin Jianji arrived earlier than the two of them and was sitting in the newly built hall.

After seeing Zhao Ya and Tian Yixin, Qin Jianji smiled bitterly.

"You came just in time. Now that all our personnel are in place, it's time to recruit students. What do you think?"

At this time, in this huge manor, apart from the three of them, there were only a few young disciples who were sent to clean the courtyard, cook and chop firewood.

If we want this outer sect to get on the right track as soon as possible, the first priority is naturally to recruit suitable students.

After hearing Qin Jianji's question, Tian Yixin said nothing and looked at Zhao Ya.Because he knew very well that even though his master was asking the two of them, he was actually mainly targeting Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya had actually been thinking about this matter before he came. There was nothing to hide at this time, so he sorted out his thoughts for a while and then said.

"As far as I know, the outer sect disciples of all the sects in Huawai Land are basically divided into two types. One is the disciples who are related to the inner sect. They are only temporarily committed to the outer sect because they are not talented enough. These people The number is not too large, the most is the second type.”

"These are the children of various wealthy families. These people may not be talented enough or even not suitable for martial arts training at all, but their families have a lot of money and there is a need to gild the children of the family."

"The sect needs money, and these disciples need gilding. The two hit it off, which resulted in the outer sects of many large sects becoming gold-plated places for many rich families to visit, which can be said to exist in name only."

Zhao Ya went to the library yesterday. In addition to looking at the secret books, the most important thing was to check the information of the major sects, especially the information about the outer sects.

Only then did Zhao Ya understand that although Canglong Temple was in such decline, the problems were just more serious. Those large sects that seemed to be glamorous actually had problems of one kind or another.

Just like nepotism.

This has become a stubborn disease that almost every sect has and is difficult to eradicate.

After all, no matter who it is, after reaching a certain position, the first thing they think of is their children and family.

This stems from human nature, so there is almost no solution.

After hearing Zhao Ya's analysis of the major sects, Qin Jianji couldn't help but nod.

"I wouldn't have thought of it even if you didn't tell me, but now that I think about it, it's really the case."

"Now that the Great Elder advocates innovation and even spends so much effort to rebuild the outer gate, he naturally does not want to create another comfortable place for the children of wealthy families or those who come in through nepotism."

"So I think we should focus our enrollment on children from ordinary families."

"The reason for doing this is mainly based on two considerations. The first is that these children from ordinary families have almost no dandyism, and they are hardworking and hardworking. This is the biggest advantage."

"It is true that these people may not be able to show their talents or even lack them due to lack of family influence and training since childhood, but I believe that as long as they are given a chance, they will definitely work harder."

When Zhao Ya said this, he thought of himself first.

It is true that because I have a golden finger, it is much easier for me to practice than others.

But this also comes from Zhao Ya's perseverance and hard training for several years.

Without this, it would be impossible to attain enlightenment and open the pulse at this age.

Therefore, Zhao Ya understands the thoughts of these children from poor backgrounds very well.

"Indeed, what about the second point?" Qin Jianji felt more and more that he had made the right choice by recruiting Zhao Ya.

"The second point is also very simple. Based on the current situation of our Canglong Temple, even if we want to extend an olive branch to those wealthy children, it probably won't have much effect. It's better to go our own way in a down-to-earth manner. This is my I don’t know what’s right or wrong, so I’d like to ask Elder Qin to clarify.”

After Zhao Ya made his views clear, he waited for Qin Jianji's statement.

Qin Jianji barely hesitated and made the decision on the spot.

"Okay, just do that."

Everything is like this. As long as you have set the general direction and have accurate goals, the next step will be easy.

Zhao Ya and Tian Yixin divided their respective responsibilities, and one person was responsible for an area.

Zhao Ya is responsible for the Nandian Town of Xiushui Town and its surrounding area.

Ignoring Nandian Town for now, Zhao Ya decided to go there to recruit students last.

Zhao Ya has been to Xiushui Town, and was deeply impressed by the little shopkeeper who opened the restaurant.

Although he is a bit older, he has a calm temperament and good character. If he can be recruited, he should be a good talent.

With this idea in mind, Zhao Ya decided to go to Xiushui Town first.

 More updates in the afternoon. My sister is back and the family will have a meal together at noon.
(End of this chapter)

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