Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 35 Building Iron Tile, Iron Vest

Chapter 35 Building Iron Tile, Iron Vest

In fact, there is nothing mysterious in this cheat book itself, but it records how to improve running, jumping, and dodging and maneuvering abilities through systematic training.

And this is exactly what Zhao Ya needs most.

The Flying Body Technique on Grass that I got before also involves some, but it is not comprehensive, far less detailed than this one.

For example, there are two types of running piles and running bricks in the aspect of strengthening the feet.

As the name suggests, running piles refer to wooden piles about two feet long and two inches in diameter arranged in sequence, buried shallowly in the ground, and then people walk and run on them to practice the stability of the feet.

As for running bricks, it refers to placing green bricks on the ground, and people run quickly over them. At the beginning, the green bricks are laid flat, and gradually changed to sideways as the heat deepens, until finally they become erect.

Only when these two have been practiced to a high degree of proficiency can one enter the door, and then one can begin to practice real lightness kung fu and agility.

The requirements here are more detailed.

Including pit jumping, platform jumping, bean pointing, sand jumping, lead taking, and so on.

Of course, there are many trainings that are very simple for Zhao Ya. After all, he has the strength of a second-level warrior, and he also has the skills of flying on grass.

But Zhao Ya felt that even an ordinary person with no foundation at all could have good agility through systematic training after obtaining this cheat book.

Zhao Ya studied it carefully again, and then put away the cheat book.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright.

Tang Zui'er got up early, saw Zhao Ya standing in the courtyard, she didn't pay much attention, turned around and started to get busy with breakfast.

Looking at her slender back, Zhao Ya's heart suddenly moved.

How about... Let Zui'er also practice this movement?

With this idea together, the more Zhao Ya thought about it, the more reliable it became.

After all, the world is getting more and more chaotic. I heard that several counties in the south have already fought.

Although I can protect her, it is impossible to stay with her all the time, so it is always good to have the power to protect myself.

In particular, this Qinggong Shenfa is most suitable for those who are petite and light in weight.

Zhao Ya didn't ask Zui'er to practice much, as long as he could run fast enough when he encountered danger.

Zhao Ya was thinking about it, Zui'er poked his head out from the kitchen and shouted, "Brother Xiaoya, it's time to eat!"

"Well, here we come!"

Breakfast is a pot full of white rice porridge plus a pot of stewed meat and vegetables.

This breakfast was even richer than the average family's dinner, but it was already a norm in Zhao Ya's house.

Although it is said that eating these ordinary meats is no longer helpful to Zhao Ya's cultivation.

But people have to eat anyway, no matter how good the jerky is, you can't eat it all day long.

Especially Tang Zui'er's culinary skills are getting more and more sophisticated now, a pot of simple stew is full of color and fragrance, and it is paired with hot white rice porridge, the taste...is absolutely perfect.

Zhao Ya ate several bowls in a huff, most of the food went into his stomach.

Tang Zui'er looked at it with a smile, her eyes were full of happiness.

"Is it delicious, Brother Xiaoya?"

"Well, it's great!" Zhao Ya said with a thumbs up without raising his head.

Now Tang Zui'er was even happier.

There's nothing like a chef's delight when diners recognize his craft.

Especially this diner is still the person he values ​​most.

"Then eat more!" Tang Zui'er blushed slightly as she said, picked up a large piece of fat and put it into Zhao Ya's bowl.

Zhao Ya smiled, put the fat into his mouth, and then put down his chopsticks.

"Drunk, I want to tell you something."

Tang Zui'er was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly put down the bowl and chopsticks, looking at Zhao Ya with some trepidation.

"Wh...what's the matter?"

Looking at Tang Zui'er's slightly frightened eyes that were wet like a deer, even Zhao Ya couldn't help but tremble a little, and then quickly moved his eyes away, pretending to be calm.

"It's like this. I have a lightness exercise that is more suitable for you. I don't know if you want to learn it. If you want to learn it, I..."

"I want to learn!"

Before Zhao Ya could finish speaking, Tang Zui'er replied without hesitation.

"Uh...you should think about it clearly, martial arts is a very hard thing." Zhao Ya smiled, deliberately scaring Tang Zui'er.

Unexpectedly, Tang Zui'er was not afraid, "I am not afraid no matter how hard it is."

"I know that I am a waste. I can't do anything except help Xiaoya with cooking and housework."

"Especially now that the world is becoming less and less peaceful. I am a girl at home, and you must not be at ease when you go out, so I have long wanted to learn some self-defense skills. For no other reason, even if it can reduce your burden. That's good too."

Speaking of this, Tang Zui'er took a deep breath, her eyes turned slightly red.

"I know I'm stupid, but as long as Brother Xiaoya is willing to teach you, I'll try my best to learn, okay?"

Hearing Tang Zui'er's slightly trembling voice, Zhao Ya felt that a soft place deep in his heart was touched.

This girl... is stronger and more sober than I imagined.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, pinched Tang Zui'er's round cheek lightly, and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll teach you, but if you can't learn it by then, don't cry when you are scolded by me."

Tang Zui'er's face turned red again, but instead of dodging, she nodded very seriously.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiaoya!"

"Then call Master to listen."

"Brother Xiaoya, master!"

"What kind of appellation is this? Just call it Master!"


Zui'er was surprisingly stubborn on this issue, put away the bowls and chopsticks after speaking, and ran away happily.

Zhao Ya looked at her cheerful back, shook his head with a smile, and went out the door.

Zhao Ya did not go to the Escort, but first came to an iron workshop.

The blacksmith who was swinging the hammer hurried over to meet Zhao Ya when he saw Zhao Ya coming in.

"Sorry, we don't fight weapons here."

"I don't want a weapon, do you think this can be used?"

Zhao Ya handed over a piece of paper, the blacksmith took a look and saw a semi-circular tile-like thing drawn on it, and a vest-like thing, he couldn't help feeling a bit puzzled.

"Guest officer, what do you want to use for forging?"

"Wrought iron."

"This one is fine, but I don't know how many you want. If it's too little..."

The blacksmith just wanted to say that if there are too few, the wages will be high.

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Ya took out a piece of silver and handed it over.

"I want ten iron tiles and one iron vest. Are these enough?"

The blacksmith took the silver and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Although the iron is expensive, the silver is enough.

"Enough is enough, I don't know when you want it?"

"The sooner the better, it's best to make it today."

"Okay, I'll do it now, come and get it tonight, it will definitely be done."

Zhao Ya didn't leave in a hurry, he looked at the ironware workshop, and suddenly saw a lot of tinware piled up on the ground, his eyes lit up.

"Make me eight more tin tiles out of these pewter, at what price?"

(End of this chapter)

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